One of the top stories in Friday's Midland Reporter-Telegram was headed with "Andrews Soldier's Funeral Uninterrupted." It is really disgusting to me that the big news was not the life and the untimely death of this young man but the fact that a certain group of idiots calling itself the Westboro Baptist Church did not, after all, appear at the funeral as they had threatened. This "church" is based in Topeka, Kansas, but apparently has the time and resources to appear at various functions around the country to "protest" by disrupting political rallies, state and local government meetings, and even high school graduations. And yes, they take great pride in disrupting the funerals of our young men and women who have been killed in the service of their country. The Westboro Baptist Church also protests or "pickets" any function related to homosexual rights. In fact, one of their websites is called "God Hates Fags."
This little group of hate-mongers, led by Pastor Fred Phelps, not only feels called upon (by GOD?) to protest at soldiers' funerals (selfishly exercising their right to free speech while ignoring common decency by allowing the families to mourn their loss in peace) but also, according to their own rhetoric, are the only church following the will of God. Mr. Phelps, who I refuse to refer to as Pastor, has condemned everyone to hell unless the person makes the "proper" confession of faith as required by Mr. Phelps. Personally, I believe any church has the right to their own religious beliefs, and of course, any church has the right to attempt to spread their religious beliefs. The Westboro Baptist Church, however, is like any militant religious group because the church hides its disgusting and obscene actions under the cloak of the United States Constitution. Not surprisingly, though, the Westboro Baptist Church derides the United States Constitution on their website. And, like a good hypocrite group, they utilized the resources of the American Civil Liberties Union to take their case to the Supreme Court, while at the same time denouncing the rights of homosexual Americans. The ACLU fights most stubbornly for the rights of homosexual Americans.
I must say that I was most proud of the people of Andrews and of other cities in the area as well, as those people attended Mr. Castro's funeral not only to pay their respects but also to counter-protest the Westboro group. As it happened, members of the Westboro church did not show up. Maybe they were busy with funerals closer to Kansas. And probably it was in their best interest that they did not show up, because there was a lot of talk around from people were going to give them a West Texas "welcome," whatever that might have entailed.
As with most hate-mongers that hide behind the United States Constitution, while denigrating it and the people who fought and died to give it its worth, the Westboro Baptist Church refuses to acknowledge, that but for the sacrifices made by the very people they are busy damning and condemning, and breaking the hearts of loved ones, but for their sacrifices, the Westboro Baptist Church would not be free to travel from Topeka to the places they intend to "picket." But for the blood of our soldiers the Westboro Baptist Church could not condemn these very soldiers and the government they served. But for the lives these men and women lay down for freedom, the Westboro Baptist Church would be outlawed by some truly Godless regime. Speaking of Godless, I read somewhere (1 John 4:8) that "He that loves not does not know God, for God is Love." And also in the same chapter, in verse :20 we are told "If a man says he loves God, and hates his brother, he is a liar."
My little blog will of course not have any effect on Mr. Phelps or any of his minions. Any person who believes he is the sole mouthpiece for God cannot hear anything but his own words. This category of people includes Reverend Jim Jones and Brother David Koresh. Mr. Phelps certainly fits well with this company. And, like those two, he has his group of brain-washed followers. Nonetheless, I hope that any of you who hear of Westboro Baptist Church protesting any function within driving distance of your locale will consider banding together with your friends and your neighbors that you may not know, and standing with your fellow Americans as a wall between Westboro Baptist Church and the families of our brave soldiers who deserve just a few final minutes to say goodbye to their loved ones.
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