Sunday, October 31, 2010
Bailey Black
My next order of business is to do a review of the "editing" and get all the little quirks, as many as possible, worked out and corrected. I am really pleased with the cover art. It really complements the theme of the story of Bailey Black. I will not describe it any further so you will have to wait until it is for sale to see it. I appreciate my little group of fans, and I hope you remain fans AFTER reading the story. Regardless, it was an adventure writing it, and it will be an even larger adventure as I go through the process of publishing and actually getting the book available in stores. It will of course be available on line as well.
I have not been able to blog for a few days due to some strange problems with the Internet service on the island. That is one of the drawbacks of living in paradise; as life is laid back, so are repairmen. I am not sure when it will actually be fixed. Tonight I am borrowing Internet the local hospital. So my blogging will be sporadic, and will coincide with the availability of free Internet, and the eventual repair of my home Internet service.
Again, I would like to express my appreciation for all of you who are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Bailey Black. It should be fairly soon now!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
The War in Mexico: Every Police Officer in Los Ramones Resigns After Firefight!
The attack on the Los Ramones police facility was carried out by one or the other of the local drug cartels. I suppose it is not inconceivable that, just for a moment, the two cartels could drop their differences and attack the police in unison. Whether this was the case or not, the police were outgunned, and probably outnumbered. Whether or not the cartels acted separately, either of them could muster more than enough manpower to overwhelm the local police force. Unfortunately, the Los Ramones incident is not the first of its kind, nor will it be the last, as the drug war continues. No Mexican citizen is safe. Local police officers are virtually assured of imminent death if they continue to serve. Yet many of them do. The state and national police are not much safer, as was so tragically illustrated with the death of Commander Flores. In fact, the Mexican military forces are in the firing line as well, with near daily confrontations with drug cartels all across the Mexican nation.
I believe it is time for the United States to acknowledge what is going on in Mexico. There is three-cornered civil war underway that pits the drug cartels against the civil authority and against the people. The drug cartels are bent on destroying the legitimate government, indeed they are well on the way to meeting that objective. The military and police are clearly a weak corner of the triangle, barely able to hold their own against the criminal gangs' daily attacks on government forces. The weakest angle in the triangle is, of course, the honest residents of the various towns, cities, and countryside who are caught in the middle, and have been since at least 2006.
In 2006 the beloved President Calderon declared war on the the drug cartels. Since that time, over 30, 000 people have died in the conflict, including criminals, soldiers and police, and of course, the innocent (and mostly unarmed) citizens who happen to get caught in the crossfire. The emotional cost, of course, is incalculable. Not only are the Mexican people grieving their dead, they increasingly are forced to endure the further horror of knowing that their loved ones were tortured beyond endurance, their corpses then mutilated, many times beyond the point of recognition. I have deep sympathy for the Mexican people, and like I mentioned in my previous blog, a deep respect for those officials that courageously carry on with their duties in the face of overwhelming odds. The situation in Mexico is tragic and outrageous.
The situation in the United States at this time, while not nearly so tragic, as far as loss of life is concerned, is equally outrageous. I am speaking of two things: first, the almost total lack of current and informed coverage of the situation in Mexico; second, the total lack of response from the United States to the situation in Mexico. In tomorrow's blog I will address the latter, the lack of response on the part of the United States government to the Mexican civil war. Suffice for now to say that there is in fact a civil war raging in Mexico. That war has already spilled over the border into Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and other locales north of the Rio Grande. It will only get worse as the government of Mexico falls further into chaos. In the face of this clear and present danger, President Barack Obama has failed to act to secure the safety of American citizens IN AMERICA. He has in fact snubbed the Texas governor, and by extension, the people of Texas, when the governor attempted to personally meet with Obama at the Austin airport. To me the President's lack of concern for the American people is outrageous. Obama's gross negligence toward the safety of the American people may well be the first tangible impeachable offense King Obama has committed to this point.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
A Persistent Haze Over the Third Coast...and America
As I looked into the haze, I realized that the political and economic view of our great nation is just as hazy and obscure. Our leaders at all levels seem to have purposely set aside the Constitution and the oath each of them took upon their election to public office. No, I am not singling out the current set of politicos, from the president on down to the local county commissioners. Much of the trouble started well before Obama took office, his coat tails overladen with the hangers on who would occupy the lesser offices. George H. W. Bush continued what has become tradition by initiating a war with Iraq that was, among other things, a war to retake oil for western nations at the cost of our American soldiers. The villains, Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Ladin lived to fight another day. President Clinton, with all his antics here at home, failed to complete the task of catching Bin Ladin and dealing with Saddam. Both George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton continued to hack away, or support others who hacked away, at our great Constitution and our civil liberties.
In 2002, George W. Bush, no doubt feeling great pressure to act, ordered the invasion of Iraq (again) with the goal of capturing Hussein. That was accomplished, but now, ten years later, that war rages on, AND we have a new (old) war in Afghanistan that we obligingly took over from the failed Soviet Union. At the same time, George W. Bush also continued the tradition of hacking away at the Constitution by supporting, and signing into law, the infamous PATRIOT Act, one of the most serious attacks on our civil liberties in the history of the United States. Now, Barack Obama, whose patriotism was questionable BEFORE his election, doubly so now, continues to wage the endless wars initiated by his successors, and continues to use his power and influence to dismantle our Constitution at an alarming rate. And we cannot forget the outrageous way King and Queen Obama are frittering away our tax dollars for the largest, most extravagant, most bizarre series of state trips of all time.
As the national assault on our Constitution continues on one front, other issues are tearing this nation apart as well. The never ending wars that our forces are fighting around the world continue. The seemingly endless trillion dollar bailouts (read your money and mine lost instead of that of the criminal bank board members and auto executives), with more on the way. Our "representatives," meantime, are busy passing such Constitution stomping measures as the DISCLOSE Act, the blatant attempt to curtail Internet freedom, the equally blatant attempt to silence the voice of small organizations and political action committees at election time while leaving the huge companies, organizations, and special interest groups free to shout out loud right up to the front doors of the local polling place. One especially outrageous bill (among the many) is a bill that would call for unionization of all public service agencies throughout the United States, effectively taking local control out of the hands of elected city councilmen and county commissioners, and placing command of these agencies in the hand of union leaders (which of course includes members of five certain Families). Do you think you have no control over your police and other public servants now? Just wait till that law passes. And you should know that this very bill will be voted on AFTER the coming election. Those legislators who were afraid to pass these bills BEFORE the elections will have no incentive at all not to trample the Constitution by passing these laws in the "lame suck" session upcoming. These politicians have nothing to lose...BUT YOU AND I HAVE OUR NATION TO LOSE!
Do you love President Obama and the things for which he stands? Do you support Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Leiberman? That is of course your business and your right. But do not allow your support for our first black president and these other power hungry politicians to blind you to our Constitution and the DUTY of our elected officials to UPHOLD it. The current politicians, as well as many of those now out of office, HAVE NOT AND ARE NOT UPHOLDING OUR CONSTITUTION, which is the LAW OF OUR LAND. The United States Constitution is the document that embodies the things that set us apart from most other nations of the world. This same Constitution is being ripped apart at the seams before out very eyes!
You should support those politicians who are truly representing you. But if these same politicians are tearing apart our Constitution and our nation, and you STILL support them, perhaps YOU need to review the Constitution for yourself. Many men and women have fought and died to preserve the rights embodied in that great document, but it appears that the people most hellbent on destroying it (AND YOUR LIBERTIES WITH IT) are our very own elected congressmen and senators. We do not have to let this happen. This is still after all, a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It is STILL OURS!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
King Barack and Queen Michelle
First Lady Obama took that now infamous trip to Spain, in which she took scores of relatives with her, at taxpayers' expense, of course. An entire hotel was rented for this debacle, at of course, taxpayers' expense. That was an outrage, as none of those relatives had any business travelling at taxpayer expense. They were free to travel to Spain, but they should have paid for this themselves. Of course, they could not have gone under those circumstances. WE (the PEOPLE) should not have been charged ONE DIME for this. And I can assure you the Obamas will not reimburse the People. There was appropriate anger in the media, and Michelle, the darling of the press, had to fade a little heat.
But that was not enough for the Obamas...
Now King, er, President Obama is planning a trip that, among other places, will take the Obamas to India. Did you know that for this two day stop, the Obama entourage has reserved the entire Taj Mahal. This reservation includes over 500 rooms. This at first seemed outrageous, but let us look at it with cool heads. There is a major security problem in many places overseas, even for a beloved leader like President Obama. The idea that our president could be in danger may come as a shock to some; nevertheless, that is indeed the case. So I can grudgingly admit to the strategic wisdom of renting this entire facility and basically turning it into a fortress, even if it is for only two days. This is not a big point of contention with me, after all.
Where I must take departure, and spit nails out of anger, is to the fact that two other hotels were reserved (in their ENTIRETY) for "the staff." Why were two other facilities needed? Remember, 590 rooms were reserved at Taj Mahal. I wonder why the President's family, his staff, and the rest of the entourage could not get by with only 590 rooms? That is only ONE stop along the trip. How many other "Indias" will there be on this particular trip? How many more outrages like this will the Obamas perpetrate before the end of his His Majesty's term?
On the particular trip in question, of course Air Force One and supporting aircraft will be utilized. I have no problems with that. Probably Air Force Two will be kept somewhere in the wings. I have no problem with that, either. But I have a problem with TWO MORE large jets being utilized to carry who knows whom as well as press and staff. This situation, along with the King Louis XIV-like burning of OUR TAX DOLLARS by the Chief Executive, is positively revolting, outraging, and unacceptable to me. Can you say ONE TERM PRESIDENT. I hope so!
Does anyone else...Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, Communist...whatever...feel this same outrage that I do? I have no reason to doubt that Mr. and Mrs. Obama will run up the biggest travel bill in the history of the United States presidency. So far as I can determine, the waste of taxpayer money by the President and his spouse is not an impeachable offense. I hope we can correct this situation in the future, but for now, BOHICA!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Change is the Only Certainty
Don't you get tired of hearing it. I have heard this sentiment expressed, in one form or another, all of my life. "Yep, son, the change is the only thing that will stay the same." One of my uncle's favorite sayings was "the only thing you can be sure of is death and income taxes." Or how about "the more things change, the more they stay the same." (If you figure that one out, let me know!) I am sure that change will continue, in fact major change for me will occur in a few days. Major change for me means major change for my wife as well.
Once again I will be leaving home to take a job all the way across Texas. It was only two years ago that I left Midland to take a job here (Houston). I thought then that I was through with the desert and that the sea coast would be my home forever, or at least until the next hurricane hit the beach and wiped out the island. But one should never say "never," nor should anyone really say "always." Changes happen, many times by our choice, more often by conditions beyond our control. Also very often, the changes in one person's life will have a profound effect on others. My spouse will readjust (again) to having me out of the house. My poor children (Child A and Child B) will have to readjust to having me within an easy drive of their abodes. On the positive side, I will be able to have lunch or dinner with one or both children when it is agreeable to all.
Did I say "on the positive side?"
Most of the time change is just what it is...a different set of circumstances. Change can be good, change can be bad. Most of the time, however, change is what we make of it, our attitude towards the new or the unknown. My significant other would probably be surprised to hear me say that we should have a positive outlook for change in our lives. I DO BELIEVE that, I just sometimes don't practice it. What was that? All the time? (Silence, SO, this is MY blog!) I will admit it. There have been a few times that I have not, shall we say, embraced change in my life with open arms. There, SO, I said it!
In the following week or so, I will more than likely make my way back to the Permian Basin. Both SO and I have come to the agreement that we will accept this change and roll with the flow. Yes we will be separated again, but I know it will not be for long. SO will be back with me in just a few weeks or so...that is our hope, anyway. Regardless, we are both honing our positive attitudes (SO has more than enough POSITIVE energy for the two of us). I will miss this place, and I will especially miss my spouse, but I know it is temporary. At the same time, I will be in the same town with the children again.
Another new thing will be the job itself. I have started several new jobs with more stress than excitement and eagerness. Not this time. I believe this job is tailor-made for me, and there is great opportunity. My spouse thinks so, too. I had the best job interview I have ever participated in. The new employers are eager for me to start. The job involves a lot of day travel, but very few, if any, overnight stays. The work is something I have never really done before, but I am eager to start. Change, once again, but change - manageable. If change is inevitable, it can at least be embraced in a positive, here's to the change!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
National Public Radio is Not "Tolerant"
Ironically, National Public Radio is of course one of the loudest voices in the media for "tolerance" and for freedom of speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment. Obviously NPR is very hypocritical both in their application of "tolerance" and their application of freedom of speech as concerns their employees. You may say the national organization of National Public Radio is not a "government agency," but I say NPR would be out of business immediately the government ceased its support. But I will play nice; let's concede that the NPR is not a per se government agency, and as such, is not bound to guaranty freedom of speech to its employees, as the Constitution binds the "government," not individuals. In other words, the government cannot legally interfere with a person's freedom of speech; however, businesses do not have to guarantee freedom of speech, and in fact, may fire an employee who speaks contrary to what the business would have that employee to say. So, NPR was certainly within its rights and authority to fire Mr. Williams. But it certainly flies in the face of NPR's constant railing and ranting that Americans need to be "tolerant" and that Americans should be free to say what they like without fear. In reality, if an NPR reporter says something that shows "intolerance," that person is subject to swift and extreme discipline.
Well, what did Juan Williams say that caused such a furor, that branded him a bigot, a racist, and dare I say (Dare! Dare!) intolerant! Here, readers, as that terrible statement:
"Look, Bill. I'm not a bigot. You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I've got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous."
There is the vilifying statement in its entirety. Juan Williams, unlike many Americans, was willing to tell the truth, to tell his beliefs and fears as an American who must fly the airlines in post-911 America. He voiced what many Americans think, what many Americans believe, and what many Americans are afraid to say out loud for fear of reprisal, as illustrated by Mr. Williams' situation.
I commend Juan Williams for his courage in expressing his fears. National Public Radio should be ashamed of their actions, but of course, the firing of Juan Williams for speaking his mind and telling what he truly believes is perfectly in line with NPR's hypocrisy of demanding that Americans (read anyone of non-Middle Eastern or other third world descent or nationality - and yes, I will say it, particularly conservative Americans) be "tolerant" of almost ANYTHING except traditional values and constitutional government.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Looking Like Santa Is Advantageous
(Here is where my wife punches me and lets me know I was "balding" in high school. She is so kind, but most unsympathetic.)
But back to advantageous...
Looking like a somewhat thinner-than-standard Santa Claus has had its rewards. For instance, I have met at least one kid who believed I really WAS Santa. That was not really an advantage, but it was sort of cute. But to the advantage side, I can actually walk into a mall (particularly this time of year) and be hired as "Santa" in less than fifteen minutes (it takes about that long for the criminal background check to return). Should I ever opt to go that route during the holiday season, I just know I could get all the gifts on Child A and B's wish list, as well is that of my lovely spouse. I have also given a new meaning to the term "white Christmas," although every day with me is more or less white from the chin up.
Another advantage of looking like Ol' Saint Nick is the frequency with which I am offered "senior" discounts when I go out to dinner, particularly at the local CiCi's Pizza. The young ladies in particular are convinced that I have reached my golden years. By the way, why are those years called the golden years when most men are either gray, bald, or both? Anyway, not only do the young misses at the counter feel that I have surpassed my prime, they also frequently leave their duty posts to come over and assist me with the door or help me carry my tray to the table. So far I have saved over forty dollars in "Senior Discounts" and I am not even a member of AARP!
Oh, yes...there is one other reward that goes with being a Santa lookalike in the local mall. I have noticed that many older "children," that is women over forty (and a few younger) would love to sit in Santa's lap and tell him their Christmas lists, because this particular Santa vaguely reminds them of another oldster, Sean Connery. He is REALLY OLD, but from what I garner, he is still popular with many ladies. Hmmm...keep this one quiet. The spouse is nearby!
Yes, I have finally accepted (grudgingly) that I will go into my fifties resembling the Santa Claus who resembles Sean Connery. After all, with discounted pizza, young girls assisting me down the aisle, and older girls confusing me with one of my favorite movie stars, I really can't see the down side. Oh wait, I don't have my glasses.......
Saturday, October 16, 2010
While Searching for Seashells...
My latest sinus infection having run its course, I am finally back to my norm of my daily walk along the beach and in the surf. There is something about searching for seashells that calms the spirit. This morning the little birds were not very wary of me, and mostly went about their business. I think they are a little calmer after tourist season. So I waded further out in the surf, and thought...
Briefly I thought about the upcoming election and what it may mean for this nation. As important as the issues being voted on and the people being elected, this topic was only entertained a second, then it was gone with the wave washing back out to sea. There are issues closer to home. For instance, Child B is at this very moment seriously contemplating marriage. Child A, in the meantime, is starting a new job. One child is embarking on a new career; the other is seriously contemplating a new life. But there is a nice shell at my feet...
I started walking again, examining my latest treasure. It was a nice shell but similar to many others I had. I cast it to Mr. Neptune and began chasing a large blue crab that was dancing around at my feet. The crab was twice the size of my fist and was definitely open for business. I danced with him briefly, but when the crab went for my big toe, I decided to seek my fortune in points further from the angry crustacean. A seagull on the shore was too comfortable to fly away as I passed by in the waves.
As I continued my search for seashells, I saw in the ebb and flow of the waves, the times of my life. As the new waves roll onto the shore, new things are deposited, new life experiences. At the same time, the older waves flow back into the sea, taking a part of the beach with them, a part of my life that I will never have again. It is not bad, in fact most of the things cast upon the beach are good things, good times and happy experiences. Part of our lives are washed out to sea each passing day we are on this earth. And again, it is not all fact, even though we age every day, that aging process is leavened by the many experiences and people that are parts of our lives...
I saw a sand dollar! As I dug it out of the wet sand, I realized that it was broken. Most of the fragile shell was long lost at sea. How I wanted a whole sand dollar, yet it was beautiful, just this piece I held in my hand, as the sun, filtered by the nearly clear water, shown golden. The sand dollar fragment was painted a beautiful gold as well, and that moment I held real gold. I let the prize fall back to the ocean floor and distant Jeep growing slowly larger on the shore as I moved through the foam. I had to think for a moment how fortunate I have been to accomplish my rather simple dream of living on the beach. There were so many ways it could have worked out differently...wait, there it was! The big prize! The mother lode! A beautiful orange and pink conch...The Treasure!
I nearly dived into the surf, scaring one of the sandpipers that was lazily trotting ahead of me. I grabbed the conch shell as though I thought someone behind me might take it! But when I pulled it out of the water....oh no! The conch had broken to pieces in the surf, leaving just enough of the shell intact to look like the find of the month. I was so disappointed...but just for a moment. Just like in life, there may be a very great treasure of some sort, that in the end turns out to be a broken shell. Yet the sun still shown through the water, bathing the wet sand in gold, and painting my spirit in bright sunshine...
Searching for never know what you will the water...or about yourself. If you ever get a chance to wade in the surf in search of some treasure...or yourself...I certainly recommend it.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Bound To Cover A Few More Miles
I want to go a few more miles too, in my life. In fact, I am "bound to go a few more miles." Even at age (nearly) fifty there are things I still want to do, places to see, and above all, more hours to spend with my loved ones. I am a professional Texan, meaning that there are many things I love about this state and many things here I still have not seen. But I have learned over the years that there are other states beside Texas...yes, it's true! There are forty-nine other states, most of which have at least one attraction that tourists should see in their lifetimes. AND I further learned that there are actually other nations beside the United States. Actually I knew already there was Great Britain, Canada, Mexico, Spain, and France, having been a student of history. But my spouse informed me there were other places as well, such as Belize, the Bahamas, and Florida. So many things to do, so little time.
Going another few miles does not simply mean doing "touristy" things. For instance, someone asked me yesterday how I found the time to write a book. This person went on to tell me there was just no time in her life to write the book that was really already finished in her head. I understand the feeling, and I wonder how many of us (I am in this group for sure) have projects of one kind or another that we just can't seem to "get to." The things we want to accomplish, but which are just out of reach, for one reason or another, are the "few more miles" we have not gone yet. It can be very frustrating to know what one wants to do, to see, or to accomplish, and yet never seem to be able to accomplish it. As the years go by, we may yearn even more to do these things. Many of us are no longer youngsters. On top of that, to be very blunt, we simply do not know how much time we have on this earth.
So I say go ahead and go those few more miles, do those things, and make your dreams reality. Don't let it be simply a thought on a bumper sticker. Be "bound to go a few more miles." As long as you are still heading down the road, there is time. And don't worry about the things you "have" to do. These things most certainly be here waiting when you take a break from your real dreams.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Good News is Good News!
Not really...
The ordeal for these men lasted over sixty days...TWO MONTHS! I had to slow down and really digest the reality of what these men went through. Even the "dramatic rescue" actually involved weeks of painfully slow drilling through bedrock. And be honest, most of us had really put this situation in the back of our minds, maybe occasionally checking the tube to get another update. But think about it. These men, like many of us all over the world, work a business day, or a shift. For miners, of course, the shift is worked underground. I don't know how anyone can voluntarily travel underground for thousands of feet, use tools or even dynamite to make the mine deeper, and yet be calm enough to dig out the ore and transfer the oar back to the surface. At least the miners know that at the end of the shift they will go back to the surface and walk out into the sunshine and fresh air. I admire anyone who can do this. I can barely keep it together long enough to take a walk through Innerspace Cavern, which is well lit and air conditioned. I did it years ago, but only because I did not want my child to think his daddy was a chicken. I was able to conceal my shakes and tears, and maintain my footing as we walked through the cave, because I knew we would be out in less than an hour. I believe I would literally have a nervous breakdown if I were detained in Innerspace Cavern for even a few hours.
But there was some good news for those miners. At least one of the miners had limited medical training or experience. Another man was able to calm everyone and focus them on the only thing that mattered all of the sudden - survival. Of course there was panic and fear in the early hours of the disaster, after all, these men were...well, human. No doubt there was dismay and even hopelessness and desperation. But in the midst of the panic and fear, one or more of the miners established order, calming the men and establishing a plan of survival. It may have been that the only thing the men were actually in control of was their own bodies. That is, all each person could control was his response to the very dire and grave circumstance that they suddenly faced. Calm persons breathe slower and deeper, thus conserving available air. With calm came the ability to clearly assess the situation and decide if there were any immediate steps to be taken while awaiting rescue. While the details of what the men went through and how they survived are as yet unknown, no doubt their stories will be told in news interviews, and eventually in books and movies. Regardless, the men were able to survive in good shape until they were rescued.
I breathed that collective sigh of relief with the rest of the world as we learned that all of the men were finally out. In some small way, the world shared in the miners' fear, and in the hope for their rescue, and finally in the great joy and celebration when the first man finally emerged from the rescue shaft. And the same joy and celebration was extended to the last man out, many hours later. With all the bad and evil that seems to be never-ending in this world of ours, it is still amazing how, for just a little while, all the world comes together in some small way and out pours hope and faith that there will be, against all odds, some Good News, after all.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
A True Hero: Rolando Flores Villegas
I, for one, would like to honor Commander Rolando Flores Villegas with the full measure of respect and reverence due any police officer in Texas. As a former police officer, I know myself well enough to know that I would not have had the fortitude to continue as a peace officer given the obstacles and the sheer danger that Mexican police officers, at all levels, face on a daily basis. Beyond that, the officers there also must come to terms with the daily possibility that their families face the same fears and dangers. Unlike the loved ones of officers here in the United States, the families of Mexican police officers are in direct and imminent danger at all times. In spite of all this, officers such as Commander Flores continue to do their jobs, and unfortunately, to die all too often in the performance of those duties. For Commander Flores, and the other fallen officers, I say Rest In Peace. Commander Flores, you are a true Texas hero!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
There Is A Real War Here and Now!
After some pressure from Texas and United States officials, the Mexican government, via Federal and State Police,began an investigation and had apparently developed some suspects. The state of Tamaulipas is, of course, in true state of war. The Gulf Cartel is fighting the Zetas, former military men turned hitmen and enforcers, for "turf" in the always ongoing drug wars. Both of these groups are fighting the Federal and State police, as well as killing anyone who dares stand up to them. And true to form, as soon as Commander Flores began closing in on specific suspects, he was killed. Mayors, judges, policemen, reporters, and anyone else who in any way opposes these people are immediately killed. The killing of Mr. Hartley may have only been "collateral" in nature; that is to say that these groups also make money and promote terror by attacking both Americans and Mexicans who venture into the "wrong" areas of Lake Falcon.
I now openly ask, request, and DEMAND that our Federal Government protect our citizens by recognizing that there is a state of war in Mexico, and by immediately manning our southern borders with United States soldiers. Stop asking the police (Border Patrol) to carryout a function of the military. Is there any doubt that our southern border is Under Siege?!
I DEMAND that we pull our troops out of all the useless and never-ending conflicts around the world. For one thing, years after Clinton and both Bushes have intervened, and after Obama has blindly continued these engagements, it is obvious that the United States cannot "make" democracies out of nations who have never known democracy and DO NOT WANT Democracy at the moment. I demand that these soldiers be deployed along our borders and that OUR borders be secured. Let Pakistan and Afghanistan worry about their own nation. Let Iran take care of itself; after all, they have had nine years of US attention, and look where we are. There is a civil war that will be fought there, it is inevitable. Get US out of there and let our troops come home. If our own borders are not worth fighting for, then I certainly do not want to see our soldiers dying in foreign lands that do not want our help in the first place.
Our troops CAN secure our borders. This is not 1910, when Pancho Villa could simply vanish on his horse in the desert. I demand that we bring to bear full military security on our borders. And I hope that we have finally learned from Afghanistan and Iran what we did not learn from Viet Nam, that we cannot defeat militants who have the civilian population behind them. That means that we cannot save Mexico from itself, that is up to the Mexicans. But in the meantime, Americans in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California, to name a few locations, are not safe as long as these Mexican criminals can possibly raid into the United States, commit murder and other acts of terrorism, then flee to safety south of the border.
Monday, October 11, 2010
SOMETHING Prowls the Island!
The good thing was that whatever got into the garbage was a very neat scavenger. There were two bags of garbage but our guest chose to sample only one. Further, the unknown gourmet also kept the "mess" in about a two-square foot area, so much the easier for cleanup. If I knew which critter to thank, I would certainly express my gratitude.
But what if this garbage-carving stranger is something worse? I mean, it is getting closer to Halloween. Suppose this was not the average residential scavenger. What if it was, for instance, a wayward Chupacabra? Yes...that could be it. Since there was no blood supply readily available (I keep two locks in operation at all times) the poor (mythical?) creature had to resort to the next best wife's two day old cooking. And the thing could not have gotten our neighbor's blood due to the cannabis fumes and smoke enveloping his residence.
Whatever the beast, my next step is to identify the creature and then I will...
Oh, wait, my wife just knocked me back into reality. After I apply heat to my aching head, I will make a resolution never to leave garbage outside the garbage dumpster again!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Brit Bailey Still Cantankerous
One of my favorite true ghost stories is the famous San Antonio railroad haunting. I am sure most of you are familiar with this story. In the early part of the twentieth century, as the story goes, a school bus stalled on the railroad crossing as the bus was on its daily round dropping off students. A train almost immediately struck the bus. Depending on which account one reads, thirteen or more children were killed. Since that terrible accident, there have been many reports over the years of stalled cars being pushed of the railroad crossing by an unseen force. Sometimes childrens' voices and laughter were heard. In the early '90s a former police officer parked his vehicle on the railroad crossing in question. He placed a layer of talcum powder on the trunk and bumper of his vehicle. Then...he waited. Sure enough, the vehicle was pushed off the railroad grade and out of danger. Upon examination, the officer found palm prints, several pairs of them, on the rear of his vehicle. A camera crew was there as well. They recorded the event, and took pictures of the palm prints. Very eerie.
Near Angleton is a small community, once a town, known as Bailey's Prairie. This community was named for its illustrious founder, Brit Bailey, who was actually one of the famous "Old Three Hundred," the pioneers who moved to Texas with Stephen Austin. Brit was a cantankerous old man, and was one of the few people who managed to make enemies of Stephen Austin. One story about Brit has him entertaining a circuit preacher for supper. After supper, Brit demanded that the preacher dance for him, and used his shotgun for motivation. The preacher in fact danced for the old man. He left, a humiliated man of the cloth, but nonetheless happy to be alive. But Brit was cantankerous to his dying day. As Brit lay dying, his last request to his wife was that she bury him standing, because he had never laid down before any man when he was alive. He also asked his wife to bury a jug of whiskey and his dog with him. He did not want to run out of whiskey, and he did not want to be without the companionship of his dog. It turned out that his wife fulfilled all his requests except one: she refused to bury the whiskey. She said she had had enough of his drinking, so he could just be thirsty in Kingdom Come as far as she cared. After Brit had been dead several years, the property changed hands. The new owner began to report seeing a strange "ball of fire" that rolled along or floated just above the ground. This ball of fire seemed to appear near the burial site and the the location of the old Bailey home (long since torn down). This ball of fire has been seen periodically over the years, scaring passing motorists. One man was nearly (literally) scared to death when the ball of fire he had seen floating beside the road suddenly materialized inside his car. Other motorists have reported that a strange ball of fire followed their vehicle along Texas Highway 35 in Bailey's Prairie.
Brit Bailey is as cantankerous as ever. I say this because I have made numerous trips to the site of these hauntings, and never once has Brit (or his fireball) entered my vehicle, followed me, or even had the good manners to materialize in my view. Some say it must be at night, all though some of the past sightings were in the daytime. Others have said that the ghost only appears every seven years. Some say on Halloween. I say that Britt Bailey is just a cantankerous old, ghost. In spite of my best efforts and hospitality, Britt refuses to even acknowledge me. I even drive slow, so he won't have to run. Well Brit, I'm waiting.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Fall Is Here, and Boys Sometimes Wear Shorts
That reminds me of another boy who wore shorts. He was ten years old so I suppose he should have known better than to wear shorts to the Whitehouse...yes THE Whitehouse. No doubt his adult relatives should have known better than to dress this boy in shorts on such a special day. Nonetheless, when this family, the surviving relatives of a recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor, arrived at the Whitehouse, they were turned away because the boy was wearing shorts...oh, and a t-shirt. Not just any t-shirt, mind you, but a t-shirt bearing a picture of the very hero that was to be honored on this special day. The hero was this young boy's grandfather. Not only that, but the hero had been denied his well-deserved medal for over SIXTY years. So the family was finally at the Whitehouse to take the tour of West Wing in honor of the late grandfather national hero.
Remember, this man had been denied this honor while he was living, and his memory had been denied the honor for another couple of decades. And NOW...the honor was to be denied because the grandson was wearing shorts...and a t-shirt. Now I am not criticizing the President. In fact, I doubt that he was witness to these proceedings. No doubt a zealous hall monitor was performing his or her duties to the best of that person's abilities. And once again, this American Hero was denied his day of honor. Thank goodness for zealous hall monitors who protect the sanctity of the Whitehouse. But I wonder how much longer the family will have to wait for their next visit to the Whitehouse. More importantly, I wonder what lesson this child learned from the experience.
I am afraid that what he learned was this: After a genuine American hero has been denied his just reward and recognition for over sixty years, the "powers that be" will withhold the honor another day...if someone dares to wear shorts to the Whitehouse. Dress codes for children are much more important than honor for the veteran.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Bailey Black on the Road to the Press
I appreciate those of you who may be following me as I experience the joy of being a published, if not widely read, author. It was such fun writing the book. I felt like I was there with Bailey Black as the Sheriff followed him into the desert. I felt somehow transported to Tom Belger's side as he and Dub Giles tracked Bailey Black. I know the hair on my neck stood up when Giles told us, I mean Tom, that somehow Bailey Black had faked the trail and could even now be pointing a rifle our way! Then I was back again, in my writing chair. I hope readers will feel transported to Dora, and to the sand dunes beyond, as they turn the pages in my book. Even though the love affair was brief, I hope the reader can look into the deep pools of Hattie's eyes, down to her soul, as she falls hopelessly for Tom Belger. And surely the reader will share the mixed feelings of both satisfaction that Bailey Black paid his dues, and sadness at his demise while he saved Hattie and the girls from the ravages of the Dalton Brothers. Above all, I hope the reader feels the wonder and awe, the beauty and brilliance, as the Sheriff and Bailey Black walk away into that bright and perfect Light waiting for them in the Beyond.
Thanks again for staying with me.
A Severe Blow to the Pride, Integrity, and Guts of Texas (and some Federal) Police
I have taken some time away from blogging, maybe I even gave up blogging. But the recent and terrible murders in Uvalde, and the disgracefu...
Last weekend I set out on a much anticipated afternoon trip to a ghost town located on Hwy 285 between Pecos, Texas and Carlsbad, New Mexic...
My lovely bride, myself, and Child A spent a wonderful evening on Tuesday with our granddaughter (Child A's niece). I have grown to lo...
Today, Memorial Day 2017, I have the honor of writing about a brave airman who hails from my own home town, Gatesville, TX. William Elmo ...