That's right. I truly doubt that anyone in Congress, except Ron Paul, maybe Rand Paul, has the nerve to actually vote for a balanced budget law or to trim the United States national debt. You see, there is no way to lower the national debt without cutting the national budget. Some people say we should RAISE TAXES AND CUT the budget. They are right on one count. We do need to cut the budget. No, we do not need to raise taxes, as the rate of taxation we face today makes the pre-Revolutionary War taxes look like your kid's allowance. No, as we are being taxed at the highest rate in our history, yet are in the deepest debt in our history, it is clear that MORE TAXES only leads to HIGHER DEBT. Why is that so hard to learn? My Democrat friends are busy yelling about how the Republicans are trying to fire teachers, put firemen out of work, and so forth, and that Republican-owned business are taking their jobs overseas, or even just over the southern border. Let's remember, anyone who WANTS to get re-elected would NOT want to be seen in any of the above categories. As far as businesses, all the big businesses that are sending jobs out of the states (out-sourcing) are owned by corporations, which are owned by larger corporations, which are governed by boards of directors. Now, I am REASONABLY sure that corporation boards are pretty much "bi-partisan," as they say.
One reason they are sending jobs out of this country is that labor, honestly, is cheaper in most other nations. Now granted, there are some nations that engage in slave labor, and the corporations know it, and do business with these nations anyway. But granted also, one reason many jobs are lost here is that unions require a certain number of employees on a certain job, and a certain pay-rate for all the employees on the job. Let me assure you it is not minimum wage. I wish that every corporation that did business with slave labor governments could be shut down. I also wish that we could learn exactly how many jobs high-paid unions have lost for their members. Many other nations have free labor forces that, yes, work for less than union pay. As long as corporations can get work done cheaper in some way, they will. That seems to be a lesson we have not learned.
Another reason we lose corporations to overseas locations is, once again, the HIGH TAX rate that corporations pay here. Now there is corruption and waste in corporations, of course. But many of the very corporations that we rail at and assail are paying their fair share in other ways. The countless grants, the huge annual monetary aid provided in communities across the nation by various corporations, all amount to millions of dollars. Family fortunes contribute millions, if not billions, of dollars in grants to charitable agencies, both domestically and abroad; far more than the "Government money" that is contributed to such agencies. And remember...No government HAS or OWNS money, but the government RAISES REVENUES by TAXING citizens. Yes, many corporations, just as do many INDIVIDUALS, cheat the government out of taxes. But in the end it is HIGH taxes that incite corporations to leave the United States, a choice not available to individuals, except they denounce their citizenship.
But back to our story: The debt of the United States is out of control and may well be beyond this nation's ability to ever repay. The national budget, on the other hand, is the one financial tool that IS under control. One sure way of reducing the national debt is by having a BALANCED BUDGET, just like you and I do at home. No, you say, we as people do not have balanced budgets, that is, we owe more that we have on hand in cash or assets. Well, the truth is that most of us are in too much debt, but the other truth is that most of us meet our monthly payments. What happens when we do not? Creditors begin calling, and sooner or later our assets are seized by the debtor, as we all have seen in the housing "crisis." In other words, any individual can become insolvent, but within a few months, the insolvent individual is no longer able to get credit, obtain loans, or buy anything on installments. Not so with the United States government. In the case of the US of A, our treasury simply prints more money, sells more bonds, etc., and everything is fine. Nope! (A free point here: the former insolvent individual is able to become financially solvent in seven years or less even if he files for bankruptcy. I am reasonably sure that the United States would be allowed back in the world market, even if at less than a AAAA rating, and the sky would not fall on us.)
In the case of the United States, the debt was allowed to rise by politicians of both (or all) parties, with only the "oddball" such as Ron Paul opposing the out-of-control spending. Incidentally, Ron Paul is elected by his constituents time after time, and may well die in office (is there a lesson here?). Now the United States debt is out of hand, and again, maybe not even payable. What have we learned? First, our social programs, and our constant military expansionism, are not sustainable. Where are all the "green people" on this subject? Social security is not sustainable, nor is Obama Care nor any other care. All of these programs have ballooned out of control. I am fairly certain that I will not get back what I have paid in to social security when I retire. Knowing that, I would like to stop paying in to social security NOW, and put that money into investments. That is what all wise people should be doing anyway. Medicare...yes, medical costs are too high, medical insurance is too high, but the programs to assist us with paying for health care are not sustainable. Good intentions are great, taken in moderation.
I hope, but do not really believe, that our Congressman (I am not even going to talk about Mr. Obama) will eventually come to realize that they have a higher purpose than simply being "Congressmen." They have the purpose of leading the people, and indeed, of saving this nation from the inevitable collapse we are now facing. Will people suffer? Yes, they will. Without government programs many people will not be able to afford medicine and health care. Hmmm...what did they do before government? I mean, the United States has been a part of world history for only two centuries. Entitlement programs have been around only since the Great Depression. Did you know that people survived, even thrived, for nearly 40,000 years before that? The Roman Empire collapsed, but people survived, and even thrived. If the United States somehow returns to a sane form of government, where government assists when appropriate, but does not promote "entitlement," we, the People, will survive. It may not be pretty, but we can do it. Our Congressmen do not have the guts to put this kind of government into action, because they believe they will lose their jobs. Maybe so, but Ron Paul has not lost his (maybe there is a lesson here, too). Balancing the budget will take guts, and some politicians will not survive the backlash, yet many others will, and the nation will be better for all the sacrifice. I believe that you and I, We the People, will survive, and will bring our nation back to the forefront, a true world leader that leads the world by promoting a sane, sustainable, charitable, and PEACEFUL government, an actual good example to follow.
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