Unsettled is the word for a few more days. I am living out of my suitcase at the moment and waiting eagerly for my apartment to be made ready. The primitive conditions in which I am living at the moment have reawakened me. I mean, when was the last time you lived without a home Internet connection? Specifically, any time I need the Internet, I must leave my suitcase and venture out to a nearby Wi-Fi hotspot or make the journey all the way to Greenwood so that I can pirate my brother-in-law's Internet. How very inconvenient! How did we EVER survive BEFORE we even HAD Internet!?
Country songs sometimes express my exact sentiments, that is, when some guy is not losing his wife, his kids, his home, his job, his dog, and...maybe...even his truck. But yesterday I heard a song in which the artist lamented the "old days" (probably around the time of Watergate) when there were no video games (PONG had yet to hit the market) and there were only three channels on the tube. Incidentally, in those days the Tube really had tubes in it. To make matters worse, the singer wailed, he had to walk over to the TV to change channels. He forgot to mention "rabbit ears" and how one unfortunate person had to hold them "just right" so that everyone else could watch the television show.
But I digress...
So I am overcoming the challenge of living "unconnected" only because there is light at the end of the tunnel. In just a few days my apartment will be "made ready." Dish cc will place the little dish out on the wall, and presto, I will be LIVE again! Plus there will be more than three channels on the television, which I will not have to get out of my chair to change via remote control. It will be nice to be "back to the future" again. But I did not mention the best part! It deserves a new paragraph!
The best part is that my lovely bride will be living in the same apartment that I do! That's right, boys and girls! We will both reside in the same town at the same time, and in the same house. The expenses will be cut dramatically by having only one household again. She did reside with me at the beach house, true, but before that we had been separated for two years by our jobs. Such was the trial of being a working detective.
I have enjoyed doing this little blog, and I will keep on blogging for the foreseeable future. I am truly grateful for all of you who have stayed tuned even when the blogging was a little thin. There is always something to talk about, if one can find a hot connection for transmitting. It is just a little more difficult when a person is still unsettled in his new settlement.
PS: A big thank you to the guy at Burger King on Midkiff Drive in Midland!! He provided me with free Internet today, as well as a free Large Drink. West Texas hospitality!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A Rose By Any Other Name...Still Violates The United States Constitution
Even though this is the season to be jolly, I believe there will be many air travelers who will feel less than jovial as they attempt to check into their terminals and board the airliners. The Government, this time in the form of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), is once again "protecting" you and me from terrorists who may attempt to bomb airplanes. Apparently the only way for this "protection" to be effective is to violate every citizen air traveler's constitutional right to be secure from unreasonable search and seizure. Does anyone remember the "Bill of Rights?" For a refresher, these are the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution which enumerate (BUT NOT GRANT) our civil rights. For a further refresher, you should remember that our Founding Fathers stipulated that these rights were granted by God, or the Creator, if you will. So our Constitution does not GIVE us our rights, but only LISTS those inalienable rights ALREADY GRANTED TO MAN BY GOD. I wonder if this is even taught in public schools anymore...
Back to our story...
The TSA is charged with keeping us safe and preventing terrorists from boarding planes. To accomplish this mission, TSA employees are now empowered to force (presumed innocent) passengers to submit to either a pass through the radioactive scanner which of course X-rays a person, revealing not just what the person might be hiding under his or her clothing, but also revealing in great detail the person's genitalia, and for the ladies, the clear picture of their breasts under their bras. Of course, children will pass through the same machine and be revealed in the same gross detail. If this same equipment were posted at say, a public school, the operator of the machine would be arrested for child pornography. By the way, to perform this intrusive and EXPLICIT photography (if you don't believe explicit, you should see samples of these pictures on the Internet), the scanner machines must emit hazardous levels of radiation for fairly prolonged periods of time. The same radiation exposure WOULD NOT BE allowed by regulators at your local dentist's office. So, if one does not want to have his or her body exposed to the TSA employee, there is another option.
Option B calls for the air traveler to bypass the scanner machine and proceed to one of the TSA employees standing at the gate. This TSA employee will then proceed to perform a bodily search of the unfortunate air traveler. Police officers would be arrested for performing the same "pat down" during, say a check for weapons during a traffic stop or field interview. The TSA employee must, according to TSA policy, run his or her hands over the traveler's entire body. No, not to check for obvious bulges like concealed guns or knives. The TSA officer would run his hands across the person's body from head to toe, both front and back, along the insides of the person's thighs and pubic areas...well, you get the picture. This same activity would result in mucho kicked butts and sexual assault reports under any other circumstance. Do YOU want to go through this inconvenience and humiliation in front of other passengers? Do you really want a stranger groping you just because the stranger is wearing a nice uniform? Do you REALLY want said uniformed stranger to grope your children in the same fashion? After all, children can carry bombs, too!
I have to admit that back in 2002, in the wake of the 9-1-1 attacks, I was nonetheless infuriated that I (still the presumed innocent citizen, remember?) instead of walking with my loved one to the passenger waiting area and staying there with her until she boarded the plane, I was now forced to sit in a glassed-off little gallery where I could hardly see my loved one and could not communicate with her except by cell phone. Oh, I ranted and raved about it, but I took no other action. I would tirade to anyone who would listen that the terrorists had won, after all. And, in all seriousness, the terrorists have won, on at least two levels.
In the aftermath of the attacks, the Government stepped right in and took several actions that you and I, as citizens and taxpayers would never have allowed in the past. Airports were turned into armed and armored fortresses. The streets were barricaded with concrete pylons. Police officers patrolled the airports as usual, but were now armed with military grade rifles, and possibly other weapons out in the wings somewhere. People were no longer allowed to approach near the taxi areas and watch the planes come and go. Any movement outside a specified area immediately drew a great deal of attention, and more than likely resulted in the arrest of the poor airplane fanatic, like me. Remember, the terrorists in the 9-1-1 attacks HAD NO EXPLOSIVES OR WEAPONS when they went through the pre-attack screening system. Only AFTER they boarded the planes were they armed for their suicide missions. So, not only would the old system NOT have detected the terrorists, the NEW, IMPROVED, INVASIVE, and UNCONSTITUTIONAL scanners and search procedures would not have prevented the attacks either!
But, to protect us, the TSA was formed, the changes mentioned above were put in place, and another piece of America was surrendered to the world hysteria and fear of terrorism. But those changes weren't enough. So eventually the program of X-ray body scanners and intrusive, unreasonable body searches were put in place. Passengers must submit to these procedures or not board airplanes. So, the terrorists won on another level. The American people were buffaloed into giving up their freedom by the Government's shouts that the sky was falling and the only way to be safe was for the American people to finally submit themselves to the very humiliating and shameful body scans and searches now being implemented at airports across the nation. It almost appears that the Government can take any action it wants in the name of "public safety
and the American people will meekly follow along like scared sheep waiting for the slaughter...I mean the TSA security check point.
As I said earlier, I am as guilty as anyone in this matter. For the sake of simply getting through the checkpoints as quickly as possible, I gave up my personal dignity, but much more importantly, I surrendered my inalienable right to be free of unreasonable search and seizure. And who knows what other measures will be dreamed up and implemented "for our safety and protection" as time goes by. But I would like to remind you of something else. All of the new safety procedures did not stop the now famous "shoe bomber," who fortunately was not able to light the fuse to his crude bomb before citizens- you and me, or others very much like us - tackled this terrorist and arrested him, holding him securely until the plane landed. The new safety procedures did not catch the "underwear bomber" although the X-ray scanner provided a highly detailed image of the gentleman's penis. Again, it was alert and quick thinking passengers who saw the explosives and prevented this terrorist from blowing up the airplane. These are two highly publicized examples of how the new security procedures DID NOT PREVENT POTENTIAL TERRORISM. But I wonder if they are the ONLY ones! Hmmm...
Now Thanksgiving and the Christmas Season are upon us. Many more travelers will be taking to the skies. And yes, each and every one of these travelers will get the options - Option A: the porno body scanner; Option B: the public groping by the uniformed TSA officer. But something is amiss here. According to the news, the Director of the TSA is very worried about the very obvious potential for mass protest that is stewing just below the surface. He was on television today first pleading for our cooperation, then warning of dire consequences for those who chose to boycott or otherwise protest the invasive screening procedures. He was afraid of what many people might be thinking at this very moment: What if everyone in the passenger terminals simply refused to submit to search procedures any more invasive than the traditional walk through the metal detector? If all passengers boarding the airplanes revolted against the screening system and refused to board the planes unless simply allowed to pass through the metal detectors, would it shut down air travel all across the nation? Maybe...or maybe the TSA would have to defer (dare I say it!) to the wishes of the people and stop the silly, but very humiliating and very unconstitutional, excessive and over dramatic screening procedures so that passengers can simply get on their airplanes and fly away to meet their loved ones.
In the fifties and sixties, Black people across America took the initiative and began blocking highways, passage ways, doorways, or whatever it took to disrupt the normal flow of things. The resulting chaos got the attention of mainstream American and helped in the fight for full citizenship for minorities in this nation. Now, fifty years later, I hope Americans of all ethnic origins (yes, I being "White" also have an ethnic origin) will stand together with peaceful, civil disobedience to stop the TSA in its tracks, and allow freedom from unreasonable search (and from the associated delays) to go unabridged, as our inalienable right.
Back to our story...
The TSA is charged with keeping us safe and preventing terrorists from boarding planes. To accomplish this mission, TSA employees are now empowered to force (presumed innocent) passengers to submit to either a pass through the radioactive scanner which of course X-rays a person, revealing not just what the person might be hiding under his or her clothing, but also revealing in great detail the person's genitalia, and for the ladies, the clear picture of their breasts under their bras. Of course, children will pass through the same machine and be revealed in the same gross detail. If this same equipment were posted at say, a public school, the operator of the machine would be arrested for child pornography. By the way, to perform this intrusive and EXPLICIT photography (if you don't believe explicit, you should see samples of these pictures on the Internet), the scanner machines must emit hazardous levels of radiation for fairly prolonged periods of time. The same radiation exposure WOULD NOT BE allowed by regulators at your local dentist's office. So, if one does not want to have his or her body exposed to the TSA employee, there is another option.
Option B calls for the air traveler to bypass the scanner machine and proceed to one of the TSA employees standing at the gate. This TSA employee will then proceed to perform a bodily search of the unfortunate air traveler. Police officers would be arrested for performing the same "pat down" during, say a check for weapons during a traffic stop or field interview. The TSA employee must, according to TSA policy, run his or her hands over the traveler's entire body. No, not to check for obvious bulges like concealed guns or knives. The TSA officer would run his hands across the person's body from head to toe, both front and back, along the insides of the person's thighs and pubic areas...well, you get the picture. This same activity would result in mucho kicked butts and sexual assault reports under any other circumstance. Do YOU want to go through this inconvenience and humiliation in front of other passengers? Do you really want a stranger groping you just because the stranger is wearing a nice uniform? Do you REALLY want said uniformed stranger to grope your children in the same fashion? After all, children can carry bombs, too!
I have to admit that back in 2002, in the wake of the 9-1-1 attacks, I was nonetheless infuriated that I (still the presumed innocent citizen, remember?) instead of walking with my loved one to the passenger waiting area and staying there with her until she boarded the plane, I was now forced to sit in a glassed-off little gallery where I could hardly see my loved one and could not communicate with her except by cell phone. Oh, I ranted and raved about it, but I took no other action. I would tirade to anyone who would listen that the terrorists had won, after all. And, in all seriousness, the terrorists have won, on at least two levels.
In the aftermath of the attacks, the Government stepped right in and took several actions that you and I, as citizens and taxpayers would never have allowed in the past. Airports were turned into armed and armored fortresses. The streets were barricaded with concrete pylons. Police officers patrolled the airports as usual, but were now armed with military grade rifles, and possibly other weapons out in the wings somewhere. People were no longer allowed to approach near the taxi areas and watch the planes come and go. Any movement outside a specified area immediately drew a great deal of attention, and more than likely resulted in the arrest of the poor airplane fanatic, like me. Remember, the terrorists in the 9-1-1 attacks HAD NO EXPLOSIVES OR WEAPONS when they went through the pre-attack screening system. Only AFTER they boarded the planes were they armed for their suicide missions. So, not only would the old system NOT have detected the terrorists, the NEW, IMPROVED, INVASIVE, and UNCONSTITUTIONAL scanners and search procedures would not have prevented the attacks either!
But, to protect us, the TSA was formed, the changes mentioned above were put in place, and another piece of America was surrendered to the world hysteria and fear of terrorism. But those changes weren't enough. So eventually the program of X-ray body scanners and intrusive, unreasonable body searches were put in place. Passengers must submit to these procedures or not board airplanes. So, the terrorists won on another level. The American people were buffaloed into giving up their freedom by the Government's shouts that the sky was falling and the only way to be safe was for the American people to finally submit themselves to the very humiliating and shameful body scans and searches now being implemented at airports across the nation. It almost appears that the Government can take any action it wants in the name of "public safety
and the American people will meekly follow along like scared sheep waiting for the slaughter...I mean the TSA security check point.
As I said earlier, I am as guilty as anyone in this matter. For the sake of simply getting through the checkpoints as quickly as possible, I gave up my personal dignity, but much more importantly, I surrendered my inalienable right to be free of unreasonable search and seizure. And who knows what other measures will be dreamed up and implemented "for our safety and protection" as time goes by. But I would like to remind you of something else. All of the new safety procedures did not stop the now famous "shoe bomber," who fortunately was not able to light the fuse to his crude bomb before citizens- you and me, or others very much like us - tackled this terrorist and arrested him, holding him securely until the plane landed. The new safety procedures did not catch the "underwear bomber" although the X-ray scanner provided a highly detailed image of the gentleman's penis. Again, it was alert and quick thinking passengers who saw the explosives and prevented this terrorist from blowing up the airplane. These are two highly publicized examples of how the new security procedures DID NOT PREVENT POTENTIAL TERRORISM. But I wonder if they are the ONLY ones! Hmmm...
Now Thanksgiving and the Christmas Season are upon us. Many more travelers will be taking to the skies. And yes, each and every one of these travelers will get the options - Option A: the porno body scanner; Option B: the public groping by the uniformed TSA officer. But something is amiss here. According to the news, the Director of the TSA is very worried about the very obvious potential for mass protest that is stewing just below the surface. He was on television today first pleading for our cooperation, then warning of dire consequences for those who chose to boycott or otherwise protest the invasive screening procedures. He was afraid of what many people might be thinking at this very moment: What if everyone in the passenger terminals simply refused to submit to search procedures any more invasive than the traditional walk through the metal detector? If all passengers boarding the airplanes revolted against the screening system and refused to board the planes unless simply allowed to pass through the metal detectors, would it shut down air travel all across the nation? Maybe...or maybe the TSA would have to defer (dare I say it!) to the wishes of the people and stop the silly, but very humiliating and very unconstitutional, excessive and over dramatic screening procedures so that passengers can simply get on their airplanes and fly away to meet their loved ones.
In the fifties and sixties, Black people across America took the initiative and began blocking highways, passage ways, doorways, or whatever it took to disrupt the normal flow of things. The resulting chaos got the attention of mainstream American and helped in the fight for full citizenship for minorities in this nation. Now, fifty years later, I hope Americans of all ethnic origins (yes, I being "White" also have an ethnic origin) will stand together with peaceful, civil disobedience to stop the TSA in its tracks, and allow freedom from unreasonable search (and from the associated delays) to go unabridged, as our inalienable right.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Bailey Black (The Book) is Here
I was too excited to blog very much yesterday due to the news arriving that Bailey Black was ready for purchase on the PublishAmerica bookstore located at http://www.publishamerica.com/ Once there, click on the Online Book Store Tab. I have to confess that, as happy as I am that the book is now published, I am suddenly very self-conscious and vulnerable. The big test is here: Will anyone actually like the book? That's right...I am suddenly struck with stage fright!
It reminds me of the days of my short-lived acting career in the Gatesville Civic Theatre. I was fortunate enough to be cast in a city play in my junior year of high school. I was the hero/villain Pound Sterling in the play "An Old-Fashioned Melodrama - Modern Style." I knew I was not an Oscar winner, but I believed I could play my part adequately. Well, just a few minutes into the first rehearsal, I found that acting was a little more complicated that I thought it would be. My most recent acting experience was playing "Joseph" in the elementary school play one Christmas in Gatesville. Anyone remember that? Kathy Munday played "Mary" in that play.
Anyway, back to "Pound Sterling." The cast worked for several weeks in anticipation of the dress rehearsal, on which night local senior citizens were invited as guests of honor. So, it was time to raise the curtain. The other cast members took their places...and the lights were on! After the curtain opened, I entered from stage left, went strolling to my X-mark at center stage, took a deep breath, gathered myself to project my voice across the auditorium.....and....
That's right. I had forgotten each and every one of my lines. In those first few seconds of dead air, that seemed like four lifetimes to me, I felt sweat breaking out on the beads of sweat that had suddenly formed on my forehead. I could just make out several hundred (okay, about a hundred) people in the darkened galleries...just enough to see that they were all looking AT ME. Never mind that I could not actually SEE their faces...I knew they were all staring at me, all acutely aware that I had no idea what I was supposed to say...
(Silence...plus crickets in the background...)
At this point, one of the cast members, the late Johnny Hendricks, ad-libbed "Pound! Don't you have something to TELL US?!"
Saved! Somehow those words galvanized my brain to take action. I literally felt the electric message flowing from my brain, across synapses to nerves, down my head to other nerves, finally activating my mouth.
"I have some GOOD NEWS! And some BAD news."
With that, I was able to stumble through my lines and finish dress rehearsal. That night was a disaster for Pound Sterling. But on the three nights that the play ran, I did manage to "get in character." But that burning, desperate, almost totally helpless feeling I had that night has returned to some extent as Bailey Black is now being offered for sale.
I sincerely hope that any of you who are feeling a little yearn for some arm-chair adventure will at least read the blurb about Bailey Black. If you are really brave, I hope you will see your way to buy a copy. Maybe if two of you want to be brave together, you can go in for halfies for one book. Then, if at least one of you likes the book, you can buy out your partner's interest if the other person does not like it. But on a serious note, I would like to express once again my thanks to those of you who have followed along through the publication process. I hope you will read my book, and most of all, I hope you like the story. And, in the weeks to come, I will be announcing signing events as they are finalized. Thank you all!
It reminds me of the days of my short-lived acting career in the Gatesville Civic Theatre. I was fortunate enough to be cast in a city play in my junior year of high school. I was the hero/villain Pound Sterling in the play "An Old-Fashioned Melodrama - Modern Style." I knew I was not an Oscar winner, but I believed I could play my part adequately. Well, just a few minutes into the first rehearsal, I found that acting was a little more complicated that I thought it would be. My most recent acting experience was playing "Joseph" in the elementary school play one Christmas in Gatesville. Anyone remember that? Kathy Munday played "Mary" in that play.
Anyway, back to "Pound Sterling." The cast worked for several weeks in anticipation of the dress rehearsal, on which night local senior citizens were invited as guests of honor. So, it was time to raise the curtain. The other cast members took their places...and the lights were on! After the curtain opened, I entered from stage left, went strolling to my X-mark at center stage, took a deep breath, gathered myself to project my voice across the auditorium.....and....
That's right. I had forgotten each and every one of my lines. In those first few seconds of dead air, that seemed like four lifetimes to me, I felt sweat breaking out on the beads of sweat that had suddenly formed on my forehead. I could just make out several hundred (okay, about a hundred) people in the darkened galleries...just enough to see that they were all looking AT ME. Never mind that I could not actually SEE their faces...I knew they were all staring at me, all acutely aware that I had no idea what I was supposed to say...
(Silence...plus crickets in the background...)
At this point, one of the cast members, the late Johnny Hendricks, ad-libbed "Pound! Don't you have something to TELL US?!"
Saved! Somehow those words galvanized my brain to take action. I literally felt the electric message flowing from my brain, across synapses to nerves, down my head to other nerves, finally activating my mouth.
"I have some GOOD NEWS! And some BAD news."
With that, I was able to stumble through my lines and finish dress rehearsal. That night was a disaster for Pound Sterling. But on the three nights that the play ran, I did manage to "get in character." But that burning, desperate, almost totally helpless feeling I had that night has returned to some extent as Bailey Black is now being offered for sale.
I sincerely hope that any of you who are feeling a little yearn for some arm-chair adventure will at least read the blurb about Bailey Black. If you are really brave, I hope you will see your way to buy a copy. Maybe if two of you want to be brave together, you can go in for halfies for one book. Then, if at least one of you likes the book, you can buy out your partner's interest if the other person does not like it. But on a serious note, I would like to express once again my thanks to those of you who have followed along through the publication process. I hope you will read my book, and most of all, I hope you like the story. And, in the weeks to come, I will be announcing signing events as they are finalized. Thank you all!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Bailey Black Hits the Book Store...sort of!
The day I have been waiting for has gotten here, and actually a lot faster than I believed it would. My contract allowed the publisher a year from September 10th to get the book published. Well, it is for sale on the PublishAmerica website under Bookstore. The easiest way to find it is to go to the search block and either type in Bailey Black or Wesley Meeks.
I am so excited about this at the moment that I am having difficulty focusing on my "real" blog. The book is simply entitled Bailey Black. It is not on the Amazon website yet, and probably not on Barnes and Nobles, but will be in the next few days to weeks. For an author, writing a book is easy compared to the thought of actually publishing it, knowing that other people will be reading it. What will they think about it? Will anyone read my NEXT book after reading this one? Oh the anxiety....
Nonetheless I am so happy that the book is out now. I will be doing some marketing now, book signings, and such...so cross your fingers...and thanks for all of you who have stood with me waiting for this moment.
I am so excited about this at the moment that I am having difficulty focusing on my "real" blog. The book is simply entitled Bailey Black. It is not on the Amazon website yet, and probably not on Barnes and Nobles, but will be in the next few days to weeks. For an author, writing a book is easy compared to the thought of actually publishing it, knowing that other people will be reading it. What will they think about it? Will anyone read my NEXT book after reading this one? Oh the anxiety....
Nonetheless I am so happy that the book is out now. I will be doing some marketing now, book signings, and such...so cross your fingers...and thanks for all of you who have stood with me waiting for this moment.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Bullet Proof Vehicles are Big Business in Mexico...and San Antonio
I was trying to get current news about the border situation, that is specific news. Of course the current news is that killing is going on non-stop. But the LACK of news from Mexico on United States outlets is really frustrating, almost as bad as the near news blackout on the Obama trip. But I ran across an interesting sidelight to the Mexican civil war.
It seems that people are getting their vehicles armored in record numbers. Politicians in Mexico (as in other nations) have done this for years, but now local business people, bankers, and even more mundane workers are getting their vehicles armor-plated. Of course, the crime bosses have long had this advantage. But it has become of the fastest growing business segments in Mexico. People simply wanting to survive their commutes to work or to drop off the children at school. Carjackings and kidnappings are rampant and have turned Mexico into the most dangerous country in the world, as far as nations that are "at peace" are concerned. Granted, Mexico is "at peace" in name only. More people dead there since 2008 than all the American soldiers killed in both Gulf Wars and up to the present occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.
The fact that "common people" are turning to ballistic armor for their cars is one of the most telling aspects of the state of the current government of Mexico. I am not talking about exotic cars and Humvees; people are getting their Camrys and Accords armored as well. Many citizens have had bullets hit their vehicles when gunmen were not visible and there were no evidence of gunfights in progress. These random bullets have proven deadly for many Mexican citizens as well as the occasional unfortunate tourist. By the way, tourists, if you have not figured out by now that maybe this would be a better time to visit Hawaii or even the Vatican than Mexico, well, you might need to read my previous posts. But you will be hard-pressed to find real time news from Mexico. There appears to be some sort of a media-wide agreement to limit coverage of Mexico. Of course it may be that coverage of the Mexican civil war would be detrimental to the "open-border" lobby, so that could be the reason for so little coverage.
My hat is off to those Mexican government officials and police officers who are still willing to serve in the face of such dire hazard. One of the biggest problems honest officials face is the knowledge that anyone in their organizations could be a "mole" for the various cartels. At the local levels, more and more cities are literally under the control of one or more cartels. In the latter case, the constant fighting between these cartels limits the regular functioning of these cities. Mexico is still in turmoil. The government of Mexico is apparently powerless to stop the fighting. So, the best that most Mexicans can do at the moment is take their cars to the local armor shop. But, take a good lunch supply with you...the wait for armor is up to twelve weeks. Even in San Antonio, the wait for service is several days.
It seems that people are getting their vehicles armored in record numbers. Politicians in Mexico (as in other nations) have done this for years, but now local business people, bankers, and even more mundane workers are getting their vehicles armor-plated. Of course, the crime bosses have long had this advantage. But it has become of the fastest growing business segments in Mexico. People simply wanting to survive their commutes to work or to drop off the children at school. Carjackings and kidnappings are rampant and have turned Mexico into the most dangerous country in the world, as far as nations that are "at peace" are concerned. Granted, Mexico is "at peace" in name only. More people dead there since 2008 than all the American soldiers killed in both Gulf Wars and up to the present occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.
The fact that "common people" are turning to ballistic armor for their cars is one of the most telling aspects of the state of the current government of Mexico. I am not talking about exotic cars and Humvees; people are getting their Camrys and Accords armored as well. Many citizens have had bullets hit their vehicles when gunmen were not visible and there were no evidence of gunfights in progress. These random bullets have proven deadly for many Mexican citizens as well as the occasional unfortunate tourist. By the way, tourists, if you have not figured out by now that maybe this would be a better time to visit Hawaii or even the Vatican than Mexico, well, you might need to read my previous posts. But you will be hard-pressed to find real time news from Mexico. There appears to be some sort of a media-wide agreement to limit coverage of Mexico. Of course it may be that coverage of the Mexican civil war would be detrimental to the "open-border" lobby, so that could be the reason for so little coverage.
My hat is off to those Mexican government officials and police officers who are still willing to serve in the face of such dire hazard. One of the biggest problems honest officials face is the knowledge that anyone in their organizations could be a "mole" for the various cartels. At the local levels, more and more cities are literally under the control of one or more cartels. In the latter case, the constant fighting between these cartels limits the regular functioning of these cities. Mexico is still in turmoil. The government of Mexico is apparently powerless to stop the fighting. So, the best that most Mexicans can do at the moment is take their cars to the local armor shop. But, take a good lunch supply with you...the wait for armor is up to twelve weeks. Even in San Antonio, the wait for service is several days.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
West Texas, NOT WASTE Texas
As usual, the theme "we must have progress, or our town will die" won out over common sense. This didn't happen recently. The radioactive waste facility, Waste Control Specialists - Andrews, has been in operation since 2002. The oil business in West Texas continued its "business as usual" meaning booms and busts were happening, and the bust was going on at the time. So, "progressives" and "visionaries" (please insert the names of several industry-connected or bought public officials, yes - you may include George "Dubbya" in this crowd) began shouting that the sky was falling and Andrews was sure to die! Never mind that Andrews has recovered from busts many times over the years. But here was an opportunity to bring permanent "wealth" to the city and the area. Waste Control Specialist could build its facility nearby, everyone from Andrews would get a job there, and we would all live happily ever after!
In fact many residents did not want this terrible facility to be built anywhere near Andrews. I, for one, did not want it built anywhere near Texas. But some loud residents, some powerful local politicians, and some BOUGHT state politicians (as usual) overwhelmed the opposition with money and political pressure. Not to mention the various statements of "facts" regarding the safety of the facility and the promise that only "low-level" waste would be stored at the facility. The people of Andrews were divided, many for, and many against, this facility. With the intervention of then Governor Bush and other Texas politicians (pockets lined of course, with contributions and so forth) the facility was approved and licensed, and is now in full swing.
Guess what? Is this a surprise? The Waste Control Specialists facility has been cited for six violations of various magnitude since 2004. Some of the violations were "fixed" (though the venting system is not functioning properly at the moment), but the major violation is ongoing, and will be ongoing for...who can say? The Texas Environmental Quality Commission (surprise again!) voted to allow this "exception" to regulations as long as Waste Control Specialists promised to fully comply...someday. The violation? Radioactive waste of the "hottest kind" was only to be stored at the facility for a year, before being transferred to permanent disposal sites. This waste disintegrates rapidly, releasing carcinogens that can cause bone cancer and other diseases. Not only was the waste kept too long (it is still there) but asphalt pads were found to have leaks, which of course means that leaking radiation will be introduced into the ground, and eventually into the West Texas water supply. Don't worry folks...the State and the owners now tell us the cracks, though not repaired, are not a significant source of radiation leakage. Don't you feel better? I don't.
Now plans are in the works to begin bringing in waste from thirty-six other states and store this radioactive waste at the leaking facility. This same idea was proposed in Ohio but the people there defeated it immediately. They don't want waste from other states. They don't even want their OWN nuclear waste. That's right, they want to ship it to Texas...specifically to the Waste Control Specialists facility near Andrews. On top of this, other nuclear waste sites, closed because of LEAKING facilities, are trying to gain approval to ship their waste to ... can you guess...WEST TEXAS! That wasn't hard at all, was it, class?
The facility in Andrews was sold to a very anxious group of people who fell for the lie that Andrews would somehow die if the nuclear waste facility was not built there. Actually it is much closer to Eunice, New Mexico, and offers the same hazards to people there. The Eunice residents had no input as they were not residents of Texas, though they will share the same fate as the people of Andrews. The facility was to hold only medical waste and other "low-grade" nuclear waste. As it turns out, the definition of "low-grade" is not static and has been changed by Congress to include weapons grade waste. No surprise there, either, kids.
I have just returned to the Permian Basin, but I am just as opposed to this facility as I was when I left the area. The are things to be done that can actually limit the waste stored at this facility and keep new parties (States) from dumping their waste in Texas. The main thing of course, is to demand these limitations and hold politicians, as well as local "leaders," accountable for monitoring the facility, and also accountable when safety violations occur. I do not have the facts at the moment to assess what economic impact this facility has had on Andrews and West Texas. Frankly, I do not care. The negative impact on the environment, and on you and me, cannot be measured in bribes...I mean campaign contributions, community grants from the company, and so forth. And further more, I am extremely opposed to, and ashamed of, the fact that such leaders as George W. Bush, as well as many local "community leaders," have allowed West Texas to be labeled WASTE, Texas. There is time to limit nuclear storage, prevent extremely dangerous waste from entering Texas, and above all, to once and for all time declare that this is West Texas, not Waste, Texas!
In fact many residents did not want this terrible facility to be built anywhere near Andrews. I, for one, did not want it built anywhere near Texas. But some loud residents, some powerful local politicians, and some BOUGHT state politicians (as usual) overwhelmed the opposition with money and political pressure. Not to mention the various statements of "facts" regarding the safety of the facility and the promise that only "low-level" waste would be stored at the facility. The people of Andrews were divided, many for, and many against, this facility. With the intervention of then Governor Bush and other Texas politicians (pockets lined of course, with contributions and so forth) the facility was approved and licensed, and is now in full swing.
Guess what? Is this a surprise? The Waste Control Specialists facility has been cited for six violations of various magnitude since 2004. Some of the violations were "fixed" (though the venting system is not functioning properly at the moment), but the major violation is ongoing, and will be ongoing for...who can say? The Texas Environmental Quality Commission (surprise again!) voted to allow this "exception" to regulations as long as Waste Control Specialists promised to fully comply...someday. The violation? Radioactive waste of the "hottest kind" was only to be stored at the facility for a year, before being transferred to permanent disposal sites. This waste disintegrates rapidly, releasing carcinogens that can cause bone cancer and other diseases. Not only was the waste kept too long (it is still there) but asphalt pads were found to have leaks, which of course means that leaking radiation will be introduced into the ground, and eventually into the West Texas water supply. Don't worry folks...the State and the owners now tell us the cracks, though not repaired, are not a significant source of radiation leakage. Don't you feel better? I don't.
Now plans are in the works to begin bringing in waste from thirty-six other states and store this radioactive waste at the leaking facility. This same idea was proposed in Ohio but the people there defeated it immediately. They don't want waste from other states. They don't even want their OWN nuclear waste. That's right, they want to ship it to Texas...specifically to the Waste Control Specialists facility near Andrews. On top of this, other nuclear waste sites, closed because of LEAKING facilities, are trying to gain approval to ship their waste to ... can you guess...WEST TEXAS! That wasn't hard at all, was it, class?
The facility in Andrews was sold to a very anxious group of people who fell for the lie that Andrews would somehow die if the nuclear waste facility was not built there. Actually it is much closer to Eunice, New Mexico, and offers the same hazards to people there. The Eunice residents had no input as they were not residents of Texas, though they will share the same fate as the people of Andrews. The facility was to hold only medical waste and other "low-grade" nuclear waste. As it turns out, the definition of "low-grade" is not static and has been changed by Congress to include weapons grade waste. No surprise there, either, kids.
I have just returned to the Permian Basin, but I am just as opposed to this facility as I was when I left the area. The are things to be done that can actually limit the waste stored at this facility and keep new parties (States) from dumping their waste in Texas. The main thing of course, is to demand these limitations and hold politicians, as well as local "leaders," accountable for monitoring the facility, and also accountable when safety violations occur. I do not have the facts at the moment to assess what economic impact this facility has had on Andrews and West Texas. Frankly, I do not care. The negative impact on the environment, and on you and me, cannot be measured in bribes...I mean campaign contributions, community grants from the company, and so forth. And further more, I am extremely opposed to, and ashamed of, the fact that such leaders as George W. Bush, as well as many local "community leaders," have allowed West Texas to be labeled WASTE, Texas. There is time to limit nuclear storage, prevent extremely dangerous waste from entering Texas, and above all, to once and for all time declare that this is West Texas, not Waste, Texas!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
West Texas
The deed is finally done. I said goodbye to the Third Coast and Some'r Surfin' on Thursday night and headed for central Texas. After a brief stopover at my mother's place, I traveled on to West Texas. I arrived in Midland just after 5:00 P.M. and just in time to visit with Child B before she left Midland for points unknown. I will see her again Monday. Later last night, I had dinner with Child A. He is also starting a new job and seems to be really happy with his new company. Unhappily, I had to leave my spouse in Houston, but she will make the trip out here in a few weeks...much better than the two year separation we had last time.
I am happy to be back out here in the desert; after all, it was my exposure to this area that eventually inspired to tale of Bailey Black. As I have mentioned on occasion, the pure blue sky and the unmatchable sunsets offset the sometimes less than spectacular scenery around the immediate Midland area. Just a few miles further west you will run across the sand dunes that comprise one of the largest beaches in the world, although they forgot to add water years ago when the dunes were formed. Yes, I will miss my daily walks along the beach, but I will save several dollars per week in Cheetos which I will no longer be feeding to the sea gulls. My spouse has always loved West Texas and she is thrilled to be returning to her old stomping ground.
As far as this blog, I still do not have Internet service, but there are a number of free wi-fi spots around so this will not be an issue. I really appreciate all my readers and I especially thank you for staying with me during the past few days when I was off the air. I will turn on my opinion mill again as I assume my new position in West Texas. So many things are going on locally, across the state, and across the nation. Around the world things just keep spiraling out of control. And at the same time good things are happening all around us. I believe that the good outweighs and overcomes the bad and that is as it should be. But occasionally bad things happen, corrupt officials try to use their power corruptly, and war and terror rage on. I try to keep an optimistic outlook (my wife's true function in life) as well as occasionally comment intelligently on some of the issues.
So...stay tuned. Once again, I appreciate each of you and I wish the best for all of you through the remainder of the year.
I am happy to be back out here in the desert; after all, it was my exposure to this area that eventually inspired to tale of Bailey Black. As I have mentioned on occasion, the pure blue sky and the unmatchable sunsets offset the sometimes less than spectacular scenery around the immediate Midland area. Just a few miles further west you will run across the sand dunes that comprise one of the largest beaches in the world, although they forgot to add water years ago when the dunes were formed. Yes, I will miss my daily walks along the beach, but I will save several dollars per week in Cheetos which I will no longer be feeding to the sea gulls. My spouse has always loved West Texas and she is thrilled to be returning to her old stomping ground.
As far as this blog, I still do not have Internet service, but there are a number of free wi-fi spots around so this will not be an issue. I really appreciate all my readers and I especially thank you for staying with me during the past few days when I was off the air. I will turn on my opinion mill again as I assume my new position in West Texas. So many things are going on locally, across the state, and across the nation. Around the world things just keep spiraling out of control. And at the same time good things are happening all around us. I believe that the good outweighs and overcomes the bad and that is as it should be. But occasionally bad things happen, corrupt officials try to use their power corruptly, and war and terror rage on. I try to keep an optimistic outlook (my wife's true function in life) as well as occasionally comment intelligently on some of the issues.
So...stay tuned. Once again, I appreciate each of you and I wish the best for all of you through the remainder of the year.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Has Anyone Failed To Get the Idea That Smoking Is Bad For You?
After decades of federal health awareness programs, anti-smoking advertisements, a ban of "on the air" cigarette commercials, and the recent law changes throughout the nation, do you think anyone above the age of six months has not grasped the idea that SMOKING IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH? Note to US Government: WE KNOW SMOKING IS BAD FOR YOU!!!
I do not smoke. I smoked some cigarettes and a nice cherry-wood pipe back in my day (read stupid teen) but I had given that up even before graduating high school. Some of my friends and relatives smoke. Many of them have smoked for decades. Only a few have gotten cancer, but all of them have trouble breathing, have a hacking cough, etc. That is inevitable. As someone once told me, "Cigarettes and tobacco are the only things sold that will kill you if you Do use them according to directions." Yes, I have known people who died prematurely after getting cancer. And I know others who are in their seventies and eighties, who have to carry their oxygen supply at all times as a result of smoking.
Another "down-side" of smoking is that cigarettes and tobacco products cost too much. An unfortunate corollary to this statement is that no matter HOW MUCH cigarettes cost, even the poorest person in the most dire of circumstances will have his cigarettes, NO MATTER what else he does not have, including food and clothing for his children. So, those that are addicted to smoking will smoke when they can afford nothing else. I think cigarette smoking is a nasty habit, but it is worse when the smoker really needs that money for something else, like one more gallon of milk and some food.
Up to now I bet you thought this was an anti-smoking blog. Not all! This is a free country (so far, Mr. Obama), and I do not condemn people, in general, who smoke, nor do I think I am "better" than a smoker. My weakness is Dr. Pepper. Even when I know I have had too much, I drink another can of it so I can think about how to cure my addiction. So, there might be some addiction out there for everyone. But smoking is one of those addictions that effects everyone around, and very immediately so. Have you ever had to sit and inhale someone else's smoke while eating in a restaurant. I, for one, am happy about the addition of designated smoking areas. Some establishments made better arrangements for this purpose than others, but I learned those places where I could eat without smoke. And smokers knew those places where they could eat, then smoke their cigarettes in peace.
I believe in limited government just as firmly as I believe in my right to eat in a non-smoking environment. That is why I am one of those oddballs that are firmly against "sin taxes." As you know, sin taxes are the governments way of making money off of people's vices. It is, I suppose, a very fair form of "user's tax." And I am all for taxing as a way of supporting legitimate government functions (My beliefs about government would take up several blogs so I will not go into that here).
I must draw the line when sin taxes, or any other taxes, become unfair and out of all proportion to the price of the particular vice in question. In other words, I am not opposed to a tax of a few cents on alcohol, tobacco, amusement park usage, etc. But I am opposed to all unreasonable tax, no matter what the product or service may be. The current tax on cigarettes, for example, adds well over a dollar to the price of a package of cigarettes. Of course, the primary ( I may have this one backwards, as far as the Government is concerned) purpose of a "sin tax" is to discourage people from participating in that particular vice. If cigarettes now cost "Y" instead of "X," people will stop smoking due to the prohibitive cost. Well, ladies and gentlemen of the bureaucracy, that has not happened yet. Smokers still smoke, but now they pay more and grumble louder. Some people are all for sin taxes and the corresponding revenues. I am not, because I believe that unreasonable tax is unreasonable, no matter its source (which of course, is always THE PEOPLE).
Why am I writing about this today? Well, because, the decades long government campaign against smoking (of course tobacco growers still receive their government "subsidies." This is a strange thing in itself) has had its effect. Tobacco sales have declined over the past few years. I believe this decline reflects the effectiveness of the anti-smoking campaign. So why now is the government (read unelected bureaucrats) trying to force cigarette companies to use new, larger, and more graphic warnings on cigarette wrappers. http://www.webmd.com/smoking-cessation/news/20101110/fda-proposes-new-cigarette-warning-labels These new requirements will raise the cost of cigarettes again, and no doubt, the sin tax as well. But more importantly, the new rules represent the unelected administrators being able to force their will on the American people.
But the real issue, and the point of this blog, is that we, as Americans, have gotten the message. SMOKING IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH. I do not believe that larger, more hideous, more graphic ads will cause people to stop smoking. The numbers of people who quit smoking as a direct reaction to these horrible ads will be negligible. But the cost of printing the illustrated ads will passed on to smokers and, I believe, to all taxpayers, when stores must raise the cost of other products in order to pay for the increased cost of cigarettes. And there will be the usual added layer of bureaucracy to "administer" the new rules. I don't know about you, but I think government is big enough now. We all know smoking is bad now...we don't need new advertisements with pictures of sick people to discourage us from smoking. Speaking of sick people, maybe some of the creators of the illustrations should simply place their own photographs on the cigarette wrappers.
I do not smoke. I smoked some cigarettes and a nice cherry-wood pipe back in my day (read stupid teen) but I had given that up even before graduating high school. Some of my friends and relatives smoke. Many of them have smoked for decades. Only a few have gotten cancer, but all of them have trouble breathing, have a hacking cough, etc. That is inevitable. As someone once told me, "Cigarettes and tobacco are the only things sold that will kill you if you Do use them according to directions." Yes, I have known people who died prematurely after getting cancer. And I know others who are in their seventies and eighties, who have to carry their oxygen supply at all times as a result of smoking.
Another "down-side" of smoking is that cigarettes and tobacco products cost too much. An unfortunate corollary to this statement is that no matter HOW MUCH cigarettes cost, even the poorest person in the most dire of circumstances will have his cigarettes, NO MATTER what else he does not have, including food and clothing for his children. So, those that are addicted to smoking will smoke when they can afford nothing else. I think cigarette smoking is a nasty habit, but it is worse when the smoker really needs that money for something else, like one more gallon of milk and some food.
Up to now I bet you thought this was an anti-smoking blog. Not all! This is a free country (so far, Mr. Obama), and I do not condemn people, in general, who smoke, nor do I think I am "better" than a smoker. My weakness is Dr. Pepper. Even when I know I have had too much, I drink another can of it so I can think about how to cure my addiction. So, there might be some addiction out there for everyone. But smoking is one of those addictions that effects everyone around, and very immediately so. Have you ever had to sit and inhale someone else's smoke while eating in a restaurant. I, for one, am happy about the addition of designated smoking areas. Some establishments made better arrangements for this purpose than others, but I learned those places where I could eat without smoke. And smokers knew those places where they could eat, then smoke their cigarettes in peace.
I believe in limited government just as firmly as I believe in my right to eat in a non-smoking environment. That is why I am one of those oddballs that are firmly against "sin taxes." As you know, sin taxes are the governments way of making money off of people's vices. It is, I suppose, a very fair form of "user's tax." And I am all for taxing as a way of supporting legitimate government functions (My beliefs about government would take up several blogs so I will not go into that here).
I must draw the line when sin taxes, or any other taxes, become unfair and out of all proportion to the price of the particular vice in question. In other words, I am not opposed to a tax of a few cents on alcohol, tobacco, amusement park usage, etc. But I am opposed to all unreasonable tax, no matter what the product or service may be. The current tax on cigarettes, for example, adds well over a dollar to the price of a package of cigarettes. Of course, the primary ( I may have this one backwards, as far as the Government is concerned) purpose of a "sin tax" is to discourage people from participating in that particular vice. If cigarettes now cost "Y" instead of "X," people will stop smoking due to the prohibitive cost. Well, ladies and gentlemen of the bureaucracy, that has not happened yet. Smokers still smoke, but now they pay more and grumble louder. Some people are all for sin taxes and the corresponding revenues. I am not, because I believe that unreasonable tax is unreasonable, no matter its source (which of course, is always THE PEOPLE).
Why am I writing about this today? Well, because, the decades long government campaign against smoking (of course tobacco growers still receive their government "subsidies." This is a strange thing in itself) has had its effect. Tobacco sales have declined over the past few years. I believe this decline reflects the effectiveness of the anti-smoking campaign. So why now is the government (read unelected bureaucrats) trying to force cigarette companies to use new, larger, and more graphic warnings on cigarette wrappers. http://www.webmd.com/smoking-cessation/news/20101110/fda-proposes-new-cigarette-warning-labels These new requirements will raise the cost of cigarettes again, and no doubt, the sin tax as well. But more importantly, the new rules represent the unelected administrators being able to force their will on the American people.
But the real issue, and the point of this blog, is that we, as Americans, have gotten the message. SMOKING IS HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH. I do not believe that larger, more hideous, more graphic ads will cause people to stop smoking. The numbers of people who quit smoking as a direct reaction to these horrible ads will be negligible. But the cost of printing the illustrated ads will passed on to smokers and, I believe, to all taxpayers, when stores must raise the cost of other products in order to pay for the increased cost of cigarettes. And there will be the usual added layer of bureaucracy to "administer" the new rules. I don't know about you, but I think government is big enough now. We all know smoking is bad now...we don't need new advertisements with pictures of sick people to discourage us from smoking. Speaking of sick people, maybe some of the creators of the illustrations should simply place their own photographs on the cigarette wrappers.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Bailey Black and the Beach House
What a great time. The elections are over, with a lot of change in store (I hope). The big presidential trip to India is coming up, so many exciting things!
Here on the home front, exciting things are happening too! The my final review of Bailey Black proofs is completed and the proof are now at the publisher for final editing. I don't know when the first printing will run, but I am keeping my fingers crossed for a pre-Christmas release. This has been a learning experience for me, with mistakes made, but knowledge gained as well. I don't know that I will use the same publisher next time, or maybe so. Another book is in the works, as well as some articles pertaining to Texas history, which is my true love, as far as writing is concerned.
I am currently typing in the beach house, but I will certainly be out of here by the end of the week. My Internet service will be turned off today, so after this posting, I will be forced to pirate free Internet somewhere to keep the blog going. I hope if you don't here from me for a day or two, you will bear with me. Within a few days I will be up and running again in a new base of operations, as we used to say in the PI business. Of course my "base of operations" was a spare corner that my wife let me sit in and use my laptop. She is sometimes picky about my "office space."
So, I will have news about Bailey Black hitting the shelves soon, I hope. And I will be taking my final walk along the beach. After this, strolls along the beach will be only at vacation time. And I can't wait! But, having said that, I also look forward to returning to the desert. There is sand there, just not as much water. But the deepest blue sky is waiting out there, and those sunsets that just can't be equaled. So, while there is some sadness at leaving the beach, there is a lot of anticipation about returning to the desert and the new job out there. Sweetie will follow me in only four weeks, instead of TWO YEARS!
I appreciate everyone who has taken time to read my little blog. I am grateful for each one of you. I am honored to have some readers from Mexico, Canada and from overseas as well. So again, bear with me a few days while I relocate, then I will be back to spouting out non-essential knowledge and stuff (that is the professional term for it). Take care, and I will be back soon!
Here on the home front, exciting things are happening too! The my final review of Bailey Black proofs is completed and the proof are now at the publisher for final editing. I don't know when the first printing will run, but I am keeping my fingers crossed for a pre-Christmas release. This has been a learning experience for me, with mistakes made, but knowledge gained as well. I don't know that I will use the same publisher next time, or maybe so. Another book is in the works, as well as some articles pertaining to Texas history, which is my true love, as far as writing is concerned.
I am currently typing in the beach house, but I will certainly be out of here by the end of the week. My Internet service will be turned off today, so after this posting, I will be forced to pirate free Internet somewhere to keep the blog going. I hope if you don't here from me for a day or two, you will bear with me. Within a few days I will be up and running again in a new base of operations, as we used to say in the PI business. Of course my "base of operations" was a spare corner that my wife let me sit in and use my laptop. She is sometimes picky about my "office space."
So, I will have news about Bailey Black hitting the shelves soon, I hope. And I will be taking my final walk along the beach. After this, strolls along the beach will be only at vacation time. And I can't wait! But, having said that, I also look forward to returning to the desert. There is sand there, just not as much water. But the deepest blue sky is waiting out there, and those sunsets that just can't be equaled. So, while there is some sadness at leaving the beach, there is a lot of anticipation about returning to the desert and the new job out there. Sweetie will follow me in only four weeks, instead of TWO YEARS!
I appreciate everyone who has taken time to read my little blog. I am grateful for each one of you. I am honored to have some readers from Mexico, Canada and from overseas as well. So again, bear with me a few days while I relocate, then I will be back to spouting out non-essential knowledge and stuff (that is the professional term for it). Take care, and I will be back soon!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Elections: The Day After
On Wednesday, the day after elections, President Obama addressed the American people. He noted that the American people "had spoken" and that Americans were not happy with the current situation of the nation. Further, he said that he would do his best to find "common ground" with the new Congress. This was a very conciliatory and promising statement. Too bad it did not reflect the President's true intentions and beliefs.
In an a statement President Obama issued to Move.org, what he said was a little different, but, I believe, much more accurately reflected his true intentions and plans during the next two years he has in office. Mr. Obama said "the message I got from the election results were that Americans were upset because changes were not coming FAST ENOUGH (my emphasis)." The President went on to say that "we" (himself and his supporters) must go on with their agenda and keep the nation headed in its current direction, IN SPITE OF THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION(! My emphasis again). He further said that the "rest of the people" needed a little more time to be brought on board. Nevertheless, he intends to proceed with his plans regardless of the elections.
President Obama obviously did not get the message that the vast majority of the voters (which of course is the American people) DO NOT SUPPORT THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION OR THE CURRENT CONGRESS, NOR THEIR POLICIES. How much more clear can the point be made, Mr. Obama!? The people do not want MORE of your change, and they do not want your change FASTER. They DO NOT SUPPORT YOU ANY LONGER, Mr. President. Read the people will no longer tolerate the arrogant and out-of-touch government, that business as usual will not work. Unfortunately, the survivors have a lot of time to pass some really bad legislation without fear. They are now lame ducks, but lame ducks with a lot of power and time left on their hands.
Now is the time for the American people to keep track of what is happening in Congress and in the White House. Laws that are passed in the Lame Duck Session can be repealed by the new Congress IF the American people will hold the Congress accountable and demand action. The President is here for two more years. Unfortunately, the Senate is still in the hands of the Democrats. The possibility of a deadlocked Congress is very real until 2012. But a deadlock is much preferable to the current situation. Let us keep our memories fresh, and demand action in 2012. Those who are not responsive to the people can be turned out in 2012 just like the old crowd were this Tuesday.
In an a statement President Obama issued to Move.org, what he said was a little different, but, I believe, much more accurately reflected his true intentions and plans during the next two years he has in office. Mr. Obama said "the message I got from the election results were that Americans were upset because changes were not coming FAST ENOUGH (my emphasis)." The President went on to say that "we" (himself and his supporters) must go on with their agenda and keep the nation headed in its current direction, IN SPITE OF THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION(! My emphasis again). He further said that the "rest of the people" needed a little more time to be brought on board. Nevertheless, he intends to proceed with his plans regardless of the elections.
President Obama obviously did not get the message that the vast majority of the voters (which of course is the American people) DO NOT SUPPORT THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION OR THE CURRENT CONGRESS, NOR THEIR POLICIES. How much more clear can the point be made, Mr. Obama!? The people do not want MORE of your change, and they do not want your change FASTER. They DO NOT SUPPORT YOU ANY LONGER, Mr. President. Read the people will no longer tolerate the arrogant and out-of-touch government, that business as usual will not work. Unfortunately, the survivors have a lot of time to pass some really bad legislation without fear. They are now lame ducks, but lame ducks with a lot of power and time left on their hands.
Now is the time for the American people to keep track of what is happening in Congress and in the White House. Laws that are passed in the Lame Duck Session can be repealed by the new Congress IF the American people will hold the Congress accountable and demand action. The President is here for two more years. Unfortunately, the Senate is still in the hands of the Democrats. The possibility of a deadlocked Congress is very real until 2012. But a deadlock is much preferable to the current situation. Let us keep our memories fresh, and demand action in 2012. Those who are not responsive to the people can be turned out in 2012 just like the old crowd were this Tuesday.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The War In Mexico
War is raging in Mexico now! Did I say "war?" That is exactly what I meant to say.
I demand that our new and returning legislators look to the events transpiring daily in Mexico and take action to protect our borders now!
In Mexico at this moment, the government is drawing plans to build a "police city" near the city of Monterrey. This project will be a protected subdivision where police officers and their families will reside in relative safety, according to the Nuevo Leon Secretary General. This project is the first of four planned across Mexico. The intent is to shield the families and off-duty officers from the constant threat of retaliation at the hands of the drug gangs. I applaud this effort on the part of the Mexican government. It is a step forward in the ongoing drug wars. But let us look at the deeper meaning here.
As well-intentioned, and necessary, as the "police city" may be, the project ultimately tells us that the government of Mexico is not able (or willing in some cases) to curtail the violence and rein in the criminal gangs. This is a loud and clear message and one that should not be misunderstood. Mexico is in a state of chaos. There is a very real war being waged, with each of the participating factions facing a two-front war. The military/police of the legitimate government are fighting the drug cartels AND corrupt officials and police. The drug cartels are fighting government forces and other drug cartels.
War, of course, means gunfire, bombings, killings, executions, kidnapping, and all the other evils associated with one force trying to defeat another. Unfortunately, the ordinary Mexican citizen is caught in the crossfire. And, increasingly, tourists are being targeted as well. The death toll since 2006 is well over 28,000 people. For years the Mexican government insisted that the casualties were drug gangs and police officers or soldiers. But the truth is that Mexican citizens have been casualties since day one. If they were not killed outright, they were terrorized by the cartels and on occasion mistreated by the police and the military. And now, even the "mainstream" press of the United States cannot ignore the suffering of the Mexican citizenry and the mounting death tolls. Mass graves containing scores of bodies are common-place. Just a few days ago, persons unknown shot at least fifteen people at a drug rehabilitation center. I have lost track of how many police officers have been killed since Commander Flores was found beheaded last month.
It is a sad commentary on the press and maybe on you and me as well, that as long as those dying were "only" Mexican citizens, there was not a lot of American press coverage, and not a lot of American interest, in the killings and the misery being experienced in Mexico. But after a few American citizens, and a Canadian, were killed, suddenly coverage was a little wider, and maybe a few more people were paying attention. Maybe for the wrong reasons, but paying attention, just the same. For instance, people planning trips to Acapulco, and even Cancun, have suddenly revisited their plans. Tourists wanting to visit the Mayan ruins are thinking twice. Now that Americans are in danger (really they have been for some time) there is growing concern and outrage at the situation in Mexico.
The Mexican people are somewhat upset at the coverage of the murder of David Hartley, and the rather lengthy investigation, that ultimately cost Commander Flores his life. They have good reason to be upset. Mexicans are murdered and assaulted at a daily rate that is mind boggling, to say the least. If the police are not able to help them, and the military is not able to secure the countryside, why should the police spend so much time trying to solve the murder of an American who strayed into a dangerous area and paid the price. Many people in Mexico are afraid to cross the street. Weddings and parties are becoming favorite targets for cartel terrorists. Store owners across the nation must either pay one or more cartels "protection" fees, or they must close their doors, if the stores are not burned down first. Can you imagine sending your children to school under these circumstances?
I am not sure what the United States government can do for Mexico. It may be that the only course for Mexico is all out war for the very existence of that nation. But I do know what the United States government can do for United States citizens. Indeed, I call on and demand that the new government take action to protect our borders and our border cities from the war raging just across a narrow river. And I propose two steps that the government should take immediately.
First, I demand that we pull all United States forces from all the "brush wars" and "police actions" we are engaged in world wide, and return these forces to the United States. I include Afghanistan and Iraq in this demand for one reason: we have been fighting in both of these countries for over nine years with nothing to show for the high price we have paid. I did not agree with the Second Gulf War, but it happened, and the goal was obtained, that Saddam was captured and eventually executed. Why are we STILL THERE? In Afghanistan, no victory is in sight, and no real objectives have been set. The people of Afghanistan do not want us there. I know, they will go back to growing poppies and to a fundamental Muslim government...but that appears to be what they WANT. Do not the people of a nation have the right to choose what form of government they want? I don't approve, but it is not my business. But we in American should not forget one thing: it was the Soviet War with Afghanistan that brought about the economic downfall and eventual collapse of the Soviet Union. I do not want history to repeat itself in regard to the United States. Again, WHY ARE WE STILL THERE? Bring all of these troops and their equipment back to the United States.
Second, I demand that we "militarize" the United States border. What? You cannot be serious! We are the freedom loving United States of America, where everyone is welcome! I am serious, and yes, I said MILITARIZE. There is a WAR being fought in Mexico, and the government there IS NOT WINNING at the moment. The Mexican military has its hands full fighting the drug cartels. The military cannot possibly seal its own borders...they can barely keep ahead of the cartels. The ease of crossing from Mexico into the United States has assured that the war WILL spread into South Texas, and probably across Texas, as time goes on. We have no right to ask the Border Patrol, a POLICE agency, to defend our borders against heavily armed drug cartels and other criminal gangs. That is not the mission of the Border Patrol, and they are too few and too poorly armed to carry out that mission. But the returning United States forces could be deployed along the border, and at much less expense than stationing the same forces overseas. Of course, the armed forces would have to be actually authorized to use force, too. That should have gone without saying, but currently national guard troops that are deployed have orders not to use force, so this is not as inane is it sounds.
So there is a war going on right at our back door. So far our government is doing nothing to protect us. I demand that the new government respond to the wishes of the American people by protecting US, not occupying nations that do not want us there in the first place. The war is here!
I demand that our new and returning legislators look to the events transpiring daily in Mexico and take action to protect our borders now!
In Mexico at this moment, the government is drawing plans to build a "police city" near the city of Monterrey. This project will be a protected subdivision where police officers and their families will reside in relative safety, according to the Nuevo Leon Secretary General. This project is the first of four planned across Mexico. The intent is to shield the families and off-duty officers from the constant threat of retaliation at the hands of the drug gangs. I applaud this effort on the part of the Mexican government. It is a step forward in the ongoing drug wars. But let us look at the deeper meaning here.
As well-intentioned, and necessary, as the "police city" may be, the project ultimately tells us that the government of Mexico is not able (or willing in some cases) to curtail the violence and rein in the criminal gangs. This is a loud and clear message and one that should not be misunderstood. Mexico is in a state of chaos. There is a very real war being waged, with each of the participating factions facing a two-front war. The military/police of the legitimate government are fighting the drug cartels AND corrupt officials and police. The drug cartels are fighting government forces and other drug cartels.
War, of course, means gunfire, bombings, killings, executions, kidnapping, and all the other evils associated with one force trying to defeat another. Unfortunately, the ordinary Mexican citizen is caught in the crossfire. And, increasingly, tourists are being targeted as well. The death toll since 2006 is well over 28,000 people. For years the Mexican government insisted that the casualties were drug gangs and police officers or soldiers. But the truth is that Mexican citizens have been casualties since day one. If they were not killed outright, they were terrorized by the cartels and on occasion mistreated by the police and the military. And now, even the "mainstream" press of the United States cannot ignore the suffering of the Mexican citizenry and the mounting death tolls. Mass graves containing scores of bodies are common-place. Just a few days ago, persons unknown shot at least fifteen people at a drug rehabilitation center. I have lost track of how many police officers have been killed since Commander Flores was found beheaded last month.
It is a sad commentary on the press and maybe on you and me as well, that as long as those dying were "only" Mexican citizens, there was not a lot of American press coverage, and not a lot of American interest, in the killings and the misery being experienced in Mexico. But after a few American citizens, and a Canadian, were killed, suddenly coverage was a little wider, and maybe a few more people were paying attention. Maybe for the wrong reasons, but paying attention, just the same. For instance, people planning trips to Acapulco, and even Cancun, have suddenly revisited their plans. Tourists wanting to visit the Mayan ruins are thinking twice. Now that Americans are in danger (really they have been for some time) there is growing concern and outrage at the situation in Mexico.
The Mexican people are somewhat upset at the coverage of the murder of David Hartley, and the rather lengthy investigation, that ultimately cost Commander Flores his life. They have good reason to be upset. Mexicans are murdered and assaulted at a daily rate that is mind boggling, to say the least. If the police are not able to help them, and the military is not able to secure the countryside, why should the police spend so much time trying to solve the murder of an American who strayed into a dangerous area and paid the price. Many people in Mexico are afraid to cross the street. Weddings and parties are becoming favorite targets for cartel terrorists. Store owners across the nation must either pay one or more cartels "protection" fees, or they must close their doors, if the stores are not burned down first. Can you imagine sending your children to school under these circumstances?
I am not sure what the United States government can do for Mexico. It may be that the only course for Mexico is all out war for the very existence of that nation. But I do know what the United States government can do for United States citizens. Indeed, I call on and demand that the new government take action to protect our borders and our border cities from the war raging just across a narrow river. And I propose two steps that the government should take immediately.
First, I demand that we pull all United States forces from all the "brush wars" and "police actions" we are engaged in world wide, and return these forces to the United States. I include Afghanistan and Iraq in this demand for one reason: we have been fighting in both of these countries for over nine years with nothing to show for the high price we have paid. I did not agree with the Second Gulf War, but it happened, and the goal was obtained, that Saddam was captured and eventually executed. Why are we STILL THERE? In Afghanistan, no victory is in sight, and no real objectives have been set. The people of Afghanistan do not want us there. I know, they will go back to growing poppies and to a fundamental Muslim government...but that appears to be what they WANT. Do not the people of a nation have the right to choose what form of government they want? I don't approve, but it is not my business. But we in American should not forget one thing: it was the Soviet War with Afghanistan that brought about the economic downfall and eventual collapse of the Soviet Union. I do not want history to repeat itself in regard to the United States. Again, WHY ARE WE STILL THERE? Bring all of these troops and their equipment back to the United States.
Second, I demand that we "militarize" the United States border. What? You cannot be serious! We are the freedom loving United States of America, where everyone is welcome! I am serious, and yes, I said MILITARIZE. There is a WAR being fought in Mexico, and the government there IS NOT WINNING at the moment. The Mexican military has its hands full fighting the drug cartels. The military cannot possibly seal its own borders...they can barely keep ahead of the cartels. The ease of crossing from Mexico into the United States has assured that the war WILL spread into South Texas, and probably across Texas, as time goes on. We have no right to ask the Border Patrol, a POLICE agency, to defend our borders against heavily armed drug cartels and other criminal gangs. That is not the mission of the Border Patrol, and they are too few and too poorly armed to carry out that mission. But the returning United States forces could be deployed along the border, and at much less expense than stationing the same forces overseas. Of course, the armed forces would have to be actually authorized to use force, too. That should have gone without saying, but currently national guard troops that are deployed have orders not to use force, so this is not as inane is it sounds.
So there is a war going on right at our back door. So far our government is doing nothing to protect us. I demand that the new government respond to the wishes of the American people by protecting US, not occupying nations that do not want us there in the first place. The war is here!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Election Today
I hope everyone was able to get out and vote today. Many of you may have voted early. Either way, perhaps more than any other time since the War Between the States, this mid-term election is crucial. I believe that the very Constitution of the United States is under attack. The results of this election will directly determine how much more of our civil liberties we are willing to yield to the Government. Capital G means to me the emphasis over that part of the government that we (The PEOPLE) did not elect, vote for, have input in, and otherwise are not in favor of. Bad grammar yes, but true sentiment.
So many bills these days are placed before legislators (who represent US!!) who have no idea what is actually contained in these bills. How could they? Many bills are documents consisting of over two thousand pages. These bills are many times drafted by "special interests" who will directly benefit from passage, as well as by congressional employees acting at their employers' directions. Of course, added into the already too large to comprehend bill packages are "riders," those extra little measures that are included, but have nothing to do (generally) with the original bills. Many times these riders consist of measures so distasteful, that they would never be passed into law if they were viewed on their own merits. But, inserted to other bills, these measures are passed because the main piece of legislation is passed by Congress.
So the Obamacare national health bill is now law. Who knows all the things this new law will entail? Unfortunately, it is much easier to pass laws than it is to rescind them later when time shows these laws to be misguided, ineffective, and even unconstitutional. The DISCLOSE Act, for instance, is being passed off as means of protecting voters at election time. Instead it effectively gags smaller political groups, organizations, and individuals while allowing large political and special interest groups and large corporations to promote political advertisements right up to poll time. This same bill also makes it easy to "investigate" dangerous persons or groups (such as the Tea Party) while cloaking major corporations, political action committees, and INCUMBENT politicians in secrecy.
No, sir, this did not start with President Obama, "Let me be perfectly clear about this!" to quote our leader. Civil rights were on the way out as far back as in the nineties, with various assaults on the First and Fourth Amendments by those in power, both Democrats and Republicans. The most vicious attacks on the Constitution; however, occurred in the post-9-1-1 America, when the PATRIOT Act was rammed through Congress. Much like anyone who opposed the Second Gulf War were branded as traitors, those Congressmen who dared object to the many blatant unconstitutional measures contained in this very vile bill were called, of course, UN-patriotic. Actually only a very few received this treatment, as most Senators and Representatives bleated their obedience and joined the ranks of the common Sheeple. Incidentally, when did it become unpatriotic to support the Bill of Rights? I thought our Senators and Representatives took an oath to UPHOLD the Constitution. Oops, my bad!
So Mr. Obama is not the first to thumb his nose at civil liberties. Mr. G. W. Bush and Mr. G.H.W. Bush were right up in the pack, as was Bill Clinton. And, ironically, many of those who voted for King Hussein...er President Obama, were actually voting AGAINST President Hillary Clinton. I can understand that, actually...take the unknown evil over the known and feared evil.
Getting back to the election today...it is imperative to vote if you are fed up with the way things are going. Unfortunately, the choice is often the incumbent versus a person who will bleat right along with the other Congressional Sheeple. It is wise to remember that the incumbent, Democrat OR Republican, has probably toed the line, with the exception of the few such as Ron Paul, who dare uphold the Constitution and do what they can to thwart the Congressional sheeple, who are really minions of the President. Remember, the incumbent, even if it is a Republican, has more than likely stood with the President on many issues. These incumbents should be turned out like the rest.
If, on the other hand, you are totally satisfied with the situation of our nation at the moment, then vote for the Sheeple...and God help us, everyone!
So many bills these days are placed before legislators (who represent US!!) who have no idea what is actually contained in these bills. How could they? Many bills are documents consisting of over two thousand pages. These bills are many times drafted by "special interests" who will directly benefit from passage, as well as by congressional employees acting at their employers' directions. Of course, added into the already too large to comprehend bill packages are "riders," those extra little measures that are included, but have nothing to do (generally) with the original bills. Many times these riders consist of measures so distasteful, that they would never be passed into law if they were viewed on their own merits. But, inserted to other bills, these measures are passed because the main piece of legislation is passed by Congress.
So the Obamacare national health bill is now law. Who knows all the things this new law will entail? Unfortunately, it is much easier to pass laws than it is to rescind them later when time shows these laws to be misguided, ineffective, and even unconstitutional. The DISCLOSE Act, for instance, is being passed off as means of protecting voters at election time. Instead it effectively gags smaller political groups, organizations, and individuals while allowing large political and special interest groups and large corporations to promote political advertisements right up to poll time. This same bill also makes it easy to "investigate" dangerous persons or groups (such as the Tea Party) while cloaking major corporations, political action committees, and INCUMBENT politicians in secrecy.
No, sir, this did not start with President Obama, "Let me be perfectly clear about this!" to quote our leader. Civil rights were on the way out as far back as in the nineties, with various assaults on the First and Fourth Amendments by those in power, both Democrats and Republicans. The most vicious attacks on the Constitution; however, occurred in the post-9-1-1 America, when the PATRIOT Act was rammed through Congress. Much like anyone who opposed the Second Gulf War were branded as traitors, those Congressmen who dared object to the many blatant unconstitutional measures contained in this very vile bill were called, of course, UN-patriotic. Actually only a very few received this treatment, as most Senators and Representatives bleated their obedience and joined the ranks of the common Sheeple. Incidentally, when did it become unpatriotic to support the Bill of Rights? I thought our Senators and Representatives took an oath to UPHOLD the Constitution. Oops, my bad!
So Mr. Obama is not the first to thumb his nose at civil liberties. Mr. G. W. Bush and Mr. G.H.W. Bush were right up in the pack, as was Bill Clinton. And, ironically, many of those who voted for King Hussein...er President Obama, were actually voting AGAINST President Hillary Clinton. I can understand that, actually...take the unknown evil over the known and feared evil.
Getting back to the election today...it is imperative to vote if you are fed up with the way things are going. Unfortunately, the choice is often the incumbent versus a person who will bleat right along with the other Congressional Sheeple. It is wise to remember that the incumbent, Democrat OR Republican, has probably toed the line, with the exception of the few such as Ron Paul, who dare uphold the Constitution and do what they can to thwart the Congressional sheeple, who are really minions of the President. Remember, the incumbent, even if it is a Republican, has more than likely stood with the President on many issues. These incumbents should be turned out like the rest.
If, on the other hand, you are totally satisfied with the situation of our nation at the moment, then vote for the Sheeple...and God help us, everyone!
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