Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, and oh, yeah... A Presidential Inauguration

Today was the big day.  No...not the inauguration of the president.  It was my brother's birthday and my nephew's birthday.  Both of these events far overshadowed Inauguration Day.  President Obama won the 2012 Election by a little over two percentage points of the popular vote.  Hardly a landslide.  Of the electoral college, the President did win the decisive victory there.  I reserve my comments on the Elector College for another post.

Today I wished my brother and my nephew a happy birthday each, and I wished that Obama would get off the television.  One reason that these events overshadowed Mr. Obama's celebration is that I am a member of the millions of disenfranchised voters who must suffer through yet another four years of the presidency of the most unpatriotic, most despotic, most tyrannic person ever to hold the office.  President Obama, like his predecessor, flaunted the Constitution and consolidated his power through the injudicious use of executive orders (which I do not believe to be constitutional, but that too is another story).  But Obama took his excesses to heights only imagined by Dubbya.

President Obama, for instance, let it be known in no uncertain terms that it was his right, as President, to decide whom to kill and when, through the deployment of drone aircraft, both in nations with whom we are "at war," and in nations whose sovereign territory the President has simply taken it upon himself to violate.  Mr. Bush II would have never gotten away with this in his administration.  With President Obama assuming such power, I cannot believe that more Americans were not outraged to the point of voting this tyrrant out of office.  I cannot believe that these Obama idolizers refuse to see that such a President as this could easily "executive order" a dronicide on any person, including ANY AMERICAN, that he so chose at any whim.  The drone wars will continue...and I suspect they will escalate to the point of occurring within our very national borders.  Paranoid?  I hope so.  I hope I am wrong.  But all I can do is HOPE.  Neither I, nor ANYONE IN AMERICA, could defend against such a drone attack.

President Obama TURNED HIS BACK ON OUR FLAG at every opportunity!!!! Did his idolizers MISS THIS???  There are only TWO conclusions to be drawn.  One, the people that re-elected this man to office are ignorant, or, two, they simply DO NOT CARE.  Meaning that they do not find it offensive to the point of odious that the President of the United States does not hold the symbols of this nation, the prize bought for us by those who lost their lives - and those who survived as well - the battles of the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the War Between the States, World Wars I and II, and the countless "police actions" our soldiers have fought, and still fight today, as sacred.  Obama PROMISED to end the fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq...remember?  But four years later our troops still fight.  They still fight at the behest of the man who all but spits on their graves, the man who thumbs his nose at our Constitution and turns his back on Old Glory.  Happy Inauguration to those who want this man for their Leader.

President Obama deserved no such office.  Those who re-elected him do, however, deserve all he does for them (and to them).  Unfortunately, the irrational action of only 53 percent of voters (8.5 percent known illegal aliens, by the way) does not just effect THOSE voters.  ALL of US are at this man's mercy, of which he seems to have precious little.  The election is over.  I understand that.  Mr. Obama is our President now, and life goes on.  But his inauguration was certainly not a point of celebration for me.  I will not allow this man to ruin the next four years for me.  But I will also do what I can personally to influence my politicians to stand against most of Obama's policies. 

By the way, those of you who know me also know that I was not a fan of President Bush II.  Mr. Bush signed into law the USA PATRIOT Act, the most unconstitutional law ever.  If you look back into the political archives, you will find that one Senator Obama was against USA PATRIOT.  But four years later, the same Senator Obama voted for the extension of that act.  And now, as President, Obama continues to champion USA PATRIOT.  But he has gone further.  Through the use of his executive orders and his "power as President" he has become the Tyrant In Chief and the greatest usurper of the United States Constitution ever.  And now, in 2013, Mr. Obama (as he has let us know in no uncertain terms) is intent on turning over this nation and its people to the rule of the United Nations.  If you think I am exaggerating, please simply research for yourself Obama's statements made during the past four years.

I am disenfranchised, as are at least forty-nine million others.  But I, like these many other Americans, will continue to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.  We will continue to live as free people in a free nation.  I know there will be unacceptable policies thrust on us during the coming years of the second Obama Administration.  But I, along with millions of Americans across the land, will hold on, will cherish our freedom, and will someday elect a person who once again will be a true defender of our Constitution and a true Patriot of this great nation.

By the way, and WAY MORE IMPORTANTLY that the President's Inauguration....Happy Birthday to my Brother and my little Nephew!!!!

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