I have both heard and read lately a lot of rhetoric from all "sides" concerning the issue of illegal aliens in our nation. Some people believe illegal aliens should be rounded up and "sent back" forthwith, while other believe that the various federal agencies involved, and the justice system, should exam each illegal alien that is detained should face a hearing so that whether an alien is allowed to remain in the United States is determined on a case-by-case basis. Still others believe that there should be no such thing as an "illegal alien" in the American vocabulary, and that anyone who successfully sneaks into the country or remains in the country illegally, such as a person with an expired visa, should be allowed to remain in the country. Further, some people believe that all illegal aliens in this country should get all manner of "free" benefits. Many of these people believe that there should be no requirement for these aliens to prove that they have found gainful employment (ergo, these illegal aliens would never lose their free benefits).
Some of the things I have heard (and been rather offended by, to be frank) are that anyone who does not want to not only grant "amnesty" to these people, but who does want their taxes to go toward benefits for these illegal aliens are just downright UN-compassionate and UN-American. Maybe I should even add UN-Christian, too, because so many people use passages from the Bible to pound the heads of Americans who do not want to spend taxes this way. Incidentally, I am sure many of these Bible-pounding liberals are the same folks who are so loudly yelling for the "separation of Church and State." You know, the ones who do not want the Ten Commandments displayed at courthouses, don't want prayers in school, and do not want children to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of the school day.
I have sat around in angry silence for years, watching illegal aliens from all over the world come into the United States and get on that great "gravy train" collecting benefits for themselves and their children that you or me, as citizens by birth, are not only not entitled to, but for which we must pay, or face prison time. I have sat around in angry silence, not saying anything at all, while more "enlightened" people have reviled common citizens, you and me...my friends, who believe that a person should work to earn his or her keep, who believe in helping a person who is down on his luck, but who also believe that once a person is back on his feet that person is once again able to care for himself and pay his fair share. You and I are reviled because we do not believe in a system of permanent handouts. We are reviled because we expect persons who are receiving "entitlements" to eventually become productive citizens. We are reviled because we are upset that so much of our hard-earned money goes to fund such welfare programs. We are reviled because we want our borders secured, and a system in place to allow persons seeking citizenship to obtain such in a reasonably expedient manner, but in a LEGAL manner.
Yesterday I saw, in easy-to-understand terms, the comparison of a law abiding citizen's wages, and the "disposal" of those wages, and the wages of those who are in this country illegally, thus who are not paying any taxes (other than sales tax, which LEGAL citizens pay as well!). It appears to me that a person who is making $30 an hour actually takes home LESS than an illegal alien (I refuse to use the more politically correct "undocumented alien," because the alien would not be undocumented if he were here legally) because the illegal alien who works "under the table" or "off the books" does not have social security and federal taxes deducted from his wages. By the time all of a "working person's" expenses and taxes are paid (taxes which in part pay for the illegal alien's benefits) the legal worker keeps just over ten percent of his wages, while the illegal alien, who is receiving thousands of dollars of "free" benefits each year, keeps over eighty percent of his pay.
I may be accused of being an uncompassionate, bigoted, uncaring, non-Christian by the world. So what? I refuse to sit quietly in my little corner any longer while our taxes are frittered away on relief programs for those who are here illegally. I will no longer sit still while illegal aliens and others live high on the hog while our soldiers are never sure from day to day if the benefits they were promised by senators and congressmen will be suddenly stripped away, yet "entitlements" continue unabated to illegal aliens. I will now be holding my political representatives responsible for their votes on benefits to illegal aliens. I will hold these same people responsible for any cuts to benefits for soldiers and veterans. I am NOT opposed to cuts in the military weapons budget, cuts in funds for use in the various unconstitutional and undeclared wars around the world, and cuts in black funds for illegal espionage in the United States and for illegal murders abroad. I am bigoted? If that means I want our soldiers and veterans cared for FIRST, then I AM GUILTY!
I may be accused of being an uncompassionate, bigoted, uncaring, non-Christian by the world. So what? I am a taxpaying citizen of this nation, given that status by birth. I am proud to be an American. Other people born in other nations have the right to have just as much pride in their own nations. I am not saying I am any better than anyone just because I am an American; I am saying that I am DAMNED PROUD to be an American. Were you born in France? Be damned glad to be a Frenchman. But as an American...as a TAX PAYING AMERICAN, I am no longer going to sit quietly by the way as my tax dollars are being squandered both on useless, endless wars on nouns such as "terrorism" and on paying benefits to illegal aliens while Americans, including veterans and our own poor, are placed secondary to those same illegal aliens. By the way, illegal aliens are just as "illegal" whether they cross from south of the border or from the north. And now we know that potential foreign-born terrorists are filtering through both borders while our own Border Patrol is ham-strung at every turn by politicians and even its parent agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). I want our tax dollars to be used here in America on American problems. That is why I will begin holding our politicians responsible for the debacle at our borders.
I am in fact compassionate and caring, but about Americans FIRST, as other nations should care about their own citizens first. I hope you will join me in taking what for some would be the unheard of step of sending letters and emails to their senators and congressmen. We need to make our voices heard now like never before. We have allowed the worst, most arrogant, most lawless man ever to hold the office of President...not once, but twice. This man, Barack Obama, promised his loyal voters (which does not include me) that his would be the most honest, the most open, the most transparent administration in United States history. Instead, not only did he renege on those three most simple promises, he carried on the policies of the previous administration, the same administration he had so viciously denounced during his campaign prior to the 2008 elections. And if that is not enough, his citizenship, even his very identity, are not completely vetted. Yet instead of being impeached and removed from office early on, he was re-elected to carry on, and do even worse for this nation during his second term. I intend to become a bug in my elected officials ears concerning this most un-American and un-patriotic Commander In Chief this nation has ever seen.
If any of the above makes me an uncompassionate, bigoted, uncaring, non-Christian, than I will wear that label proudly. Illegal aliens, so welcomed by the President and so many of his supporters, are by definition, criminals. As such, they ARE NOT entitled to the many benefits that you and I, Americans and taxpayers, are providing to them by the force of the very government we elect and empower. Instead, illegal aliens need to be captured and returned to their home nations - that is one tax expense I am willing to bear. Another burden I am willing to bear is the taxes necessary to take care of our soldiers and veterans for life. We PROMISED them...and we DID NOT promise to provide permanent care for those who are here illegally. So I will continue to pay my taxes, but I will also continue to oppose this most loathsome tax, the tax we pay to support those who are not supposed to be in this nation at all, while we, Americans, cannot get the same benefits those in power seem so eager to bestow - WITH OUR MONEY, NOT THEIRS- on those here illegally.
God bless America
God bless Texas
Some of the things I have heard (and been rather offended by, to be frank) are that anyone who does not want to not only grant "amnesty" to these people, but who does want their taxes to go toward benefits for these illegal aliens are just downright UN-compassionate and UN-American. Maybe I should even add UN-Christian, too, because so many people use passages from the Bible to pound the heads of Americans who do not want to spend taxes this way. Incidentally, I am sure many of these Bible-pounding liberals are the same folks who are so loudly yelling for the "separation of Church and State." You know, the ones who do not want the Ten Commandments displayed at courthouses, don't want prayers in school, and do not want children to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of the school day.
I have sat around in angry silence for years, watching illegal aliens from all over the world come into the United States and get on that great "gravy train" collecting benefits for themselves and their children that you or me, as citizens by birth, are not only not entitled to, but for which we must pay, or face prison time. I have sat around in angry silence, not saying anything at all, while more "enlightened" people have reviled common citizens, you and me...my friends, who believe that a person should work to earn his or her keep, who believe in helping a person who is down on his luck, but who also believe that once a person is back on his feet that person is once again able to care for himself and pay his fair share. You and I are reviled because we do not believe in a system of permanent handouts. We are reviled because we expect persons who are receiving "entitlements" to eventually become productive citizens. We are reviled because we are upset that so much of our hard-earned money goes to fund such welfare programs. We are reviled because we want our borders secured, and a system in place to allow persons seeking citizenship to obtain such in a reasonably expedient manner, but in a LEGAL manner.
Yesterday I saw, in easy-to-understand terms, the comparison of a law abiding citizen's wages, and the "disposal" of those wages, and the wages of those who are in this country illegally, thus who are not paying any taxes (other than sales tax, which LEGAL citizens pay as well!). It appears to me that a person who is making $30 an hour actually takes home LESS than an illegal alien (I refuse to use the more politically correct "undocumented alien," because the alien would not be undocumented if he were here legally) because the illegal alien who works "under the table" or "off the books" does not have social security and federal taxes deducted from his wages. By the time all of a "working person's" expenses and taxes are paid (taxes which in part pay for the illegal alien's benefits) the legal worker keeps just over ten percent of his wages, while the illegal alien, who is receiving thousands of dollars of "free" benefits each year, keeps over eighty percent of his pay.
I may be accused of being an uncompassionate, bigoted, uncaring, non-Christian by the world. So what? I refuse to sit quietly in my little corner any longer while our taxes are frittered away on relief programs for those who are here illegally. I will no longer sit still while illegal aliens and others live high on the hog while our soldiers are never sure from day to day if the benefits they were promised by senators and congressmen will be suddenly stripped away, yet "entitlements" continue unabated to illegal aliens. I will now be holding my political representatives responsible for their votes on benefits to illegal aliens. I will hold these same people responsible for any cuts to benefits for soldiers and veterans. I am NOT opposed to cuts in the military weapons budget, cuts in funds for use in the various unconstitutional and undeclared wars around the world, and cuts in black funds for illegal espionage in the United States and for illegal murders abroad. I am bigoted? If that means I want our soldiers and veterans cared for FIRST, then I AM GUILTY!
I may be accused of being an uncompassionate, bigoted, uncaring, non-Christian by the world. So what? I am a taxpaying citizen of this nation, given that status by birth. I am proud to be an American. Other people born in other nations have the right to have just as much pride in their own nations. I am not saying I am any better than anyone just because I am an American; I am saying that I am DAMNED PROUD to be an American. Were you born in France? Be damned glad to be a Frenchman. But as an American...as a TAX PAYING AMERICAN, I am no longer going to sit quietly by the way as my tax dollars are being squandered both on useless, endless wars on nouns such as "terrorism" and on paying benefits to illegal aliens while Americans, including veterans and our own poor, are placed secondary to those same illegal aliens. By the way, illegal aliens are just as "illegal" whether they cross from south of the border or from the north. And now we know that potential foreign-born terrorists are filtering through both borders while our own Border Patrol is ham-strung at every turn by politicians and even its parent agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). I want our tax dollars to be used here in America on American problems. That is why I will begin holding our politicians responsible for the debacle at our borders.
I am in fact compassionate and caring, but about Americans FIRST, as other nations should care about their own citizens first. I hope you will join me in taking what for some would be the unheard of step of sending letters and emails to their senators and congressmen. We need to make our voices heard now like never before. We have allowed the worst, most arrogant, most lawless man ever to hold the office of President...not once, but twice. This man, Barack Obama, promised his loyal voters (which does not include me) that his would be the most honest, the most open, the most transparent administration in United States history. Instead, not only did he renege on those three most simple promises, he carried on the policies of the previous administration, the same administration he had so viciously denounced during his campaign prior to the 2008 elections. And if that is not enough, his citizenship, even his very identity, are not completely vetted. Yet instead of being impeached and removed from office early on, he was re-elected to carry on, and do even worse for this nation during his second term. I intend to become a bug in my elected officials ears concerning this most un-American and un-patriotic Commander In Chief this nation has ever seen.
If any of the above makes me an uncompassionate, bigoted, uncaring, non-Christian, than I will wear that label proudly. Illegal aliens, so welcomed by the President and so many of his supporters, are by definition, criminals. As such, they ARE NOT entitled to the many benefits that you and I, Americans and taxpayers, are providing to them by the force of the very government we elect and empower. Instead, illegal aliens need to be captured and returned to their home nations - that is one tax expense I am willing to bear. Another burden I am willing to bear is the taxes necessary to take care of our soldiers and veterans for life. We PROMISED them...and we DID NOT promise to provide permanent care for those who are here illegally. So I will continue to pay my taxes, but I will also continue to oppose this most loathsome tax, the tax we pay to support those who are not supposed to be in this nation at all, while we, Americans, cannot get the same benefits those in power seem so eager to bestow - WITH OUR MONEY, NOT THEIRS- on those here illegally.
God bless America
God bless Texas
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