Some random thoughts from this evening, while sipping tea and mourning the lack of air conditioning due to a dead condenser:
It is not too terribly surprising, though disgusting beyond description, first that a convicted rapist was sentenced to only six months (in a county jail) and served only THREE months due to his "good behavior" while in jail.
At the same time and across the nation, a drunk driver who killed four people in one "accident" is also about to be released after serving a laughably short sentence. Well, it would be laughable if it were not so disgusting, and it did not represent the failure of "equal justice under the law."
I say this because of a very awful experience my lovely bride and I shared a few years ago. I will not give all the details here, but the short story is we witnessed a drunk driver who sped by us, vanished beyond a rise in the road, and while out of our sight for a few seconds, struck a car that was parked...not on the shoulder...but in the grass several feet OFF the shoulder. Two people were badly injured, and young girl was killed. The drunk driver of course, too stoned to know why his pickup would not run anymore, was not injured in the least. He was arrested, and eventually came to trial. My wife and I were subpoenaed as witnesses. Confronted with our statements and other evidence, the young man, only in his twenties, took a plea pre-trial because he feared he would receive life in prison. He was lucky...he received ONLY forty years.
Now, why did this man (and he was WHITE, in case anyone wants to say race was a factor in the length of the sentence) received such a long sentence, compared to the two criminals mentioned above? The answer is he was only a an average guy with average parents who could not afford a high caliber attorney. He did not have parents with an endless supply of money and who held "high" positions within exclusive communities. And probably most important, and most disgusting to me, he did not go before a judge who would so willingly minimize the actions of these young criminals because of their affluent lives and entitlement-filled upbringing. Equal justice? Really?
We are upset because athletes do not stand and salute during the National Anthem, and that is indeed truly upsetting. Especially the one who refused to honor the nation yet has benefited from the wealth of the nation since being taken in by his parents, and now is reaping millions of dollars from a professional football career. This conduct is upsetting, and very confusing.
But maybe it is not so confusing. We have a President who refuses to honor this nation, a nation made up of many people who elected this man twice, confusing in itself. This President refuses to salute or even acknowledge the respect shown him by his military detail of honor; he has several times turned his back to the flag at various ceremonies in Washington and other places; he is the first President to have the American flag removed from a press conference so as not to offend Muslims who might have been present. So actually there should be little wonder that some people choose to follow this President's example.
We are upset that a few athletes have dishonored the flag, and well we should be. But how much more outraged should we be that our own, twice-elected President and Commander-in-Chief feels the need to publicly dishonor the flag, thus dishonoring the very people who placed him in that high office.
One of the candidates for the 2016 Presidential Election is the subject of several investigations concerning both her conduct as a public official and her activities as a part of the Clinton Foundation. A string of potential witnesses in various cases concerning Ms. Clinton have mysteriously died in equally mysterious circumstances. Yet nearly half the registered voters in the United States cannot wait to put this lady into the White House. Almost beyond my understanding.
Speaking of Ms. Clinton and equal justice for all, I am exhausted from hearing each new revelation of hidden emails or evidence of other wrong-doing. The Secretary of State has received virtual "get-out-of-jail-free" cards from both the (dis)honorable US Attorney General and the (puppet) director of the FBI. Of one or both of these officials may have concerns about the mysterious deaths mentioned above and may not want to run the risk of committing assisted suicide. Whatever the reason for Ms. Clinton's pre-indictment "pardons," it is plain that she will never be indicted, much less will she ever spend a night in jail. So maybe the news services could kindly discontinue these kinds of stories about the likely first ever woman to be President. Do any of us believe a "regular" citizen would not already by sacked, packed, and doing time?
How can the American political process be summed up by a choice for either Ms. Clinton or Mr. Trump? Many voters are "disenfranchised" by either candidate. How were much more palatable candidates tossed to the wayside during the campaign? Worse, perhaps Hillary and Donald WERE the most palatable candidates! This election seems to be about electing the second worst candidate, whichever one that may be.
We are trillions of dollars in debt as a nation, meaning we, as a nation, are broke. Bankrupt! We do not have enough money to fund Social Security, to keep our promises to our veterans, or to fund various other necessities, such as national infrastructure, but we seem to have endless money to fight various brush wars and proxy fights around the globe. We have endless supplies of cash to build drones with which we attack people in nations with whom we are not at war. And we also seem to have an endless supply of money with which to fund the excessive travels our First Family and First Golfer, and for Congress to grant themselves endless pay raises and extravagant pensions.
Yes, random thoughts, questions I cannot answer...
And now it is time for another glass of tea...
May God Bless (and Help) America
It is not too terribly surprising, though disgusting beyond description, first that a convicted rapist was sentenced to only six months (in a county jail) and served only THREE months due to his "good behavior" while in jail.
At the same time and across the nation, a drunk driver who killed four people in one "accident" is also about to be released after serving a laughably short sentence. Well, it would be laughable if it were not so disgusting, and it did not represent the failure of "equal justice under the law."
I say this because of a very awful experience my lovely bride and I shared a few years ago. I will not give all the details here, but the short story is we witnessed a drunk driver who sped by us, vanished beyond a rise in the road, and while out of our sight for a few seconds, struck a car that was parked...not on the shoulder...but in the grass several feet OFF the shoulder. Two people were badly injured, and young girl was killed. The drunk driver of course, too stoned to know why his pickup would not run anymore, was not injured in the least. He was arrested, and eventually came to trial. My wife and I were subpoenaed as witnesses. Confronted with our statements and other evidence, the young man, only in his twenties, took a plea pre-trial because he feared he would receive life in prison. He was lucky...he received ONLY forty years.
Now, why did this man (and he was WHITE, in case anyone wants to say race was a factor in the length of the sentence) received such a long sentence, compared to the two criminals mentioned above? The answer is he was only a an average guy with average parents who could not afford a high caliber attorney. He did not have parents with an endless supply of money and who held "high" positions within exclusive communities. And probably most important, and most disgusting to me, he did not go before a judge who would so willingly minimize the actions of these young criminals because of their affluent lives and entitlement-filled upbringing. Equal justice? Really?
We are upset because athletes do not stand and salute during the National Anthem, and that is indeed truly upsetting. Especially the one who refused to honor the nation yet has benefited from the wealth of the nation since being taken in by his parents, and now is reaping millions of dollars from a professional football career. This conduct is upsetting, and very confusing.
But maybe it is not so confusing. We have a President who refuses to honor this nation, a nation made up of many people who elected this man twice, confusing in itself. This President refuses to salute or even acknowledge the respect shown him by his military detail of honor; he has several times turned his back to the flag at various ceremonies in Washington and other places; he is the first President to have the American flag removed from a press conference so as not to offend Muslims who might have been present. So actually there should be little wonder that some people choose to follow this President's example.
We are upset that a few athletes have dishonored the flag, and well we should be. But how much more outraged should we be that our own, twice-elected President and Commander-in-Chief feels the need to publicly dishonor the flag, thus dishonoring the very people who placed him in that high office.
One of the candidates for the 2016 Presidential Election is the subject of several investigations concerning both her conduct as a public official and her activities as a part of the Clinton Foundation. A string of potential witnesses in various cases concerning Ms. Clinton have mysteriously died in equally mysterious circumstances. Yet nearly half the registered voters in the United States cannot wait to put this lady into the White House. Almost beyond my understanding.
Speaking of Ms. Clinton and equal justice for all, I am exhausted from hearing each new revelation of hidden emails or evidence of other wrong-doing. The Secretary of State has received virtual "get-out-of-jail-free" cards from both the (dis)honorable US Attorney General and the (puppet) director of the FBI. Of one or both of these officials may have concerns about the mysterious deaths mentioned above and may not want to run the risk of committing assisted suicide. Whatever the reason for Ms. Clinton's pre-indictment "pardons," it is plain that she will never be indicted, much less will she ever spend a night in jail. So maybe the news services could kindly discontinue these kinds of stories about the likely first ever woman to be President. Do any of us believe a "regular" citizen would not already by sacked, packed, and doing time?
How can the American political process be summed up by a choice for either Ms. Clinton or Mr. Trump? Many voters are "disenfranchised" by either candidate. How were much more palatable candidates tossed to the wayside during the campaign? Worse, perhaps Hillary and Donald WERE the most palatable candidates! This election seems to be about electing the second worst candidate, whichever one that may be.
We are trillions of dollars in debt as a nation, meaning we, as a nation, are broke. Bankrupt! We do not have enough money to fund Social Security, to keep our promises to our veterans, or to fund various other necessities, such as national infrastructure, but we seem to have endless money to fight various brush wars and proxy fights around the globe. We have endless supplies of cash to build drones with which we attack people in nations with whom we are not at war. And we also seem to have an endless supply of money with which to fund the excessive travels our First Family and First Golfer, and for Congress to grant themselves endless pay raises and extravagant pensions.
Yes, random thoughts, questions I cannot answer...
And now it is time for another glass of tea...
May God Bless (and Help) America
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