Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bailey Black

I had some good news from the publisher this week.  Proofs of my book and cover art are ready for my review.  This happened so much quicker than I thought it would.  My contract allowed a deadline of one year from the effective date in September.  So I am really pleased at the speed at which everything was done.

My next order of business is to do a review of the "editing" and get all the little quirks, as many as possible, worked out and corrected.  I am really pleased with the cover art.  It really complements the theme of the story of Bailey Black.  I will not describe it any further so you will have to wait until it is for sale to see it.  I appreciate my little group of fans, and I hope you remain fans AFTER reading the story.  Regardless, it was an adventure writing it, and it will be an even larger adventure as I go through the process of publishing and actually getting the book available in stores.  It will of course be available on line as well.

I have not been able to blog for a few days due to some strange problems with the Internet service on the island.  That is one of the drawbacks of living in paradise; as life is laid back, so are repairmen.  I am not sure when it will actually be fixed.   Tonight I am borrowing Internet the local hospital.  So my blogging will be sporadic, and will coincide with the availability of free Internet, and the eventual repair of my home Internet service.

Again, I would like to express my appreciation for all of you who are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Bailey Black.  It should be fairly soon now!

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