Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The World Watches The Sad State Of The "Union"

The title of this post is my opinion, I admit, but I believe it to be true, nonetheless.  I believe that people around the world, particularly those people with some knowledge of American history, are watching in disbelief, and in sadness, as the state of this "Union" slowly and steadily worsens with each passing day, certainly with each signing of another of President Obama's executive orders.

I believe that each day, around the world, thousands of people are wondering what is wrong with America?! I sometimes envision these people asking themselves, "When will America WAKE UP!"  Maybe some of these people are also thinking to themselves, as America, so the rest of the world.  The United States of America, the land founded on freedom and liberty, framed by one of the greatest human-produced documents of all time, our Constitution, is hovering on the brink of dictatorship, yet to the rest of the world, it must appear that America...and I mean by that YOU and Me, American Citizen, are standing by while our freedoms and liberties disappear!

Actually the title is not totally made up of my own opinion.  I have read in social media over the past few months comments from people in many different nations wherein they ask the same questions I have asked above.  I have seen the comments at the bottom of many news stories covering the latest Obama Executive order.  Many people asked the same question, "When will the American's wake up!"  These people are speaking of our "representatives," that is Congress, the Senators and Congressmen who have the authority, the power...AND THE rein in the President and his runaway dictatorship.  Congress has demonstrated over and over during the past seven years that they WILL NOT stand up to President Obama and demand that he follow the Constitution.  President Obama is the SAME Obama that ran for office in 2008 promising to do all he could to dismember the USA PATRIOT Act.  Instead, President Obama not only ram-rodded the renewal of USA PATRIOT, but also signed the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, which once and for all did away with our Constitutional assurances of freedom from unreasonable search and seizure.  Our Congress, instead of casting this bill out into a fire pit, eagerly like a bunch of lap dogs voted this bill into a law, which of course Mr. Obama signed immediately.  These men and women, our "representatives," failed to PROTECT AND UPHOLD the United States Constitution, as did the President.

Since that time, the President has issued many Executive Orders which seek to curtail our liberties.  Congress has not taken a single step, as a body, to attempt to rein in this would-be dictator and his most over-bearing executive orders.  Instead, Congress either cannot get itself to act on these matters, or is itself enamored with this President and seeks to do his bidding like a little boy begging for his father's approval.  Oh, that little thing about "representing the people" has been cast aside as our Congress basically represents their OWN best interest, that is, making sure that they stay in the best light with the President, and to blazes with the state of the "Union."

So, that brings me back to we Americans, "we the People."  Why are we standing by as this democratic republic literally crumbles around us?  What aren't we DOING SOMETHING?!

That is indeed a question...WHY AREN'T WE DOING SOMETHING?!  I have to admit that frankly I am puzzled as to what it is that we CAN least at this point.  You see, we The People, are responsible for this situation, just as much as are our representatives in Congress. Americans have continued to re-elect the same "representatives" each term, then elect them yet AGAIN. When I say "we" I am actually saying most of the twenty or thirty percent who vote in elections other than the Presidential Election.  A very small number of voters, year after year, vote for candidates other than the "two real choices," that is the Democrat or the Republican that is running for whatever office may be under discussion.  Many people have felt that there must be a better choice, but that better choice "just could not beat" the "main stream" incumbent or leading opponent.  Most voters simply vote for the name they recognize, or vote for the candidate of "their party" regardless of what that candidate might really stand for (or lay down for, as the case may be).  Still others vote for the incumbent simply because he or she IS the incumbent.  So it is safe to say that most American voters, complain though they might, have done precious little to turn the "Establishment" out of office. 

I believe that many people here in the lately endangered "Union" may feel that they do not have the time to get "involved" any deeper into politics than voting in an election or two every few years.  It is easy to imagine that this is true.  Most families now have two heads of household working fulltime to make just enough to stay ahead, or maybe just to stay "even."  Then there are the endless activities for children that occupy much of the "off work time" available to most families.  Then there are volunteer activities and so on.  The bottom line is that most Americans are too busy to get more involved than just voting every now and again.  This has been the norm now for several decades.  The other side of the coin is that this "norm" has meant our government has operated without a lot of supervision for those same decades.  And, oh, so much has changed. 

USA PATRIOT Act, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA), as well as numerous Executive Orders signed by both President Bush II and President Obama, have all eaten away at our Constitution, so that now we are one signature on an Order of National Emergency away from total martial law.  I am not speaking as a tinfoil hat -wearing lunatic, but only as a person who has read these orders and acts, or portions of them.  I have not read, for instance, the complete USA PATRIOT Act, because this "Act" is over THREE THOUSAND PAGES LONG.  Having NOT read this law in its entirety puts me in very good company actually.  Why?  Because few, if any, of our "representatives" in Congress have read it in its entirety either, even more than a decade after it was passed. 

One reason that I have not read this treasonous law in its entirety is that the parts of it I have read are just too scary.  USA PATRIOT provides the reasoning and the practical means for the curtailment of our civil liberties whenever the President decides we are in a "national emergency."  The great thing about USA PATRIOT is that it leaves the definition of national emergency to the discretion of the President (by the way I capitalize President just because I like to).  One thing USA PATRIOT does clarify that a national emergency does not have to be an attack on the nation or a major civil insurrection.  It could be as simple as a major Katrina, for example. 

This ability to "federalize" the nation was further enhanced by the NDAA of 2012, President Obama's baby.  The NDAA-12 outlines practical procedures for the operation of the United States under a military government, all for our own safety of course, when the chips are down for some reason.  This "Act," just like USA PATRIOT Act, is an open document that anyone can view right here on the Internet.  On top of all that, the almost innumerable Executive Orders signed by both Presidents Bush II and Obama simply add more teeth to the Martial Law grinder.  So, as I said, I am not speaking as a representative of the "Head-Voices Crowd" when I say that we are just one signed order away from a dictatorship.

The point is that the rest of the world has watched America as this dictatorship becomes more and more viable with each passing session of our legislature.  I suspect that as the rest of the world watches our nation crumble, they also hope that the American people will somehow rise up, will band together against our out-of-control government, and will demand that our Constitution once again be honored as the Law of the Land, and that our land become, once again, a land under the rule of law.  I suspect, also, that many people around the world wonder, as do I, whether we are not already beyond the point of no return.  Given that our law-makers cannot get elected without a great deal of corporate backing, it follows that the laws that are passed most likely benefit one corporate sponsor or another.  So the people, themselves, are not represented any longer by our "representatives."  Nor does the Chief Executive have the best interest of the nation in mind - if he did, he could govern other than by Executive Orders that circumvent the Constitution.

But at this late hour, what can Americans do to rein in our government?  The rest of the world is waiting to see what that might be.  I don't pretend to know what to do about this situation, so I am not going to be of much help.  For instance, voting on the national level does not seem to help.  It appears that no matter who, or what party, is in office, the trends toward a possible dictatorship continue.  The laws passed by our Congress neither represent us or benefit us any longer.  I blame the voters for this, at least partially, because incumbents are re-elected more often than not.  One definition of insanity, I have learned, is to do the same thing over and over, but expect different results each time.  But that exactly describes our collective voting habits.  Most voters vote for the incumbent each chance they get, then wonder why our government is broken.

There is more I could write about, such as the exceedingly POOR choices we have for Presidential Candidates this time around (uh...just like last time, too) would seem to require Americans to pick whichever of the two they perceive as the "lesser of two evils."  And, as usual, the shrill cry that a third party candidate cannot win the Presidency assures that most people will vote for one of the two "viable" candidates.  Unfortunately, no matter which one of the "lesser evils" wins, policies remain essentially the same.  Want proof?  Just review Obama's 2008 political rhetoric with his actual Presidency.  Not much difference between him and Dubbya, after all.  

Yes, there is more I could write, but this blog has ran long already.  Suffice to say, in summary, I believe the world is looking at America now, wondering what we will do, when we will do it, and if it will be enough to save this Republic.  But one thing we, as Americans, should realize, is that the rest of the world is not only watching us, but is DEPENDING on us to act as a people, as a proud nation, and somehow rein in this government of ours...because in so doing, we will actually be saving the world.  I firmly believe the United States of America, so the entire world.  Once this democratic republic fails, and a military government rises in its place, the nations around the world will fall one by one.  This scenario does not have to take place, but unless we all put our heads together and figure out how to stop our rapid advance toward dictatorship, I think what I have described is a pretty accurate description of what we can expect after the coming election.

Boy, do I hope I am wrong about all this, and...


May God Bless...and PRESERVE...America

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