My friends, I owe a great debt to Robert Paul, a man who believes in this nation of ours, and especially in our Constitution, the law of this land. Robert expressed his view on America and Americans just the other day, and after reading it, I was struck with his honesty and his outrage. After reading his words, I asked his permission to post it in its entirety in my blog.
So, here is "guest Bloggist" Robert Paul.....
I have just arrived home from the movies. I went to see "American Sniper." I am not going to lie. I was aware of the anti-Chris Kyle remarks and all the left-wing hate propaganda targeting this particular film. I full well expected to enjoy the movie....and I did. Thoroughly.
What I do not understand is how American society has degraded to the point where such a heroic pro-American war movie (based upon true events) could possibly inspire all that vitriol. I don't think the hatred is solely based on the fact that Clint Eastwood directed the movie, although Mr. Eastwood IS resented by many on the left because he publicly stated: '"President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people." I am even willing to wager that a great many of the people who are feeling antagonized over "American Sniper" probably don't even know who directed it.
I think our society has, over the last twenty-five or thirty years, devolved into a great mass of worthless, spineless ne'er-do-wells who look at serious matters such as American sovereignty, the Constitution and American rule of law as little more than a week-end pro wrestling match. Many people...on the right AND the left (but ESPECIALLY the left)...have simply taken to "choosing up sides" and "talking smack" to each other, not realizing...or even caring, for that matter...that SOME things in life have potentially permanently serious effects.
This revelation was not suddenly arrived at tonight. It is something I have been keenly aware of for a while...and it both saddens and angers me. The words "A house divided against itself cannot stand," opened a speech given by President Abraham Lincoln in June, 1858. President Lincoln undoubtedly realized that he was paraphrasing scripture from three different Gospels in the Holy Bible when he opened his speech with those words. The division in this country was great and severe during Lincoln's tenure as President, but I wonder if we are not facing a much greater threat of societal disunity in today's America?
Americans have always been arguers. And by virtue of that fact, combined with our Constitutionally guaranteed right to express ourselves, we have, through long and arduous years of banter and deliberation, never failed to improve this country. We stood alone as the greatest nation in the history of earth because of our freedoms and our inherent compassion. Until recently. These days it seems to me that we aren't arguing with ourselves to create a better America. We aren't arguing in a sincere effort to proclaim truth. We frequently aren't even arguing in an effort to persuade one another to understand each other's points of view. We appear to be arguing...simply to be arguing.
I think that is a major problem. Too many people simply want to "be against" someone else and/or their ideas because they don't share the same political stripe, or some other nonsense. We have stopped LISTENING to each other. the a nation...we are forgetting our unique heritage. If I am correct in my thinking...then this will not end well for the United States. "A house divided cannot stand." I might add that a house that cannot even identify its own heritage, much less respect it, is ripe for collapse.
There is so much more that could be said on this topic. But I will draw this lengthy philippic to an end with a question. Do you think I am right...or am I just needlessly afraid of imaginary demons?
Thank you, Robert...well said, my friend.
And may God bless America
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