Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Ms. Lynch Just As Dishonorable As Mr. Holder

I had truly come to believe that the Obama Administration COULD NOT get any worse, could not sink any lower, could not become any greater an enemy of the United States and the Constitution.  Guess what.  I was SO WRONG.  Obama Care, the continued sacrifice of soldiers in an endless War On Terror (WOT) that this President promised to end, the continuance of the USA PATRIOT Act, the constant war on the Middle Class, particularly the White Middle Class, the forcing of Islamic authority and values on this Christian nation, the ever-growing spying and information collection on US citizens, the ever-increasing abuse of Executive authority.  I honestly thought it could not GET ANY WORSE.  Well, I was wrong...enter Loretta Lynch, stage left.  Ms. Lynch is the latest Constitution-shredder appointed to the office of the Attorney General.  Did we think Eric Holder had no regard for the Law of This Land?  Ms. Lynch has the gall to say that she will prosecute anyone who utters hateful speech towards Muslims.  REALLY MS. LYNCH??!!!


Ms. Lynch, I reside in Midland, Texas, United States of AMERICA.   I am relatively easy to find.  Lots of people know me here, so your agents will not have any difficulty finding me at all. With one thirty second search of the Internet you can find me, Ms. Lynch.  Now, my dear lady, please pay close attention to the following:

I am opposed to the Syrian immigration program, because I believe you and the others in power in the Executive Branch intend to use this potentially humanitarian gesture to allow Islamic extremists into this nation.  I believe that more Muslims in this nation hold extremists beliefs than you will admit.  I believe that there are many Islamic extremists already in this nation, both lone agents and cells of terrorists.  I believe you, Ms. Lynch, join President Obama in his march to destroy this nation.  I believe you know that there are so many dangerous terrorists already in the nation and you, as a terrorist sympathizer, will do nothing about these people, while you will continue your predecessor's mission of injustice in the most racist Attorney General's office of all time.

I believe that Islamic terrorists intend to bring more and more trouble to this nation, with the blessings of the White House and of your office, Ms. Lynch.  I do not believe Islam is the "religion of peace," because if it were there would not be terrorists here and abroad killing people in the name of Islam. In the event of an act of terror perpetrated by one or more jihadists, I will use whatever means I have at my disposal to defend Americans and to stop the act of terror or capture the perpetrators, if that can be done.  I will use deadly force as I am allowed by state law in defending myself and others from Islamic acts of terror.  I have a right to free speech even if it is offensive to you, Ms. Lynch.  I have a right to be free from illegal search and seizure (read national spying).  I have a right to keep and bear arms, a well-regulated militia (body of free, armed citizens) being necessary to the security of a FREE STATE, this right shall not be infringed by the government.

That is all, Ms. Lynch.  If you think you can, please send someone to arrest me.  In the meantime, please know that you are an embarrassment to this nation even in the short time you have been in office.  Please do the honorable thing (if you have any honor left) and resign your office now.


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

When Suddenly Nothing Else Matters

Before the Thanksgiving Dinner had even settled well in our bellies, Black Friday started - on THANKSGIVING DAY.  Although many of us did not partake in Black Friday, many others did.  It was SO IMPORTANT to get to the store, get in that line, and get that thing before everyone else did!  Oh my, what if they run out before I get MINE!!

Media hardly took any time out at all for Thanksgiving, nor did the fighting and atrocities around the world slow down very much.  Syria is being torn apart by insurgents and by world powers either supporting or opposing the insurgents.  Meanwhile, in many nations people are violently opposed to any Syrian immigration in light of the recent events in France, Lebanon, Israel, Germany, and who knows where else.

But for one couple in West Texas, suddenly nothing else mattered except that their little boy lay on a bed while doctors and nurses worked feverishly to save his life.  Minutes later, nothing else mattered as they were led in shock to a small family room.  Nothing else mattered as a grief stricken father comforted a grieving mother as best he could, knowing that their child was with them no more. 

Those parents would have given anything, paid any price, taken all their treasures back to the Black Friday brokers, whatever it took, to get their little boy back.  They looked at me, totally lost, not knowing what to do next, not knowing where to turn.  And hurting so much more than they had ever hurt before.  Nothing else mattered just then.

But something, one thing, does matter.  The Good Shepherd is holding their child in His arms tonight, and has been touching them with His gentle hands all day.  The Good Shepherd carried them when they were in despair and thought that they were walking alone.  In fact, the Good Shepherd held them up and gave them strength to hold and care for each other while grieving for their baby. 

By now family and friends have come to this couple's side, another thing that matters.  Loved ones and friends sharing in the sad and hard times as well as the good times.  Of course these parents and their family and friends are sad, but soon the Good Shepherd will begin His healing, using the sad to comfort the sad...and soon both are comforted. 

May God bless this couple.

A Severe Blow to the Pride, Integrity, and Guts of Texas (and some Federal) Police

I have taken some time away from blogging, maybe I even gave up blogging.  But the recent and terrible murders in Uvalde, and the disgracefu...