On surfing the web this morning, I came across some rather grim information about an issue that just does not die, no matter how the people here in Texas oppose it. I am talking about the Trans-Texas Corridor, that super highway of super highways that will do many things for Texas, though hardly anything positive. I warn you, my Texas friends, this project is alive and well, if not talked about as much. Or should I say, as LOUDLY = in public, in transparency, etc.
But Mr. Perry is still governor. Many voters do not want support term limits because, as I believe myself, they want to be free to vote for whomever they choose. The problem is that, since so few of these people who want to be "free to vote" DO NOT VOTE. Thus, career crim...oops, typo...I mean career politicians remain in office at the whim of the 10% to 20% of the people who actually did show up to vote. But I digress...
It is true that the planned huge Trans-Texas Superhighway Corridor is (at the moment) in a dormant state. Yet, all over Texas, construction segments of other highways, part of various "international trade corridors" continue quietly (designated routes such as La Entrada and Ports to Plains) under construction, even though Texas is at the moment in its worst fiscal shape in history.
With the continuing road construction, it is clear that there is still an intent that these trade routes eventually be completed. Construction, for instance, continues in the Rio Grande Valley and along the I-35 Corridor in Central Texas. The people, and the powers behind these gigantic projects, have never rested. Neither should you and I, who will be burdened with the tax bill to pay for these superhighways that we do not want and do not need. There is growing traffic congestion, that is true. But as we have learned from the endless construction in Dallas, Houston, Austin, and even smaller areas such as Waco, "if you build it, they will come." I mean that if roads are continually expanded, capacity on these roads is continually reached. The free-trade laws (NAFTA) will only cause more congestion, as well as open the way for more unsafe commercial vehicles, and allow many un-inspected vehicles to enter this nation, thus having nationwide access, as well as free travel into Canada. Un-inspected trucks mean, at best unsafe vehicles or cargo, and at worst, fugitives, drugs, and weapons of mass destruction, I mean bombs, smuggled into the United States.
That is one issue. Another, coinciding issue is the "ceding" of sovereign United States territory (one example is right in the heart of Kansas City, Kansas) for use as headquarters by the other two nations involved in the very anti-Democratic and mostly unwanted NAFTA pact. As other headquarters facilities are needed, you can be sure that the necessary acreage will be eminently domained right off of someone's front yard, maybe yours, maybe mine. Another part of this unconstitutional parlaying of land is the growing demand to make Big Bend National Park into an "international park" that would include the Mexican side of that area. That would be a great change, a benefit to all Texans. Right! The violence that is out of control on the Mexican side would continue unabated. But with a free crossing point located in the area, the violence would soon enough spread to Texas. And, there is already enough violence along our side of the border. People living along the Texas border have long been targets of murder, assault, and theft at the hands of illegal aliens. With increased border crossing, and little to no increased security, things can only get worse.
I have not updated myself recently on the true extent that the plans for these superhighways, or Trade Corridors, are moving forward. But, with just a little research I was able to learn that that terrible threat to our freedom, known as the North American Union, is still VERY MUCH ALIVE AND WELL. For those of you who do not favor term-limits, just remember that it is much easier to move forward with these plans when the right payees...I mean, politicians and bureaucrats, are kept in office, not on their merits nor at the will of the few people voting, but simply because their terms have not expired. When the payoffs...sorry, I mean contributions, PAC donations, corporate and international political pressures come to bear on state and local politicians, the will of the people is no longer represented. This statement is easily verified by simply walking into a mall, a restaurant, or even a bar, and simply asking those who DO support NAFTA, the Trans-Texas Corridor, and the possibility of the North American Union to raise their hands. You will find little to no support for any of these things.
But my friends, there is MUCH support, no much LOUD DEMAND for these things. Those who stand to profit from the North American Union, from the Trans-Texas Corridor, let me assure you, are and have been screaming at their political counterparts (I had to respectfully resist the term "puppets") ever since Texans made it know to THREE-TERM Governor Rick Perry that WE DO NOT WANT THE SUPERHIGHWAY, and we ESPECIALLY DO NOT WANT THIS CANCER KNOWN AS THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION. Let me be clear (sounds like a certain president, no?) that the Trans-Texas Corridor is not dead. It is not even floundering, really. It is just waiting for you and I to turn our backs on the shadow powers and let them do their dirty work.
Like the people in Andrews, Texas have learned, just because someone tells you how great this facility or that development will be, the truth is not always clear until it is too late. We, TEXANS, have not lost the Trans-Corridor war yet, not by a long shot. But sleeping now could be costly. That is why I wanted to remind us, the Trans-Texas Corridor IS NOT DEAD!
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