Saturday, August 14, 2010

President Obama

President Barack Obama

It still bewilders me after all this time how such a man was elected.

Hilary Clinton was a terrible choice too. And the McCain/Palin ticket was not appealing at all.

Was Obama the lesser of three evils?

If the choice was either Hilary or Barack, it would have been a very difficult decision. Hilary was obviously a return to the Clinton days, only worse. Obama was the unknown...yet not so unknown. By the end of the 2008 Presidential Campaign Barack Obama had spelled out to the nation and the world exactly what he thought about America, freedom, the rights of the people (White people especially), and the irresponsible way he would handle the federal budget, as well as the inevitable tax hikes.

Now, two years into the Obama Administration, Barack Obama has not kept many of his campaign promises other than constant overspending and the endless barrage of proposed taxes. But, what HAS Obama done?

He has made plain that his loyalties lie with something totally foreign to the American nation, its people, and most importantly, its Constitution. He has made it very clear that he does not have the best interest of American soldiers in his heart. He has thumbed his nose at the American flag and refused to take the Pledge of Allegiance. He has several times turned his back to the flag at the moment that honor was due to the Star Spangled Banner. His wife was heard to say, "NOW I can FINALLY be proud to be American." Perhaps Barack himself held the same sentiment...or maybe even now he is not proud to be an "American" but only proud to be "in charge" of America.

How did this man get elected?

Obviously because someone voted for him, and the Electoral College followed suit. This incredible turn of events was made possible when the media, for whatever reason, "decided" that Hilary was not going to win the election. Then the great idea that America could have its first Black president became the media battle cry, also taken up by not a few well-meaning but clearly ignorant voters.

At the same time there was the media campaign against the Republican candidates, and the fact the many conservatives of all political affiliations did not support conservative candidates who were not...well, conservative. After all, McCain had been, not in the too distant past, a key player on the Democrat side of the aisle.

Nonetheless, how could a man like Barack Obama gain the White House?

He was clearly a muslim sympathizer if not an actual muslim. He clearly stood for the opposite of what most people valued in this nation. In his own words during the campaign, he explained his views of the American flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, and inequalities that needed to be "addressed." He had clearly announced his fiscal policies and foreign policies. His views were shown on all the networks, and they were not favorable for the future of this nation. Many people heard and saw his speeches. Many more read the papers. But, never mind all that, here was the chance to show how "big" we were, how much we had "progressed," and so we were expected to ignore his message and elect Barack Obama because he was BLACK!

Now we are all reaping the just deserts for this terrible mistake; those who voted against him as well as those who voted for him. AND WE ARE GETTING EXACTLY WHAT OBAMA PROMISED!!

(Except a brave and honest leader of this nation)

I implore anyone who reads this and who believes, NOT IN MY RANTINGS, but in what we see and hear, especially from Barack himself, and from his minions in the House and Senate, to VOTE ALL OF THE MINIONS OUT this November. Barack is only as powerful as his allies in the House and Senate.

We have one chance to correct our mistake now, before it is way too late.

Heaven help us if we do not SAVE OUR NATION NOW!!!

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