Wednesday, August 14, 2013

National Dreamcicle Day(?)

I learned today via the miracle of the Internet that today is in fact National Dreamcicle Day.  What a great day!  Although not my favorite treat (Klondike Bar is of course my favorite) dreamcicles are still way up high on the list.  So I cannot tell you the joy I felt to learn that there was a day dedicated to those wonderful orange and cream flavored joys on a stick.  I look at dreamcicles as the more mature versions of the push-up pop, that was also dreamcicle-flavored.  I know most of you remember those treats, one of the joys of being young, although my parents did not share my enthusiasm.  You see, I wanted to make my dreamcicle last, so I only took a lick ever so often.  It was not my fault that those wonderful push-up pops would melt so quickly between Gatesville and Levita, or that the orange was so hard for Dad to remove from that old Valiant's upholstery.  But I digress...

Anyway, like I said, I learned with great joy that today is National Dreamcicle Day.  Did you know that there is at least one website that is dedicated to confirming whether a "national holiday" is really a national holiday.  On this website, the author points out that he has not located "documentation" to prove that today REALLY IS National Dreamcicle Day.  He points that no congressional records indicate this to be a "recognized" holiday, nor are there any state proclamations to that effect.  So he does not believe we should actually call this a national holiday.  How ridiculous!  Who needs Congress to tell us National Dreamcicle Day is celebrated on August 14th.  As we know, Congress cannot even agree on a would they agree on a National Dreamcicle Day?

No, it not the fact that Congress has not officially declared August 14th to be National Dreamcicle Day that has upset me.  Not at all.  What has upset me is that though I learned via the  miracle of the Internet that today is National Dreamcicle Day, I did not learn this yummilicious fact until AFTER I had already removed my plainclothes security uniform, my duty boots, and even my spent T-shirt and black socks.  I was sitting there in my Underoos!!  It was already after 8:30 PM, and as much as I liked (and wanted) a dreamcicle, which by the way, would be a "guilt free" treat since I now KNEW it was National Dreamcicle Day (Congress-approved or not!), I was not going to put on outside clothes again tonight.   The taste of dreamcicle is massaging my brain at this very moment.

No, I will not put on my clothes again this late at night for a Dreamcicle Day celebration.  Now, if it was national Klondike Bar Day....who KNOWS what I might do for a Klondike Bar....

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