I am offended by a bunch of Muslim extremists around the world dealing out their hate and death, even to children and the elderly. I am offended by a supposed leader of the free world who places representatives of this group into high places in the government. I am offended by the Westboro Baptist Church holding themselves out to be representatives of the Christian faith. I am offended by people who must use their wealth, power with the media, or whatever other means they have, to tell Americans what is offensive and what is not...and that Americans MUST agree or risk offending others. I am offended by man who is not even strong enough in himself to leave the Confederate flag painted on what is an iconic part of television history. I am particularly offended by the fact that the tragedy of an obviously deranged, delusional person who murdered several beautiful, innocent people was used to force an idea on the nation, and that anyone who did not accept that idea was placed in the status of "supporting slavery, hatred, and racism." I am offended MOST by the fact that Americans now are less free than EVER in the history of this nation to express their many opinions. No, the Government is not censoring us...we ourselves are doing it. We "tolerate" differences and diversity in ANY FORM OR FASHION EXCEPT TRADITIONAL VALUES. A comedy like "The Dukes of Hazzard" is cancelled, while EVERY SUNDAY you can find on the Internet "Reverend" Wright's hate-filled messages that our Leader apparently follows. For instance this message (below) from that great Christian preacher. I find this pretty offensive, but Reverend Wright had the right to say it, and I have the right to disagree. But it appears that in present day America (two terms into Obamistan) if ANYONE says ANYTHING that OFFENDS ANYONE, that person can be and is branded racist, a hater, a "redneck,"
As for me, I firmly believe that my right to my own opinions, expressions, flag-waving, car bumper-stickering, is STILL INVIOLATE, and I am strong enough in myself to post those things I want to post. If that makes me a racist and a "hater" (definition: someone who disagrees with someone else), than feel free to slather me with all the insults, labels, threats, or whatever you want. I am not a Confederate, but I am a Texan, and proud of my heritage. I am not a slave-owner and I had NOTHING to do with owning slaves. I am proud of Texans, old and new, as a whole. And I am proud of America....proud to be an American first, then a Texan.
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Sen. Barack Obama's pastor says blacks should not sing "God Bless America" but "God damn America." The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor for the last 20 years at the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago's south side, has a long history of what even Obama's campaign aides concede is...
abcnews.go.com|By ABC News
I guess what is MOST OFFENSIVE is that we have sat back and let the nation come to this. That is that we are afraid to have opinions anymore here in America because someone MAY be offended by an opinion. No, we should ALL be free to have and express our opinions, whether others are offended or not. This is STILL America, and America is STILL the LAND OF THE FREE.
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