I hope everyone was able to get out and vote today. Many of you may have voted early. Either way, perhaps more than any other time since the War Between the States, this mid-term election is crucial. I believe that the very Constitution of the United States is under attack. The results of this election will directly determine how much more of our civil liberties we are willing to yield to the Government. Capital G means to me the emphasis over that part of the government that we (The PEOPLE) did not elect, vote for, have input in, and otherwise are not in favor of. Bad grammar yes, but true sentiment.
So many bills these days are placed before legislators (who represent US!!) who have no idea what is actually contained in these bills. How could they? Many bills are documents consisting of over two thousand pages. These bills are many times drafted by "special interests" who will directly benefit from passage, as well as by congressional employees acting at their employers' directions. Of course, added into the already too large to comprehend bill packages are "riders," those extra little measures that are included, but have nothing to do (generally) with the original bills. Many times these riders consist of measures so distasteful, that they would never be passed into law if they were viewed on their own merits. But, inserted to other bills, these measures are passed because the main piece of legislation is passed by Congress.
So the Obamacare national health bill is now law. Who knows all the things this new law will entail? Unfortunately, it is much easier to pass laws than it is to rescind them later when time shows these laws to be misguided, ineffective, and even unconstitutional. The DISCLOSE Act, for instance, is being passed off as means of protecting voters at election time. Instead it effectively gags smaller political groups, organizations, and individuals while allowing large political and special interest groups and large corporations to promote political advertisements right up to poll time. This same bill also makes it easy to "investigate" dangerous persons or groups (such as the Tea Party) while cloaking major corporations, political action committees, and INCUMBENT politicians in secrecy.
No, sir, this did not start with President Obama, "Let me be perfectly clear about this!" to quote our leader. Civil rights were on the way out as far back as in the nineties, with various assaults on the First and Fourth Amendments by those in power, both Democrats and Republicans. The most vicious attacks on the Constitution; however, occurred in the post-9-1-1 America, when the PATRIOT Act was rammed through Congress. Much like anyone who opposed the Second Gulf War were branded as traitors, those Congressmen who dared object to the many blatant unconstitutional measures contained in this very vile bill were called, of course, UN-patriotic. Actually only a very few received this treatment, as most Senators and Representatives bleated their obedience and joined the ranks of the common Sheeple. Incidentally, when did it become unpatriotic to support the Bill of Rights? I thought our Senators and Representatives took an oath to UPHOLD the Constitution. Oops, my bad!
So Mr. Obama is not the first to thumb his nose at civil liberties. Mr. G. W. Bush and Mr. G.H.W. Bush were right up in the pack, as was Bill Clinton. And, ironically, many of those who voted for King Hussein...er President Obama, were actually voting AGAINST President Hillary Clinton. I can understand that, actually...take the unknown evil over the known and feared evil.
Getting back to the election today...it is imperative to vote if you are fed up with the way things are going. Unfortunately, the choice is often the incumbent versus a person who will bleat right along with the other Congressional Sheeple. It is wise to remember that the incumbent, Democrat OR Republican, has probably toed the line, with the exception of the few such as Ron Paul, who dare uphold the Constitution and do what they can to thwart the Congressional sheeple, who are really minions of the President. Remember, the incumbent, even if it is a Republican, has more than likely stood with the President on many issues. These incumbents should be turned out like the rest.
If, on the other hand, you are totally satisfied with the situation of our nation at the moment, then vote for the Sheeple...and God help us, everyone!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
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