Are you outraged yet! If not, how much more will it take? We have an elected King and an UNELECTED Queen in the White House now. I can almost hear echoes of "Let them eat cake" ringing through that hallowed building.
First Lady Obama took that now infamous trip to Spain, in which she took scores of relatives with her, at taxpayers' expense, of course. An entire hotel was rented for this debacle, at of course, taxpayers' expense. That was an outrage, as none of those relatives had any business travelling at taxpayer expense. They were free to travel to Spain, but they should have paid for this themselves. Of course, they could not have gone under those circumstances. WE (the PEOPLE) should not have been charged ONE DIME for this. And I can assure you the Obamas will not reimburse the People. There was appropriate anger in the media, and Michelle, the darling of the press, had to fade a little heat.
But that was not enough for the Obamas...
Now King, er, President Obama is planning a trip that, among other places, will take the Obamas to India. Did you know that for this two day stop, the Obama entourage has reserved the entire Taj Mahal. This reservation includes over 500 rooms. This at first seemed outrageous, but let us look at it with cool heads. There is a major security problem in many places overseas, even for a beloved leader like President Obama. The idea that our president could be in danger may come as a shock to some; nevertheless, that is indeed the case. So I can grudgingly admit to the strategic wisdom of renting this entire facility and basically turning it into a fortress, even if it is for only two days. This is not a big point of contention with me, after all.
Where I must take departure, and spit nails out of anger, is to the fact that two other hotels were reserved (in their ENTIRETY) for "the staff." Why were two other facilities needed? Remember, 590 rooms were reserved at Taj Mahal. I wonder why the President's family, his staff, and the rest of the entourage could not get by with only 590 rooms? That is only ONE stop along the trip. How many other "Indias" will there be on this particular trip? How many more outrages like this will the Obamas perpetrate before the end of his His Majesty's term?
On the particular trip in question, of course Air Force One and supporting aircraft will be utilized. I have no problems with that. Probably Air Force Two will be kept somewhere in the wings. I have no problem with that, either. But I have a problem with TWO MORE large jets being utilized to carry who knows whom as well as press and staff. This situation, along with the King Louis XIV-like burning of OUR TAX DOLLARS by the Chief Executive, is positively revolting, outraging, and unacceptable to me. Can you say ONE TERM PRESIDENT. I hope so!
Does anyone else...Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, Communist...whatever...feel this same outrage that I do? I have no reason to doubt that Mr. and Mrs. Obama will run up the biggest travel bill in the history of the United States presidency. So far as I can determine, the waste of taxpayer money by the President and his spouse is not an impeachable offense. I hope we can correct this situation in the future, but for now, BOHICA!
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