Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Double Rainbows

This morning as I returned to the beach house from Freeport, I was blessed with the appearance of a double rainbow. So beautiful, and somewhat rare. I had to pause for a moment. Well, longer than that, because I took several photos. To me the rainbow is such a wonder. I know, there is a very simple scientific explanation. But I like to think of the rainbow as a gift from God. Two rainbows equal twice as blessed!

This beautiful sight send me back to my childhood years for just a little while. Surely you remember those times. Back then, you really believed there WAS a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Maybe you believed it was guarded by a mischievous leprechaun.

Did you ever try to get to the end of the rainbow? As a young child, you had not yet learned that the end of the rainbow could be very elusive. Remember when it was just down the road from your front yard? No matter how close you got to it, you could never quite touch it. And the pot of gold? You probably never layed eyes on it, but no matter. You knew it was there, just behind the next tree, just around the next corner. And one day, maybe you would finally catch that leprechaun and steal his pot of gold!

Well, somewhere along the way you grew up, you realized there was no pot of gold, there was no leprechaun, and you could never find the end of the rainbow. But every now and then, some new sight, some magical moment, catches you off guard, takes your breath away...and you believe again, if just for a minute, you really could catch the leprechaun and get his gold...just for a stood at the end of the rainbow.

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