Thursday, August 17, 2017

THE NATION IS IN GREAT TURMOIL - Just Ask Jason Kessler And His Paid "Protesters"

The nation is in TURMOIL!!  Maybe or maybe not...but the Media and certain people want us to believe so.  These people, with the full, knowing, intentional support of the media are trying to paint a picture of nationwide turmoil, a picture of a nation ripping itself apart, indeed...a picture of a nation on the brink of another civil war!

We must be on the brink of civil war! At a Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia "facist, racist" White Supremacists were confronted by "anti-facist" protesters.  There were some clashes, and some arrests, but very few injuries.  Then a "racist" ran his car into a car full of protesters and into protesters who were blocking the street.  Tragically a person died and many others were severely injured.  Meanwhile, statues of Civil War heroes were torn down. We MUST BE at the brink of war!


It turns out that the organizer of the Unite The Right rally was one Jason Kessler, the SAME Jason Kessler who was an Occupy Wall Street "leader" and an avowed Obama supporter.  WHAT? An Obama supporter and an Occupy Wall Street Organizer?  Yes!  It appears this IS the case.  Even the Southern Poverty Law Center, who has listed Kessler as a White Nationalist who bears watching, noted that Kessler was a "relative newcomer on the White Supremacist scene."

The Southern Poverty Law Center, bitter opponents of the Klan, Nazis, and so-on, candidly admit that they have never heard of this man before.

But it would appear that Democratic organizations such as Occupy HAVE INDEED heard of Kessler.

Now you will notice that neither the Southern Poverty Law Center nor have really brought a lot of attention to Mr. Kessler's ideology PRIOR to his appearance in Charlottesville. Neither have any of the mainstream news organizations.  WHY?  Certainly the Southern Poverty Law Center, which on the one hand feigns no prior knowledge, yet on the other hand has compiled quite a file on Kessler, has certainly come across his liberal ties.  At least they should have.  Just look at what all they DO known about Kessler.

The only conclusion one can draw, when informed of Kessler's sudden emergence as a "racists" is that he is actually an impostor, and an agitator.  He clearly loses credibility as a "white supremacist" when his background comes to light. But Kessler's employers, and the NEWS MEDIA, want us to believe that all hell is breaking loose all over the United States, that "spontaneous groups of protesters" are rising up across the nation and removing those "hateful" reminders of the past evils of this nation.

In fact, not only is Kessler a fake "Facist" but the "spontaneous protesters" are in fact paid actors (amateur, inexperienced, but PAID) hired by company called "Crowds On Demand."  That's right...Crowds On Demand! Most of the "protesters" in Charlottesville were ACTORS.  They were paid rather nominally, between $20 and $25 per hour to "protest."  These people may or may not oppose the statues that represent racism and slavery, but actually what they are really doing is earning money for ACTING.  Suddenly these "protests" ring really hollow.

I had heard that some of the occupy protesters were actually paid actors, but I really did not research the matter, and only half-believed it.  But the same allegations arose with the incident in Charlottesville.  This time I did some checking on my own.  I have listed a couple of sources in this post, and here is one more.  From this one, we can gather Las Vegas is about to sink into TURMOIL!!

So there are a couple of things to know before we get too upset about the people tearing down monuments or too worried that the nation is on the brink of civil war.  First, someone, Kessler's unknown boss, for instance, and the NEWS MEDIA, WANT US TO BELIEVE THE ENTIRE NATION IS IN TURMOIL AND WE ARE ON THE BRINK OF CIVIL WAR.

Second, they want us to believe that people of different races in this country cannot get along with each other, to the point that violence is imminent.

The truth is that certain evil persons are desperately bent on creating ARTIFICIAL scenes of protest and violence because on the whole the nation IS NOT IN TOTAL AND COMPLETE TURMOIL and these people want that OH SO BADLY.

The second truth is that most Americans, while acknowledging that everything is not perfect, also have the capacity to interact with each other most of the time in a mostly peaceful and understanding manner.  Further, most Americans are able to work together to resolve their differences.

The final truth is this:  We Americans need to take a BIG STEP BACK from what we see and hear on the "NEWS," and realize that we may be living in tense times, but we ARE NOT about to tear ourselves and our nation apart.  We need to calm down and really try to find out who is actually involved in engineering this turmoil, and what might be their motives.  Remember that Walter Cronkite and Paul Harvey are gone, David Brinkley is gone...and truth in the media is gone.  You should depend on the "NEWS" for little more than the time and date that an event happened.  Beyond that, don't panic, and don't assume you have heard the truth.  Do some research for yourself before you believe what the various talking heads are telling you.  And most of all, continue to care for and respect your fellow man.  That will go a long way in reducing any turmoil there might be.

May God Bless America


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