Tuesday, May 22, 2012

More Reasons I Don't Support Obama

For all the negative things that can be said about the Republican presidential candidates (and there IS a lot to be said), there are even more, or at least WORSE things to be said about President Obama, or rather about his beliefs and intentions.  A vote for Obama means these things will continue.  A vote AGAINST the Republican candidate is, in reality, a vote for Obama.  I know many Democrats sincerely believed in Obama and his "hope and change."  Some Republicans did as well, as did many independent voters.  Four years later, hope is dwindling and change has been for the worse, in many respects.

First, I will give credit where it is due.  I am most thankful and grateful to President Obama for his role in the SEAL attack that resulted in the death of Osama Bin Laden.  At least three other presidents, including two Republicans, had numerous chances to get Bin Laden, but did not.  Indeed, President Clinton has nearly made a second career out of pounding the pavement in New York and telling anyone who would listen about how close he came to getting Bin Laden so many times.  Both Presidents Bush also failed in their attempts to either bring Bin Laden to justice or eliminate him.  So again, I offer my sincere gratitude to President Obama for this accomplishment.

Now, having said all this, I will offer several reasons that Obama does not need another term in office. First, he has demonstrated over and over that he has little interest in the day to day responsibilities that befall the President of the United States.  For instance, he has played more golf than Presidents Bush, Clinton, and Bush combined.  Granted, a man with so much responsibility needs time to decompress, but Obama has not faced a crisis of any magnitude, as did his predecessor, Bush II.  True, BP created a crisis in the Gulf of Mexico, but a review of the events in the days following the disaster will show that Obama lost precious little time or sleep in "handling" that incident. 

Second, Obama has tried to force a healthcare initiative on the nation when it was apparent that the majority of people did not want the sweeping socialism expressed by Obamacare.  Again, I will be fair here and say that a Republican once attempted to force a similar healthcare system on America through Congress.  That Republican, Newt Gingrich, has since been turned out of the 2012 Presidential race.  Obama would have done well to have learned from Newt's fiasco, but he did not.

Third, Obama has been very UN-instrumental in promoting a political atmosphere in which the House and Senate can pass a budget.  True, Republicans have voted against many Obama proposals, but if you check the voting records of members of Congress, you will find that many Democrats have blocked Obama initiatives as well.  And three years later, we still have no budget.

Fourth, Obama has repeatedly demonstrated his utter contempt for the United States Constitution, the Law of This Land.  His Executives orders consistently circumvent due process and the constitutional rights of the people.  It is true that George W. Bush has done more than perhaps any president since Abraham Lincoln to gain government power and control at the expense of American civil liberties. And in Lincoln's defense, he was facing a situation no President has faced before or since. But President Obama has had four years to organize a Democrat controlled government and do away with Bush's attack on the Constitution, an attack also known as the USA PATRIOT Act.  Has Obama led a bipartisan effort to end USA PATRIOT?  No!  Obama has in fact gone above and beyond USA PATRIOT by using his Executive Orders to gut our constitutional rights and really grab some more power for the "Government."  For instance, Obama's Executive Order ordering the federal government to take action against faith-based charities and health providers who do not use their funds to provide abortions clearly violates the rights of these organizations.   Further, Obama has let us know that he has the right, as President, to decide when and where to kill American citizens who have not been charged or convicted of any crime.  Can you say Drone Attack in Pakistan?  It is just a matter of time until an American citizen is "Dronicided" on American soil.  Do you really want to re-elect the very person who may target you someday and send a missile crashing down on you and your loved-ones?
Next, President Obama has created a Justice Department that prosecutes only White persons for "hate" crimes.  I am reasonably sure that people of all races can hate, just as people of all races can love.  But Obama has institutionalized the idea that only the White citizens of this nation can be guilty of "hate" crimes and that usually the victim of the "hate" crime is Black.  Yet President Obama, for at least fifteen years, sat in a church almost every Sunday and listened to a minister issue some of the most vile and hateful language ever heard in a Christian pulpit.  Am I making this up?  No, if you read the newspaper or surf the "Net" you will find news of the scandalous events in which it was reported that Obama paid huge sums of money to another person to persuade a certain Reverend to "tone down" his rhetoric, at least during the election season.  By the way, you will NOT find a lot of mainstream coverage of this situation.

Of all the things I could say here, the biggest reason I cannot support President Obama, and will not vote for him, is his well-deserved reputation as the most UNPATRIOTIC President this nation has ever seen.  President Obama has time after time publicly demonstrated his utter lack of patriotism and loyalty to this nation, to the very people who put their trust and faith in this man, electing him to the highest, most powerful political office in the world.  President Obama has repeatedly turned his back as the National Anthem was played and as the pledge of allegiance was said.  He has repeatedly refused to honor our nation emblem, the Star Spangled Banner.  This repulsive, sickening, and disgusting lack of patriotism warrants Obama nothing but swift and sure relegation to the Former Presidents' Club.  It is true that Obama "honored" a few vets recently, but this honor rings hollow given his lack of patriotism and the fact that the election is just a few months away.
I am blogging my own personal opinion here, as far as my reasons for not supporting Mr. Obama.  The facts, which are not my opinions, can be checked through various sources, both Internet-based and "hard" sources.  I understand that we all have free choice in the upcoming election, and that many people find the alternative to Obama unpalatable to them.  I cannot prove at this point that any other candidate will do a better job than Obama, but I have demonstrated that we cannot afford to give Obama four more years to continue his blatant attacks on the Constitution of the United States.  So you cannot STAND the thought of voting for a Republican?  The sad fact is that you can only vote in two ways; either FOR Obama or for the Republican nominee.  A vote for anyone else or no vote at all is a vote for Obama.  Are you a Democrat who will not vote for a Republican no matter what is at stake?  If so, you are in essence voting FOR all of the things I have described above.   And make no mistake, you WILL GET exactly what you vote for, if you vote for President Obama.

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