Sunday, January 20, 2013

Life Changes Are Tough

That seems like such a simplistic title, but it is the truth in a nutshell.  We all want stability and safety, love and security, in our lives.  And for the most part we have it.  But the truth is that life as we know it can change on a dime!  Sometimes the changes are foreshadowed by our deeds or the deeds of others in our lives.  Other times we are totally and completely blindsided by whatever life or Fate has to throw at us on a given day.  Sometimes changes are good.  Sometimes they are bad.  Sometimes life changes are really UGLY!  Sometimes they are tragic almost beyond endurance.

The New Year brought with it a change of jobs for me, and changes for my wife as well.  These changes are taking us in two different directions, and honestly that SCARES me.  But should it?  Change is what we make of it...nothing more.  We as humans fear the unknown, many times choosing to stay in an a zone of "uncomfort" rather than daring to risk the unknown that change might...I mean...WILL bring.  Humans are, after all, amazingly good at adapting to change, whether the change is temporary or permanent.  And the other truth is that Life goes on.  I know that is a trite and so overused cliche, but it is true, nonetheless.

I have spent the last few months in a position at work where I saw someone's life change everyday.  Sometimes the change was sudden and tragic.  Death struck where there was no hint of illness or weakness.  And I saw happy endings every day as well.  Someone who "should have died" due to some serious injury or accident is spared by a weird quirk of Fate.  In my new capacity, I will have less "hands on" contact with these situations.  I have to admit that I will miss the daily emotional roller coaster that I was on as a heath care security officer, but the benefits of the new job made it an "offer I could not refuse."  And I will not be all that far from the action, anyway.

At the same time, my lovely bride is facing some changes of her own that will no doubt have a deep impact on "life as we knew it."  Career advances, teaching opportunities, further collegiate pursuits are all on the horizon.  Yes, she is facing these changes with some apprehension, but, being the strong lady she is, with strength and courage as well.  We are both exiting the zone of our comfort (both the good and the bad aspects of that comfort) facing these changes and challenges head on.  What will be the outcome?   Who can say?  But one of the outcomes at that we will both grow as people.  Neither one of us will stagnate, but we will continue to live and embrace life, and the changes it brings.

All I can offer to others are these words of encouragement, which I offer to myself as well.  Embrace changes in your life, do not fear them.  At least, do not let that fear paralyze you.  Move forward and accept the good...and the bad.  I know from life, as do we all, that many times what at first appears to be a tragic and "bad" change has actually worked out for the better in the long run.  I think I heard that idea before, come to think of it.  Words from an ancient time that are true today.  The Good Shepherd said that all things work together for the good.  We humans sometimes fail to see the good because we see things in the short term.  Does it benefit me now?  No...then it is bad.  Yes...then it is good.  Right?  The truth is that only in the light of time and experience will we really know if a change that seems to utterly traumatic, for whatever reason, is really a springboard to unforeseen fortune or blessings.  So, changes are coming for you and for me.  How we choose to cope with these changes is what really matters.


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