Monday, November 4, 2013

The last few weeks have been quite interesting as we have observed an ever-growing course of (gasp!) Democrats joining in the masses of those crying out in anger and outrage as more and more negative and disastrous aspects of Obamacare are realized.  Many people who first fawned over Mr. Obama and who could not re-elect him fast enough, who were gung ho in their support for this President NO MATTER HOW ILLEGAL AND OUTRAGEOUS were his policies, have now found themselves facing huge premium increases and insurance deductibles, while losing many benefits afforded by their "pre-Obamacare"  insurance, and have now raised their voices in protest and dismay.  Indeed, in all the clamor one can no longer differentiate become Democrat, Republican, Tea Party, Communist, or any other label, as one loud clamor spreads across the nation.  Many of the most dogmatic Obamistas are now faced with the truth: Obamacare is a disaster, and for many people, "affordable" insurance has been plucked right out of their hands by the very man they put in that most high office to bring his brand of "Hope and Change" to this nation.

Obamacare was not the brain-child of Obama, but was in fact instigated years earlier by his Congressional predecessors, including Newt Gingrich.  Obama's minions later inserted their own ideas, presumably with the overall idea of creating "affordable" health care, and trying to use "the Government" to solve the "problem" of "the uninsured."  As we all (should) have learned by now, a solution primarily offered by "the Government" usually worsens the "problem."  Even good-intentioned programs have normally proved to produce the opposite effect of that envisioned by "the Government."  Examples, you ask?  Sure...

First, Social Security.  A GREAT idea, but UNSUSTAINABLE.  People have to provide for themselves, and not ALL people are smart enough to do so.  It is much more effective to have a personal retirement program than to depend on Social Security.  An obvious concept, but no amount of legislation can get stupid people to provide for themselves.  So, "the Government" then stepped in (unconstitutionally, in my opinion) and FORCED people to contribute to Social Security, thus denying this amount of money that a person could have used in his own pension program.  This confiscated money (remember, a GOVERNMENT HAS NO MONEY, but CAN TAKE ITS CITIZENS' MONEY) was then redistributed by the government to "those less fortunate."  I do not have time to debate whether people who do not work should be "provided for" in this short blog.  My point is that Social Security was doomed from the start, because as time went on, there proved to be more money going out to retired persons than was coming in from those paying taxes.  AND, of course, Congress had exempted itself from paying Social Security.  Hmmm....maybe they knew from the start that the system would eventually by unsustainable.

Second, the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act.  Some may say this "Act" was thrust upon us with "good intention."  Again, I do not have time to debate that issue in this blog.  Regardless, this most sinister law, which was supposed to "unite and strengthen" America by providing "law enforcement" the necessary tools with which to fight or prevent terrorism in the United States, has proven, like Social Security, to do the exact opposite.  This tyrannical law has neither UNITED this nation nor STRENGTHENED it against terrorism.  Since its passage in 2001, USA PATRIOT has divided the nation, causing otherwise honest and law-abiding citizens to be wary, not of terrorists, but of the terror of falling victim to over-zealous "law enforcement" agencies that are now authorized to act contrary to the United States Constitution by uttering those three words "related to terrorism."   At the same name, most American feel no safer than they did prior to 9/11, but feel a great deal more inconvenience and frustration when trying to use the airlines and other means of public mass transportation.  And, most outrageous, "the Government's" own records show that USA PATRIOT has been used by law enforcement, in most cases, on non-terrorist, "routine" criminals and on persons who are members of such terrorist groups as religious organizations, government dissension, and anyone who publicly stands in support of the United States Constitution. 

Now we see that many members of Congress, both Democrat and Republican, are calling for the "revamping and reformation of the entire American espionage system."  I have to warn you, my friends, that when the likes of Senator Harry Reid or Dianne Feinstein call for "the review of the entire National Security Agency (NSA) spy program, you should not expect less espionage, both foreign and domestic.  Instead you should feel the noose tightening, as civil liberties, already well-eroded by USA PATRIOT, take another BIG HIT by any anti-spying bill authored or supported by Senator Feinstein.  If the NSA is using clandestine and illegal means to carry out its operations, why would a visit from Feinstein or anyone else force the NSA to change its methods?  In truth, if the likes of Reid or Feinstein are demanding that "national spy laws" be reformed, I think we should understand that to mean that the current laws are not STRONG ENOUGH!  Any "reform" that does not weaken the current pervasive and illegal domestic spy network nor call for the various illegal and unconstitutional laws to be rescinded will in fact only further strengthen those laws.  Yes, I am sure that any reformation of USA PATRIOT or the National Defense Authorization Act will in the end result in more government oppression.   



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