My friends, I would like to take a leave from my usual local and national political rants to present something truly alarming, truly outrageous, and truly tyrannical beyond any degree ever imagined by Hitler and the ilk. I am talking about the Global Green Fund, that I will call by its true namely purpose, the Global Green Tax.
Like many people over the years, I have poo pooed the "alarmists" who have been telling us for decades that a "global" government would arise, and nations such as the United States, land of freedom, would cease to exist. I, for one, have always believed that our leaders (national) would always honor the United States Constitution, and by definition, would always work to protect this nation and the freedoms we have. Remember, these freedoms are granted by God (or the Creator) according to our own Declaration of Independence. In other words, the "Government" does not grant, nor has it ever granted, our civil rights. Conversely, the "Government," our government, which is in reality only a body of us (we the People), cannot take away our civil rights for the reason that the government did not grant us our rights in the first place.
I am sure that there have been earlier precedents of loss of civil rights, but the first act of the government actually taking away our rights that really registered with me was the USA PATRIOT Act, passed by a scared and vulnerable Congress shortly after the 9/11 attacks. Since then, we citizens have stood by as more and more of our civil liberties have been diminished. At the same time as our own government is stripping away our civil rights and liberties, our rights are being lost on a global scale as well. The identities of those stripping these rights are sometimes shadowy, sometimes not. The power BEHIND these people is almost always shady and not "transparent."
I am most concerned with what is happening or has happened in Cancun, Mexico at the meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Sidebar: I noticed that, in spite of all the violence in Mexico, in spite of the weakness of the police and military, in spite of the strength of the drug cartels visible all over Mexico, and in spite of all the inviting political targets at this convention, there was absolutely no violence directed at this convention or its members. End of Sidebar
One of the items proposed at this convention, and probably proposed many times before, but this time actually covered in several mainstream news outlets, is so alarming and so tyrannical in its implication, that I am shocked that there is not already a national, and an international outcry demanding an immediate halt to this convention and these negotiations. The item: a tax levied against all homeowners, and probably to include anyone who files an income tax. The tax will be levied by some sub-entity of the United Nations, and will be called a Global Green Fund or similar name. An example of this tax was provided at the Cancun convention: Nicholas Stern, Baron Brentford and professor of economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science proposed that every single household in Great Britain pay a tax of L600, which is nearly $2000. This annual tax is to be calculated in addition to income tax. It was to apply to homeowners, but that could easily change, and most likely would. No doubt there would be exemptions, but these would not apply to lowly working class people. Baron Brentford would have his proposed tax serve as a model for all other "developed" nations. The purpose of the tax is stated to be to provide funds to help "developing" nations fund their programs to "combat climate change." I will not even dignify this concept with further words.
The Global Green Fund is a "world tax" to be levied by the United Nations on the developing nations. That is enough said. There is not further need for debate of any kind. We here in the United States are governed by one law only, that being the Law of the Land, the Constitution of the United States. International taxes, no matter for what noble purpose or what tyranny, are illegal and CANNOT BE RECOGNIZED by our government. That is, unless we sit idly by and LET OUR GOVERNMENT RECOGNIZE it. There have long been those who pleaded with US (the United States) to get out of the United Nations. I have always thought the United Nations was a noble concept, but unworkable in the real world. And, global incident after global incident has proven this. But I have never spoken out against our membership in the UN, except with my two brothers over a late night beer. But this new development should be a jab, an awakening, to each of us. Maybe the time is now to get out of this organization.
But, back to my story...
Whether or not we remain in the United Nations, whether or not various programs are initiated to prevent "climate change" (notice we don't call it "global warming" now. I wonder why?), and no matter what the United Nations might decree, we United States citizens are sovereign, just as are the citizens of other nations. Lest we forget, the United Nations, more so than any national government, exists at the whim of the member nations. So, not only does the United Nations have no legal right to "tax" any sovereign nation, the nations to be "taxed" have the right and the duty to, not only ignore the tax, but to cause the United Nations to cease in its attempts to become "the World Government" instead of a league of governments created to settle disputes and to serve as a focal point for mustering services in international disasters and the like.
I am not making up any of this. The information is all over the Internet,, Instead of being alarmed and outraged, many environmental organizations and other groups and individuals are applauding this tyranny like a bunch of seals at Seaworld clapping their paddles as a nice worker tosses fish to them. And like the fish thrown to the salivating seals, this new push for a Global Green Fund stinks to high heaven. I have never before seen such blatant indications of a coming global government, and may I say a non-benign government. And I can assure you that it will not be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government that will oppress the people and stomp out freedom all over the world. The first step, internationally speaking, is the world acceptance of the Global Green Fund.
I know many of you, particularly those of you who know me personally, will see this post as the most alarming, hysterical, and whatever descriptive hyperbole you can insert, that I have posted to date, and maybe think I am not being rational. But like I said, this is not something out of a conspiracy theory newsletter. It is out there on the Internet for all to see, and those who would force this on the entire world are not shy. They are crowing loudly from convention podiums, websites, and newspapers around the world. This is just the beginning.
Well, I am alarmed, but I have faith in two of the greatest things the world has ever seen: the will of the American people to remain free, and the words of that great document, the Constitution of the United States of America.
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