Wednesday, August 23, 2017

What Must They Be Thinking?! or The Howling Minority

I have to pause to consider what the rest of the world might be thinking about the United States today. I can't help but believe that many people, even MILLIONS of people, around the world must be thinking that we here in the United States must really have a STRANGE set of priorities of late.

Here is what is happening both in the United States and abroad, at the hands of either American military action, or American corporate action.  The American military has been fighting non-stop at least since 1990 with no end in sight.  Even now, President Trump is gearing up to send even more troops to Afghanistan.  Americans are fighting in Iraq, Libya, and Syria overtly.  Drones and clandestine operations are taking place in many other places around the world.  And this is only ONE issue.

American corporations are polluting and exploiting resources both here and abroad.  Further, American corporations are paying nearly slave wages in various countries around the world.  Big defense contractors are doing their part to keep the United States in a permanent state of war.  No matter how many innocent people are killed, no matter how much "collateral" damage is done, the defense suppliers lobby for contracts and keep the arms coming.  Their colleagues in government and the military also do their part to keep war supplies "in demand."

Relations between the United States, China, and the Koreas are at all time levels of high tension. North Korea has now or will soon develop the capacity to lob their new atomic weapons to the very front steps of the United States, but if the United States did the smart thing and pre-emptively struck the North Korean nuclear facilities, China would step in to protect the North Koreans.  The chances of less than nuclear devastation, should the United States and China go to war, are practically zero.

Yet, with all of these things going on at home and abroad, what is it that Americans are focusing on?  Apparently it is suddenly an extreme necessity to remove statues of Confederate heroes, force the renaming of schools, institutions, and businesses, and to disown any ties to the 'hateful and racist" America of the past.  By the past, I mean two or three years ago.  Coincidentally this strange need so many Americans feel to distance themselves from "the old America" seems to have arisen about the time that Black Lives Matter appeared on the national stage, but that is another blog.

The world looks on as Americans and the American mainstream media are hysterically screaming for statues to be pulled down, buildings to be renamed, and even books to be burned.  Ignoring any real relevant issues, this very small but very loud minority, with the media's most eager assistance, has succeeded in robbing so many responsible people of all sense of rationality.  Not only that, but this small group of people, with media support, has managed to cause otherwise sensible people to suddenly feel guilty about statues, heroes, even of their very national heritage.

Mayors of towns, so eager to please this small, vocal minority, and yet to avoid angering the majority of their constituents, have secretly spirited away monuments of Confederate heroes out of city parks and college campuses literally under the cover of darkness.  How ludicrous! "Leaders" including mayors, councilmen, county commissioners, and state and national politicians are going out of their way to pander to the "protesters" and the media.  I hope that their constituents will remember each and every one of these cowardly politicians at the next election.

While the United States Constitution protects us from government censor, the loud minority, their numbers and power being inflated by the news media, are limiting Americans' freedom of speech and assembly so much more effectively than any totalitarian government has ever been able to do. Literally, if anyone so much as DARES to publicly state that a statue in a park is not necessarily offensive to the majority of people, that person is immediately branded a neo-Nazi racist. And anyone who might support such a person is terrified to do so, fearing the same branding at the hands of loudmouths and the media.

What does the world think of this great nation right now, a nation where such a loud few has been able to overcome the calmness and rationality of the vast majority of Americans?  What does the world think of this once proud nation that now appears to be unable to look back at its own history without whimpering and without denying what took place, but what is now a hundred years behind us?  I think they are wondering "What in the HELL has happened to America?"  What are the Americans DOING to themselves?"

The hysteria displayed in the news from across this great nation has now filtered its way into my city, and true to form, many Midlanders are suddenly either ashamed of the past or afraid to stand up for the institutions of this city for fear of being branded racist.  I am sick of it!!  Many of the people screaming about racism have no idea what that really means!  Are they forced into "ghettos" because of their race, as happened in the Third Reich?  Are they made to enter stores and restaurants through the back door?  Are they denied entrance to any public facility because of their skin color?  Have they ever been attacked by the "Klan?"  Have they ever even been denied a job because of their race?  For most people the answer is no.  The truth is that many of the "protesters" that sparked all of this hysteria were PAID ACTORS who had no interest whatever in Black Lives Matter, some injustice at the hands of the police, or some other fill-in-the-blank "protest."  Their numbers and actions were multiplied and magnified by the media.

In Midland today it was announced that someone has started a petition on-line to garner support to force the local school district to change the name of one of its high schools.  Worse, according to the petition, NOT SUPPORTING this name-change means that one is a racist who supported slavery and all the other evils of the Confederacy.  I suspect that by tomorrow morning the local media, "affiliates" of the big three news channels, will be calling for the name of that particular school to be changed, possibly putting pressure on school board members to do something "now!"  If the sponsor of this petition, and anyone who supports him, is truly a believer in democracy, and not himself a racist or bigot, he or she would use democratic processes first, instead of resorting to"fear pressure" to accomplish his or her ends.  Instead of a rather anonymous "on-line petition" why not approach the school board at an open school board meeting, present an actual paper petition with verifiable names of supporters, and call for an open vote on the matter.  Do the people of Midland truly want to change the name of that particular high school?  If they do, then they will sign the petition, the school board will put it a vote, and if the vote for the name change carries, the people will have spoken and it will be indeed time for the name change.  This should hold true for all of these situations across our nation.

Today we are witnessing a different kind of censorship, a different kind of thought control, a different kind of "fear pressure."  In some ways this new kind of speech censorship and thought control is more fearful than any sort of control our government could clamp down onto us.  When free people are compelled to act or think a certain way by other people and the media, when anyone who disagrees with whatever the "trending" thoughts and feelings may be are labeled racists, bigots, Un-American, or any other derogatory label, and have that label flashed across the nation and the world as "news," as true fact, freedom is just as dead as if Hitler and his henchmen were in charge and the Third Reich had never been blasted off the face of the earth.

It doesn't, in effect, matter whom the Totalitarians are, when the masses are afraid to think differently and to speak freely, censorship is just as complete, just as strong.  The United States is headed in this direction.  Do not be afraid to have a point of view and to stick with that point of view, even if others do not agree with it.  It is so ironic and tragic that men and women fought and died for America over the years to ensure that no foreign power or rogue terrorist group could ever deprive us of our freedom, but today a loud and minuscule minority of Americans (more than likely bought and paid for by a behind the scenes megalomaniac) and a near-mindless and unthinking "news" media is working to shape our thoughts and beliefs, to force us to COMPLY with whatever the "new think" is. And, my friends, the NEW THINK is that we must either go along with the destruction of our history or be called racists and neo-Nazis.  I choose not to go along with this NEW THINK.  If someone is so stupid and ignorant as to consider me a racist and neo-Nazi, that is up to that ignorant person.  

I can't help but hear that thought over and over: Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it

We must remember the past - the good, the bad, and the ugly - and by remembering, we are then positioned NEVER to make those mistakes again.  Conversely, when we tear down the past, alter the truth in our text books, and deny all those things - the good AND the bad - we, as Santayana told us, are DOOMED to repeat the mistakes over and over.

The founders of this great nation made a tremendous and absolutely amazing (though obviously IMPERFECT) attempt to break the cycle of repressive authoritarianism and totalitarianism that had been REPEATED over and over throughout the history of civilization.  The Union was flawed, and a great war was fought to correct those flaws.  But now, a little over a hundred years after that war, we seem to have forgotten that freedom of thought, even if some of us disagreed with others, was the only way to keep the nation strong.  In the past two decades schools, universities, and even corporations have spent MILLIONS of dollars to promote, protect, and emphasize our nation's diversity.  Now, in just two short years Americans have become cowed into accepting ideas and ideals that the vast majority do not agree with, but to DISAGREE with this NEW THINK is be branded racists, Nazi, or even WHITE SUPREMACIST.

Forgive me, I thought disagreement, dialogue, diversity, compromise, and unity were the American way.  No, I BELIEVE this to be the case.  I challenge you to stand your ground on your beliefs, even if they are beliefs I might disagree with.  There are worse things than government control, and one of those is control of the vast majority by a howling, rabid minority mob.

May God Bless America

Sunday, August 20, 2017


I am truly outraged with Six Flags Over Texas in the management's resoundingly ignorant and so obviously wooing the PC crowd decision to remove FIVE of the six flags. The whole, entire THEME of that particular THEME PARK was celebrating the heritage that six nations contributed to the State of Texas. In a nutshell SIX FLAGS management said that the Texas Flag (along with the other four) was in effect a symbol of racism and hatred, and that said management was now ASHAMED to fly the BONNY FLAG OF TEXAS.
I call on all Texans who ARE NOT ASHAMED OF THE TEXAS FLAG to show your disappointment and OUTRAGE with Six Flags (cowardly and pandering) management's incredible, beyond IGNORANT decision and statement. How?
In Texas there are well over TWENTY MILLION adults, and many of these adults have children (also numbering in the millions) who are all POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS of the Six Flags Theme Park. Now, if these OVER 20,000,000 adults and their millions of children DID NOT go to Six Flags for the remainder of this year and all of next year, this cowardly and VERY UNGRATEFUL no longer a Theme Park would be forced to shut its gates.
Therefore, I again call on ALL TRUE TEXANS to immediately and permanently stop all attendance and support of Six Flags. Do not darken the entrance to that place ever again.
Six Flags thinks that our heritage is one of racism and hatred. Fine. But the descendants of that terrible heritage literally MADE the fortunes of this company.
Six Flags hates Texas, or at least what they believe the Texas Flag stands for. That is their right. Let us help them unladen themselves from ANY TIE to this state by putting their miserable organization out of business. If Six Flags management thinks our heritage is so terrible, they certainly cannot want our hateful, racist money.
I have personally had my fill of all the hysteria. So, please join me in helping Six Flags GET OUT OF TEXAS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

THE NATION IS IN GREAT TURMOIL - Just Ask Jason Kessler And His Paid "Protesters"

The nation is in TURMOIL!!  Maybe or maybe not...but the Media and certain people want us to believe so.  These people, with the full, knowing, intentional support of the media are trying to paint a picture of nationwide turmoil, a picture of a nation ripping itself apart, indeed...a picture of a nation on the brink of another civil war!

We must be on the brink of civil war! At a Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia "facist, racist" White Supremacists were confronted by "anti-facist" protesters.  There were some clashes, and some arrests, but very few injuries.  Then a "racist" ran his car into a car full of protesters and into protesters who were blocking the street.  Tragically a person died and many others were severely injured.  Meanwhile, statues of Civil War heroes were torn down. We MUST BE at the brink of war!


It turns out that the organizer of the Unite The Right rally was one Jason Kessler, the SAME Jason Kessler who was an Occupy Wall Street "leader" and an avowed Obama supporter.  WHAT? An Obama supporter and an Occupy Wall Street Organizer?  Yes!  It appears this IS the case.  Even the Southern Poverty Law Center, who has listed Kessler as a White Nationalist who bears watching, noted that Kessler was a "relative newcomer on the White Supremacist scene."

The Southern Poverty Law Center, bitter opponents of the Klan, Nazis, and so-on, candidly admit that they have never heard of this man before.

But it would appear that Democratic organizations such as Occupy HAVE INDEED heard of Kessler.

Now you will notice that neither the Southern Poverty Law Center nor have really brought a lot of attention to Mr. Kessler's ideology PRIOR to his appearance in Charlottesville. Neither have any of the mainstream news organizations.  WHY?  Certainly the Southern Poverty Law Center, which on the one hand feigns no prior knowledge, yet on the other hand has compiled quite a file on Kessler, has certainly come across his liberal ties.  At least they should have.  Just look at what all they DO known about Kessler.

The only conclusion one can draw, when informed of Kessler's sudden emergence as a "racists" is that he is actually an impostor, and an agitator.  He clearly loses credibility as a "white supremacist" when his background comes to light. But Kessler's employers, and the NEWS MEDIA, want us to believe that all hell is breaking loose all over the United States, that "spontaneous groups of protesters" are rising up across the nation and removing those "hateful" reminders of the past evils of this nation.

In fact, not only is Kessler a fake "Facist" but the "spontaneous protesters" are in fact paid actors (amateur, inexperienced, but PAID) hired by company called "Crowds On Demand."  That's right...Crowds On Demand! Most of the "protesters" in Charlottesville were ACTORS.  They were paid rather nominally, between $20 and $25 per hour to "protest."  These people may or may not oppose the statues that represent racism and slavery, but actually what they are really doing is earning money for ACTING.  Suddenly these "protests" ring really hollow.

I had heard that some of the occupy protesters were actually paid actors, but I really did not research the matter, and only half-believed it.  But the same allegations arose with the incident in Charlottesville.  This time I did some checking on my own.  I have listed a couple of sources in this post, and here is one more.  From this one, we can gather Las Vegas is about to sink into TURMOIL!!

So there are a couple of things to know before we get too upset about the people tearing down monuments or too worried that the nation is on the brink of civil war.  First, someone, Kessler's unknown boss, for instance, and the NEWS MEDIA, WANT US TO BELIEVE THE ENTIRE NATION IS IN TURMOIL AND WE ARE ON THE BRINK OF CIVIL WAR.

Second, they want us to believe that people of different races in this country cannot get along with each other, to the point that violence is imminent.

The truth is that certain evil persons are desperately bent on creating ARTIFICIAL scenes of protest and violence because on the whole the nation IS NOT IN TOTAL AND COMPLETE TURMOIL and these people want that OH SO BADLY.

The second truth is that most Americans, while acknowledging that everything is not perfect, also have the capacity to interact with each other most of the time in a mostly peaceful and understanding manner.  Further, most Americans are able to work together to resolve their differences.

The final truth is this:  We Americans need to take a BIG STEP BACK from what we see and hear on the "NEWS," and realize that we may be living in tense times, but we ARE NOT about to tear ourselves and our nation apart.  We need to calm down and really try to find out who is actually involved in engineering this turmoil, and what might be their motives.  Remember that Walter Cronkite and Paul Harvey are gone, David Brinkley is gone...and truth in the media is gone.  You should depend on the "NEWS" for little more than the time and date that an event happened.  Beyond that, don't panic, and don't assume you have heard the truth.  Do some research for yourself before you believe what the various talking heads are telling you.  And most of all, continue to care for and respect your fellow man.  That will go a long way in reducing any turmoil there might be.

May God Bless America


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Farewell, Glenn Campbell

It was very sad to hear of the death of superstar Glen Campbell, 81 years old when he passed away.  In the years between 2009 and 2011 Glen began to show signs of some medical problem, which Kim Campbell described as possibly dementia.  During those years Glen suffered from short-term memory loss and confusion.  Kim, his wife of 34 years, was both frustrated and alarmed, because she did not understand why Glen was acting in these ways, and afraid that he was suffering from a serious ailment.  Then, in 2011, there came the day that Glen could not remember the way home from the country club only ten minutes away.  Kim insisted Glen go to the doctor, and she went with him.  The doctor eventually diagnosed Glen as being in the early grip of Alzheimer's Disease.

Glen and Kim had to pack a lot of life into the next few years, not knowing how long Glen had to live, much less to remain cognitive and lucid.  Glen Campbell continued to tour and to sing at various engagements, and Kim stayed very close to him during these times.  During his last tours there were times when Glen forgot songs, forgot recent conversations, even forgot where he was playing or what was the next destination.  By the end of 2015 Glen was succumbing to the most serious effects of Alzheimers, to the point where he could no longer be left alone.  Eventually Kim had to place Glen in a nearby nursing home so that he could receive twenty-four hour help.  Kim herself was exhausted and emotionally drained after caring nonstop for Glen for the past several years.  But she said to many people that she cherished every minute with Glen as the disease progressed and gradually began stealing the life from him.  She spent every second with him, and his now-grown children also spent as much time with him as they could.  Glen was all but incommunicado when he passed away today.

But Glen Campbell's light will shine on.  An article I read about him at one point called the very big hit "Rhinestone Cowboy" Glen Campbell's "signature" song.  I agree with that assessment, but only partly.  Rhinestone Cowboy, released in 1975, WAS Glen's signature song from then on, but I assert that Glen's original signature song the great love ballad, "Galveston."  Released in 1969, Galveston peaked at #4 on the Country and Pop Charts, and #1 on Easy Listening.  Although the song did not hit #1, Galveston was requested at his tours and on the radio, and was a favorite of Campbell fans until Rhinestone Cowboy was released.

Glen Campbell sang many great songs, but my favorites were Galveston, Rhinestone Cowboy...and two that are not as well known.  Glen Campbell released a version of Bonaparte's Retreat in 1974.  In Campbell's fast-paced cover, modern studio technology allowed Glen to play every instrument that was featured in the cut, and play them well.  My other favorite song is Glen's release of Amazing Grace, in which he both sang and played the bagpipes very effectively and emotionally.  I can listen to that song over and over, and both feel comfort and feel Campbell's emotion in the song.

Farewell to Glen Campbell, one of the great stars of Country Music, and prayers for Kim and the children, and for all of Glenn's friends, and his brothers and sisters of Country Music.  A star dimmed here, and the great Opry in Heaven has one more member tonight.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

End Of Watch: Deputy Jason Fann, Yoakum County Sheriff's Office - August 5, 2017

The past several days have been very trying for police officers in Texas.  Over the past two weeks officers in Central Texas and here in West Texas have captured wanted murderers from out of state, and during those encounters, shots were fired by the suspects at pursuing police vehicles.  Several vehicles were damaged but luckily no officers were injured.  In Waco, a police officer there is still engaged in a very serious struggle with severe injuries sustained when  a suspected drug dealer ran over him.  That suspect received his justice very quickly at the hands of other officers.  Our prayers are with the officer, his family, and his colleagues.  Prayers too for the family of the criminal.  Someone loved this guy in spite of the things he had done. I thought it was very honorable of the Waco Police Department to think of this family even as they mourned the loss of one of their own.

Last evening just outside of Plains, Texas Deputy Jason Fann received a call for service at around 6 PM.  Minutes later he was involved in a traffic accident while responding to that call, and died of injuries he received.  At this point the Texas Department of Public Safety has not released information about the accident other than the news of Officer Fann's death.  Deputy Fann had served the people of Denver City and Yoakum County for the past several years, first as a police officer with Denver City, then with the Yoakum County Sheriff's Office. 

I thank Deputy Fann for his service and honor him in his sacrifice for the people he served, doing what he loved.  Jason Fann was only twenty-eight years old at the time of his death.  It is very tragic that his service was cut short in this way, but the Thin Blue Line in Heaven has one more officer in its ranks today.

May the Good Shepherd watch over officers all across this land.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

You Were Always On My Mind - My Favorite Willie Nelson Song

Today in 1982 Willie Nelson scored big with the super hit “You Were Always On My Mind.”  This, in my humble opinion, is Willie’s best love song by far, and probably my favorite song by him, barring his “Good-Hearted Woman” duo hit with Waylon (MAYBE).  Always On My Mind was a record-breaker, even for Willie.  This song stayed at Number One on the charts that year for a whopping TWENTY-TWO WEEKS!  Think Elvis, the Beatles, and Michael Jackson, and put Willie right up there.  Always On My Mind went on to garner CMA Song of the Year for 1982, Single of the Year for 1982, and Grammy Awards that year for Best Country Song AND Song of the Year.  Willie’s recording also earned him Grammy’s Best Male Country Vocal Performance of the Year.  And there was no wonder, because Willie Nelson sang that song almost as he had lived it. 
Almost as if he had lived it.  Really, the lyrics of Always On My Mind resonate with most of us.  Most of us have taken a loved one, a spouse, a lover, for granted and then felt the pain this caused.  But Willie did indeed sing the song as if it was his autobiography.  In fact, for years I believed that Willie Nelson had penned the lyrics, or at least co-authored the song.  Only recently I learned that this song was actually written by a team of writers in Nashville, but the theme of the song can be heartfelt by all of us.  No doubt that explains the remarkable success of this song.  Willie Nelson was able to put that heart-feeling onto the vinyl “canvas” and a hit was born.
The writers of the song never had a doubt that this was a number one hit.  Wayne Carson, Johnny Christopher, and Mark James, already successful writers, put this song together fairly quickly.  Carson wrote the first two verses and the chorus, while the other two corroborated with him to come up with the “bridge,” a contrasting lyric in the song yet which connects the verses and the chorus and also provides a “breakaway” from the “sameness” of the verses and chorus, thus relieving any possible boredom a person might feel while listening to the repetitive words and music of the song.
Carson did not believe that his song needed a bridge, because the words were so moving, and so easy for people to identify with, but his producer told him, “You need a bridge.”  Both Johnny Christopher and Mark James agreed with Carson that the song did not need a bridge, but they knew that without it they would likely not get a deal, at least THIS deal, and might have to find another producer.  So, they all put their heads together and a bridge was born.  In this case, the bridge was these lines:

                                                 Tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn't died
                                         Give me, give me one more chance to keep you satisfied
                                         I'll keep you satisfied

So the team of Carson, Christopher, and James had their “bridge,” and with the help of Willie Nelson, another number one hit.  Not just a Number One hit for Willie, this was the BIGGEST selling single of his entire career! An interesting sidelight to this story is that the producer who demanded the “bridge,” Fred Foster, turned the song down, saying the world was not ready for it.  So the trio took the song from Nashville back to Memphis, where famed producer Chips Moman took on the song, and Elvis Presley put it on the top of the 1972 pop music chart.  I bet Fred Foster was probably sorry that he did not produce this hit. The sorrow was no doubt relived when Willie released this song a decade later. 

Coming Soon:  How Willie Nelson Came To Cover An ELVIS Hit

A Severe Blow to the Pride, Integrity, and Guts of Texas (and some Federal) Police

I have taken some time away from blogging, maybe I even gave up blogging.  But the recent and terrible murders in Uvalde, and the disgracefu...