Thursday, March 31, 2016

Truth Is At LEAST As Strange As Fiction - Or - Cocaine Submarine

A couple of weeks ago I read (via audio-book) a fictional story about crime, a couple of lovable criminals, and a less-than-successful Colombian drug lord whose last big attempt at wealth involved, of all things, smuggling cocaine in a small submarine.  The sub was to have travelled from South America, along the Texas Gulf Coast, and finally to Florida.  Unfortunately the sub was of inferior quality and sank to the bottom as soon as it was about three hundred yards off shore.  Too bad.  It was a very interesting book but the submarine caper was just a small sub-plot within the bigger picture.

Imagine my surprise to read the news today that a Border Patrol air unit based in Corpus Christi spotted what they thought looked a submarine, prowling through the waters off the Texas coast.  This submarine was probably not the best of the best.  For one thing, it appeared that the crew had no way of knowing they had been spotted.  Second, the submarine could not submerge!  At least not more than a few feet below the ocean's surface.  These are two drawbacks, I suppose, of not having a large budget for a submarine.  Maybe.

In any case, the Border Patrol air unit made contact with the US Coast Guard and reported this sighting.  Within a few hours of first contact, a Coast Guard cutter, supported by a few more lethal ships, stopped the submarine, boarded it, and arrested the crew.  No, the submarine was not piloted by spies...just a couple of drug smugglers.  Inside the vessel's hold, 5.5 tons of cocaine was found, believed to be worth about (ready for this?) TWO HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS!!  What a bust!  I was surprised (a little, anyway) that smuggling cocaine by sub was really a thing.  But here is another question: If a drug smuggling organization has the clout to smuggle $200,000,000 worth of dope in ONE LOAD, shouldn't it be able to score a REAL submarine as well?  I bet they are taking another look at this little disaster.

Anyway, kudos to the good guys...and truth really is at LEAST as strange as fiction!

God Bless America

End of Watch: March 26, 2016 Patrolman Jeffrey Nichols, TDPS -Lamar County, TX

Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper Jeffrey Nichols lost his life after crashing in his patrol car while on duty near Paris, TX.  I am proud but saddened to honor him here, and thank him for his service.  Also to pray for his family and friends, as well as his fellow officers who are all hurting at this time.  This young man left behind his parents and family, and a community of friends as well. 

There was little information released in any of the articles I read prior to posting this, and I waited a couple of days to try to get more detail.  The only information made available at this time is that the crash was a one-vehicle accident.  Trooper Nichols had served five years and was, even at his young age, a veteran officer.  Mystery crashes like these leave questions, and I hope this young officer's family are able to get the answers they want and need.

Prayers for all our peace officers and corrections officers. 

God Bless America

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Obama Will Be WORST President In US History - - Or Maybe ONLY First Runner Up

I am trying (not succeeding) to speak as well of President Obama as possible, but he makes that so difficult on a daily basis as his presidency comes to creeping, grinding, too slow close.  Regardless of my feelings toward him, other Americans, some of my friends, voted for this man twice, so he appealed to something they wanted...other than the Death of America, I cannot figure out what.  But...

I have also endeavored to be fair even to President Obama.  And after what I read yesterday, researched today, and checked again these facts, I have to concede that President Obama's treachery may have been outdone in 1968, by none other than Presidential Candidate Richard Nixon.  Don't get me wrong, I do not believe we have seen the end result of what Obama has done, and I believe that the violence the poor "refugees" are bringing into Europe, Asia, and yes, to some points in the United States, will only get worse, including bloodshed.  So the question is still open.

So why Richard Nixon as a possible winner for WORST President in US History?  Nope, not the Watergate Scandal, that was "chicken feed."  I am referring to what must be one of the darkest secrets and the most treasonous action of the Vietnam War, dwarfing Jane Fonda's sexual pleasuring of the North Vietnam military command by Mount Everest. 

This secret only came to light in the opening of classified audiotapes in the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library.  Here I have to chastise myself because I completely missed this thing, and apparently so did much of the "main stream media" of the United States.  Not so much the BBC - they were right on it in 2013.  I had a major distraction in 2013, that is all I can blame it on.  Anyway, President Nixon (then Candidate Nixon - but who had been Dwight Eisenhower's vice-president for both terms), who had connections and means to run clandestine operations (ring a bell?) set up a back street, off the record channel to both the North and South Vietnamese leaders.  Essentially, VP Nixon let both nations know that they could expect better terms and more concessions if they would WALK OUT of the 1968 Paris Peace Talks and only agree to meet again AFTER Nixon won the election.  Both governments, but especially SOUTH VIETNAM cooperated.  This in spite of the fact that North Vietnam had been bombed so badly that they were actually about to ask for terms.  The US public was led to believe that these millions of tons of bombs were having little to no effect on North Vietnam.

What were the results of Nixon's treasonous actions?  Obviously the war went on four years longer, for one.  Directly because of Nixon's "deal" another 22,000 (that's TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND) American service men and women died in Southeast Asia.  And untold millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laosans died in this same period.  The lives of all these people were much more important, but I would also point out another result of this agreement.  The Military-Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower so prophetically warned the nation about must have made billions more in profit.  All because Nixon wanted the "glory" of ending the Vietnam War, sending in the snake Henry Kissenger to engineer the final accords.  So, President Richard Nixon has just jumped in line ahead of Obama for the coveted honor of WORST President in US History.

I am open-minded, and I am not downplaying of President Obama's criminal acts, attacks on the Constitution, and his apparent intent to bring the United States down to Third World Status.  Obama still has time to surpass Nixon and take the big honor.

A question comes to mind here.  Nixon was facing impeachment for the Watergate Scandal and resigned the Presidency to avoid both the impeachment and removal, and the possible criminal prosecution.  So, why was he not impeached for the much more serious and highly treasonous action of scuttling the Paris Peace Talks, and for the murder of 22,000 Americans and millions of Asians?  The answer: No one other than the conspirators KNEW about it.

Wait, that is not entirely true.  Someone did know about it, and that someone should also shoulder some of the shame.  Remember, I said that this information came to light from tapes made by President Lyndon Baines Johnson?  That's right.  President Johnson knew every detail, and actually so did a couple of hundred spies down at the National Security Agency (NSA).  Yes, they were tapping domestic telephone lines even way back then.  And Johnson had recordings of Nixon's every word, thanks to the NSA.  But they were quite cowed by Johnson, who told them to keep this under wraps.  Johnson believed that Candidate Hubert Humphrey would defeat Nixon, who had already lost another presidential election.  Therefore, Johnson felt the best policy was not to say anything.  Either the three sides would come back to the table soon, or they would come back to the table after the 1968 election.  President Johnson HAD to know, like Nixon knew, that thousands of Americans, and millions of Asians, would die before the new Peace Talks took place.  So President Johnson himself should be on this list somewhere.  Actually Nixon won by only 1% of the electoral vote.

I was only a small child when all of this took place, and many people who cannot stomach Obama's Presidency, some of whom were not even born back then, may still feel Obama is our worst President ever.  And that may be the case by the time all the immigration and refugee situations play out.  And with all the unconstitutional executive orders. And giving our sovereignty away. There is still time for Obama to take the TOP SPOT.

But, as yet, Obama has not murdered 22,000 Americans.

NOTE:  I take no credit for this information, as the article is listed below.  I did confirm this information through several sources that were not available in 2013.   David Taylor did a great job and rightfully is credited, along with the article.

May God Bless America
I am PROUD to be an INFIDEL

Pneutralized By Pneumonia

Starting a few days ago (after a spring dust storm, to be precise) I noticed that by the time I got home from work and took my shoes off, I was literally too tired to blog, although there were so many things to blog about, as always.  But I just could not concentrate long enough.  About day three I decided I had a sinus infection, which I normally get after said spring dust storms, so I thought a little rest and a little self-medication would fix me right up.  Day four, Sunday at work, a strong tendency to cough set in.  Luckily I was on a solo assignment, at least until shift change, so there was little danger of "contaging" anyone, just in case it was not a sinus infection.

Monday, a day off, and I spent the time resting and self-medicating.  Tuesday, my next day off, and I had plans, but I woke up feeling near death and also feeling and hearing a suspicious crackling noise when I exhaled.  So I told my lovely bride I needed to spend another day resting and self-medicating.  My lovely bride, ever so sympathetic, replied, "Oh, just go see the doctor! You KNOW you're too sick to go to work tomorrow!"  Like I said, sympathetic as always.  But she had a point.  I was definitely heading "south" by the hour.  So I called the "provider" and was able to be seen as a "walk-in" if I could get there by 11:15 AM.  Of course it was 10:45 when I called.  So I raced to the doctor's officer, getting there by 11:10!  I was early.  Of course I was not "worked in" until nearly 12:00 PM.  But the wait was worth it.  A breathing treatment, steroids, shots on BOTH cheeks, three pages of prescriptions, and I was on the way home, via the drug store.

So today, I am feeling human again.  By the way, when I said that I felt like death, I was serious.  The nurse started telling me what all drugs she would be giving, and I cut her off.  "Could please just shoot me with a lethal injection?  It would be cheaper, faster, and I would feel better."  She sort of smile/snarled and said, "Do you want me to commit you NOW?!  So I cut with the semi-jokes.  As I said, I feel much better today, although still awfully tired, but I have earned a five day vacation.  There is an upside!

So I am back at the keyboard again, and on steroids and other drugs.  I may have a few more spealling, or, grammatical errors, so just ttry to overlook those.  To any of you who may be sick or feeling bad (read "sick but resting and self-medicating) I wish you the best...and I know just how you feel.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A Strange Synchronicity, or, "Beer And Chips, Anyone?"

Of late I have been paying more attention to synchronistic happenings (coincidences, in "old speak") and how often these events occur in my life.  I am not sure why, just because it seems fun, I guess.  There are some writers who have made a good living writing about synchronicity and how it can guide one's life.  For me, unfortunately, I seem to notice the synchronicities only AFTER the fact, so I am not reaping all that much benefit from my knowledge of synchronicity.  Just this evening, however, I did have an interesting and entertaining bit of synchronism.

I sometimes do a little research on the Internet and in print media to find interesting, obscure things on which to base a blog, particularly when I am fed up with politics and current events here in the good ol' U.S. of A.  So this evening as I was looking for something to write about in lieu of our President or the ongoing presidential campaign and its participants, I came across an interesting and rather tasty bit of news.  It seems that early this morning near Melbourne, Florida two tractor-trailer rigs collided on Interstate 95, closing the Interstate for several hours and upsetting many Florida least for a little while.

The two trucks in question were carrying complementary cargos, and fortunately, neither driver was seriously injured.  A big rig loaded with Busch Beer was proceeding down I-95 and the driver attempted to change lanes due to slow traffic ahead.  As the truck moved toward the left lane, the driver realized that there was a vehicle to his left so he swerved quickly back to the right.  Unfortunately he lost control of the vehicle and drove onto the right shoulder, crashing into - wait for it!- a Frito Lay truck full of Corn Chips.  CRASH!!  And it was beer and chips for everyone!  Of course with both trucks damaged and the beer truck laying across the road, traffic came to a standstill.  According to the news article, several people made the best of a bad situation by enjoying the beer and chips while waiting for workers to clean up the mess.

That was an interesting bit of news, but here is where synchronicity came into play.  Since this news story was so humorous, I did not search for more news, but instead did some research concerning holidays or observance days for March 23.  Guess what!  It turns out that today is National Chip and Dip Day in the United States.  How synchronistic is that?!  And if one indulges in chips and dip, it follows (for many people anyway) that one would chase the chips and dip with beer.  Busch beer would be as good as any, as far as I am concerned.  Anyway, the only thing that would have been more synchronistic would have been if a load of Bean Dip and Pace Picante Sauce had rear-ended the Busch Beer truck during the crash.

So today is National Chip and Dip Day, and a synchronistic day as well.  I am happy that no one was injured in the truck accident that brought the chips and beer together on this very special day.  And it occurs to me that there is a reason Chips and Dip are only celebrated on one day.  If it was National Chip and Dip WEEK, instead of DAY, many of us would put on another couple of pesky pounds just in time for bikini season!

Thank you, and may God Bless America

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Texas Game Wardens Now Hunting Terrorists Instead Of Poachers

In both his terms as President of the United States, Barack Obama has utterly (and I believe, INTENTIONALLY) failed to allocate monetary and MILITARY aid to secure the southern border of the United States, particularly the southern Texas border.  The proceeding statement is not my opinion, but is fact.  All one has to do to see this fact is to look at the militarization of Texas state and local law enforcement agencies.  I do acknowledge that the Border Patrol, a federal Agency, HAS received some aid, but not nearly enough.  Our Texas Peace Officers, and their colleagues in the Border Patrol, are instead having to arm themselves with military-grade weapons any way they can.  The Texas Legislature has stepped up, and the Texas Department of Public Safety troopers stationed along the border and the quasi-border areas (such as my own homeland) are armed with semi-automatic rifles, and the deputies and local police officers have been able to better arm themselves up and down the border. BUT...MANPOWER is another matter.  Except for a few extra state troopers being assigned to the borderlands, there is basically no more help for our officers.  The federal government has sent some national guard troops, and no doubt unmanned aircraft (drones), but these resources are currently only used in an observation and reporting capacity...adding very little safety for our peace officers, AND for our fellow Texans who must live everyday with the threat of becoming victims of illegals, and now TERRORISTS, as these people make their way across Texas and into the rest of America.

Today, something I have suspected for some time has been confirmed by, of all people, the folks at the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife.  The head of that agency disclosed that Game Wardens who are assigned to border areas as well as to waterways along the coast have been given, in addition to military-grade rifles and even machine guns mounted to their patrol boats, equipment to "sniff" radioactive and explosive residue.  That's right!  Our game wardens, who are not "soldiers" per se, are being asked to patrol border area waterways and game areas with equipment to catch TERRORISTS.  Don't take my word for it.  Check sources ranging from the major networks to "patriot" and "alternative" news outlets.  No help is forthcoming from the federal government, as far as SOLDIERS to protect our border from TERRORISTS.

What is so upsetting to me is that for a couple of years some of our state representatives have asked for help from Washington D.C.  Not only has this plea for assistance been ignored, but mainstream media and many "national leaders" have called our politicians, and us Texans as well, "crazy."  "Pass out the tin foil hats!"  Terrorists just outside of Texas and the other southwestern Border States?  Of course, right...sure..heh heh, just take it easy, you guys."  Guess what?  There ARE terrorists in training in Mexico and our law enforcement leaders KNOW IT.  They are preparing for it when our federal government WILL NOT, and our President IGNORES this situation, which he is no doubt briefed about with regular frequency.  Again...I am not simply stating my opinion.  Our state lawmen and lawwomen are being placed in harm's way and the national government is standing by, read DOING NOTHING!!  At least forty-three percent of the voting public voted AGAIN for President Obama.  And those in Texas who voted for Obama the second time are in the same boat with the rest of Texas.

I have much confidence in the bravery and the capabilities of our Texas Peace Officers.  I know they will do all they can with what they have to protect us.  But it is OUTRAGEOUS that these brave men and women are now called upon to be soldiers, to be targets of terrorists as part of their regular duties.  At one time I wondered WHAT IT WILL TAKE to get the attention of the President and of our national government, to stop with the politically correct madness of "tolerance of Islamic extremism" and protect our border.  I do not wonder anymore.  I know now that only direct and disastrous attacks on Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California will  finally goad "our" government into grudgingly doing what it was formed to do, and that is to protect our nation, its land, its people, from attack both from without and within.

The federal government can no longer pretend not to know what is happening along the southern border.  The fact that our game wardens are now engaged in protecting us from terrorists has made news on the Internet and will gradually spread through "regular" media as well.  I expect no more help from the federal government.  I just pray for our peace officers and their colleagues in the Border Patrol.  I pray that they stay safe, and also that they see the enemy first, and take that action necessary to protect themselves and us from those who are trying to destroy America as we know it.

May God Bless America, and God Bless Texas!

And to both the feds who are ignoring us, and the jihadists who think we fear them in the least,  COME AND TAKE IT!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

This Is THE Day

In Psalm 118:24 David wrote, "This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it."  We sang a song by that title this morning at church service, a very happy song with a very glad message.  The service was good all the way through, as we praised the name of the Lord.  After it was over we all went out separate ways, everyone still happy in the day the Lord had made. But then, it all set in.  Tomorrow is Monday.

Tomorrow is Monday.  In just a few hours the week will "start" and we will all be "back to the grind," that is if you work a regular schedule.  Anyway, the sort of "high" or good feeling I had after church seemed to have faded into the background and the sun had not yet set on the Lord's day.  And I thought, Monday?  That is a day the Lord made?  I felt my stress level going up as I thought of the things waiting on me Monday and the following days.  Sunday was just a brief respite from "the rest of the week."

Do any of you have this same "problem," this mindset?  A couple of hours with the Lord on Sunday and then the cares, concerns, and stresses of life, of our lives, once again assert themselves.  By eight or nine o'clock on Monday morning so many things have crowded their way back into our lives and minds that the hours spent with Jesus seem so far away.  At least for me, they do.  I hope you are not in this same group.  Some people I know seem to be perpetually in a "Sunday mode" and I am happy for them.  I want to stay in that Sunday mode a little longer myself, even as Monday is beating at the door stoop.

King David had some wisdom to offer, some very "down to earth" words.  King David told us,  "This is THE Day the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it."  Therein is the wisdom and the technique.  I must acknowledge that THE day the Lord has made.  The Lord made the day, with all the good and with all the challenges.  For some, maybe even for me, there will be loss before the day is over.  We have no way of knowing what is in store for us in a given day.  But we DO know it will be a day that the Lord has made.

But, I must not only acknowledge that the Lord made this day, I should also feel the goodness of the day, and I should rejoice...rejoice that the Lord made another day, and be glad in it.  Wait...are you KIDDING?  I should be GLAD that it is MONDAY MORNING??  I don't know about you, but Monday is one day that I have a difficult time with being glad in it.  Some of the problems from the week before are waiting for me Monday morning.  Not only that, but NEW problems that developed over the weekend are waiting, in addition.  And instead of rejoicing for the new day and being glad in it, I tend to focus on that "stuff" that is waiting to spoil the day for me.

Well, I felt like the preacher was talking to me today, that Jesus had a message for me.  Yes, tomorrow is Monday, and yes, there are problems waiting for me, some new, and some hanging on from the week just past.  But I believe that Monday will be a better day for me, having gone through the Sunday I did, hearing the message I did, I believe that tomorrow I will follow King David's advise; I will acknowledge that Monday is a day the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it.   Thanks King David, and thanks to the Lord. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

End Of Watch: Officer David Hofer, Euless PD - March 1, 2016

Another officer was killed yesterday, this time in Texas.  Officer David Hofer of the Euless, TX Police Department was shot when he and other officers responded to reports of gunfire and a suspicious person in a city park.  Officer Hofer was mortally wounded and died in surgery at a nearby hospital.  One of Officer Hofer's colleagues was able to shoot the suspect a few minutes later.  The shooter died at the scene.  This tragedy has been repeated all too often around the nation, with the new year only three months old.

Officer Hofer was the first officer to die in the line of duty in Texas this year.  Texas officers work in one of the more dangerous states for police officers, according to yearly statistics, yet officers continue to stay on the job in droves, with young people joining the ranks each year.  No one signs on as a police officer HOPING to be killed in the line of duty; that is just one of the hazards of the job.  But all officers know that they are in danger of being killed or injured at all times while on duty.  There are many dangerous occupations out there, but only one (outside of the military) in which those being dealt with actually TRY to maim or kill their fellow human beings, and that is the occupation of police officer.

It appears that the year 2016 will be another bloody year for police officers.  Last year at this time at least 16 officers had been killed nationwide as well.  The month of March last year was particularly dangerous for police officers, as were January, May, August, September, November, and December.  Each of the months mentioned saw officers slain in the double digits.  February was the "safest" month last year, with "only" two officers being killed that month.  I pray that God will watch extra closely over our police officers this year as it is shaping up to be another long, hard, and tear-stained year of law enforcement.

My prayers and sympathy go out to the family of Officer Hofer, his fiancée, and his brothers and sisters of the Euless Police Department.

May God care for all our officers, and may

God Bless America

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Wal-Mart Trumps Politics

Politics, though all the headline today, as well it should be, has to take a second row seat to my experience at Wal-Mart yesterday.

My son (aka Child A), a W-M employee, and I went to lunch yesterday, which I have not had a chance to do with him in some time.  Also, due to his W-M connection, Child A was a key player in the transaction that would take place after our lunch at...yes, at his old standby, Taco Bell.  I had not eaten there in months so it was all good.  Plus HE bought lunch.  Thank you, Child A.

After leaving Taco Bell, we proceeded to Wal-Mart.  I was on a mission, I told Child A, to buy a vacuum cleaner to replace our old Hoover.  Child A would be able to "buy" the vacuum at employee's discount, if I fronted him the cost of the vacuum.  But not just ANY vacuum.  My lovely bride had already picked out the vacuum cleaner she wanted.  My mission was simple...Don't come home without THAT vacuum cleaner!  No problem...

So Child A and I arrive at Wal-Mart and finally located the vacuum cleaner department.  As we arrived at the vacuum aisles, I was pleased to see that the three aisles were FULLY stocked with many brands and models of vacuums.  While I looked for the particular "make and model" I had been ordered to purchase, Child A did a quick check on the Internet via his "smartphone" and found that the particular vacuum in question came highly rated, a 4.8 out of 5.  A quick, simple purchase, in and out of the store in just a few minutes.  Well, one could always hope.

We looked up the aisles.  We looked down the aisles.  There were THREE FULL AISLES of vacuum cleaners, including several Hoover vacs...BUT NOT THE ONE I HAD BEEN ORDERED TO BRING HOME ON PAIN OF DEATH!  GADZOOKS!!! 

The next thing I knew, Child A was fanning me and helping me off the floor.  I staggered back to the Hoover area, supported by Child B.  I began checking for airplane flights to Havana when Child A pointed out that another Hoover model that was "in stock" actually got better ratings than the vac I had been ordered to procure.  And, the only way to get the vacuum in question was to order it and wait for delivery several days later. 

Child A said, "Dad, you're sweating.  Is everything alright?"

I remained silent for a moment.  Maybe Havana was too close.  Perhaps Tora Bora.


Finally I said, "Child A, I am making an executive decision.  This vac (I pointed to the shelf) sucks, better...than the one your mother wants.  And it is available TODAY!  Sold!  We are taking this one home!"

Child A said, "But Mom wants the OTHER model!"

Child A indeed had a valid point, but I only hesitated a second. 

"Child A," I said, "your mom and my lovely bride will just have to bring this one back if she does not like it.  Let's do it!"

We put the boxed vacuum cleaner into the cart and raced toward the front of the store.  I am not sure why we were racing, but it turned out to be a good thing in the end.  Once we got to the front of the store, we then began the search for that mythical "shortest, fastest" checkout lane. 

The first few checkout lanes we saw were either "closed" or full of people with huge carts full of hundreds of items each.  Then I saw FOUR speedy lanes open just across the way.  Child A and I ran to those checkout lanes.  The first two lanes were occupied by customers who could not read the "limit: twenty items" signs, plus the "slowest cashier rule" was clearly in effect at those two lanes.  The other two lanes were closed, of course.

Child A said, "Dad, there are three more lanes open over here!" 

So we raced to the next lane.  The shopper there had several items.   We went to the next two open lanes, but there was not a cashier at either lane, even though the lighted numbers over the cash registers were "on."  Just as we turned toward "Register 11" a young lady, obviously a cashier, ran toward us...then past us to a customer who was not even in the lane.  The young lady yelled, "I can help you down here."  The man followed her to Register 11.  What gives?!

So, Child A and I went back to one of the other "speedy checkouts."  At one of them, Aisle 13, we could hear the cashier saying, "I don't know what the problem is.  It SHOULD be taking this check!"  The cashier ran the check through some sort of check-reading machine again...and again.  I turned to Child A.  He was already moving the cart toward the next register.

"Do you speak the Spanish?"  The cashier was addressing Child A and me.  I was a little surprised, but Child A and I replied in unison.  "No."

Believe it or not, the cashier then left the register and began polling customers and other employees trying to find a Spanish speaker to help her customer.  Child A said we might as well go back to the lane where the girl was having trouble with the check.  She should have fixed the problem by now.  No, she was still struggling with the check machine, but the lane next to her was open.  Child A pushed our cart to the register...just as "our" checker said "oh, I'll be right back.  I have to help in Aisle 13."  AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH!!!!!

So our cashier went to the aid of Aisle 13 while Child A and I stood there with the precious vacuum cleaner.  We waited while the two ladies wrestled with a very persnickety check in Aisle 13, then noted that the cashier that needed the Spanish speaker was through with her customer so we moved to that checkout.  Guess what?  No sooner did we park our cart than the cashier walked away.  We were about to move again when the lady who had finally got the check to work came to our register and said she would check us out.  Finally!!

And it was true.  We checked out and got back to the pickup with our precious package in the cart.  I did not have EXACTLY the vacuum that my lovely bride had asked for, but we had a near match.  Then we were on the Loop and headed back to our humble abode, when the phone rang.  My lovely bride was ready to go home, so Child A and I changed our course and drove to the hospital to pick her up.  Then home.

Upon arrival, Child A assembled the vacuum cleaner and I put it to the test.  I have to say, my lovely bride was pleased, because this particular vacuum sucked!  It sucked hard!  I am sure that some germs that had resided in our carpet since we owned the old Hoover were suddenly hit with a dose of reality.  They were no longer in Kansas, anymore, so to speak.

Compared to our adventure at Wal-Mart yesterday, today's politics just had to take a back seat.  Wal-Mart trumps politics.

I hope you voted today, and God Bless America.

A Severe Blow to the Pride, Integrity, and Guts of Texas (and some Federal) Police

I have taken some time away from blogging, maybe I even gave up blogging.  But the recent and terrible murders in Uvalde, and the disgracefu...