Small town newspapers sometimes have the reputation for reporting on less-than-newsworthy subjects, but having come from a small town, I myself have come to enjoy reading these newspapers. This may sound strange, but many times as I drove through various unfamiliar territories of this great state, I would stop at some local store or truck stop just to buy the newspaper from that town. I have come across many gems of little known facts and folklore in just this way. But the jewel I ran across just today came from out of my own hometown little news journal, also known as the Gatesville Messenger. (Note: I frequently do not agree with Mr. Day's editorials, but I do not mind giving credit where it is due, by saying "thank you" to Mr. Day for this little tidbit.)
A newspaper editor needs to have a good memory (so too should voters, for that matter) and Mr. Day did his job in this case. He was able to remember, then locate, this speech made to Congress several years ago by a junior senator who just could not stand then President George W. Bush, the Republican members of Congress, and the Bush Cabinet. This brave and righteously indignant senator had these words to say:
"The fact that we are here today to debate America's rising debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that "the buck stops here." Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." (Note: All the italics are mine.)
Most of you have figured out, and if you are from Gatesville you already know, that the junior senator who made these remarks so bravely in the years prior to the 2008 Presidential election was none other than Barack Hussein Obama.
By the way, in the current Congress, several Senators and Representatives apparently plagiarized young Obama's speech, or something. I mean, I know I have heard these very words uttered in Congress in just the past two or three weeks. It is almost as if young Senator Obama already knew that he would be elected president in 2008, and that he had already outlined his fiscal policy.
The last three words of former Senator Obama are the hardest for me to swallow. Obama said "Americans deserve better." Two things sprung into my mind immediately I read those last three words. First, he was so right. Americans DID deserve better. I think of the dark days after 9-11 when people were still in shock, but when something else, too, was going on. For years some group of power-hungry politicians, bureaucrats, and others just seeking power for themselves at the expense of Liberty, had kept in their possession a book, a wish-list - if you will, of things they wanted. These things, ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL, ranged from control of the media, control of private citizens' use of the Internet, sweeping powers of seizure and arrest without probable cause and judicial revue, gun registration, travel restrictions, and the list went on (for over THREE THOUSAND PAGES!!!). There was just one problem. All of these things were illegal, and many were treasonous; therefore no one in his right mind would suggest these laws, and certainly no Congress in its collective right mind would approve. And in Congress was a senator against it all, standing tall for the rights of the ordinary American - Senator Barack H. Obama. As he said, "Americans deserve better."
The second thing that crossed my mind was that as a senator, Obama later did a "180" on these and other issues, supporting the President he could not stand in the process. Obama had been an outspoken rebel against the things President Bush was doing in 2004, yet he later decided that USA PATRIOT Act was a good thing, although he was honest enough to admit that even by 2006 he had not read the full document. Nor had most Senators and Representatives (not including "crazy" or "racist" members such as Ron Paul). Regardless, as Senator, Mr. Obama failed to give Americans the "better" he had so loudly proclaimed that we all "deserved." He had his chance then to do so.
In 2008, the nearly impossible happened, and the almost unknown (both as a person and as a politician) Barack H. Obama was elected to the Presidency. I did not vote for him, but he was nonetheless "my" President. And for awhile I really expected great things from him. He was swept into office on a wave of popularity not seen since the days of JFK. I did not vote for him, did not support his election, but at least I thought he would carry through on one thing. I thought that through his great popularity, and the great desire for change the American people professed, that Barack H. Obama, now the Chief Executive, would give us the BETTER we deserved. Instead, all he could tell us was that he had inherited a mess that would take him at least half his term to correct.
In 2012, one FULL TERM later, President Obama was returned to office by the smallest popular vote since Abraham Lincoln's election way back in 1860. And poor Obama had once again "inherited" a mess from the previous President, only this time he WAS the "previous President." So I read those three words once again, "Americans deserve better." I had to wonder about those Americans who "deserved better." I have to say that I believe by re-electing Obama, those Americans who voted for him GOT what they deserved, but I doubt truly that it is something "better." Unfortunately, the rest of the people are getting the "not better" that the Obama supporters apparently wanted so badly, and so truly deserved.
On the one hand, I am eagerly awaiting the 2016 election. On the other, I am wondering whether President Obama, our most arrogant, most un-patriotic, and most Constitution-trampling President ever, will simply declare himself the President in 2016 by "Executive Order." Don't laugh too hard, my friends...with this man ANYTHING is possible.
Once again, I am truly thankful to the Gatesville Messenger "editorship" for providing the above speech from Senator Obama. It just goes to show that one should read a small town paper every now and again. You just never know what kinds of gems you might find.
A newspaper editor needs to have a good memory (so too should voters, for that matter) and Mr. Day did his job in this case. He was able to remember, then locate, this speech made to Congress several years ago by a junior senator who just could not stand then President George W. Bush, the Republican members of Congress, and the Bush Cabinet. This brave and righteously indignant senator had these words to say:
"The fact that we are here today to debate America's rising debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that "the buck stops here." Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." (Note: All the italics are mine.)
Most of you have figured out, and if you are from Gatesville you already know, that the junior senator who made these remarks so bravely in the years prior to the 2008 Presidential election was none other than Barack Hussein Obama.
By the way, in the current Congress, several Senators and Representatives apparently plagiarized young Obama's speech, or something. I mean, I know I have heard these very words uttered in Congress in just the past two or three weeks. It is almost as if young Senator Obama already knew that he would be elected president in 2008, and that he had already outlined his fiscal policy.
The last three words of former Senator Obama are the hardest for me to swallow. Obama said "Americans deserve better." Two things sprung into my mind immediately I read those last three words. First, he was so right. Americans DID deserve better. I think of the dark days after 9-11 when people were still in shock, but when something else, too, was going on. For years some group of power-hungry politicians, bureaucrats, and others just seeking power for themselves at the expense of Liberty, had kept in their possession a book, a wish-list - if you will, of things they wanted. These things, ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL, ranged from control of the media, control of private citizens' use of the Internet, sweeping powers of seizure and arrest without probable cause and judicial revue, gun registration, travel restrictions, and the list went on (for over THREE THOUSAND PAGES!!!). There was just one problem. All of these things were illegal, and many were treasonous; therefore no one in his right mind would suggest these laws, and certainly no Congress in its collective right mind would approve. And in Congress was a senator against it all, standing tall for the rights of the ordinary American - Senator Barack H. Obama. As he said, "Americans deserve better."
The second thing that crossed my mind was that as a senator, Obama later did a "180" on these and other issues, supporting the President he could not stand in the process. Obama had been an outspoken rebel against the things President Bush was doing in 2004, yet he later decided that USA PATRIOT Act was a good thing, although he was honest enough to admit that even by 2006 he had not read the full document. Nor had most Senators and Representatives (not including "crazy" or "racist" members such as Ron Paul). Regardless, as Senator, Mr. Obama failed to give Americans the "better" he had so loudly proclaimed that we all "deserved." He had his chance then to do so.
In 2008, the nearly impossible happened, and the almost unknown (both as a person and as a politician) Barack H. Obama was elected to the Presidency. I did not vote for him, but he was nonetheless "my" President. And for awhile I really expected great things from him. He was swept into office on a wave of popularity not seen since the days of JFK. I did not vote for him, did not support his election, but at least I thought he would carry through on one thing. I thought that through his great popularity, and the great desire for change the American people professed, that Barack H. Obama, now the Chief Executive, would give us the BETTER we deserved. Instead, all he could tell us was that he had inherited a mess that would take him at least half his term to correct.
In 2012, one FULL TERM later, President Obama was returned to office by the smallest popular vote since Abraham Lincoln's election way back in 1860. And poor Obama had once again "inherited" a mess from the previous President, only this time he WAS the "previous President." So I read those three words once again, "Americans deserve better." I had to wonder about those Americans who "deserved better." I have to say that I believe by re-electing Obama, those Americans who voted for him GOT what they deserved, but I doubt truly that it is something "better." Unfortunately, the rest of the people are getting the "not better" that the Obama supporters apparently wanted so badly, and so truly deserved.
On the one hand, I am eagerly awaiting the 2016 election. On the other, I am wondering whether President Obama, our most arrogant, most un-patriotic, and most Constitution-trampling President ever, will simply declare himself the President in 2016 by "Executive Order." Don't laugh too hard, my friends...with this man ANYTHING is possible.
Once again, I am truly thankful to the Gatesville Messenger "editorship" for providing the above speech from Senator Obama. It just goes to show that one should read a small town paper every now and again. You just never know what kinds of gems you might find.
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