Monday, February 2, 2015

Chris Kyle Day In Texas

One of my favorite things about Texas is that, barring the weird city in Central Texas, we as Texans tend to go our own way, whether or not the "establishment" in Washington likes it, whether or not ultra-liberals like it, and whether or not the "political correct" like it. 

A perfect example of our Texas individualism (maybe leadership, too) was Governor Abbott's proclamation last week that today would be hailed as Chris Kyle day.  Chris Kyle lived an amazing life that culminated with him joining the US Navy Seals.  Chris became the most lethal sniper in United States history.  His job was necessary but thankless, and in fact has made him the target of all kinds of liberal, tolerant, haters who decry and damn the things Chris did as a Navy Seal.  I doubt if these same people have any concept that the reason they are able to condemn the military, the government, conservatives, and whatever else they want to condemn is because men like Chris Kyle fight for their freedom to say and do these things.

I thank Chris Kyle and other men and women like him, our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, and those hundreds of thousands who have gone before them, who fought for our freedom.  Some died in foreign and domestic fields, while others survived the wars and lived out their lives in the freedom they had fought and bled for, and for which all of us owe them our thanks, and indeed our lives.  I have not served in the military, and for that reason, I am even MORE THANKFUL to those who did.  For those who cannot find it in their hearts to honor our brave men and women soldiers, I hope you will at least acknowledge that your freedoms came at a tremendous cost to the very men and women you hate so much.

But as great as Chris Kyle's sacrifice for us was, it was his continued service at home that brought hope to so many mentally and emotionally scarred veterans.  Sadly, his service in this great endeavor was cut short by one of the very people he was trying to help.  I believe Chris Kyle knew there was an element of danger in his chosen ministry to veterans, but he went ahead with his new duty.  We as Americans owe Chris Kyle and his fellow soldiers a great measure of respect and honor.  I am proud to honor Chris in a small way, but the best way I can, by speaking of him in my humble blog.   And thanks to all our soldiers.

All gave some...but some gave ALL.

Good bless America
God bless Texas

And hats off to Governor Abbott, a man who is himself no stranger to hardship and heroism.

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