Ms. Janee Woods is an activist (nothing wrong with that) attorney who wrote the following article:,2/
Ms. Woods says, "As we all know by now, Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenage boy, was gunned down by the police while walking to his grandmother’s house in the middle of the afternoon. "
No, Ms. Woods "We" do not "know" this. I do not know this because I was not there. Were you? Then you don't "know" it either. You "heard" it somewhere, according to your article, from your Facebook feed. Your status as a lawyer does not make hearsay more credible just because you repeat it in your article. It is still hearsay.
Ms. Woods further goes on to inform us that White people "for the most part" continue in the vein of the antebellum state of mind.
"And, quite frankly, white people have a role in undoing racism because white people created and, for the most part, currently maintain (whether they want to or not) the racist system that benefits white people to the detriment of people of color." (Italics mine, not Ms. Woods')
Clearly Ms. Woods is the racist here, by her defining of Whites "for the most part" as racist. She somehow knows the minds and hearts of millions of people she has never met. Is she somehow able to peer into the homes of White people and see all the Klan sheets hanging in the closets?
I do not know, Ms. Woods, why so many White people were "silent" but I can tell you why I was silent. I did not know the facts, and still don't at this point. But news reports from Ferguson are now stating that witnesses are coming forward with accounts of the incident that closely parallel the officer's version of the incident. Therefore, I believe, Ms. Woods, that many White persons, like me, did not write condemning messages on Facebook or other forums because they do not automatically assume that a White officer who shoots a person of color is a racist police officer.
Now here is a big surprise for Ms. Woods. It turns out that the "teen" was not just "minding his own business." In fact he was the "star" in a video tape showing him hulking over the small man that he is robbing. As you can see, this "kid" is as big as a professional football linebacker! It turns out that the officer did not just stop and "gun down" this "teen." In fact the officer rightly suspected that the young man was the robber. That is called GOOD POLICE WORK, Ms. Woods. That is the officer's job. But the officer had another job to do as well, and that was to protect the lives of the people, including the officer's own life. It is tragic that the officer shot the man, but it would appear that the officer was in fear for his own life when he made the decision to fire his weapon.
You are part of the media frenzy that partially caused the rioting in Ferguson, Ms. Woods. You and others who immediately accused the officer of murder should be ashamed of yourselves. No Ms. Woods, it is not Whites "for the most part" that keep racism alive. It is in fact people like yourself who do so, by assuming that every White person in America is motivated by racism. I appreciate your article, though, Ms. Woods, because by reading it I now know not to waste another second of my life on anything you publish henceforth.
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