The government has maintained what it calls an Emergency Law, passed first in 1981 to combat terrorism after former President Anwar el-Sadat was assassinated. The law allows police to arrest people without charge, detain prisoners indefinitely, limit freedom of expression and assembly, and maintain a special security court. In 2010, the government promised that it would only use the law to combat terrorism and drug trafficking, but terrorism was defined so broadly as to render that promise largely meaningless, according to human rights activists and political prisoners.
The above is an excerpt from the New York Times story about the day's uprisings in Egypt. The United States government, through its mouthpiece Clinton and Walker, spent the better part of the day criticizing President Mubarak's failure to "regain control of the Egyptian people," and his poor "record on human rights." Mind you, this is the same president that has been a close United States ally since President Sadat was murdered. Today, however, both Hillary Clinton and Ambassador Walker both hinted, no said outright, that it was time for Mubarak to think about leaving his position and allowing the people to pick a new government. Well, the civil unrest is just one major incident away from civil war. At this very moment President Mubarak is not certain of his military force's loyalty, should civil war break out.
What happens in Egypt remains to be seen. The thing I wanted to point out were the items listed by various reporters and summed up in the New York Times report as the "causes" of unrest. Of course the latest and greatest cause appears to be Mubarak's decision to close the Internet to the Egyptian people. But some other causes bear a quick look as well.
We can gather from the press report that the people in Egypt are violently confronting the government because President Mubarak established secret military courts, the arrest of "terrorists" without warrant, detention of such prisoners indefinitely and without lodging criminal charges, limiting freedom of speech and communication, and searches without warrant. Does this not sound like the very guts of our own US PATRIOT Act? Think about it. And think about those Egyptians, who without the aid of the greatest document ever written by humans, the United States Constitution, are willing to stand up their government and demand their rights. I just wonder if you and I would be willing to do the same?
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
A New Landmark in Denmark: A New Power-Plant will Double as a Ski Slope
While surfing the Net I came across this interesting spectacle about to be created in near Copenhagen, Denmark. It sounds like a great idea, although I am sure it would never come to fruition here in the United States due to liability problems.
It seems that a new Power-Heat plant, being built to replace older furnaces, will incorporate an artificial ski slope in the design of the generators. This artificial ski slope will allow, obviously, downhill skiing and other winter fun. But plans also call for the slope to be used all year as a recreation area. Denmark, being a relatively flat country, will now have a highly visible geographical feature. It is certainly a refreshing idea that a large facility like this could be enjoyed by the general public, and that the "ugly" industrial installations could be concealed under this artificial landscape. I applaud BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group, the construction firm awarded this contract, for their original concept.
One of the great things, for me, of doing this blog is seeing the location of the readers. Several people have logged on from points outside the United States of America. Seeing a list of these other nations served as a prompt to urge me to learn a little more about these areas. Denmark, for instance, for me was more or less a location on the map. As a fairly un-well to do person I never thought that I would travel to Denmark, among the many other places I probably will not see in my lifetime. Nevertheless, it is very entertaining and educational to read about these places and view the various photographs and videos available. I certainly did not expect to come across this tidbit about the artificial ski slope.
Denmark, of course, is a fixture of European history from long ago, as well as a source of many legends passed down to us in folklore and fairytales. There is much military and religious history in this nation. Of course, the facts and folklore of the Vikings hold much interest for people everywhere. I would love to visit Denmark, walk the streets of Copenhagen, as well as see sights off the beaten tourist track.
In my list of things to do, I have always included a tour of Europe at some point, although that point seems ever further in the mists. But I think now I would add Denmark to a list of stopping points on that tour. Who knows? By the time the Power-Heat Plant/Ski Slope is finished, I may be there standing at the bottom and gazing in awe, with the other tourists, at this strange and promising new landmark. I suppose it will tower over the landscape and call to travelers, much the same way as Midland (the tall city) rises out of the prairie scrub and beckons to travelers crossing the flat lands and deserts of Texas on their way to points unknown.
It seems that a new Power-Heat plant, being built to replace older furnaces, will incorporate an artificial ski slope in the design of the generators. This artificial ski slope will allow, obviously, downhill skiing and other winter fun. But plans also call for the slope to be used all year as a recreation area. Denmark, being a relatively flat country, will now have a highly visible geographical feature. It is certainly a refreshing idea that a large facility like this could be enjoyed by the general public, and that the "ugly" industrial installations could be concealed under this artificial landscape. I applaud BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group, the construction firm awarded this contract, for their original concept.
One of the great things, for me, of doing this blog is seeing the location of the readers. Several people have logged on from points outside the United States of America. Seeing a list of these other nations served as a prompt to urge me to learn a little more about these areas. Denmark, for instance, for me was more or less a location on the map. As a fairly un-well to do person I never thought that I would travel to Denmark, among the many other places I probably will not see in my lifetime. Nevertheless, it is very entertaining and educational to read about these places and view the various photographs and videos available. I certainly did not expect to come across this tidbit about the artificial ski slope.
Denmark, of course, is a fixture of European history from long ago, as well as a source of many legends passed down to us in folklore and fairytales. There is much military and religious history in this nation. Of course, the facts and folklore of the Vikings hold much interest for people everywhere. I would love to visit Denmark, walk the streets of Copenhagen, as well as see sights off the beaten tourist track.
In my list of things to do, I have always included a tour of Europe at some point, although that point seems ever further in the mists. But I think now I would add Denmark to a list of stopping points on that tour. Who knows? By the time the Power-Heat Plant/Ski Slope is finished, I may be there standing at the bottom and gazing in awe, with the other tourists, at this strange and promising new landmark. I suppose it will tower over the landscape and call to travelers, much the same way as Midland (the tall city) rises out of the prairie scrub and beckons to travelers crossing the flat lands and deserts of Texas on their way to points unknown.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
More of the Bailey Black Saga
I was so happy to finally get my first shipment of copies of Bailey Black. But several people have attemped to secure copies of Bailey Black through the usual channels (Barnes and Nobles, and Amazon) have ordered the book, only to have the orders cancelled due to lack of availability. Today when I checked both companies' website, the book was indeed available. But when I tried to purchase the book at Amazon, the Amazon website would said the book was currently not available. Barnes and Nobles says the book is now available on its website. I guess it just depends on the day and the hour one places the order.
In a related situation, at least one person who ordered Bailey Black prior to the publication date, then received the wrong book, has finally received the correct book. In the meantime, I was in contact with my publisher trying to get the situation straightened out. I do not know if the situation is straightened out yet. Only time will tell.
Having the book in my possession leads me to believe that if orders have not been fulfilled, they will be soon. I would like to thank everyone for their support in purchasing my book. I feel like the story was a gift from the Spirit of West Texas, not solely a product of my own creation. Now that the book is out and (supposedly) available, I find that I am a little self-conscious of having the book read by relatives, friends, and strangers, alike. But I told it just like it was given to me on a dark ride through the desert several years ago.
I hope that Bailey Black not only provides some entertainment and escape, but also provokes the reader to see the elusive beauty of West Texas. Yes, there are some ugly spots out here, but there are also some hauntingly beautiful places. And it is all waiting to be discovered by the traveler willing to slow down and bear with the desert until reaching that hidden oasis, finding that waterfall that is only seen immediately after a thunderstorm, or spotting the lone coyote sneaking through the scrubs and sand dunes.
In a related situation, at least one person who ordered Bailey Black prior to the publication date, then received the wrong book, has finally received the correct book. In the meantime, I was in contact with my publisher trying to get the situation straightened out. I do not know if the situation is straightened out yet. Only time will tell.
Having the book in my possession leads me to believe that if orders have not been fulfilled, they will be soon. I would like to thank everyone for their support in purchasing my book. I feel like the story was a gift from the Spirit of West Texas, not solely a product of my own creation. Now that the book is out and (supposedly) available, I find that I am a little self-conscious of having the book read by relatives, friends, and strangers, alike. But I told it just like it was given to me on a dark ride through the desert several years ago.
I hope that Bailey Black not only provides some entertainment and escape, but also provokes the reader to see the elusive beauty of West Texas. Yes, there are some ugly spots out here, but there are also some hauntingly beautiful places. And it is all waiting to be discovered by the traveler willing to slow down and bear with the desert until reaching that hidden oasis, finding that waterfall that is only seen immediately after a thunderstorm, or spotting the lone coyote sneaking through the scrubs and sand dunes.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Not Just Dead Heroes: Martin County Deputies Survive Shootout
It seems that this new year, instead of being the hoped-for slightly safer year for officers after last year's terrible fatality count, is shaping up to be just as deadly if not worse, than 2010. I have noted the bravery of Mexican police officers in their almost hopeless battle to maintain a semblance of law and order in that nation. We witnessed the "deadly 24-hours" of this past Sunday-Monday, in which eleven peace officers lost their lives. And as if to punctuate the fact that peace officers do a dangerous job no matter where they work, the deputies of the Martin County Sheriff's Office (Stanton, Texas) found themselves in a deadly confrontation in which the offender offered no other recourse to the deputies than to respond with gunfire. The officers were prepared and in this case, and the offender was killed.
These deputies, and the Martin County Sheriff had worked for days to effect an arrest of the offender in light of his announced purpose of "not being taken alive." In this situation, the officers used tactics and the services of an mental health expert to try to save the man's life. By contrast, the offender himself had taken every step to ensure a violent confrontation that was intended to cost arresting officers their lives. His home was booby-trapped and he had guns set at strategic points around the house to fire at various points of approach. He had communicated his deadly intents to the sheriff. The sheriff had talked with this man over the phone to try and avoid violence, but, in the end, the offender pressed the issue, fired on the officers, and paid the price.
The police officers involved in this incident, though fortunately not killed by this madman, are nonetheless heroes, worthy of all the honor given those officers who have fallen in the line of duty. These men are heroes because they pursued their sworn duty in the face of the inevitable violent confrontation, but also because they made every effort to save the life of the very person whose dying wish was apparently to kill as many officers as he could before he himself died.
These deputies, and the Martin County Sheriff had worked for days to effect an arrest of the offender in light of his announced purpose of "not being taken alive." In this situation, the officers used tactics and the services of an mental health expert to try to save the man's life. By contrast, the offender himself had taken every step to ensure a violent confrontation that was intended to cost arresting officers their lives. His home was booby-trapped and he had guns set at strategic points around the house to fire at various points of approach. He had communicated his deadly intents to the sheriff. The sheriff had talked with this man over the phone to try and avoid violence, but, in the end, the offender pressed the issue, fired on the officers, and paid the price.
The police officers involved in this incident, though fortunately not killed by this madman, are nonetheless heroes, worthy of all the honor given those officers who have fallen in the line of duty. These men are heroes because they pursued their sworn duty in the face of the inevitable violent confrontation, but also because they made every effort to save the life of the very person whose dying wish was apparently to kill as many officers as he could before he himself died.
Deadly Time For Police Officers
I have honored several Mexican police officers for their bravery in standing up to the corruption and the criminal cartels in Mexico at the cost of their lives. And these officers are truly heroes. In the United States, police officers, unfortunately, are also frequently called on to make their ultimate sacrifice, and that terrible price seems to be required more and more frequently as 2011 rolls on.
For instance, from the past Sunday to the past Monday, eleven police officers were killed across the United States, making it one of the deadliest twenty-four hour periods for law enforcement in several years. Most of these murders involved shootings of multiple police officers in a single incident. A significant number of these were in warrant service situations in private residences. One incident was a traffic stop in which both officers were shot after making contact with person who had apparently only committed a minor violation.
Just a day after that deadly twenty-four hours, four officers were shot in a Detroit precinct house. None of these officers died, but the suspect's intent was certainly to murder them. He was killed by officers. The suspect that killed two officers in St. Petersburg, Florida Monday morning was killed, but that offered little comfort to the remaining officers and the families of the slain policemen. I use the term "policemen" as habit, but the dead include police women as well.
It appears that suspects are more willing than ever to kill our police officers. The "experts" offer various "answers" as to why deadly attacks on police officers are on the rise across our nation since 2010, and continuing into 2011. In the end, the criminal chooses his own course, to take an officer's life. The criminal alone is then responsible to receive his punishment in court. I send my prayers up with Americans all over the nation on behalf of those fallen officers.
Each time someone attacks and murders an officer, it is an attack on each of us as well, and an attack on our system of government. Police officers stand between us and the kind of chaos seen in Mexico and other nations around the world. I hope that each of us will do our part to support police officers in the dangerous work they do, help out the families of fallen officers, and do our part in court if the occasion arises for anyone to sit on a jury in judgment of one of these vicious criminals. For one thing, to exact justice, and for the other, to protect ourselves from that person who is willing to kill a police officer, because he is clearly able to kill any one of us, as well.
To police officers who may be reading, I owe you my gratitude, and I thank you for your service. But most of all, I pray for your safety each time you pin on your badge and walk out into the streets, our own streets, to protect and to serve, in spite of the risk that, though always there, never stops you from your job, and never slows you in your duty to keep the rest of us safe.
For instance, from the past Sunday to the past Monday, eleven police officers were killed across the United States, making it one of the deadliest twenty-four hour periods for law enforcement in several years. Most of these murders involved shootings of multiple police officers in a single incident. A significant number of these were in warrant service situations in private residences. One incident was a traffic stop in which both officers were shot after making contact with person who had apparently only committed a minor violation.
Just a day after that deadly twenty-four hours, four officers were shot in a Detroit precinct house. None of these officers died, but the suspect's intent was certainly to murder them. He was killed by officers. The suspect that killed two officers in St. Petersburg, Florida Monday morning was killed, but that offered little comfort to the remaining officers and the families of the slain policemen. I use the term "policemen" as habit, but the dead include police women as well.
It appears that suspects are more willing than ever to kill our police officers. The "experts" offer various "answers" as to why deadly attacks on police officers are on the rise across our nation since 2010, and continuing into 2011. In the end, the criminal chooses his own course, to take an officer's life. The criminal alone is then responsible to receive his punishment in court. I send my prayers up with Americans all over the nation on behalf of those fallen officers.
Each time someone attacks and murders an officer, it is an attack on each of us as well, and an attack on our system of government. Police officers stand between us and the kind of chaos seen in Mexico and other nations around the world. I hope that each of us will do our part to support police officers in the dangerous work they do, help out the families of fallen officers, and do our part in court if the occasion arises for anyone to sit on a jury in judgment of one of these vicious criminals. For one thing, to exact justice, and for the other, to protect ourselves from that person who is willing to kill a police officer, because he is clearly able to kill any one of us, as well.
To police officers who may be reading, I owe you my gratitude, and I thank you for your service. But most of all, I pray for your safety each time you pin on your badge and walk out into the streets, our own streets, to protect and to serve, in spite of the risk that, though always there, never stops you from your job, and never slows you in your duty to keep the rest of us safe.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Bailey Black Setback: The Sequel
To those of you who have ordered or attempted to order Bailey Black, I thank you so much. The response to the book has been great. Unfortunately, so far, no one I have talked to that has ordered the book has received it. I am working with the publisher to try to get some answers about this, so bear with me.
I know that some people have ordered the book directly from the publisher, waited several weeks for delivery, then FINALLY received the wrong book. Then the waiting begins again, the publisher cheerfully sends the reorder, but again, with several weeks' delay. Others have ordered the book from Barnes and Nobles, but have within a couple of days received word from Barnes and Nobles that the order was cancelled. Again, I am working with PublishAmerica to find out what is going on with this. Bailey Black is supposed to be available on Kindle, but alas, Kindle readers have not been able to download it thus far.
I apologize to anyone who has ordered Bailey Black and has not received it, for whatever reason. It is really frustrating, I know. I have not received mine, but I received an entire box of someone else's books. I am sure that person is wondering where his books are at the moment, as well. I assure all of you that I will be working hard to resolve this and to get Bailey Black out as soon as possible.
Again, I appreciate everyone who has tried to order the book so far. More on this continuing saga as details unfold.
I know that some people have ordered the book directly from the publisher, waited several weeks for delivery, then FINALLY received the wrong book. Then the waiting begins again, the publisher cheerfully sends the reorder, but again, with several weeks' delay. Others have ordered the book from Barnes and Nobles, but have within a couple of days received word from Barnes and Nobles that the order was cancelled. Again, I am working with PublishAmerica to find out what is going on with this. Bailey Black is supposed to be available on Kindle, but alas, Kindle readers have not been able to download it thus far.
I apologize to anyone who has ordered Bailey Black and has not received it, for whatever reason. It is really frustrating, I know. I have not received mine, but I received an entire box of someone else's books. I am sure that person is wondering where his books are at the moment, as well. I assure all of you that I will be working hard to resolve this and to get Bailey Black out as soon as possible.
Again, I appreciate everyone who has tried to order the book so far. More on this continuing saga as details unfold.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Global Green Tax: For One Not Easily Alarmed This Is Truly Alarming
My friends, I would like to take a leave from my usual local and national political rants to present something truly alarming, truly outrageous, and truly tyrannical beyond any degree ever imagined by Hitler and the ilk. I am talking about the Global Green Fund, that I will call by its true namely purpose, the Global Green Tax.
Like many people over the years, I have poo pooed the "alarmists" who have been telling us for decades that a "global" government would arise, and nations such as the United States, land of freedom, would cease to exist. I, for one, have always believed that our leaders (national) would always honor the United States Constitution, and by definition, would always work to protect this nation and the freedoms we have. Remember, these freedoms are granted by God (or the Creator) according to our own Declaration of Independence. In other words, the "Government" does not grant, nor has it ever granted, our civil rights. Conversely, the "Government," our government, which is in reality only a body of us (we the People), cannot take away our civil rights for the reason that the government did not grant us our rights in the first place.
I am sure that there have been earlier precedents of loss of civil rights, but the first act of the government actually taking away our rights that really registered with me was the USA PATRIOT Act, passed by a scared and vulnerable Congress shortly after the 9/11 attacks. Since then, we citizens have stood by as more and more of our civil liberties have been diminished. At the same time as our own government is stripping away our civil rights and liberties, our rights are being lost on a global scale as well. The identities of those stripping these rights are sometimes shadowy, sometimes not. The power BEHIND these people is almost always shady and not "transparent."
I am most concerned with what is happening or has happened in Cancun, Mexico at the meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Sidebar: I noticed that, in spite of all the violence in Mexico, in spite of the weakness of the police and military, in spite of the strength of the drug cartels visible all over Mexico, and in spite of all the inviting political targets at this convention, there was absolutely no violence directed at this convention or its members. End of Sidebar
One of the items proposed at this convention, and probably proposed many times before, but this time actually covered in several mainstream news outlets, is so alarming and so tyrannical in its implication, that I am shocked that there is not already a national, and an international outcry demanding an immediate halt to this convention and these negotiations. The item: a tax levied against all homeowners, and probably to include anyone who files an income tax. The tax will be levied by some sub-entity of the United Nations, and will be called a Global Green Fund or similar name. An example of this tax was provided at the Cancun convention: Nicholas Stern, Baron Brentford and professor of economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science proposed that every single household in Great Britain pay a tax of L600, which is nearly $2000. This annual tax is to be calculated in addition to income tax. It was to apply to homeowners, but that could easily change, and most likely would. No doubt there would be exemptions, but these would not apply to lowly working class people. Baron Brentford would have his proposed tax serve as a model for all other "developed" nations. The purpose of the tax is stated to be to provide funds to help "developing" nations fund their programs to "combat climate change." I will not even dignify this concept with further words.
The Global Green Fund is a "world tax" to be levied by the United Nations on the developing nations. That is enough said. There is not further need for debate of any kind. We here in the United States are governed by one law only, that being the Law of the Land, the Constitution of the United States. International taxes, no matter for what noble purpose or what tyranny, are illegal and CANNOT BE RECOGNIZED by our government. That is, unless we sit idly by and LET OUR GOVERNMENT RECOGNIZE it. There have long been those who pleaded with US (the United States) to get out of the United Nations. I have always thought the United Nations was a noble concept, but unworkable in the real world. And, global incident after global incident has proven this. But I have never spoken out against our membership in the UN, except with my two brothers over a late night beer. But this new development should be a jab, an awakening, to each of us. Maybe the time is now to get out of this organization.
But, back to my story...
Whether or not we remain in the United Nations, whether or not various programs are initiated to prevent "climate change" (notice we don't call it "global warming" now. I wonder why?), and no matter what the United Nations might decree, we United States citizens are sovereign, just as are the citizens of other nations. Lest we forget, the United Nations, more so than any national government, exists at the whim of the member nations. So, not only does the United Nations have no legal right to "tax" any sovereign nation, the nations to be "taxed" have the right and the duty to, not only ignore the tax, but to cause the United Nations to cease in its attempts to become "the World Government" instead of a league of governments created to settle disputes and to serve as a focal point for mustering services in international disasters and the like.
I am not making up any of this. The information is all over the Internet,, Instead of being alarmed and outraged, many environmental organizations and other groups and individuals are applauding this tyranny like a bunch of seals at Seaworld clapping their paddles as a nice worker tosses fish to them. And like the fish thrown to the salivating seals, this new push for a Global Green Fund stinks to high heaven. I have never before seen such blatant indications of a coming global government, and may I say a non-benign government. And I can assure you that it will not be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government that will oppress the people and stomp out freedom all over the world. The first step, internationally speaking, is the world acceptance of the Global Green Fund.
I know many of you, particularly those of you who know me personally, will see this post as the most alarming, hysterical, and whatever descriptive hyperbole you can insert, that I have posted to date, and maybe think I am not being rational. But like I said, this is not something out of a conspiracy theory newsletter. It is out there on the Internet for all to see, and those who would force this on the entire world are not shy. They are crowing loudly from convention podiums, websites, and newspapers around the world. This is just the beginning.
Well, I am alarmed, but I have faith in two of the greatest things the world has ever seen: the will of the American people to remain free, and the words of that great document, the Constitution of the United States of America.
Like many people over the years, I have poo pooed the "alarmists" who have been telling us for decades that a "global" government would arise, and nations such as the United States, land of freedom, would cease to exist. I, for one, have always believed that our leaders (national) would always honor the United States Constitution, and by definition, would always work to protect this nation and the freedoms we have. Remember, these freedoms are granted by God (or the Creator) according to our own Declaration of Independence. In other words, the "Government" does not grant, nor has it ever granted, our civil rights. Conversely, the "Government," our government, which is in reality only a body of us (we the People), cannot take away our civil rights for the reason that the government did not grant us our rights in the first place.
I am sure that there have been earlier precedents of loss of civil rights, but the first act of the government actually taking away our rights that really registered with me was the USA PATRIOT Act, passed by a scared and vulnerable Congress shortly after the 9/11 attacks. Since then, we citizens have stood by as more and more of our civil liberties have been diminished. At the same time as our own government is stripping away our civil rights and liberties, our rights are being lost on a global scale as well. The identities of those stripping these rights are sometimes shadowy, sometimes not. The power BEHIND these people is almost always shady and not "transparent."
I am most concerned with what is happening or has happened in Cancun, Mexico at the meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Sidebar: I noticed that, in spite of all the violence in Mexico, in spite of the weakness of the police and military, in spite of the strength of the drug cartels visible all over Mexico, and in spite of all the inviting political targets at this convention, there was absolutely no violence directed at this convention or its members. End of Sidebar
One of the items proposed at this convention, and probably proposed many times before, but this time actually covered in several mainstream news outlets, is so alarming and so tyrannical in its implication, that I am shocked that there is not already a national, and an international outcry demanding an immediate halt to this convention and these negotiations. The item: a tax levied against all homeowners, and probably to include anyone who files an income tax. The tax will be levied by some sub-entity of the United Nations, and will be called a Global Green Fund or similar name. An example of this tax was provided at the Cancun convention: Nicholas Stern, Baron Brentford and professor of economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science proposed that every single household in Great Britain pay a tax of L600, which is nearly $2000. This annual tax is to be calculated in addition to income tax. It was to apply to homeowners, but that could easily change, and most likely would. No doubt there would be exemptions, but these would not apply to lowly working class people. Baron Brentford would have his proposed tax serve as a model for all other "developed" nations. The purpose of the tax is stated to be to provide funds to help "developing" nations fund their programs to "combat climate change." I will not even dignify this concept with further words.
The Global Green Fund is a "world tax" to be levied by the United Nations on the developing nations. That is enough said. There is not further need for debate of any kind. We here in the United States are governed by one law only, that being the Law of the Land, the Constitution of the United States. International taxes, no matter for what noble purpose or what tyranny, are illegal and CANNOT BE RECOGNIZED by our government. That is, unless we sit idly by and LET OUR GOVERNMENT RECOGNIZE it. There have long been those who pleaded with US (the United States) to get out of the United Nations. I have always thought the United Nations was a noble concept, but unworkable in the real world. And, global incident after global incident has proven this. But I have never spoken out against our membership in the UN, except with my two brothers over a late night beer. But this new development should be a jab, an awakening, to each of us. Maybe the time is now to get out of this organization.
But, back to my story...
Whether or not we remain in the United Nations, whether or not various programs are initiated to prevent "climate change" (notice we don't call it "global warming" now. I wonder why?), and no matter what the United Nations might decree, we United States citizens are sovereign, just as are the citizens of other nations. Lest we forget, the United Nations, more so than any national government, exists at the whim of the member nations. So, not only does the United Nations have no legal right to "tax" any sovereign nation, the nations to be "taxed" have the right and the duty to, not only ignore the tax, but to cause the United Nations to cease in its attempts to become "the World Government" instead of a league of governments created to settle disputes and to serve as a focal point for mustering services in international disasters and the like.
I am not making up any of this. The information is all over the Internet,, Instead of being alarmed and outraged, many environmental organizations and other groups and individuals are applauding this tyranny like a bunch of seals at Seaworld clapping their paddles as a nice worker tosses fish to them. And like the fish thrown to the salivating seals, this new push for a Global Green Fund stinks to high heaven. I have never before seen such blatant indications of a coming global government, and may I say a non-benign government. And I can assure you that it will not be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government that will oppress the people and stomp out freedom all over the world. The first step, internationally speaking, is the world acceptance of the Global Green Fund.
I know many of you, particularly those of you who know me personally, will see this post as the most alarming, hysterical, and whatever descriptive hyperbole you can insert, that I have posted to date, and maybe think I am not being rational. But like I said, this is not something out of a conspiracy theory newsletter. It is out there on the Internet for all to see, and those who would force this on the entire world are not shy. They are crowing loudly from convention podiums, websites, and newspapers around the world. This is just the beginning.
Well, I am alarmed, but I have faith in two of the greatest things the world has ever seen: the will of the American people to remain free, and the words of that great document, the Constitution of the United States of America.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
A Bailey Black Set-back
I have been patiently waiting for my first shipment of my copies of Bailey Black. You know, "allow two -five weeks for delivery." By the way, have you ever noticed that if a range of delivery dates are provided, the parcel in question will generally arrive in the latter portion of the delivery range. There must be a conspiracy between all companies shipping things and all parcel carriers delivering the thing. This conspiracy is down so pat that no parcel is EVER delivered on the FIRST day of the two weeks part of the delivery range.
Anyway, so five weeks later, on the next to last day of the high-end of the delivery range, the UPS truck arrives. I was confused by the arrival of the UPS today as there is one more day on the projected delivery range; nonetheless, I gleefully ripped open the said delivery. My treasure, my new books, were only one thin cardboard layer away from my love at first sight. So I ripped open the box!! And got a most unpleasant surprise. The books inside were not my copies of Bailey Black!!
I have to be honest about that moment. One curse word did escape my lips, but, since this is a family channel, I will not repeat that four-letter word. Suffice to say that I controlled myself remarkably well.
The good news is that the publisher happily corrected the order, and my copies of Bailey Black are once again in shipment...expected delivery: two to five weeks.
Uh...has anyone seen the Wahhmbulance!!
Anyway, so five weeks later, on the next to last day of the high-end of the delivery range, the UPS truck arrives. I was confused by the arrival of the UPS today as there is one more day on the projected delivery range; nonetheless, I gleefully ripped open the said delivery. My treasure, my new books, were only one thin cardboard layer away from my love at first sight. So I ripped open the box!! And got a most unpleasant surprise. The books inside were not my copies of Bailey Black!!
I have to be honest about that moment. One curse word did escape my lips, but, since this is a family channel, I will not repeat that four-letter word. Suffice to say that I controlled myself remarkably well.
The good news is that the publisher happily corrected the order, and my copies of Bailey Black are once again in shipment...expected delivery: two to five weeks.
Uh...has anyone seen the Wahhmbulance!!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Bailey Black - Now Available at Amazon, and Barnes and Noble
I did not know what it was going to feel know, how it would feel when the book actually hit the market. Well, let me tell you what happened, and you can decide for yourself. When I received word from the publisher that the book was available online, I went directly to the Barnes and Nobles website. The next thing I was aware of was my lovely bride jumping out of her skin as someone was yelling a wild Texas yell. That person was me, it turned out. I did not even realize I had done so. But as Sweetie's claws released from the ceiling and she fell, then settled back to the floor on all fours, in cat-like grace, there was no doubt that I had celebrated out loud.
She was actually very pleased to, she told me, after she semi-calmly mentioned that I had slightly startled her, and could I please be just a tad quieter at the next moment of great joy. A reasonable request.
So, Bailey Black, the book, is finally out on the market, available at those old reliable (not really so old) institutions, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. If not already, Bailey Black will also be available on Kindle. So, now I am living the life of the published author. The great celebrity status I now enjoy is really not much different from the great non-celebrity status I enjoyed less than twenty-four hours ago. I can't believe Oprah has not already called and set my interview date. Nor has Clint Eastwood started the negotiations for the movie rights. But I just KNOW those things are about to happen. Right?
Actually, looking for Bailey Black on the Internet can offer some real surprises. For instance, (and some of you may already know this) Bailey Black of modern times turns out to be a Playboy Bunny. That's right. And, another Meeks, more prominent (and a lot smarter) than myself has a book out about quantum mathematics. By the way, our Miss Bailey Black is cute. I hope she moves on to more diverse means of making a living as time goes on.
Well, I would like to thank everyone for their support during the trials and the waiting while Bailey Black hovered somewhere between my keyboard and the book bins at PublishAmerica. It is also on Kindle and I hope on Nook and some of the other applications. Thanks again, and happy reading!
She was actually very pleased to, she told me, after she semi-calmly mentioned that I had slightly startled her, and could I please be just a tad quieter at the next moment of great joy. A reasonable request.
So, Bailey Black, the book, is finally out on the market, available at those old reliable (not really so old) institutions, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. If not already, Bailey Black will also be available on Kindle. So, now I am living the life of the published author. The great celebrity status I now enjoy is really not much different from the great non-celebrity status I enjoyed less than twenty-four hours ago. I can't believe Oprah has not already called and set my interview date. Nor has Clint Eastwood started the negotiations for the movie rights. But I just KNOW those things are about to happen. Right?
Actually, looking for Bailey Black on the Internet can offer some real surprises. For instance, (and some of you may already know this) Bailey Black of modern times turns out to be a Playboy Bunny. That's right. And, another Meeks, more prominent (and a lot smarter) than myself has a book out about quantum mathematics. By the way, our Miss Bailey Black is cute. I hope she moves on to more diverse means of making a living as time goes on.
Well, I would like to thank everyone for their support during the trials and the waiting while Bailey Black hovered somewhere between my keyboard and the book bins at PublishAmerica. It is also on Kindle and I hope on Nook and some of the other applications. Thanks again, and happy reading!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Just A Reminder - The Trans-Texas Corridor IS NOT DEAD
On surfing the web this morning, I came across some rather grim information about an issue that just does not die, no matter how the people here in Texas oppose it. I am talking about the Trans-Texas Corridor, that super highway of super highways that will do many things for Texas, though hardly anything positive. I warn you, my Texas friends, this project is alive and well, if not talked about as much. Or should I say, as LOUDLY = in public, in transparency, etc.
But Mr. Perry is still governor. Many voters do not want support term limits because, as I believe myself, they want to be free to vote for whomever they choose. The problem is that, since so few of these people who want to be "free to vote" DO NOT VOTE. Thus, career crim...oops, typo...I mean career politicians remain in office at the whim of the 10% to 20% of the people who actually did show up to vote. But I digress...
It is true that the planned huge Trans-Texas Superhighway Corridor is (at the moment) in a dormant state. Yet, all over Texas, construction segments of other highways, part of various "international trade corridors" continue quietly (designated routes such as La Entrada and Ports to Plains) under construction, even though Texas is at the moment in its worst fiscal shape in history.
With the continuing road construction, it is clear that there is still an intent that these trade routes eventually be completed. Construction, for instance, continues in the Rio Grande Valley and along the I-35 Corridor in Central Texas. The people, and the powers behind these gigantic projects, have never rested. Neither should you and I, who will be burdened with the tax bill to pay for these superhighways that we do not want and do not need. There is growing traffic congestion, that is true. But as we have learned from the endless construction in Dallas, Houston, Austin, and even smaller areas such as Waco, "if you build it, they will come." I mean that if roads are continually expanded, capacity on these roads is continually reached. The free-trade laws (NAFTA) will only cause more congestion, as well as open the way for more unsafe commercial vehicles, and allow many un-inspected vehicles to enter this nation, thus having nationwide access, as well as free travel into Canada. Un-inspected trucks mean, at best unsafe vehicles or cargo, and at worst, fugitives, drugs, and weapons of mass destruction, I mean bombs, smuggled into the United States.
That is one issue. Another, coinciding issue is the "ceding" of sovereign United States territory (one example is right in the heart of Kansas City, Kansas) for use as headquarters by the other two nations involved in the very anti-Democratic and mostly unwanted NAFTA pact. As other headquarters facilities are needed, you can be sure that the necessary acreage will be eminently domained right off of someone's front yard, maybe yours, maybe mine. Another part of this unconstitutional parlaying of land is the growing demand to make Big Bend National Park into an "international park" that would include the Mexican side of that area. That would be a great change, a benefit to all Texans. Right! The violence that is out of control on the Mexican side would continue unabated. But with a free crossing point located in the area, the violence would soon enough spread to Texas. And, there is already enough violence along our side of the border. People living along the Texas border have long been targets of murder, assault, and theft at the hands of illegal aliens. With increased border crossing, and little to no increased security, things can only get worse.
I have not updated myself recently on the true extent that the plans for these superhighways, or Trade Corridors, are moving forward. But, with just a little research I was able to learn that that terrible threat to our freedom, known as the North American Union, is still VERY MUCH ALIVE AND WELL. For those of you who do not favor term-limits, just remember that it is much easier to move forward with these plans when the right payees...I mean, politicians and bureaucrats, are kept in office, not on their merits nor at the will of the few people voting, but simply because their terms have not expired. When the payoffs...sorry, I mean contributions, PAC donations, corporate and international political pressures come to bear on state and local politicians, the will of the people is no longer represented. This statement is easily verified by simply walking into a mall, a restaurant, or even a bar, and simply asking those who DO support NAFTA, the Trans-Texas Corridor, and the possibility of the North American Union to raise their hands. You will find little to no support for any of these things.
But my friends, there is MUCH support, no much LOUD DEMAND for these things. Those who stand to profit from the North American Union, from the Trans-Texas Corridor, let me assure you, are and have been screaming at their political counterparts (I had to respectfully resist the term "puppets") ever since Texans made it know to THREE-TERM Governor Rick Perry that WE DO NOT WANT THE SUPERHIGHWAY, and we ESPECIALLY DO NOT WANT THIS CANCER KNOWN AS THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION. Let me be clear (sounds like a certain president, no?) that the Trans-Texas Corridor is not dead. It is not even floundering, really. It is just waiting for you and I to turn our backs on the shadow powers and let them do their dirty work.
Like the people in Andrews, Texas have learned, just because someone tells you how great this facility or that development will be, the truth is not always clear until it is too late. We, TEXANS, have not lost the Trans-Corridor war yet, not by a long shot. But sleeping now could be costly. That is why I wanted to remind us, the Trans-Texas Corridor IS NOT DEAD!
But Mr. Perry is still governor. Many voters do not want support term limits because, as I believe myself, they want to be free to vote for whomever they choose. The problem is that, since so few of these people who want to be "free to vote" DO NOT VOTE. Thus, career crim...oops, typo...I mean career politicians remain in office at the whim of the 10% to 20% of the people who actually did show up to vote. But I digress...
It is true that the planned huge Trans-Texas Superhighway Corridor is (at the moment) in a dormant state. Yet, all over Texas, construction segments of other highways, part of various "international trade corridors" continue quietly (designated routes such as La Entrada and Ports to Plains) under construction, even though Texas is at the moment in its worst fiscal shape in history.
With the continuing road construction, it is clear that there is still an intent that these trade routes eventually be completed. Construction, for instance, continues in the Rio Grande Valley and along the I-35 Corridor in Central Texas. The people, and the powers behind these gigantic projects, have never rested. Neither should you and I, who will be burdened with the tax bill to pay for these superhighways that we do not want and do not need. There is growing traffic congestion, that is true. But as we have learned from the endless construction in Dallas, Houston, Austin, and even smaller areas such as Waco, "if you build it, they will come." I mean that if roads are continually expanded, capacity on these roads is continually reached. The free-trade laws (NAFTA) will only cause more congestion, as well as open the way for more unsafe commercial vehicles, and allow many un-inspected vehicles to enter this nation, thus having nationwide access, as well as free travel into Canada. Un-inspected trucks mean, at best unsafe vehicles or cargo, and at worst, fugitives, drugs, and weapons of mass destruction, I mean bombs, smuggled into the United States.
That is one issue. Another, coinciding issue is the "ceding" of sovereign United States territory (one example is right in the heart of Kansas City, Kansas) for use as headquarters by the other two nations involved in the very anti-Democratic and mostly unwanted NAFTA pact. As other headquarters facilities are needed, you can be sure that the necessary acreage will be eminently domained right off of someone's front yard, maybe yours, maybe mine. Another part of this unconstitutional parlaying of land is the growing demand to make Big Bend National Park into an "international park" that would include the Mexican side of that area. That would be a great change, a benefit to all Texans. Right! The violence that is out of control on the Mexican side would continue unabated. But with a free crossing point located in the area, the violence would soon enough spread to Texas. And, there is already enough violence along our side of the border. People living along the Texas border have long been targets of murder, assault, and theft at the hands of illegal aliens. With increased border crossing, and little to no increased security, things can only get worse.
I have not updated myself recently on the true extent that the plans for these superhighways, or Trade Corridors, are moving forward. But, with just a little research I was able to learn that that terrible threat to our freedom, known as the North American Union, is still VERY MUCH ALIVE AND WELL. For those of you who do not favor term-limits, just remember that it is much easier to move forward with these plans when the right payees...I mean, politicians and bureaucrats, are kept in office, not on their merits nor at the will of the few people voting, but simply because their terms have not expired. When the payoffs...sorry, I mean contributions, PAC donations, corporate and international political pressures come to bear on state and local politicians, the will of the people is no longer represented. This statement is easily verified by simply walking into a mall, a restaurant, or even a bar, and simply asking those who DO support NAFTA, the Trans-Texas Corridor, and the possibility of the North American Union to raise their hands. You will find little to no support for any of these things.
But my friends, there is MUCH support, no much LOUD DEMAND for these things. Those who stand to profit from the North American Union, from the Trans-Texas Corridor, let me assure you, are and have been screaming at their political counterparts (I had to respectfully resist the term "puppets") ever since Texans made it know to THREE-TERM Governor Rick Perry that WE DO NOT WANT THE SUPERHIGHWAY, and we ESPECIALLY DO NOT WANT THIS CANCER KNOWN AS THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION. Let me be clear (sounds like a certain president, no?) that the Trans-Texas Corridor is not dead. It is not even floundering, really. It is just waiting for you and I to turn our backs on the shadow powers and let them do their dirty work.
Like the people in Andrews, Texas have learned, just because someone tells you how great this facility or that development will be, the truth is not always clear until it is too late. We, TEXANS, have not lost the Trans-Corridor war yet, not by a long shot. But sleeping now could be costly. That is why I wanted to remind us, the Trans-Texas Corridor IS NOT DEAD!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Indictments Finally Come: Winkler County Sheriff and County Attorney Both Indicted
In July, 2009, two nurses, both friends and former co-workers of mine, were indicted and arrested on the felony charge of "misuse of official information." The gist of the indictment was that the nurses, Ann Mitchell and Vicky Galle, in making a complaint of questionable and dangerous medical practices of one Doctor Rolando Arafiles Jr., had revealed confidential information about patients and their medical condition. The complaint, of course, was made to the proper Texas state agency, the State Medical Board, to which complaints about physicians are supposed to be made.
In the flurry that followed in Winkler County, you would have thought that a major terrorist cell had been discovered. The good doctor made a phone call to his friend, Sheriff Robert Roberts, and the police were on the trail. Was Sheriff Roberts after a dangerous felon? Maybe a despicable white-collar criminal who had betrayed the trust of his employees? Maybe a drunk and violent person? No - just two nurses who had worked at Winkler County Memorial Hospital in Kermit, Texas for at least the past decade. They do indeed sound like dangerous, or at least conniving, criminals. No doubt Robert Roberts saved the county from the ravages of these two women.
The sheriff investigated the case as if he WERE after terrorists. The ladies' work computers and other records were confiscated. Their offices were searched for incriminating evidence. I am sure no forensic computer crime technique was left unturned in the pursuit of justice. Unfortunately for the Sheriff, and his good friend (and maybe future cell mate) Dr. Arafiles, it turns out (as was obvious from the start, my friends) that these two nurses had not violated any laws, and were in fact SUPPOSED to be protected by the Texas Whistle Blower's Law. In any case, this was hardly a criminal matter that Sheriff Roberts had ever been involved with before. Later on, at the trial, the Sheriff was forced to admit under oath that the same situation had occurred before. A nurse at the local hospital had reported her concerns to the Texas Medical Board, the Board conducted the appropriate investigation and reached its conclusion. Guess what? The Sheriff did not involve himself in that case. Why not? All the same conditions applied then as they did to the Mitchell/Galle case. Sheriff Roberts DID NOT BELIEVE A CRIMINAL ACT HAD OCCURRED.
I wonder why the Sheriff felt he needed to investigate this particular case. Why did the County Attorney not drop the charges against these ladies? He was surely aware of the Whistle Blower's Law. I suppose now Sheriff Roberts and County Attorney Scott Tidwell are both asking themselves these questions. But is too late, on several levels. The careers of Nurse Ann Mitchell and Nurse Vickie Galle both came to an abrupt end after they were fired by the Hospital Administrator. But beyond that, they lost so much of their time, a lot of their money, and any trust they might have had for the legal system in Winkler County. The anxiety and misery they both experienced cannot be calculated in money. I am sure they will never be completely at peace as long as they continue in the medical profession. By the way, former Hospital Administrator Stan Wiley is also under indictment. All three men face charges of Retaliation. The Sheriff and the County Attorney also face charges of Official Oppression and (ironically) Misuse of Official Information.
Ann Mitchell and Vickie Galle have been legally vindicated, and have won a civil verdict as well. But the money these ladies received will hardly make their lives "normal" again, nor will it reward them for their lost sense of personal security. I can only imagine how these ladies feel, how they are coping now. I know they are strong, and I know they will both move on to better things. As for Sheriff Roberts, his good friend Dr. Arafiles, County Attorney Scott, and Mr. Wiley, it appears that in the near future they will all be able to empathize with Ann Mitchell and Vickie Galle, and the ordeal they went through at the hands of these men.
In the flurry that followed in Winkler County, you would have thought that a major terrorist cell had been discovered. The good doctor made a phone call to his friend, Sheriff Robert Roberts, and the police were on the trail. Was Sheriff Roberts after a dangerous felon? Maybe a despicable white-collar criminal who had betrayed the trust of his employees? Maybe a drunk and violent person? No - just two nurses who had worked at Winkler County Memorial Hospital in Kermit, Texas for at least the past decade. They do indeed sound like dangerous, or at least conniving, criminals. No doubt Robert Roberts saved the county from the ravages of these two women.
The sheriff investigated the case as if he WERE after terrorists. The ladies' work computers and other records were confiscated. Their offices were searched for incriminating evidence. I am sure no forensic computer crime technique was left unturned in the pursuit of justice. Unfortunately for the Sheriff, and his good friend (and maybe future cell mate) Dr. Arafiles, it turns out (as was obvious from the start, my friends) that these two nurses had not violated any laws, and were in fact SUPPOSED to be protected by the Texas Whistle Blower's Law. In any case, this was hardly a criminal matter that Sheriff Roberts had ever been involved with before. Later on, at the trial, the Sheriff was forced to admit under oath that the same situation had occurred before. A nurse at the local hospital had reported her concerns to the Texas Medical Board, the Board conducted the appropriate investigation and reached its conclusion. Guess what? The Sheriff did not involve himself in that case. Why not? All the same conditions applied then as they did to the Mitchell/Galle case. Sheriff Roberts DID NOT BELIEVE A CRIMINAL ACT HAD OCCURRED.
I wonder why the Sheriff felt he needed to investigate this particular case. Why did the County Attorney not drop the charges against these ladies? He was surely aware of the Whistle Blower's Law. I suppose now Sheriff Roberts and County Attorney Scott Tidwell are both asking themselves these questions. But is too late, on several levels. The careers of Nurse Ann Mitchell and Nurse Vickie Galle both came to an abrupt end after they were fired by the Hospital Administrator. But beyond that, they lost so much of their time, a lot of their money, and any trust they might have had for the legal system in Winkler County. The anxiety and misery they both experienced cannot be calculated in money. I am sure they will never be completely at peace as long as they continue in the medical profession. By the way, former Hospital Administrator Stan Wiley is also under indictment. All three men face charges of Retaliation. The Sheriff and the County Attorney also face charges of Official Oppression and (ironically) Misuse of Official Information.
Ann Mitchell and Vickie Galle have been legally vindicated, and have won a civil verdict as well. But the money these ladies received will hardly make their lives "normal" again, nor will it reward them for their lost sense of personal security. I can only imagine how these ladies feel, how they are coping now. I know they are strong, and I know they will both move on to better things. As for Sheriff Roberts, his good friend Dr. Arafiles, County Attorney Scott, and Mr. Wiley, it appears that in the near future they will all be able to empathize with Ann Mitchell and Vickie Galle, and the ordeal they went through at the hands of these men.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
What Is The Truth?
What is the Truth?
On the surface this seems like a simple question. The truth is what really happened, what someone really said, what someone really saw. The lies are simply falsehoods, the opposites of truth. Black and white. Easy. Well, not so easy after all.
An event happens. Someone sees it happen. People are involved in it. But, from a purely objective point of view, the event only happened one way. The actors in the situation only acted in a certain. The suspect did a certain thing. The truth should be so easy, especially in the United States of America, the Land of the Free.
But what really happens?
An event occurs, a person commits some illegal or unethical or deadly act, and is sooner or later (usually) arrested, detained for trial, and convicted or not, depending on the evidence...the truth. Here is where the truth suddenly becomes, well, less than truthful.
The facts of the event are published by the media, and we are already at 50-50 on accuracy. But before this "true" version even cools on the local paper, the "authorities" of one agency are another are putting out THEIR version of the truth. Still not too hard, but then what happens. The "government" puts out their "corrected" version of the truth. Now there are three "truths" in use. The people actually involved - witnesses, suspects, innocents, whoever - by now realize that there is something ... well, wrong, with the "truth" that is being passed of to the public. Before long there are six or seven different versions of the "truth" and at least that many revisions of the revisions of the truth.
How long has this been going on? Probably since Cain killed Abel back in the Garden of Eden, but I will concern myself only with the United States since, say about December 8, 1941. It was about the next day after Pearl Harbor that a nasty rumor began washing ashore from Great Britain. It seems apparently a cable had been intercepted by the British that alluded to a Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese. And the cable had possibly been withheld from Washington by a certain prime minister. There were apparently eyewitnesses to the deception, but so many stories have been told since that time, that I doubt the real truth will be known. Whatever the truth, the persistent rumor that Pearl Harbor could have been prevented continues to this day.
The Roswell Incident. There is no need to even write about it. There was the simple truth, told on the first day in the local newspaper...a flying saucer had crashed, bodies were found with it. Within twenty-four hours the flying saucer was "correctly" identified as a weather balloon. Later the bodies were said to be crash dummies, but an alert investigator found that the particular crash dummies were not used until in the early fifties. And on and on. Probably the truth can never be found out.
John F. Kennedy, our beloved president, was shot by a lone gunman, who was then killed by an irate member of the public. So many truths and lies have been told, revised, retold, and corrected, that the real truth is hopelessly lost in all the fabrications, misleading communications, and rumors. The idea that one man took all the shots at the President that day is almost absurd. Bullets all fired from the same direction but his body, his head flung in two directly opposite directions. Another shot took off part of his skull. Again, we will never know the whole truth on this tragic murder.
The list goes on...
The point is that Julian Assange, with whom I have no particular sympathy, upset a lot of people, probably endangered a lot of people worldwide. Wikileaks no doubt exposed some sensitive information that resulted in a lot of embarrassment for several governments, including our own. He was warned by several people to stop his publication and turn over the names of those selling information to him. Then suddenly Mr. Assange is suspected of some sexual offense. His Wikipleak organization collapses, the people (illegally or not) supplying him with their hacked information were exposed. Then the "truth" began making the rounds through the world press.
It turns out, lo and behold, that Mr. Assange is a pervert. But there is something else in the air now. It appears that the United States is trying to somehow get Mr. Assange extradited to the United States and into the secret, illegal court system put in place under the PATRIOT ACT. (Oh, don't get me started on THAT!)
Let's think about this for a minute. The people who either stole the information or simply spirited it out of their own offices made it available to Wikileaks. I do not agree with their actions. It is, in my opinion, a cowardly and disgraceful act to release information that the person knows will result in harm or death to someone, or compromise national security of this nation or any other. But, the way this situation has played out is most interesting.
Remember, Mr. Assange was arrested for sexual assault of one kind or another, a violation of the laws of whatever nation he was in at the time. He is in custody in England, but it turns out that the Swedish want to extradite him. Remember, he is suspected of breaking a criminal law. But he has really hacked off the United States and several other nations by promoting the flow of leaked information. Now the rumor is that the United States is attempting to setup a deal in which the Swedish extradite Assange from England, then the United States extradites him from Sweden to...Gitmo Bay. Of course everyone in power is denying all this, but by now so many versions are out there that no one can really determine the truth...except those propagating the lies (if lies they are) that resulted in Mr. Assange's arrest.
So the various governments are telling us that Mr. Assange is a common criminal, a sex pervert. Yet, it appeared, prior to his arrest, that there was no legal way to stop Wikileaks. Suddenly Mr. Assange is the said pervert, and things get easy. First Assange is arrested, then extradited, then finally lost somewhere in the shuffle, again, likely ending up on Gitmo Bay. And presto, the trouble is solved. Those left behind at Wikileaks are afraid to continue publishing their ill-gotten information. And Mr. Assange is nowhere to be found.
What about the truth? Oh it is somewhere out there. But what is the truth? Was Wikileaks breaking the law? Was Mr. Assange a pervert? We will never know, I am afraid, because there are already several different "truths" out there. And in the end, the only thing we will know for sure is that Mr. Assange walked out of the English courts into oblivion.
On the surface this seems like a simple question. The truth is what really happened, what someone really said, what someone really saw. The lies are simply falsehoods, the opposites of truth. Black and white. Easy. Well, not so easy after all.
An event happens. Someone sees it happen. People are involved in it. But, from a purely objective point of view, the event only happened one way. The actors in the situation only acted in a certain. The suspect did a certain thing. The truth should be so easy, especially in the United States of America, the Land of the Free.
But what really happens?
An event occurs, a person commits some illegal or unethical or deadly act, and is sooner or later (usually) arrested, detained for trial, and convicted or not, depending on the evidence...the truth. Here is where the truth suddenly becomes, well, less than truthful.
The facts of the event are published by the media, and we are already at 50-50 on accuracy. But before this "true" version even cools on the local paper, the "authorities" of one agency are another are putting out THEIR version of the truth. Still not too hard, but then what happens. The "government" puts out their "corrected" version of the truth. Now there are three "truths" in use. The people actually involved - witnesses, suspects, innocents, whoever - by now realize that there is something ... well, wrong, with the "truth" that is being passed of to the public. Before long there are six or seven different versions of the "truth" and at least that many revisions of the revisions of the truth.
How long has this been going on? Probably since Cain killed Abel back in the Garden of Eden, but I will concern myself only with the United States since, say about December 8, 1941. It was about the next day after Pearl Harbor that a nasty rumor began washing ashore from Great Britain. It seems apparently a cable had been intercepted by the British that alluded to a Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese. And the cable had possibly been withheld from Washington by a certain prime minister. There were apparently eyewitnesses to the deception, but so many stories have been told since that time, that I doubt the real truth will be known. Whatever the truth, the persistent rumor that Pearl Harbor could have been prevented continues to this day.
The Roswell Incident. There is no need to even write about it. There was the simple truth, told on the first day in the local newspaper...a flying saucer had crashed, bodies were found with it. Within twenty-four hours the flying saucer was "correctly" identified as a weather balloon. Later the bodies were said to be crash dummies, but an alert investigator found that the particular crash dummies were not used until in the early fifties. And on and on. Probably the truth can never be found out.
John F. Kennedy, our beloved president, was shot by a lone gunman, who was then killed by an irate member of the public. So many truths and lies have been told, revised, retold, and corrected, that the real truth is hopelessly lost in all the fabrications, misleading communications, and rumors. The idea that one man took all the shots at the President that day is almost absurd. Bullets all fired from the same direction but his body, his head flung in two directly opposite directions. Another shot took off part of his skull. Again, we will never know the whole truth on this tragic murder.
The list goes on...
The point is that Julian Assange, with whom I have no particular sympathy, upset a lot of people, probably endangered a lot of people worldwide. Wikileaks no doubt exposed some sensitive information that resulted in a lot of embarrassment for several governments, including our own. He was warned by several people to stop his publication and turn over the names of those selling information to him. Then suddenly Mr. Assange is suspected of some sexual offense. His Wikipleak organization collapses, the people (illegally or not) supplying him with their hacked information were exposed. Then the "truth" began making the rounds through the world press.
It turns out, lo and behold, that Mr. Assange is a pervert. But there is something else in the air now. It appears that the United States is trying to somehow get Mr. Assange extradited to the United States and into the secret, illegal court system put in place under the PATRIOT ACT. (Oh, don't get me started on THAT!)
Let's think about this for a minute. The people who either stole the information or simply spirited it out of their own offices made it available to Wikileaks. I do not agree with their actions. It is, in my opinion, a cowardly and disgraceful act to release information that the person knows will result in harm or death to someone, or compromise national security of this nation or any other. But, the way this situation has played out is most interesting.
Remember, Mr. Assange was arrested for sexual assault of one kind or another, a violation of the laws of whatever nation he was in at the time. He is in custody in England, but it turns out that the Swedish want to extradite him. Remember, he is suspected of breaking a criminal law. But he has really hacked off the United States and several other nations by promoting the flow of leaked information. Now the rumor is that the United States is attempting to setup a deal in which the Swedish extradite Assange from England, then the United States extradites him from Sweden to...Gitmo Bay. Of course everyone in power is denying all this, but by now so many versions are out there that no one can really determine the truth...except those propagating the lies (if lies they are) that resulted in Mr. Assange's arrest.
So the various governments are telling us that Mr. Assange is a common criminal, a sex pervert. Yet, it appeared, prior to his arrest, that there was no legal way to stop Wikileaks. Suddenly Mr. Assange is the said pervert, and things get easy. First Assange is arrested, then extradited, then finally lost somewhere in the shuffle, again, likely ending up on Gitmo Bay. And presto, the trouble is solved. Those left behind at Wikileaks are afraid to continue publishing their ill-gotten information. And Mr. Assange is nowhere to be found.
What about the truth? Oh it is somewhere out there. But what is the truth? Was Wikileaks breaking the law? Was Mr. Assange a pervert? We will never know, I am afraid, because there are already several different "truths" out there. And in the end, the only thing we will know for sure is that Mr. Assange walked out of the English courts into oblivion.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Tigers SMASH the Ducks....not so much
There is so much going on, a lot of it negative, that I just had to take another pause from my usual ranting. The pause is so that I can rant about the Tigers and the Ducks. You, know, the Tigers are the undisputed National College Football Champs! Er...well, at LEAST they had more points at the end of the game than did the Ducks. That makes them the winner. Right.
Early in the NCAA season it was clear that Auburn was on their way to a bowl. Across the country, the Ducks were doing their own thing out west. Myself, being the astute statistician, I predicted the winners of the BCS Championship Game would be the Auburn Tigers, and by a one-sided score of 35-14. As it happened, the Tigers indeed won the game, but the score didn't really impress me. Both defenses played well, but the Tigers offense tried their best to hand the game to the Ducks almost every time the Tigers entered the "red zone." Dang those Ducks, they just would not cooperate. Then, what did the Ducks do (I am sure at the direction of one of the coaches, maybe THE COACH)? They went for a touchdown against the iron-hard Tigers defense in a goal-line stand.
Now I appreciate gutsy calls as much as the next guy, but go for the touchdown at the critical time against the Tigers?!! What were they THINKING? Actually, I am glad they thought it, but objectively, it was a critical, indeed fatal call. Had they gone for the tie, the Ducks would have at least had a chance in OT. Missing the touch down left them nothing but a few seconds on the clock...oh, and THE LOSS OF THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME!
Oh well, it is only football. There is always next year. (Insert your own platitude here if you desire.)
I did enjoy the game...that is, I WOULD HAVE ENJOYED the game IF my cable service had not suddenly gone on the fritz! Never mind, I just turned on the computer and watched the game on Hold on, Class. It was not to be that easy! The streaming feed for some reason (I think because some technician had to work and was not able to view the game) ALSO went on the fritz. The ESPN feed would work perfectly until any given crucial moment in the game. Then the picture would suddenly freeze, the audio would die, and there I was, just left hanging, and falling off my chair.
This happened every time either team was about to make the touchdown. The runner or receiver got the ball, ran down the field...the announcer yelling "he's at the twenty, fifteen, ten, five, now the two...and he m.............(frozen frame, no audio, and me cursing so loud my wife yelled at from the other room to be quiet because "it's a football game, for crying out loud!"). Then there was the final, crucial, all important, game-winning Auburn field goal. The announcer said, "There's the snap. The snap is good and the ball is in place. Here comes the kick! The ball is up and he has the distance! He has the angle! The kick looks.......... (the frame freezes, the audio dies, and once again my wife yells "I said it's only a GAME! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!"
I was yelling too loud to hear Sweetie at that point. I was so desperate that I posted onto my Facebook page, "Anyone who knows the score, tell me! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!"
Do you know that not a single person, not one of my 135 "Friends" bothered to answer. That is right! Not one of my closest buddies filled me in. No one even LIED about the score to me. It was as if no one was on Facebook at all. I knew there were people on, because I had been posting my comments on other people's comments for the entire game. But don't worry. I did not take it personally, my "Friends."
But do you know how I FINALLY learned the score?
I had to go to My Yahoo and then pull up my sports pages.
So the Tigers won by two points. I felt this was a little anticlimactic in light of the importance of this game, and the failure of not one, but two different mediums that kept me from seeing the end of the game. Yes, a somewhat disappointing outcome for the much touted National Championship Game. What did we learn? Only what we already knew: You can't trust your Internet provider during a crucial football game!
Early in the NCAA season it was clear that Auburn was on their way to a bowl. Across the country, the Ducks were doing their own thing out west. Myself, being the astute statistician, I predicted the winners of the BCS Championship Game would be the Auburn Tigers, and by a one-sided score of 35-14. As it happened, the Tigers indeed won the game, but the score didn't really impress me. Both defenses played well, but the Tigers offense tried their best to hand the game to the Ducks almost every time the Tigers entered the "red zone." Dang those Ducks, they just would not cooperate. Then, what did the Ducks do (I am sure at the direction of one of the coaches, maybe THE COACH)? They went for a touchdown against the iron-hard Tigers defense in a goal-line stand.
Now I appreciate gutsy calls as much as the next guy, but go for the touchdown at the critical time against the Tigers?!! What were they THINKING? Actually, I am glad they thought it, but objectively, it was a critical, indeed fatal call. Had they gone for the tie, the Ducks would have at least had a chance in OT. Missing the touch down left them nothing but a few seconds on the clock...oh, and THE LOSS OF THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME!
Oh well, it is only football. There is always next year. (Insert your own platitude here if you desire.)
I did enjoy the game...that is, I WOULD HAVE ENJOYED the game IF my cable service had not suddenly gone on the fritz! Never mind, I just turned on the computer and watched the game on Hold on, Class. It was not to be that easy! The streaming feed for some reason (I think because some technician had to work and was not able to view the game) ALSO went on the fritz. The ESPN feed would work perfectly until any given crucial moment in the game. Then the picture would suddenly freeze, the audio would die, and there I was, just left hanging, and falling off my chair.
This happened every time either team was about to make the touchdown. The runner or receiver got the ball, ran down the field...the announcer yelling "he's at the twenty, fifteen, ten, five, now the two...and he m.............(frozen frame, no audio, and me cursing so loud my wife yelled at from the other room to be quiet because "it's a football game, for crying out loud!"). Then there was the final, crucial, all important, game-winning Auburn field goal. The announcer said, "There's the snap. The snap is good and the ball is in place. Here comes the kick! The ball is up and he has the distance! He has the angle! The kick looks.......... (the frame freezes, the audio dies, and once again my wife yells "I said it's only a GAME! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!"
I was yelling too loud to hear Sweetie at that point. I was so desperate that I posted onto my Facebook page, "Anyone who knows the score, tell me! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!"
Do you know that not a single person, not one of my 135 "Friends" bothered to answer. That is right! Not one of my closest buddies filled me in. No one even LIED about the score to me. It was as if no one was on Facebook at all. I knew there were people on, because I had been posting my comments on other people's comments for the entire game. But don't worry. I did not take it personally, my "Friends."
But do you know how I FINALLY learned the score?
I had to go to My Yahoo and then pull up my sports pages.
So the Tigers won by two points. I felt this was a little anticlimactic in light of the importance of this game, and the failure of not one, but two different mediums that kept me from seeing the end of the game. Yes, a somewhat disappointing outcome for the much touted National Championship Game. What did we learn? Only what we already knew: You can't trust your Internet provider during a crucial football game!
Monday, January 10, 2011
A Moment Of Silence
I had some things to blog about today, but in retrospect these are so trivial to the tragedy of this weekend. Mrs. Giffords is still fighting for her life after a bullet entered and exited her brain. Our prayers for her and for the others who were injured. May God comfort the families of the dead. As bad as this shooting was, it was made even more tragic because one of the dead was a nine-year-old little girl.
As I said, there were many topics of interest today, but I believe I will just be quiet for a little while and honor the dead, and add my positive energy to the many people praying for Mrs. Giffords and the other victims in the hospitals. This is just a good day to think of our blessings and the fact that we are still alive. A good day to pause and let all of your friends and loved ones know you care for them. There are very few second chances.
So I bow my head for a moment and remember the fallen, and those who survived. Let us all take this peaceful moment and share our hearts's sympathy. Until later....
As I said, there were many topics of interest today, but I believe I will just be quiet for a little while and honor the dead, and add my positive energy to the many people praying for Mrs. Giffords and the other victims in the hospitals. This is just a good day to think of our blessings and the fact that we are still alive. A good day to pause and let all of your friends and loved ones know you care for them. There are very few second chances.
So I bow my head for a moment and remember the fallen, and those who survived. Let us all take this peaceful moment and share our hearts's sympathy. Until later....
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Old News from Piran, Slovenia...But Still Interesting
I was reading about Slovenia again tonight. The more I read about this little nation, the more I would like to come and see it for myself. And I read one little tidbit that really interested me: The election of Piran's mayor. It turns out that Doctor Peter Bossman, elected mayor in October 2010, is the first Black mayor of that city, but also the first Black mayor in Eastern Europe. Dr. Bossman was a citizen of Ghana. He made his way to Slovenia in the late 1970's.
Another interesting bit of trivia is that the only recorded naval battle fought in the waters near Slovenia occurred off the coast of Piran in 1812, during the Napoleonic wars. The French had suffered several recent defeats at sea, and had commissioned the ship Rivoli to augment its declining fleet. The British ship HMS Victorious engaged the Rivoli in a five hour battle near Piran. The Rivoli was ultimately defeated, and the battle, merely a minor incident in the bigger war, faded into a dimly lit corner of naval history.
Piran is located on the Adriatic coast, which of course makes it a high priority tourist destination in my book, as well as for a lot of European and Asian tourists. I am already making the trip in my mind. Not only do I have beach destinations in mind, but also a tour of the local architecture. Remnants of the Roman Empire can be seen, as well as samples from subsequent eras such as the Byzantine period, and classic Mediterranean styles.
Incidentally, Piran is a sister city to Indianapolis, Indiana.
So I have placed Slovenia on my "go see someday" list. My lovely bride also wants to make the European tour someday, so we are storing by our spare dollars. Unfortunately, at my rate of savings, I may well be a vital statistic before I get there. But Slovenia is definitely on our go-to list. So, my friends in Slovenia, I give you fair warning, I may just jet over there someday. You will recognize me in my old, worn out, and ill-fitting T-shirt that just says "Texas" on the front. That is not a brag, just a testimony to my state of mind.
Another interesting bit of trivia is that the only recorded naval battle fought in the waters near Slovenia occurred off the coast of Piran in 1812, during the Napoleonic wars. The French had suffered several recent defeats at sea, and had commissioned the ship Rivoli to augment its declining fleet. The British ship HMS Victorious engaged the Rivoli in a five hour battle near Piran. The Rivoli was ultimately defeated, and the battle, merely a minor incident in the bigger war, faded into a dimly lit corner of naval history.
Piran is located on the Adriatic coast, which of course makes it a high priority tourist destination in my book, as well as for a lot of European and Asian tourists. I am already making the trip in my mind. Not only do I have beach destinations in mind, but also a tour of the local architecture. Remnants of the Roman Empire can be seen, as well as samples from subsequent eras such as the Byzantine period, and classic Mediterranean styles.
Incidentally, Piran is a sister city to Indianapolis, Indiana.
So I have placed Slovenia on my "go see someday" list. My lovely bride also wants to make the European tour someday, so we are storing by our spare dollars. Unfortunately, at my rate of savings, I may well be a vital statistic before I get there. But Slovenia is definitely on our go-to list. So, my friends in Slovenia, I give you fair warning, I may just jet over there someday. You will recognize me in my old, worn out, and ill-fitting T-shirt that just says "Texas" on the front. That is not a brag, just a testimony to my state of mind.
Gabrielle Giffords Shot in Tucson
Another senseless crime in this brand new year. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot, as were a multitude of others, at an outdoor event in Tucson. Some are already blaming "the Right" for the shootings. Some are already saying the "Tea Party rhetoric" has made politically-motivated shootings a little more palatable for some people. It may be that we are missing the point here.
A tragedy, a criminal act, has occurred, and several people died. I have not seen an update of the Congresswoman's condition, but I am sure she is in critical condition at the moment. A federal judge at the meeting was fatally shot, as were at least three or four others. A person too dangerous to be allowed to remain a free member of society is responsible for this terrible act.
I, for one, hope this was not politically motivated shooting. The government is not allowed to curtail our freedom of speech. No one else should be able to limit freedom of speech, either. And I, for one, am not jumping on the bandwagon yelling that this was a politically motivated shooting. It seems that Mr.Loughner, the suspected shooter, has long had some "issues" as we say. He has made threats on his various web pages, threats to local politicians, threats to policemen, and threats to "the government." If we calm down and let the police sort this out, I believe in the end we will find that this man was a lunatic that found a public event which he could disrupt in a very dramatic way. And of course, as soon as he was confronted by authorities, he meekly surrendered, not wanting, I am certain, to be injured in anyway himself. It is always a little ironic to me how the "crazy, lunatic" gunman nonetheless is sane enough to prevent his own demise at the hands of law enforcement.
Lets take a moment to honor the dead and to pray for Ms. Giffords and the families that have experienced this tragedy.
Unfortunately, in a free nation, it is very difficult to stop a criminal act before it occurs. Many times our leaders find themselves in harm's way simply for expressing a belief or voting for that belief in Congress. I believe in the Bill of Rights and all of the liberties that are outlined there. Unfortunately, corrupt politicians, criminals, and yes, even lunatics, take advantage of those liberties, using our very freedom against us. It is my strongest desire that Mr. Loughner be punished for what he did, if he is convicted. I hope that he is not somehow protected because he was "unstable" or for some other equally intangible and unrealistic excuse that someone might proffer for him. He killed people, hurt others. If he is convicted, he needs to do the time. He is just as dangerous as a mistreated pit-bull dog. There is only way one to protect the people from this man. Put him where he belongs, whether that may be in jail or at the other end of a lethal injection.
May this land continue to be free, and may the people be willing to stand up for what they believe. Yes, there may be some risks. Nearly fifty years ago, one of our most popular presidents ever gave his life in the service of his country. That was a shocking, traumatic event that scarred America forever. But instead of cowering, others stood up and held themselves as candidates for office, and our nation continued on. We will do the same in the face of the Gifford shooting. In the face of danger, fear, and tragedy, the American people will rise, as we always do, and keep to the paths of liberty and freedom...and cherish the right to believe as we want, and to disagree if we want, without fearing for our lives in the process.
A tragedy, a criminal act, has occurred, and several people died. I have not seen an update of the Congresswoman's condition, but I am sure she is in critical condition at the moment. A federal judge at the meeting was fatally shot, as were at least three or four others. A person too dangerous to be allowed to remain a free member of society is responsible for this terrible act.
I, for one, hope this was not politically motivated shooting. The government is not allowed to curtail our freedom of speech. No one else should be able to limit freedom of speech, either. And I, for one, am not jumping on the bandwagon yelling that this was a politically motivated shooting. It seems that Mr.Loughner, the suspected shooter, has long had some "issues" as we say. He has made threats on his various web pages, threats to local politicians, threats to policemen, and threats to "the government." If we calm down and let the police sort this out, I believe in the end we will find that this man was a lunatic that found a public event which he could disrupt in a very dramatic way. And of course, as soon as he was confronted by authorities, he meekly surrendered, not wanting, I am certain, to be injured in anyway himself. It is always a little ironic to me how the "crazy, lunatic" gunman nonetheless is sane enough to prevent his own demise at the hands of law enforcement.
Lets take a moment to honor the dead and to pray for Ms. Giffords and the families that have experienced this tragedy.
Unfortunately, in a free nation, it is very difficult to stop a criminal act before it occurs. Many times our leaders find themselves in harm's way simply for expressing a belief or voting for that belief in Congress. I believe in the Bill of Rights and all of the liberties that are outlined there. Unfortunately, corrupt politicians, criminals, and yes, even lunatics, take advantage of those liberties, using our very freedom against us. It is my strongest desire that Mr. Loughner be punished for what he did, if he is convicted. I hope that he is not somehow protected because he was "unstable" or for some other equally intangible and unrealistic excuse that someone might proffer for him. He killed people, hurt others. If he is convicted, he needs to do the time. He is just as dangerous as a mistreated pit-bull dog. There is only way one to protect the people from this man. Put him where he belongs, whether that may be in jail or at the other end of a lethal injection.
May this land continue to be free, and may the people be willing to stand up for what they believe. Yes, there may be some risks. Nearly fifty years ago, one of our most popular presidents ever gave his life in the service of his country. That was a shocking, traumatic event that scarred America forever. But instead of cowering, others stood up and held themselves as candidates for office, and our nation continued on. We will do the same in the face of the Gifford shooting. In the face of danger, fear, and tragedy, the American people will rise, as we always do, and keep to the paths of liberty and freedom...and cherish the right to believe as we want, and to disagree if we want, without fearing for our lives in the process.
Friday, January 7, 2011
A Franciscan Sister from Mexico
Today I had the pleasure of meeting a sweet lady who has seen it all, I am pretty sure. She said she was a Franciscan Sister, and that she operated an orphanage in one of the Mexican border cities that is currently caught right in the drug cartels' cross hairs. This Sister told me that as the fighting goes on, so does life in her city.
Let me say that I immediately admired this dear lady's dedication and courage. Her orphanage has been in operation for decades, and she has witnessed firsthand the violence that has been a daily part of life for many Mexicans for well over ten years, with no end in sight. Shootings happen nearby, citizens are dragged off the street just a block or two from the orphanage, and, unfortunately, many of the children in the orphanage have themselves witnessed the violence happening right outside the walls. In fact, many of the orphans have lost their parents to the violence of the current "war on drugs."
I asked Sister Francis how she was able to go on with her life everyday, with death and destruction all around. Her simple answer was, "We live our lives. Life does not stop just because of them (the cartels)." She and the other Sisters supervise the children as they walk to nearby schools, and as they play on the orphanage campus. "There are shots," she said. "Yes, we hear them, and they are sometimes nearby. Just the other day a woman was kidnapped right in front of our children."
Sister Francis cares for children who are shell-shocked; kids who have seen more in their young years than many of us will see in a lifetime. She admits there have been some scary moments, but she is not "scared," in the sense that she is fearful all the time that something terrible will happen. Her faith and her devotion to the tasks at hand keep her busy and focused. She hopes someday the the government will gain the upper hand, and will clean up the cartels and the other criminal gangs that are now operating in the void of government collapse. But she has seen no sign of change for the better. The governor of state does not even venture into the area. Federal police and military forces only pass through in large numbers. After the authorities leave, the cartels resume their control over the city and the countryside.
But Sister Francis carries on. The kids need her and the other Sisters. The little orphanage is their world, these brave and courageous women are their saviors. These ladies have no guns, no weapons, just Jesus watching over them, and protecting their children. Sister Francis said the thought of quitting, of moving to a safe place, has never crossed their minds. She and her colleagues will continue to care for their charges, gaining more all the time. Sister Francis thinks of the violence as an annoyance, stray bullets almost as if they were pesky gnats that merely needed to swatted away. Her missions remains, saving the children. As I look at her frail body, her courage is almost beyond belief to me. But the fire in her eyes, the passion she reveals as she talks about her beloved children and her orphanage, leaves no room for doubt. Sister Francis and the other Sisters will be there to care for the children as long as the terrible carnage rages, and beyond that, as they care for children whose small eyes may never forget the terribly atrocities they have seen.
I will probably never see Sister Francis again, but I can never forget her great courage and determination. She, and others like her, carry on with life in Mexico in spite all that the cartels have done, all the threats they have made, all the misery and bloodshed they have spread throughout Mexico. Sister Francis will go on with her life, a life of protecting and caring for those who cannot protect themselves. She knows the cartels seem to have the upper hand at the moment, but she also knows, just as surely, that the cartels in the end will fall and justice will prevail. But she is not cowering in the shadows until then. She carries on bravely, and the cartels can only look on from whatever cesspools they are in, and see that, while they may have made life a little inconvenient for people, they have by no means obtained the victory they desire. It will be the kind but brave people, like Sister Francis, that will remain standing when the ashes cool, and hold their rosaries over the bones of the cartels.
Let me say that I immediately admired this dear lady's dedication and courage. Her orphanage has been in operation for decades, and she has witnessed firsthand the violence that has been a daily part of life for many Mexicans for well over ten years, with no end in sight. Shootings happen nearby, citizens are dragged off the street just a block or two from the orphanage, and, unfortunately, many of the children in the orphanage have themselves witnessed the violence happening right outside the walls. In fact, many of the orphans have lost their parents to the violence of the current "war on drugs."
I asked Sister Francis how she was able to go on with her life everyday, with death and destruction all around. Her simple answer was, "We live our lives. Life does not stop just because of them (the cartels)." She and the other Sisters supervise the children as they walk to nearby schools, and as they play on the orphanage campus. "There are shots," she said. "Yes, we hear them, and they are sometimes nearby. Just the other day a woman was kidnapped right in front of our children."
Sister Francis cares for children who are shell-shocked; kids who have seen more in their young years than many of us will see in a lifetime. She admits there have been some scary moments, but she is not "scared," in the sense that she is fearful all the time that something terrible will happen. Her faith and her devotion to the tasks at hand keep her busy and focused. She hopes someday the the government will gain the upper hand, and will clean up the cartels and the other criminal gangs that are now operating in the void of government collapse. But she has seen no sign of change for the better. The governor of state does not even venture into the area. Federal police and military forces only pass through in large numbers. After the authorities leave, the cartels resume their control over the city and the countryside.
But Sister Francis carries on. The kids need her and the other Sisters. The little orphanage is their world, these brave and courageous women are their saviors. These ladies have no guns, no weapons, just Jesus watching over them, and protecting their children. Sister Francis said the thought of quitting, of moving to a safe place, has never crossed their minds. She and her colleagues will continue to care for their charges, gaining more all the time. Sister Francis thinks of the violence as an annoyance, stray bullets almost as if they were pesky gnats that merely needed to swatted away. Her missions remains, saving the children. As I look at her frail body, her courage is almost beyond belief to me. But the fire in her eyes, the passion she reveals as she talks about her beloved children and her orphanage, leaves no room for doubt. Sister Francis and the other Sisters will be there to care for the children as long as the terrible carnage rages, and beyond that, as they care for children whose small eyes may never forget the terribly atrocities they have seen.
I will probably never see Sister Francis again, but I can never forget her great courage and determination. She, and others like her, carry on with life in Mexico in spite all that the cartels have done, all the threats they have made, all the misery and bloodshed they have spread throughout Mexico. Sister Francis will go on with her life, a life of protecting and caring for those who cannot protect themselves. She knows the cartels seem to have the upper hand at the moment, but she also knows, just as surely, that the cartels in the end will fall and justice will prevail. But she is not cowering in the shadows until then. She carries on bravely, and the cartels can only look on from whatever cesspools they are in, and see that, while they may have made life a little inconvenient for people, they have by no means obtained the victory they desire. It will be the kind but brave people, like Sister Francis, that will remain standing when the ashes cool, and hold their rosaries over the bones of the cartels.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Outlaw Guns, and Only Outlaws Will Have Guns...mostly
An article in the Washington Post features Mexico's one and only gun shop. This "store" is located on a military base in Mexico City. Mexicans who want to "legally" own weapons must make the trek from wherever they live to Mexico City to purchase guns. Maybe I should say "gun." Citizens in Mexico may legally purchase only one gun per person. This gun must be a handgun of no larger than .38 caliber. Long shotguns and rifles, either single shot or with small capacity magazines, may be purchased under a separate permit, IF the purchaser proves that he is either a hunter or member of a gun club.
Another permit is required if the person wants to be allowed to carry his gun from his residence to his place of business, and back to his residence. This special permit applies only to business owners. The citizen who owns his one gun for personal protection may not legally take the gun out of his residence. Additionally, to purchase the one gun allowed under the law, the purchaser must prove that he has no criminal record, has fulfilled his service in the armed forces and was honorably discharged. Further, the purchaser must have references, proof of "honest" income, and submit to fingerprinting and being photographed. If, after this process, the purchaser is deemed worthy of receiving a gun permit, the purchaser is able to buy his one pistol, and a single box of ammunition. The Mexican gun laws and gun procurement procedures are hailed internationally as some of the most stringent gun controls in the world. So Mexico is safe, quiet, and free of gun-toting outlaws, yes?, not the Mexico I seem to recall.
Police sources in the same article mentioned above state that over 93,000 firearms have been seized since 2006, when President Calderon initiated Mexico's current civil war, then called "the War on Drugs." It is hard to imagine that the guns seized amount to much more than the tip of the iceberg of all the guns illegally possessed in Mexico at this moment. Most of the guns are believed to be purchased in, and smuggled from, the United States; however, a joint operation between the governments of both nations was conducted to determine if this statistic was correct. For some reason, both governments have declined to make public the information gleaned from this project. I am a realist, however, and I can believe that at least a large portion of these weapons are purchased or stolen in the United States and smuggled into Mexico. Other weapons are smuggled in from points unknown by both the criminal element and corrupt officials of the Mexican government. For instance, many citizens know that it is much easier to have a policeman obtain a pistol for them than for the resident to make the long trek to Mexico City.
Nonetheless, have the Mexican gun laws curtailed violence in any way? I believe the violence and corruption speaks for itself. The cartels are armed much better than most of the Mexican local and state police agencies. The cartels are, in fact, able to engage the military and the federal police on a near equal level. The cartels have unlimited supplies of firearms, as well as access to more powerful weapons such as grenades and occasionally to shoulder-fired missiles. Police patrols are regularly ambushed with heavy gunfire and bombs. Then the criminals seem to vanish into the country-side, but not so far away that they cannot maintain an iron-clad fist of control over the cities and the people as soon as police leave the area. And what about the citizen? The poor citizen is backed into the darkest, most secure corners of his home, with just one gun and a single box of ammunition to protect himself and his family from the ravages of the cartels' violence. According the the commandant of national gun shop in Mexico City, about 7,000 pistols and revolvers are licensed to citizens each year. The person armed with a small caliber handgun is, of course, no match for even one person armed with an assault rifle or grenade. But, outlaw guns...and the nation is safer, right?
I hope that those who smuggle guns from the United States into Mexico, and those who sell guns to such smugglers, get their just desserts. But for the average citizen in Mexico who is trying protect himself, I can only say, "vaya con Dios." Not only is the average citizen cut off from police assistance in most cases, but, in that most dire of situations, the home invasion, our Mexican counterparts are left in the cold, with only their pistol to face off the well-armed outlaw. Unfortunately, the Mexican gun control system has only proven the golden adage from the "Old West": If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have them...well, mostly.
Another permit is required if the person wants to be allowed to carry his gun from his residence to his place of business, and back to his residence. This special permit applies only to business owners. The citizen who owns his one gun for personal protection may not legally take the gun out of his residence. Additionally, to purchase the one gun allowed under the law, the purchaser must prove that he has no criminal record, has fulfilled his service in the armed forces and was honorably discharged. Further, the purchaser must have references, proof of "honest" income, and submit to fingerprinting and being photographed. If, after this process, the purchaser is deemed worthy of receiving a gun permit, the purchaser is able to buy his one pistol, and a single box of ammunition. The Mexican gun laws and gun procurement procedures are hailed internationally as some of the most stringent gun controls in the world. So Mexico is safe, quiet, and free of gun-toting outlaws, yes?, not the Mexico I seem to recall.
Police sources in the same article mentioned above state that over 93,000 firearms have been seized since 2006, when President Calderon initiated Mexico's current civil war, then called "the War on Drugs." It is hard to imagine that the guns seized amount to much more than the tip of the iceberg of all the guns illegally possessed in Mexico at this moment. Most of the guns are believed to be purchased in, and smuggled from, the United States; however, a joint operation between the governments of both nations was conducted to determine if this statistic was correct. For some reason, both governments have declined to make public the information gleaned from this project. I am a realist, however, and I can believe that at least a large portion of these weapons are purchased or stolen in the United States and smuggled into Mexico. Other weapons are smuggled in from points unknown by both the criminal element and corrupt officials of the Mexican government. For instance, many citizens know that it is much easier to have a policeman obtain a pistol for them than for the resident to make the long trek to Mexico City.
Nonetheless, have the Mexican gun laws curtailed violence in any way? I believe the violence and corruption speaks for itself. The cartels are armed much better than most of the Mexican local and state police agencies. The cartels are, in fact, able to engage the military and the federal police on a near equal level. The cartels have unlimited supplies of firearms, as well as access to more powerful weapons such as grenades and occasionally to shoulder-fired missiles. Police patrols are regularly ambushed with heavy gunfire and bombs. Then the criminals seem to vanish into the country-side, but not so far away that they cannot maintain an iron-clad fist of control over the cities and the people as soon as police leave the area. And what about the citizen? The poor citizen is backed into the darkest, most secure corners of his home, with just one gun and a single box of ammunition to protect himself and his family from the ravages of the cartels' violence. According the the commandant of national gun shop in Mexico City, about 7,000 pistols and revolvers are licensed to citizens each year. The person armed with a small caliber handgun is, of course, no match for even one person armed with an assault rifle or grenade. But, outlaw guns...and the nation is safer, right?
I hope that those who smuggle guns from the United States into Mexico, and those who sell guns to such smugglers, get their just desserts. But for the average citizen in Mexico who is trying protect himself, I can only say, "vaya con Dios." Not only is the average citizen cut off from police assistance in most cases, but, in that most dire of situations, the home invasion, our Mexican counterparts are left in the cold, with only their pistol to face off the well-armed outlaw. Unfortunately, the Mexican gun control system has only proven the golden adage from the "Old West": If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have them...well, mostly.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Why Shouldn't We Waste West Texas?
I was discussing the Waste Control Specialists (WCS) Andrews facility with a friend the other day. She asked me, point blank, "why shouldn't we dump nuclear waste in Andrews?" I had been ranting about the situation for half an hour when she dropped this question. So, let me draw deep breath and calm myself. Let me talk about this rationally, emotion aside for a few minutes.
The question: Why not dump nuclear waste in West Texas?
On the surface (figuratively) the site west of Andrews seems to fit the ticket. Very few people inhabit the area. It is some distance from the closest towns. The land is desolate and not fit for most forms of agriculture. And, most quoted, the WCS facility will generate money for the City of Andrews, the County of Andrews, and the state of Texas.
We are told that the geography of the area makes it perfect for the long-term storage of nuclear and other hazardous waste, because of the layers of clay that make the ground impermeable and prevent leakage of the hazardous material into the ground and ultimately into the water table and the local area of the Ogallala Aquifer.
Finally, the WCS facility has created jobs for the Andrews area.
Who could object to this facility based on the above information. Why, I can almost hear bluebirds of happiness singing in the background.
I would like to propose my own question: Why would ANYONE in his right mind WANT nuclear waste from thirty-six other states to be dumped in the person's backyard?
The WCS facility already stores medical waste that contains low levels of radiation. It also stores waste from some federal weapons and other nuclear facilities. This waste is already there, and there is nothing we can do about that, as far as I can determine. Even if no more waste were dumped there, the WCS facility would still be operation for perpetuity. Employees would be needed from now to Kingdom Come to keep the facility running, to monitor for malfunctions in the security and venting systems, and to monitor the environment in order to detect possible leaks of the hazardous materials stored in the facility. So, money would continue to pour into the Andrews area from WCS payrolls, and Andrews citizens would continue to be employed at the facility.
Again, my question, why does anyone want nuclear waste from THIRTY-SIX more states?
Assuming that nuclear facilities in Texas (electrical plants, medical facilities and hospitals, and miscellaneous nuclear operations) also dump their waste at the WCS facility, profits would continue to be generated for WCS, and payoffs, I mean, payments (I can sense I am becoming "irrational" again) would continue to the City and County of Andrews, and the state of Texas. This continuing source of revenue is apparently not enough for WCS, and herein lies the "need" for more nuclear waste being dumped in Texas.
According to WCS information, the fact that the WCS facility would not be profitable was a given back in the planning phase in the mid-nineties. It will become clear to anyone who does even elementary research into the WCS facility that the plan from the very start was to build a facility that would take in nuclear waste on a grand scale, and only in that way would it become profitable. The powers behind WCS do not care about the people of Andrews nor about possible damage to the environment. What they care about is bottom line profits. But, to get the facility going, it had to be sold to the "locals" as a facility that would store only "harmless" medical waste, and that would employ local citizens, thus saving Andrews from inevitable collapse due to the declining oil-fueled economy. I believe that the "sky is falling" mentality played a large part in gaining support for the WCS facility.
Another aspect of the WCS "solution" is the "boost" in the local economy that the WCS payroll will provide, as well as the taxes it will pay over the years. Thus, many residents in Andrews were sold on the project at whatever environmental cost there might be. By extension, if MORE WASTE (such as the nuclear waste from thirty-six other states) were disposed at the WCS Andrews facility, there would be a geometric boost to the economy! There are, in fact, many people in Andrews who are "all for" the acceptance of waste from the other states. All you have to do is watch the "Andrews Solution" commercials on television, or visit the "Texas Solution" website to get an idea of the degree to which many people seem to be "drooling" at the "privilege" of having nuclear waste from other states dumped in Texas.
Who is it going to hurt, really, if all the nuclear waste generated in the United States is dumped at good ol' Andrews, Texas?
I hope that the supporters of this disaster realize that the first persons to suffer will be themselves. Should some accident or criminal act occur, the people of Andrews will be the first victims. I wonder how much the nuclear waste and the WCS payroll will be worth in that scenario?
The Ogallala Aquifer will inevitably be contaminated where it flows under the WCS facility. Who can speculate on what the potential damage will be. But the victims will be whoever must use that aquifer, whether for drinking or for agriculture. Will cotton crops in the area eventually be contaminated? What about oil exploration? Is it not possible that fracturing will allow contaminated water to further infiltrate the environment? Do we even know? But now the circle of victims is even larger.
And one little detail about the WCS license seems to have gone totally unheeded by those who are "pro WCS." That little detail is the section of the license that allows WCS to pull out of the operation after fifteen years (and the clock is ticking, my friends). WCS can simply, AND LEGALLY, just lock the doors and drive away. Who is responsible for the facility and its radioactive contents? Is it just the people of Andrews who wanted the facility? Is it just the "leaders" of the City of Andrews and the County of Andrews?
No class, when WCS walks away, no doubt en route to another site to begin the process again, the People, YOU and ME, the State of Texas, become responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the former WCS site. You and I, as citizens and taxpayers, assume "ownership" of this festering, steaming, contaminated, radioactive quagmire.
By the way, the latest news flash is that the temporary restraining order granted a day or two ago was thrown out. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality will very quickly vote on this issue. And it is a foregone conclusion that they will indeed vote this nightmare into reality.
It is also a forgone conclusion that none of the thirty-six states want this mess in their own backyards. Well, most Texans do not want it either. But it appears that it is ours now.
The question: Why not dump nuclear waste in West Texas?
On the surface (figuratively) the site west of Andrews seems to fit the ticket. Very few people inhabit the area. It is some distance from the closest towns. The land is desolate and not fit for most forms of agriculture. And, most quoted, the WCS facility will generate money for the City of Andrews, the County of Andrews, and the state of Texas.
We are told that the geography of the area makes it perfect for the long-term storage of nuclear and other hazardous waste, because of the layers of clay that make the ground impermeable and prevent leakage of the hazardous material into the ground and ultimately into the water table and the local area of the Ogallala Aquifer.
Finally, the WCS facility has created jobs for the Andrews area.
Who could object to this facility based on the above information. Why, I can almost hear bluebirds of happiness singing in the background.
I would like to propose my own question: Why would ANYONE in his right mind WANT nuclear waste from thirty-six other states to be dumped in the person's backyard?
The WCS facility already stores medical waste that contains low levels of radiation. It also stores waste from some federal weapons and other nuclear facilities. This waste is already there, and there is nothing we can do about that, as far as I can determine. Even if no more waste were dumped there, the WCS facility would still be operation for perpetuity. Employees would be needed from now to Kingdom Come to keep the facility running, to monitor for malfunctions in the security and venting systems, and to monitor the environment in order to detect possible leaks of the hazardous materials stored in the facility. So, money would continue to pour into the Andrews area from WCS payrolls, and Andrews citizens would continue to be employed at the facility.
Again, my question, why does anyone want nuclear waste from THIRTY-SIX more states?
Assuming that nuclear facilities in Texas (electrical plants, medical facilities and hospitals, and miscellaneous nuclear operations) also dump their waste at the WCS facility, profits would continue to be generated for WCS, and payoffs, I mean, payments (I can sense I am becoming "irrational" again) would continue to the City and County of Andrews, and the state of Texas. This continuing source of revenue is apparently not enough for WCS, and herein lies the "need" for more nuclear waste being dumped in Texas.
According to WCS information, the fact that the WCS facility would not be profitable was a given back in the planning phase in the mid-nineties. It will become clear to anyone who does even elementary research into the WCS facility that the plan from the very start was to build a facility that would take in nuclear waste on a grand scale, and only in that way would it become profitable. The powers behind WCS do not care about the people of Andrews nor about possible damage to the environment. What they care about is bottom line profits. But, to get the facility going, it had to be sold to the "locals" as a facility that would store only "harmless" medical waste, and that would employ local citizens, thus saving Andrews from inevitable collapse due to the declining oil-fueled economy. I believe that the "sky is falling" mentality played a large part in gaining support for the WCS facility.
Another aspect of the WCS "solution" is the "boost" in the local economy that the WCS payroll will provide, as well as the taxes it will pay over the years. Thus, many residents in Andrews were sold on the project at whatever environmental cost there might be. By extension, if MORE WASTE (such as the nuclear waste from thirty-six other states) were disposed at the WCS Andrews facility, there would be a geometric boost to the economy! There are, in fact, many people in Andrews who are "all for" the acceptance of waste from the other states. All you have to do is watch the "Andrews Solution" commercials on television, or visit the "Texas Solution" website to get an idea of the degree to which many people seem to be "drooling" at the "privilege" of having nuclear waste from other states dumped in Texas.
Who is it going to hurt, really, if all the nuclear waste generated in the United States is dumped at good ol' Andrews, Texas?
I hope that the supporters of this disaster realize that the first persons to suffer will be themselves. Should some accident or criminal act occur, the people of Andrews will be the first victims. I wonder how much the nuclear waste and the WCS payroll will be worth in that scenario?
The Ogallala Aquifer will inevitably be contaminated where it flows under the WCS facility. Who can speculate on what the potential damage will be. But the victims will be whoever must use that aquifer, whether for drinking or for agriculture. Will cotton crops in the area eventually be contaminated? What about oil exploration? Is it not possible that fracturing will allow contaminated water to further infiltrate the environment? Do we even know? But now the circle of victims is even larger.
And one little detail about the WCS license seems to have gone totally unheeded by those who are "pro WCS." That little detail is the section of the license that allows WCS to pull out of the operation after fifteen years (and the clock is ticking, my friends). WCS can simply, AND LEGALLY, just lock the doors and drive away. Who is responsible for the facility and its radioactive contents? Is it just the people of Andrews who wanted the facility? Is it just the "leaders" of the City of Andrews and the County of Andrews?
No class, when WCS walks away, no doubt en route to another site to begin the process again, the People, YOU and ME, the State of Texas, become responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the former WCS site. You and I, as citizens and taxpayers, assume "ownership" of this festering, steaming, contaminated, radioactive quagmire.
By the way, the latest news flash is that the temporary restraining order granted a day or two ago was thrown out. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality will very quickly vote on this issue. And it is a foregone conclusion that they will indeed vote this nightmare into reality.
It is also a forgone conclusion that none of the thirty-six states want this mess in their own backyards. Well, most Texans do not want it either. But it appears that it is ours now.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year!
I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year, and a prosperous one as well. I must confess at the moment that I am too involved in the Bowl Games to do an intelligent blog tonight. But I have definitely spent a great day with the spouse doing nothing but watching football and eating my wife's great cooking.
I just want to take a moment to thank all of you for taking time to read my blog. It is truly an honor to have people from so many different places sharing your time with me in this way. I know that there are many things that take up your time, including reading other blogs. I also follow a couple myself and appreciate seeing the ideas that others have about this or that topic.
Half-time is nearly over so I will be returning my attention to the tube, but before I do, I would like to say hello to everyone of you. There are readers from the United States, Mexico, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Croatia, Slovenia, Singapore, Russia, Iceland, Netherlands, and India. I appreciate everyone of you. I hope you will continue to follow my blog as the year goes on. There are all kinds of issues going on, events, and just general things I like to blog about...I hope to provide something everyday that will be of interest. Happy New Year to All.
Now, it is time for the kickoff!
I just want to take a moment to thank all of you for taking time to read my blog. It is truly an honor to have people from so many different places sharing your time with me in this way. I know that there are many things that take up your time, including reading other blogs. I also follow a couple myself and appreciate seeing the ideas that others have about this or that topic.
Half-time is nearly over so I will be returning my attention to the tube, but before I do, I would like to say hello to everyone of you. There are readers from the United States, Mexico, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Croatia, Slovenia, Singapore, Russia, Iceland, Netherlands, and India. I appreciate everyone of you. I hope you will continue to follow my blog as the year goes on. There are all kinds of issues going on, events, and just general things I like to blog about...I hope to provide something everyday that will be of interest. Happy New Year to All.
Now, it is time for the kickoff!
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A Severe Blow to the Pride, Integrity, and Guts of Texas (and some Federal) Police
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