I think back to the Watergate Scandal during the Nixon Administration in 1974. President Nixon's misconduct was not tolerated, and Mr. Nixon became the first president in the history of the nation to resign from office. Of course he did so just before the impeachment proceedings started. It was good that he resigned, as there was little doubt of his complicity in the Watergate affair. So Nixon resigned. Several of his minions went to prison. And the kindly, well-meaning Gerald Ford filled the presidential office until the next election.
After the ineffective Carter Administration, Ronald Reagan was elected. Whether one supported him or not, there is no denying that he brought respect and prestige back to this nation, which had suffered its deepest humiliation under President Carter. But.....then there was that pesky thing called the Iran-Contra Affair. Once again, the media was outraged. Politicians called for the heads of those responsible, and got them. Only Reagan himself came out relatively unscathed.
Now we have been through over four years of the Obama Fiasco, I mean...Presidency, with no end in sight except the saving grace that a president can only serve two terms. But I have heard very little "head calling" of late. Attorney General Holder seems to have avoided the political guillotine for the Fast and Furious deaths. Secretary of State Clinton seems to have suffered very little for her role in the Benghazi Attack cover-up. Ms. Lerner...same. And one participant, Victoria Nuland, a press secretary, is now up for promotion to Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs. This appointment is directly from Mr. Obama, apparently in recognition for Ms. Nuland's key suggestion to doctor emails and documents concerning the Benghazi Attacks before these items were released.
As to President Obama himself, I cannot believe he still holds the highest and most powerful office in this land. Remember that Nixon faced inevitable impeachment and removal (two separate things, by the way) for his role in "approving" the Watergate burglaries. There was little evidence that he actually planned the operation, though that is certainly not a big step from approving it. Anyway, Nixon saw what was coming and resigned. Now, President Obama has done just a tad worse than either order or approve a burglary of his political opponent's hotel room. In fact, President Obama has made it plain through his own speeches, his own executive orders, and the speeches of his underlings, that he has the power to determine when an American citizen can be summarily executed without due process, President Obama has in fact murdered two Americans by dronicide. He and Mr. Holder have made it plain that Sir President has this power and can use it ON AMERICAN SOIL if he so desires. This is called murder, but the calls for presidential impeachment are remarkably quiet. Break into a hotel for political gain - face impeachment. Murder two people, and threaten the same for the entire nation - silence.
Like I said, the saving grace for America is that Obama can only serve two terms. But wait...CAN he serve ONLY two terms? He has enjoyed remarkable power courtesy of President Bush II and the War On Terror (WOT). Mr. Obama has defied the Constitution as to our right to due process and the fact that we are innocent until tried in court and proven guilty. Is it that much of a stretch for His Highness Obama to decide that, due to the WOT, it would serve national security interest for him to occupy that highest office until the WOT is concluded? Not really... And when WILL the WOT reach a conclusion? After all, a new terrorist is created every day.
I would not be very surprised if President Obama should one day assert his right to remain in the White House beyond 2016, what with the WOT going on and all. So, my friends, belay that impeachment.
God Bless America
In light of the most tyrannical presidency in United States history, I have seen political cartoons and observed people wearing T-shirts that ask "Do You Miss Bush Yet?"
No, I do not miss Bush II yet....and I will tell you why in an upcoming blog.
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