Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Our President And Hater Of Police In Chief

President Obama has once again demonstrated his true beliefs about America and his utter disrespect and disregard of American law enforcement officers.  In this time of unwarranted assassinations and intentional injury to police officers by thugs of all brands, particularly though by those hiding behind the skirts of the Black Lives Matter farce, the President has answered the newly declared war on police officers by authorizing the Dishonorable Loretta Lynch and her "Justice" Department to create a stronger program to track "police killings" at the state and local level (NOT AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL).

When I first saw the article I thought the Justice Department was creating a better system to track KILLERS OF POLICE OFFICERS but I soon found I was sadly mistaken.  Mr. Obama wants a strict accounting of all persons killed while in police custody or during encounters with police officers.  This is an especially sour-tasting measure since the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), through its various crime reports, ALREADY tracks "police killings" across the nation.  Not only that, the FBI does not hesitate to review officer-involved shootings or other fatalities, as well as assaults committed by officers.  Further, the FBI administration is literally drooling from the mouth to do "civil rights violations" investigations on state and local law officers.

President Obama did not offer any sort of encouragement to police officers across the nation, or condolences to fallen officers.  He did not acknowledge the reality that there is a new (or renewed) war on police officers.  He could not even stay off the political soap box for the duration of ONE memorial service for five slain officers in Dallas, but instead of offering some encouraging, unifying message, or condemning these murders, he used that venue to make another tired call for gun control.  Now he has added further insult by calling on the Justice Department to be sure it is getting accurate information regarding police shooting and fatalities in jails and other holding facilities because he believes that state and local authorities do not hold police officers accountable for unjustified killings.

The President's call to the Justice Department to review deaths while in police custody or during encounters with the police, supposedly a move towards "transparency," rings hollow because he exempts federal agencies from this same scrutiny.  This means the killing of persons such as the bombing suspect in Baltimore would not be reviewed.  The killing of the farmer-protester in Oregon will not be reviewed.  In fact, if you or me, or a loved one is killed by one of the many federal agencies with police powers, chances are slim that there would be any review outside of the usual internal investigation.  Did you know such internal reviews have cleared EVERY SINGLE FBI fatal shooting that has ever been reviewed?!  Imagine, not one single FBI agent has EVER committed an unjustified shooting in the ENTIRE HISTORY of that agency! 

President Obama lost another opportunity to bring calm and good judgment back to the forefront.  Instead of supporting the nation's police officers, the President in fact fostered even more division and hatred by promoting the idea that police officers (particularly White officers) are out to kill Black men at every opportunity.  Instead of condemning the actions of those that have murdered officers, the President calls for more gun control.  Instead of meeting with the families of slain police officers, the President brings the families of thugs to the White House.  And as if all this were not enough, the President now wants Frau Lynch to find ways to prosecute more "local" police officers. 

This President, who came in on a wave of popularity that seemed to me to overshadow that of John F. Kennedy, has become the most odious person ever to hold that high office.  How was he re-elected?!  And now, even as his Administration is fading, this most odious President managed to get in yet another blow to the fabric of this nation by promoting hatred and distrust of our police officers to a degree unseen ever before in America. 

In spite of it all, however, the Blue Line is still standing strong, holding their own, and will continue to do so long after President Obama has faded into just another bad memory.

May God protect police officers...

And May God Bless America

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