In my previous blog I wrote about President Obama and his minions, and the lack of a loud and consistent demand for their impeachment and removal from office where applicable, and their firing or resignation when impeachment does not apply. I ended my little diatribe with the observation that I had read cartoons and T-shirts bearing the slogan, "Do You Miss President Bush Yet?" or "NOW Do You Miss Bush?". And my answer is...NO, I DO NOT miss President G. W. Bush or "Bush II."
One reason I do not miss President Bush is that he led this nation into a second war with Iraq. The first Iraq War, initiated by George H.W. Bush, was maybe semi-justified by the stated goal of forcing Saddam Hussein out of the dictatorship, although I do not believe it is this nation's responsibility to make or break the leadership of other nations. Regardless, Bush II forced the United States into a second war with Iraq, which was still under Hussein's control at the time. The pretext for this war was that Saddam Hussein was in league with Osama, Son of Laden, and that Hussein had partially funded the 9/11 Attacks. There was never any real evidence offered concerning Hussein's involvement, and even if he was involved up to his eyeballs, the people of Iraq were NOT involved. Saddam Hussein, after all, kept rein over his subjects by terror and oppression, not by being a leader elected "by the people." For that matter, there was precious little evidence that Osama bin Laden himself had anything to do with the 9/11 Attacks. In fact, as the years have passed and more evidence has come to light, there is precious little evidence to support the belief that ANY Arab terrorists were involved in the 9/11 attacks, but that is another blog.
The second reason I do not miss "Dubbya" Bush is much more fundamental to very core of this nation, the United States of America. You see, immediately after that terrible day in New York, after the deaths of over a hundred people in the Pentagon, and after a jet had been shot down over Pennsylvania, a bill called "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism" was thrust onto the floors of Congress. An immediate vote was demanded and this bill, outrageously nicknamed the "Patriot Act" and given the sickening acronym "USA PATRIOT" (outrageous and sickening due to the contents of the Act), was passed into law. This most tyrannical law ever passed was approved by a Congress that was neither allowed time to read the bill (which consisted of over three thousand pages) nor given the freedom to vote against it. The fact that it was the "Patriot Act" should have been sufficient grounds for Congressional approval. But, in case anyone WANTED to vote against it, there were plenty of Bush minions around to sound the cry of "un-American" or "lack of patriotism" loudly to the media. No senator or representative could stand this kind of pressure. In fact, of four hundred odd Congressmen, only 66 voted against this bill. Only ONE senator voted against the bill, this being Senator Feingold of Wisconsin. Senator Feingold correctly pointed out that this terrible bill did not so much fight terrorism as it was an attack on AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTY. Said Feingold, “It was a difficult thing. And I could kind of see, like the late Bob Novak said, it included an old wishlist of the FBI. Things that didn’t have to do with terrorism. Like going after people’s library records, who had done absolutely nothing wrong." In other words, Senator Feingold (a Democrat, by the way) already knew that the FBI and other agencies had been after these new powers for some time. Again, USA PATRIOT had nothing to do with terrorism, and everything to do with stronger government control.
The third reason I do not miss Bush II is that he instigated the War On Terror (WOT) though there were no clear objectives and no way to clearly determine when (AND IF) the WOT would ever end. Since the WOT started, we have seen terrorists spirited away to prisons, mostly not located on American shores, never to see the light of day again. And these are the ones we KNOW about. Under USA PATRIOT, we can never know for certain how many people, including American citizens, have been arrested and sent away to Gitmo or wherever they are sent. Since the United States has "declared war" on terror, it is conceivable that anyone arrested for anything remotely related to terrorism could vanish. And no, you are not entitled to a phone call under USA PATRIOT, nor does Miranda apply. So the WOT has raged on since 2002, and no end in sight, as far as President Bush II was concerned. A ray of hope glimmered briefly with the election of Barack Obama, whose election platform included the "plank" that he would end the WOT as soon as he took office. That did not happen, and the WOT goes on. Besides the obvious and tragic loss of life and loss of economic resources, the endless WOT also justifies the government in declaring martial law whenever it deems fit to do so. We saw a glimmer of what this was like in the search for the Boston terrorists; I can only imagine what it would be like on a nationwide scale, but the potential is there, my friends, as well as the legal authority, as spelled out in USA PATRIOT.
The final reason I do not miss President Bush is, as I said earlier, the subject of another blog. Actually it is the subject of much research, many reports, many books and articles, and even a few movies. There is ample evidence now to dispel any reasonable belief that the "terrorists" responsible for these attacks were Muslim extremists. If you want to call me a "Truther" go ahead. I like that label much better than "Liar" anyway. By now, the many reviews of film clips, of the damage to the Pentagon, of the sudden and most unusual disposal of the "crime scene" at Ground Zero, the way the twin towers fell, the unexplainable destruction of Building 7, which was not hit by either plane, nor severely or even moderately damaged by the fall of the towers, as well as much other evidence, tends to disprove the "terrorists armed with box-cutters" version of what happened that day, and points a damning finger at terrorists who were not Muslim at all, but who were extremists of another ilk. These were power-hungry extremists who accomplished their goal of effectively curtailing our constitutional rights. You are entitled to believe anything you want about 9/11, starting with "our government WOULD NEVER do this to the American people!" I felt that very same way on September 12, 2001. But my own research has brought much reasonable doubt to this assumption, this belief, this desire to be a good American and support our leaders. Again, these matters are too numerous to list in detail here, but you certainly can find all you need to know on the Internet and in books dealing with 9/11. I hope you will do some research for yourself before labelling me a "Truther" or just a plain "lunatic," but that is your call.
So, while I do not support Obama and I call for his immediate impeachment and removal from office, as well as his trial for murder, I also call for a genuine investigation into President Bush's role in the 9/11 attacks and his role in curtailing our freedom. Certainly, by the way, President Bush, if he did have a role in the 9/11 attacks, should be held accountable for the murder of all those good Americans, and the citizens of the other nations as well, who died on that terrible day.
Do YOU miss President Bush? Not me.
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