Thursday, June 16, 2011

USA PATRIOT Act Makes A Mockery Of The United States Constitution

The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001.  That is quite a mouth full.  We can shorten the title to a small bite by calling it the USA PATRIOT Act.  I would say that was a patriotic acronym, if that were true; however, the USA PATRIOT Act is in reality the most serious and vile threat to the United States Constitution, and OUR FREEDOM, since Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito conspired to conquer the world and force their authoritarian and fascist way of life upon the entire globe.  We would all do well to remember that just because one assault on the free world, including the United States, was thwarted in the end by freedom loving people finally taking action, that certainly does not mean that other attacks, from without or within, will never again take place.  In fact we know that United States was attacked by terrorists in 2001.  But now this great nation is under attack from within, by the very government that is supposed to protect us and preserve our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. 

Now I agree that the USA PATRIOT Act is not nearly as dramatic and not nearly as deadly a threat as the German Blitzkriegs or the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.  Or even the cowardly but deadly attack on the United States on September 11, 2001 by terrorists, both known and unknown.  But the USA PATRIOT Act is every bit as dangerous to our freedom as a physical military attack bent on conquering America and enslaving her people.  The USA PATRIOT Act violates every provision of the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments of our United States Constitution.  From secret justice courts to FBI "sneak and peak" searches, this despicable "act" begins the complete erosion of the freedoms GRANTED TO ALL MEN BY THE "CREATOR" and enumerated in the United States Constitution. 

I strongly urge every one of you to read, or at least TRY to read, this horrific federal legislation that has now been in force over us for ten years.  I urge you to read the United States Constitution for yourself.  It is easy to understand.  Then decide for yourself whether you support the USA PATRIOT Act.  Does it violate the Constitution?  You bet it does.  I urge each of you to educate yourself concerning the Constitution and your rights, and what USA PATRIOT HAS DONE to your rights, and will continue to do.  Then I urge you to contact your political representatives to find out whether they support or reject this terrible Act.  I urge you then to give notice to your representative or candidate that you cannot support this person if he or she supports the USA PATRIOT Act.  I think within another five years to a decade we can rid ourselves of this evil simply by electing representatives who will devote themselves to repealing this scourge on our freedom.  I hope all of you will join me in this endeavor with each election, until we are truly free again.

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