Thursday, October 11, 2012

Change Needed Regardless of Which Candidate Wins The Whitehouse

On my Blog, I have made no secret of the fact that I am violently opposed to Barack Obama being allowed the privilege of serving another term as President of The United States.  I have done my best to spread around the Web the fact (Not the OPINION) that Mr. Obama is the most UNPATRIOTIC person ever to hold that office.  Why do I say FACT and not Opinion?  Only because, even though the mainstream media has done its best to conceal this, the current President does not salute the flag of the United States, does not recite the Pledge of Allegiance, and has repeatedly turned his back on our American Flag during state occasions when our National Anthem is being played and Old Glory is being raised.

President Obama claims to love Our (and his?) nation, claims to respect Our Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen, claims to honor those things we prize, such as Liberty and the United States Constitution, which have been paid for many times over by the blood of our service men and women.  But the President's actions speak much louder than his hollow words.  I have also stated in my Blog that our President has the right to express his political beliefs in any way he chooses.  I have stated in my blog that the one point of respect I have for Mr. Obama is that HE DOES STAND UP FOR HIS BELIEFS, even in the face of what should be strong public outrage at his behaviour.  But he was elected President, and I respect him (only!) for the fact that he did not change his beliefs and his public behavior after his election.  My belief, and my political opinion, is that Mr. Obama DOES NOT DESERVE RE-ELECTION so that for four more years he can make a mockery of the great emblems of this nation and the brave sacrifice of this nation's soldiers.  Even Hilary Clinton is more palatable as a Democratic candidate.  At least she would salute the Flag!

Unfortunately we will find that there is very little difference in the political beliefs of President Obama and Governor Romney.  Both are liberal, both support socialistic healthcare programs, both support the disgusting USA PATRIOT Act, and both support the new National Defense laws that were passed recently.  It is my opinion (as I have not closely researched Romney's politics) that the major difference between the two men is that Romney will not turn his back on OUR FLAG, will not fail to salute during the playing of the National Anthem, and will not fail honor the brave fighters, both the living and the dead, that have fought and still fight for our freedom.  Mr. Romney is clearly now the only candidate that can defeat Obama.  So, obviously, either Mr. Obama or Mr. Romney will be our next President.  Regardless of which man might be elected, our nation will go on.  And regardless of which man is elected, there are some changes that must be made, whether the President supports them or not.

One of the laws that we should all demand that our legislators repeal is the USA PATRIOT Act.  This act was authored by persons who wanted to consolidate power within the Executive Branch.  These people knew that what they desired was UNCONSTITUTIONAL and that even the most arrogant President would not even dream of requesting or demanding such power.  But with the attacks of 9/11, sufficient numbers of lawmakers were either afraid to stand up to the President or were caught up in the hysteria of the times and thus were willing to allow USA PATRIOT to pass without even reading the three thousand-plus pages that made up this law.  President Bush II was right there with these people, yelling that we needed this law, these "tools" to combat terrorism.

The National Defense Authorization Act should be the second law on all freedom-loving Americans' hit lists of tyrannical and illegal legislation.  Do you think I am over-reacting or being an "alarmist?"  Listen to this:  On September 17, 2012 federal judge Katherine Forrest, New York, ruled certain parts of the NDAA unconstitutional.  Wording in this act allowing the arrest and indefinite detention of any person, including American citizens, who "in any way" supported or had "any affiliation" with "terrorists" was too vague to be understood by citizens.  In other words, you and I have the right to understand what law we might have broken, and by whom we are being accused.  My friends, these two concepts are the the very cornerstones of our American legal system.  By definition, a law that is so vague that a "reasonable person" does not even know what he has done that is illegal has been denied his right to "due process" as defined in the Fifth Amendment.  Obviously, being held without the possibility of contacting a lawyer, and without ever being charged with an offense is unconstitutional.  Even an Obama appointee like Judge Forrest knows this.

Yes, regardless of who wins the 2012 Presidential election, the loser will be all of US if we cannot get together and force our representatives to repeal the USA PATRIOT Act, the National Defense Authorization Act, and any similar legislation.  I hope that Americans will see how close we really are to losing our precious civil liberties, and will demand of our politicians, including our President, that the first order of business be the preservation of our freedom, as defined by our United States Constitution.  President Obama ran for President in 2008 on a platform of "change."  Instead we have the same old wars, the same old domestic problems, AND the same threats against our civil liberties as when President Bush II was in office.  If you want the same old UNPATRIOTIC President we have now, vote for Obama.  If you want a patriotic, but STILL liberal President, vote for Romney.  But either way, I hope all of us can agree to unite and retake our freedom.  I hope you will join me in saying "thank you" to judges with enough fortitude and character to to uphold the Constitution even when such a "radical" stance "stuns" the President and his cabinet.  I for one am not so afraid of the terrorists that I am willing to give up my freedom.  I am not so dependent on the "government" for my safety that I want our press to be censored by USA PATRIOT or similar legislation.  And I know most of my fellow citizens feel the same.  The "change" I am seeking, President Obama and Governor Romney, is the end of the trampling of our rights and our freedom.

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