I am trying (not succeeding) to speak as well of President Obama as possible, but he makes that so difficult on a daily basis as his presidency comes to creeping, grinding, too slow close. Regardless of my feelings toward him, other Americans, some of my friends, voted for this man twice, so he appealed to something they wanted...other than the Death of America, I cannot figure out what. But...
I have also endeavored to be fair even to President Obama. And after what I read yesterday, researched today, and checked again these facts, I have to concede that President Obama's treachery may have been outdone in 1968, by none other than Presidential Candidate Richard Nixon. Don't get me wrong, I do not believe we have seen the end result of what Obama has done, and I believe that the violence the poor "refugees" are bringing into Europe, Asia, and yes, to some points in the United States, will only get worse, including bloodshed. So the question is still open.
So why Richard Nixon as a possible winner for WORST President in US History? Nope, not the Watergate Scandal, that was "chicken feed." I am referring to what must be one of the darkest secrets and the most treasonous action of the Vietnam War, dwarfing Jane Fonda's sexual pleasuring of the North Vietnam military command by Mount Everest.
This secret only came to light in the opening of classified audiotapes in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library. Here I have to chastise myself because I completely missed this thing, and apparently so did much of the "main stream media" of the United States. Not so much the BBC - they were right on it in 2013. I had a major distraction in 2013, that is all I can blame it on. Anyway, President Nixon (then Candidate Nixon - but who had been Dwight Eisenhower's vice-president for both terms), who had connections and means to run clandestine operations (ring a bell?) set up a back street, off the record channel to both the North and South Vietnamese leaders. Essentially, VP Nixon let both nations know that they could expect better terms and more concessions if they would WALK OUT of the 1968 Paris Peace Talks and only agree to meet again AFTER Nixon won the election. Both governments, but especially SOUTH VIETNAM cooperated. This in spite of the fact that North Vietnam had been bombed so badly that they were actually about to ask for terms. The US public was led to believe that these millions of tons of bombs were having little to no effect on North Vietnam.
What were the results of Nixon's treasonous actions? Obviously the war went on four years longer, for one. Directly because of Nixon's "deal" another 22,000 (that's TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND) American service men and women died in Southeast Asia. And untold millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laosans died in this same period. The lives of all these people were much more important, but I would also point out another result of this agreement. The Military-Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower so prophetically warned the nation about must have made billions more in profit. All because Nixon wanted the "glory" of ending the Vietnam War, sending in the snake Henry Kissenger to engineer the final accords. So, President Richard Nixon has just jumped in line ahead of Obama for the coveted honor of WORST President in US History.
I am open-minded, and I am not downplaying of President Obama's criminal acts, attacks on the Constitution, and his apparent intent to bring the United States down to Third World Status. Obama still has time to surpass Nixon and take the big honor.
A question comes to mind here. Nixon was facing impeachment for the Watergate Scandal and resigned the Presidency to avoid both the impeachment and removal, and the possible criminal prosecution. So, why was he not impeached for the much more serious and highly treasonous action of scuttling the Paris Peace Talks, and for the murder of 22,000 Americans and millions of Asians? The answer: No one other than the conspirators KNEW about it.
Wait, that is not entirely true. Someone did know about it, and that someone should also shoulder some of the shame. Remember, I said that this information came to light from tapes made by President Lyndon Baines Johnson? That's right. President Johnson knew every detail, and actually so did a couple of hundred spies down at the National Security Agency (NSA). Yes, they were tapping domestic telephone lines even way back then. And Johnson had recordings of Nixon's every word, thanks to the NSA. But they were quite cowed by Johnson, who told them to keep this under wraps. Johnson believed that Candidate Hubert Humphrey would defeat Nixon, who had already lost another presidential election. Therefore, Johnson felt the best policy was not to say anything. Either the three sides would come back to the table soon, or they would come back to the table after the 1968 election. President Johnson HAD to know, like Nixon knew, that thousands of Americans, and millions of Asians, would die before the new Peace Talks took place. So President Johnson himself should be on this list somewhere. Actually Nixon won by only 1% of the electoral vote.
I was only a small child when all of this took place, and many people who cannot stomach Obama's Presidency, some of whom were not even born back then, may still feel Obama is our worst President ever. And that may be the case by the time all the immigration and refugee situations play out. And with all the unconstitutional executive orders. And giving our sovereignty away. There is still time for Obama to take the TOP SPOT.
But, as yet, Obama has not murdered 22,000 Americans.
NOTE: I take no credit for this information, as the article is listed below. I did confirm this information through several sources that were not available in 2013. David Taylor did a great job and rightfully is credited, along with the article.
May God Bless America
I am PROUD to be an INFIDEL
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