Tuesday, July 14, 2015

A Special Kind Of Stupid

My friends, there are times if someone calls you stupid, that person is inadvertently paying you a complement. I do not support and have never supported B O's policies (with VERY VERY RARE EXCEPTION) and do not believe every line published on ANY news service whether its Fox, CNN, NBC, or whatever. If this makes me "a special kind of stupid" I very proudly wear that title. If believing in the Constitution is a special kind of stupid, I am there. If agreeing that people have the right (on their own property, homes, vehicles, etc.) to fly whatever flag or bumper sticker or poster or whatever, makes me a special kind of stupid, I am there.

 As a police officer I had to guard a Black militant group as they held a rally, AND as a police officer I had to guard and protect a Klan group. Both groups had the right to assemble peacefully and say the things they wanted to say. Our soldiers have died and paid for that right over and over. The Klansmen sported swastikas, a very offensive symbol if it is used in the Nazi context. I did not LIKE protecting these people...and the funny thing was that BOTH groups spouted the same hate gospel, just with different targets. But, they had the right no matter whom they offended.

Now we are in this age of hypersensitivity, so that really no matter what we say, we are apt to offend SOMEONE. This is "a special kind of stupid" that I hope we can all recover from someday. The United States of America should be the example to rest of the world that different people of different opinions can still be one nation, a great nation, that can exist and thrive and be still be a shining beacon of Liberty instead of a nation of victims, wanting a corrupt and over-reaching government to "protect" them and eventually take ALL responsibility for their well-being.

God Bless (and HELP) America.

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