Tuesday, November 25, 2014

End of Watch: Sergeant Alejandro "Alex" Martinez, Willacy County Sheriff's Office - Nov. 21, 2014

I am saddened but honored to lift up Deputy Sergeant Martinez on my blog.  Sergeant Martinez was killed in a one-vehicle accident while on patrol in Willacy County in South Texas.  I had delayed this post in hopes of learning more about how the accident happened; however, it appears that state troopers have still not determined exactly what caused the accident.

Sergeant Martinez was a long-time member of the South Texas law enforcement community, having served in the Weslaco Police Department, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, and as the chief of the Raymondville Police Department just prior to his service with the Willacy County Sheriff's Office.

I extend my sympathy to the peace officers that lost their fellow worker, and to the family and friends of this good man.

May you rest in peace, Sergeant Martinez. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Ferguson Shooting: A Tale Of Two.........

While many people may not have read that old and famous novel, we are many of us familiar with that famous line, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."  That line, from Charles Dickens' classic, A Tale of Two Cities, seems to best describe the tragedy, the anger, the fear, and all the other emotions experienced by both those actually involved in the Ferguson shooting and by those who were and are "third parties," that is, persons not involved but who felt compelled to involve themselves in the "protests" and violence that followed the initial incident AND the violence that will no doubt go on as this night passes in Ferguson.

First, the tragic incident of that day in August.  There are two versions, in the final analysis - the officer's version, and what actually happened.  I do not know, nor do most other Americans, what actually happened in the officer's patrol car while he and Michael Brown were both out of view of the public.  Michael Brown, of course, is not able to tell his version.  The available forensic evidence had to suffice to tell Michael's version, as best as is humanly possible to know.  Then Michael Brown got out of the patrol car, at which time the officer, Darren Wilson, fired his weapon at least one more time.  That part of the incident DID occur in full view of many people, and again, two versions emerged from the one incident.  Some say Brown had raised his hands in surrender.  The officer, obviously, felt that he needed to fire another round because he was still in danger.

Second, the tale of two Michael Browns.  The first Michael Brown that we, as a nation, heard of was the "teen" who was walking down the street, en route to visit his aunt, or grandmother.  Suddenly a belligerent and White police officer confronted Michael Brown, yelled at him, and shot him.  A White cop shot a Black "unarmed teen."  The people there, and soon the media, began shouting across the nation and around the world that "yet again" a White cop MURDERED a Black "youth" who was unarmed.  Within minutes rioting had broken out.  Within hours the people of Ferguson were in a war zone.  But...there was a second Michael Brown, also described in the media, a huge and hulking Michael Brown who was recorded on video as he strong-armed merchandise from a neighborhood store.  This Michael Brown stood head and shoulders taller, and was much heavier, than the small man trying to prevent the theft.  This Michael Brown was a "teen" ONLY in age, not in size or in criminal intent.  He was clearly not new at theft and not willing to abide by the laws of a civilized nation.  When confronted by a police officer, Michael Brown did not comply with the officer's reasonable and lawful order to get out of the traffic lane and walk on the sidewalk, so that he would not impede traffic.  Michael Brown made the decision to lay hands on the officer, who incidentally, was much smaller than the "teen."  Michael Brown was not afraid to attack an armed police officer.  Is there any reason to believe he would hesitate to attack an unarmed citizen and commit a crime?  This criminal was much different from the Michael Brown portrayed most loudly by the media.

Third, the Ferguson incident.  This shooting, though tragic enough in itself, was viewed in two widely different ways by people all across America.  First, many Ferguson residents, and the vast portion of the media, played this incident up as a racially motivated, legally sanctioned murder of a Black person by a White person in authority.  Those proffering this version of the Ferguson incident linked it to a national and continuing assault on Blacks and other persons of color by the mostly White policemen of this nation.  To foster this version, the people and the media hysterically cried "MURDER" without any thought whatever to the possibility (however slight they may have believed it to be) that the shooting of the unarmed Black man by the White cop was legally justified.  On the other hand, some people in Ferguson, and some members of the Media, entertained the possibility that, while tragic, the shooting COULD HAVE BEEN A JUSTIFIABLE SHOOTING.  This version of the Ferguson incident acknowledged that the officer was apparently overpowered by the "unarmed teen" to the degree that officer believed his own life was in danger.  After all, no one was able to see what happened during the seconds that the "teen" beat Officer Wilson to the point that he suffered a possible skull fracture.  These people acknowledge the possibility that maybe, just maybe, Michael Brown was trying to wrench the officer's gun out of its holster, an action that clearly put the officer in danger of losing his life.  An officer in fear of his life has the right (AND THE DUTY) to use force, including deadly force, to stop the threat to his own life.

Finally, the United States justice system itself, comes in two versions.  The first version is the belief that Black people will NEVER get justice in the White criminal justice system.  These people, egged on by the Media, tore down the town of Ferguson while screaming hysterically that Black people will never get justice in America, thus setting up the Ferguson grand jury for inevitable failure if, after looking at all the known facts, it should decide that there was no reasonable grounds to indict the officer for the criminal act of murder.  The second version of this is the belief that the grand jury would look at all the facts, hear the testimony of the officer involved as well as the results of the forensic investigation, and then render either a true-bill or a no-bill.  That is, either indict the officer or not indict him, based on the facts presented.   

As I wrote this post, the grand jury decision was announced to the nation.  A short time later the President of the United States came on television to ask the nation for calm, and more importantly, to ask the nation to understand how the justice system works, and thus understand that the Ferguson grand jury had reached its decision after reviewing the facts.  This one of the few times I have ever agreed with anything President Obama has said.  Mr. Obama stressed that people may or may not agree with the grand jury's decision, but they should respect this decision, as this is how the American justice system was designed to work.  I have to give credit to the President for his speech of reconciliation.  The President rightly pointed out that no matter how outraged some Americans might feel, no matter how satisfied with the justice system other people might feel, the people who lost the most were the parents of Michael Brown.  President Obama read a statement from Michael Brown's parents asking the people of Ferguson and the nation to be calm in this decision, and to protest, if they felt the need, in positive ways that could result in positive change, rather than in more senseless rioting and destruction.  I would like to add that another person, Officer Darren Wilson, has lost so much as well.  In all likelihood, he will never be able to work in Ferguson again.  And, he has already born the brunt of much negative media attention, even though, as the grand jury's decision bore out, he acted lawfully in defending himself while performing his duty as a public servant.

The Ferguson grand jury decision is now behind us, and I hope the people of Ferguson will soon be able to settle into some sort of normal existence.  I certainly wish comfort on the family that lost a son.  Obviously they are not satisfied with the grand jury's decision, and honestly, I do not know that I would be satisfied if I were in their position.  Michael Brown's parents have continuing recourse, however.  They still have the option filing a wrongful death suit against the officer and the City of Ferguson.  And they have the option of requesting that the United States Department of Justice look into the incident.  Officer Wilson can still be filed on by the federal government if the Justice Department feels that he violated Michael Brown's constitutional rights. 

The Ferguson shooting has indeed been a Tale Of Two...
Two versions of a tragedy...
Two versions of Michael Brown and the officer who shot him...
Two versions of the response to the tragedy...
And two versions of the American system of justice...

There is also another "Two" that emerges in the wake of the Ferguson shooting, and that is that there are two possibilities facing this nation as we move forward.  The first possibility is that people can choose to become bitter, or more bitter, to become cynical and to say, "I told you so...a Black person cannot get justice in the White justice system."  I know there are some that will never accept the Ferguson no-bill.  They have already convinced themselves that somehow the various components of the American justice system have connived against people of color, and will continue to do so, as "proven" by today's grand jury decision.  On the other hand, we can choose to believe that this specific grand jury did its job, that is, they considered all the testimony and evidence presented to them, and they rendered a just, if controversial, decision.  We can believe that grand juries across the nation examine each case presented on its own merits.  And we can believe that, most of the time, the American justice system works.  The Ferguson incident is truly a Tale of Two...but it is my firm hope that we all realize there is one America and one system of justice, and that this system of justice works most of the time. 

God Bless America

Friday, November 14, 2014

The Ukrainian Border - Sovereign The United States Border - Not So Much

In a situation which is causing a bit of irony for the Obama Administration, one of Obama's generals (one of those he has not fired, presumably because this particular general is willing to go along with the President's questionable foreign policy, armed forces (lack of) leadership, and whole-sale trampling of the Constitution and governmental checks and balances) is calling for the closure of, and the "international respect of" the Ukraine's border with Russia.  This general, Phillip Breedlove, who is associated with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), has pointed out the obvious, that is that the Ukraine cannot be a safe and sovereign nation if the Russian Army and insurgents constantly cross and re-cross the border while transporting supplies and soldiers, as well as guerrilla fighters.  President Obama himself has chided President Putin of Russia for his disregard for the Ukraine's sovereignty.  And, unfortunately, I find myself forced to agree with President Obama, much as it pains me to do so - but I too believe that President Putin and his minions should respect the sovereignty of his neighboring country, particularly since Russia has re-annexed the Crimean Peninsula, with its huge oil supply.  What else do they want from the Ukraine?

Having said that I support President Obama's stance on the sovereignty of the Ukraine's border, and that I agree with the President that all nations, including Russia, should recognize and respect the Ukraine's border, I now would like to point out the irony in the President's position.  President Obama has taken it upon himself to remind President Putin that a nation's borders are sovereign, that is "inviolable."  Mr. Obama would have the world understand that a sovereign nation has the right to decide who may cross the border, and that anyone ILLEGALLY crossing a sovereign nation's border is committing a crime, even causing an "international incident" that warrants a swift and firm response.  President Obama has rightly pointed out that neither the Russian army nor individual NON-citizens have the right to cross the border illegally from Russia into the Ukraine.  I agree with the President, as I am sure most of you would, too.

So, the borders of a nation are "sovereign" and should be "respected," right, President Obama?  Well I agree with you.  Further, I think what is true of the Ukraine is just as true of the United States.  That is, if the borders of the Ukraine are sovereign and inviolable, are not the borders of the United States just as sovereign?  Should not the borders of our great nation be respected as well?  Yet, Mr. President, you have shown depraved indifference to the utter disregard and disdain that both citizens and criminals of Mexico and other nations have shown for the border of the United States.  In fact, Mr. Obama, you want to reward the people who disdain the sovereign borders of our great nation by granting these criminals the prize of citizenship.  Not only that, but you and your minions endanger the lives of both Texas Peace Officers and federal Border Patrol Officers (as well as the lives of thousands of innocent AMERICAN citizens) by deliberately underfunding border protection efforts, and even interfering directly with border patrol operations.  So, if I understand rightly, Mr. Obama, we (the ENTIRE WORLD) should respect and honor the border of the Ukraine.  Okay, I understand.  But...if I understand you on the issue of the United States border, you believe that neither Mexican soldiers, the Cartels, common criminals, nor even just average Mexican citizens illegally crossing the border need respect the sovereignty of our great nation and the sanctity of our borders.  Right?  Got it, sir.

So, yes, the big irony is that President Obama has called on the world, and especially Russia, to respect the borders of the Ukraine, while here in the United States the President believes that it is not politically correct to protect and fortify our own borders.  But the biggest irony is that the President is willing to risk an international war, including the risk of nuclear war, to protect our friends in the Ukraine, but here in Texas, in New Mexico, in Arizona, and in California, the President will not risk offending the Mexican government, or even his own constituents, to close and fortify the United States border.  Ironic indeed, that the President will protect a nation halfway around the world, but will not lift a finger to protect the nation and the people who made him the most powerful man in the world.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Officer's Last Watch: Deputy Jesse Valdez III, and Constable Robert Parker

I have perhaps put this posting off on purpose due to the death of my friend Mike Naylor in the line of duty on October 9 just past, and I was not eager to write about more officer deaths.  But I know Mike would want people to carry on their lives and remember HIS life, not dwell on his death.  With that in mind, I return to my ministry of honoring Texas Peace Officers here, those who have lost their lives in the service to their state and their communities.

First, Deputy Jesse Valdez III, a deputy with the Harris County Sheriff's Office.  On October 29, 2014 Deputy Valdez was travelling across Harris County on the way to perform a welfare check on a person whom relatives believed was possibly alone at home and injured.  As Deputy Valdez was proceeding down the highway, a vehicle suddenly swerved into his lane, resulting in a head-on collision.  Deputy Valdez was badly injured and was trapped in his vehicle for some time.  He died of his injuries a short time later in a Houston area hospital.  The driver of the other vehicle, intoxicated on narcotics, was only slightly injured.  My deepest sympathy goes out to Deputy Valdez's family and his fellow officers.

On November 1, 2014 just after midnight, Constable Robert Parker White, one of the elected constables of El Paso County, was working at an off-duty job when a person at this location became upset.  When Constable White made contact with the subject, this person suddenly assaulted the officer, repeatedly striking him several times.  The officer fell to the ground and did not get up.  Some persons there came to his aid and also several officers responded.  The offender was apparently held at the scene and arrested by sheriff's deputies.  Constable White never regained consciousness and was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital.  I extend my sympathy to Constable White's family and his brothers and sisters in law enforcement.  This was a very brutal, personal attack and the offender deserves the worst the law can deal to him.

Officer line of duty deaths are typically highest in Texas, or second only to California.  That is the case this year.  As of this post, ten officers have died in Texas, while fourteen line of duty deaths have occurred in California, including the three officers killed there during the "Bonnie and Clyde" robberies and murders that took place last week.  I pray for the safety of the officers left behind, and for their comfort, as well as for the families of the fallen officers.  These men and women are heroes, and I am honored to raise them up here on my simply blog pages.

A Severe Blow to the Pride, Integrity, and Guts of Texas (and some Federal) Police

I have taken some time away from blogging, maybe I even gave up blogging.  But the recent and terrible murders in Uvalde, and the disgracefu...