Thursday, February 27, 2014

I Love A Good Conspiracy...And EVERYTHING Is A Conspiracy, Isn't it?

I enjoy a conspiracy theory as much as the next conspiracy theorist lover.  In fact, I coined a word to meet my literary and grammatical need - conspiratorialist, one who subscribes to one or more conspiracy theories.  By the way, I do not mean this in the negative vein in any way, because I, too, am a conspriatorialist.  I subscribe to a number of conspiracy theories.  And I also subscribe to the maxim that a truly good conspiracy CAN'T be proven.  It therefore remains only a "theory," but a GOOD one!

Like I said, I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, but these days it seems that almost nothing that happens "just happens."  An event, whether great or small, occurs somewhere in the world, and seems to MOST of us just to be that, an event that happened.  But really "we" (those who are not "conspiratorialists" concerning the event in question - in other words, the "dupes") are being tricked or manipulated by the members of the "conspiracy."  Fortunately, I am not a dupe regarding EVERY conspiracy,  In fact, though I do not subscribe to every conspiracy that comes along, I am very smart concerning those conspiracy theories to which I subscribe.  I am sure most of you are, too.  After all, there are not that many dupes in the least that is my theory.

Some events have been labeled "conspiracies" since the very day they occured, while other events only became "conspiracies" months, years, or even DECADES after they happened.  Before we realized that these events were actually conspiracies, we were all dupes!  An example of an event that has "always" been recognized as a conspiracy is the JFK assassination.  Everyone in his or her right mind knows that one was a conspiracy; therefore, we all entertain the conspiracy theory that John F. Kennedy was shot by not one, but two or three gunmen, and that Lee Harvey Oswald was just a patsy for "them," whoever they were.  In fact, THEY were the people that wanted President Kennedy dead!  But for conspiratorialists, defining who they were has been a task that has taken over fifty years to complete.  Not only that, but each set of conspiratorialists have come up with their own lists of who "they" were, and each set of conspiratorialists can "prove" that their conspiracy theory about JFK's assassination is the right one!

Then there are the events that "just happen," or at least that is what the dupes of the world believe.  For instance, Watergate, the downfall of Richard M. (Tricky Dick) Nixon, was one of those things that just happened.  No doubts, no just HAPPENED.  The space shuttle disasters were both very sad and brought a great pall over the nation on two separate occasions, but these terrible accidents were just tragedies...they just happened.  So, no conspiracies, right?  Wrong, these days even the most obvious happenstances somehow ferment into conspiracies with vintage (of both kinds!).

One of my favorite "I could watch this a million times" movies is "The Abyss;" you know, the movie about a group of underwater oil wildcatters who encounter submarine aliens while the world teeters on the brink of both nuclear war and total annihilation.  During that movie, the character called "Hippie" says about the situation, "This must be a conspiracy," to which he receives the reply, "Oh, Hippie, you think everything is a conspiracy."  Hippie then says, "Everything IS!"  Well, maybe not everything is a conspiracy, but many things do somehow seem to evolve into conspiracies with time.  As a very conscientious conspiratorialist, I exercise a great deal of discrimination as to what conspiracy theories I lean toward.  After all, I do not want to be dupe if I can possibly help it.  All we have to do is be smarter than the conspirators!

Unfortunately, it turns out that it is very difficult NOT to be a dupe, after all.  I just found out that the Watergate break-in, what I believed to be a simple act of political sabotage that backfired for Nixon, was in fact a much deeper conspiracy involving who knows who all for all kinds of unknown, but diabolical, reasons.  I did not have time to delve into that one.  Suffice to say, however, that I am a dupe when it comes to Watergate.  How silly of me to believe that Nixon and his associates merely pulled off a burglary of the opposition's headquarters to gain political advantage.  My bad!  In another tragic event, John Belushi died of a drug overdose, right?  Nope, wrong again.  He was actually involved in some deeper political business  and was "suicided."  But, alas, I was a dupe in that one, too.  Need something a little more recent?  Okay, it turns out the terrible Sandy Hook school shootings were not perpetrated by a lone, crazy guy.  Not only that, there are now several different conspiracy theories ranging from multiple shooters to (yes, of course) the "Government" controlling the shooter and allowing these murders to occur as a "false flag incident."  Man, I hate to be a dupe.

I think back to "The Abyss."  Hippie said "everything IS a conspiracy."  Maybe he was right.  It does seem like we in America today, and people all across the world for that matter, are ready to label any event we cannot understand as a conspiracy, and then we are free to adopt whichever conspiracy theory most closely matches our own view of what happened, who did it, and who is covering it all.  Actually, I find that I expend several calories per day pouring over the various conspiracy theories to which I subscribe, and to the new information and new documents that seem to come out of the woodwork with maddening regularity.  As a conscientious conspiratorialist, I do try to keep up to date with the changing conspiracy landscape.  But I sometimes wonder, too, when something will finally happen that really is what it is, just a simple, honest to goodness incident.  On the other hand, how boring would that be? Why be bored, when there is a good conspiracy theory to believe in?  And I love a conspiracy theory just as much as the next guy...really.  No conspiracy here!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Harold Simmons's Legacy?

Harold Simmons, the Texas billionaire so lauded over the years for his success as a "self-made man," passed away December 28th, last.  I offer my sympathy to his wife and family at their loss.  I wish there was a way to write about Mr. Simmons without offending his family, but there just is not.  Mr. Simmons chose to make the largest part of his fortune by "managing hazardous waste" around the nation, and with international operations as well.  So many people expended many words in eulogy with regard to Mr. Simmons and his legacy.  Articles were written extolling his business "savvy" and his rise from a humble pharmacy owner to one of the richest men in the world.

But what exactly is Mr. Simmons's legacy to us, the people, particularly the people of Texas?  This great, self-made man started out in an admirable fashion, I have to admit.  Being born into a relatively poor family, he managed to save a few thousand dollars, plus borrow another $95,000 dollars to start a pharmacy.  Mr. Simmons clearly had business "savvy" because he grew his one pharmacy into a large chain which later sold for several million dollars.  Nothing wrong here, and I have to give him credit where credit is due.  But what happened to his conscience along the way, I have to wonder.  He embodied the very spirit of capitalism, the fulfillment of the American dream, rags to riches, as they say.

Mr. Simmons had already created a legacy that would have made any family proud.  But that was not good enough; he was not rich enough.  And he was a great entrepreneur, as we have already seen.  So with his millions, he bought a series of banks and watched his millions grow.  He developed the technique known as the leveraged buyout and gained a great reputation as a corporate raider.  Mr. Simmons was no "dummy" when it came to politics, either.  He donated huge sums to conservative political action committees (PACs) as well as making large contributions to conservative politicians, mostly Republican, but some Democrats, too.  In fact, Mr. Simmons found himself in difficulty for violating campaign donation limits on several occasions.  His "buy-up" of several Texas legislators earned him a fine of a whopping $6,400.  Ouch, I'm sure.  Thus far Mr. Simmons's legacy was somewhat checkered, but still he could be viewed as a self-made man, an inspiration for young and ambitious capitalists. 

Still looking to add to his billions, Mr. Simmons delved into an area of the economy at which most people would have turned up their noses, literally.  Mr. Simmons saw the potential in buying hazardous waste.  Whoa, I do no mean buying it, I mean letting people pay him to dump their hazardous waste at his dump grounds.  Thus was born Waste Control Specialists.  Having complete disregard for the people effected by the potential dangers of hazardous waste leaking into the ground and contaminating the water supply for those already in constant water shortage, Mr. Simmons moved ahead with his plan to build a hazardous waste disposal site in West Texas, incredibly right on top of the Ogallala Aquifer!  Mr. Simmons went ahead with construction plans even though his company was not licensed for nuclear waste at the time.  Well, that was no mystery, since he had already greased the right legislative wheels.  I am sure there was little doubt that the site would be licensed.  In fact the license was issued over state scientists' objections, but that is water under the bridge now.

No disrespect to Ms. Simmons and the Simmons children, but it is always incredulous to me that someone like Harold Simmons, a "make his, BILLIONS, everyone else be damned" kind of guy, is praised as a fine example of the ultimate American entrepreneur, and his "legacy" is enshrined by the paid-off politicians and other "leaders" who trip over their lips praising this man.  His legacy?  At least two waste sites in Texas (including the WCS site outside Andrews) that are already showing indications that radiation is leaking from the permanent man-made "barriers" and the natural geological formations that offered "permanent" materials containment.  Remember, three Texas scientists produced a study that showed the Andrews WCS site "was built over an unstable and unsound" clay formation.  When the Texas Committee on Environmental Quality ruled for WCS, these scientists immediately resigned from that agency in protest.  Now waste is being trucked into Texas by the trainload, as well as by tractor-trailer rigs, from approximately thirty-six states so far, and I am sure that number will grow.

Those swooning over the philanthropies of Mr. Simmons will no doubt overlook the origins of their donations.  Simmons millions were spread through numerous civic organizations, political action committees, worthy causes all over this nation and around the globe.  Mr. Simmons even donated $5 million to Oprah Winfrey's girls' school in Africa.  The causes and donation are too numerous to list here.  But it is better that the recipients of the Simmons fortune don't examine too closely the source of their endowments.  They might find the money glows in the dark, and that the people near WCS sites are reaping what Mr. Simmons sowed, in the form of contaminated land and soon-to-be undrinkable water.

Yes, Harold Simmons, the self-made billionaire, truly leaves us a great and large legacy.  He has literally shaped the West Texas desert for centuries to come.  He has truly left his mark upon this land, a mark that will render a large chunk of the Chihuahua Desert unfit for man or beast for time indeterminate.   Thank you, Mr. Simmons.  Your legacy will live on.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

When Two Conspiracy Theories Collide

As an informed American (okay, I TRY to stay informed) I have to say that I like my conspiracy theories (CTs) as much as the next guy, assuming of course that the next guy is not a spy.  I personally subscribe to a number of CTs myself, including that the attacks of 9/11/01 were less than surprise terrorist attacks, but I digress.  A very popular CT that has waxed and waned ( I love being able to work this phrase into my blog) in popularity since July 20, 1969 is that Neil Armstrong did not walk on the moon at all.  Yes, I have known many people over the years that went to their graves swearing over their dead bodies that "that there moon landin' was a hokes!" (Some of my friends of that era were not good spellers.)  Even today some of my friends and many people I do not know believe that man never set foot on the moon. 

I have watched CT documentaries in which "experts" of one science or another "proved" that the moon landings were faked.  Some of these experts are quite convincing.  For instance, pictures of the astronauts standing on the moon and illuminated by the sun.  But experts examined these photos and found that there were two or more shadows at different angles, meaning TWO OR MORE sources of light.  Other experts noticed that certain objects fell with the velocity of objects falling on the earth rather than the six times reduced gravity of the moon.  Adding to this CT was the fact that NASA maintained a full mock-up of the moon landing sight in the Nevada desert.  So, given all of these factors, there is certainly at least some degree of evidence that the moon landing was indeed a hoax.


Another popular CT is that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin DID in fact walk on the moon, but while there were met by aliens who served notice to the astronauts, and by extension the president of the United States, that moon walks were to cease!  Sounds far-fetched, yes?  In fact, former NASA personnel have made sworn statements to the effect that NASA officials censored radio communications from the astronauts informing Mission Control of the fact that several alien space craft were visible on the moon.  Video taken by other astronauts in outer space show objects that clearly are not "space junk" orbiting with the astronauts because some of these objects are seen to suddenly change speed and direction while the space ship continues in orbit.  Other former NASA employees have spirited documents out of NASA which indicate that aliens have indeed made contact with astronauts and with political officials here in the United States.  One document is purportedly a treaty signed between President Eisenhower and "spacemen" that called on the United States and the aliens NOT to fire on each other whenever they should encounter each other in the skies over America.

Yes, I like a good conspiracy theory as well as the next guy, but what is the conscientious conspiracy theorist supposed to do when two such hallowed CTs collide?  If Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin did not walk on the moon, but instead took a stroll in the sands somewhere west of Las Vegas, how could they have been warned off the moon by powerful aliens?  And if the moon landing was a hoax, how could astronauts have seen several alien space craft parked in the dust of the Sea of Tranquility?  It would seem that if one of these CTs is true, than by definition the other COULD NOT be true.  We can't have it both ways.  Were "little green men" seen on the moon, or were the astronauts walking in full space regalia in the deserts somewhere in the Southwest? 

It would seem that when two CTs collide, that is, when one conspiracy theory discredits another, the "conspiratoralists" would abandon the discredited one and begin supporting the "proven" one.  But in fact what happens is that neither set of conspiracy theorists will abandon their pet theory.  In such a case, the conspiracy theorists instead develop even more complicated components to "explain" the new twists in the theory in question.  So the proponents of the "no moon walk" conspiracy are not discouraged from their theory one iota when they learn that men actually DID walk on the moon but were warned off by aliens.  They are not discouraged because it is obvious to them, as should be to all of us, that the aliens are in conspiracy with NASA to cover up the fact that men did not walk on the moon! 

On the other hand, the "aliens on the moon" conspiracy theorists, upon learning that experts had "proven" that the moon landing was a hoax, did not give up their pet theory, either.  These conspiratoralists had their own set of heroes.  These heroes were former NASA staffers and even former astronauts who provided sworn affidavits that they had personal knowledge that aliens were in fact on the moon, that the flying saucer really did crash near Roswell in 1947, and that documents exist to prove all of the above.  In their favor as well are NASA's own videos that do in fact appear to show alien space craft following our own space ships, and even video footage of two alien craft apparently engaging each other in a game of laser tag, only using real weapons grade laser or some other equally fatal energy ray.  What do these conspiracy theorists say about the "no moon walk" theorists?  You guessed it.  The "no walkers" are actually NASA workers or even CIA "dis-information" specialists who are out to take attention away from the fact that American astronauts did not really land on the moon at all.

So now I am torn between believing that the moon walk did not really take place, or that aliens are alive and thriving on the surface of the moon.  The good news is that I do not really have to choose one theory over the other.  I can take the middle ground and believe 1) the moon walk never happened; and 2) aliens have "ordered" humans who DID walk on the moon never to come back!  Actually, there is a third choice.  I can believe that man neither walked on the moon nor did man ever make contact with space aliens.  But that would fly in the face of expert testimony and formerly secret documents which prove both theories.  Who knows WHAT to believe anymore?

While I ponder these things, I sit back in my easy chair while Bigfoot proof-reads my writings.  Bigfeet, you know, are actually descendants of a race of humanoids that crash-landed on earth thousands of years ago and have inhabited the backwoods of North America and the great heights of the Himalayas since then.  While, as everyone knows, Bigfeet prefer their privacy (mainly because people keep making dumb fake movies about them), the occasional Sasquatch does appear at my humble abode to offer spelling help and grammar critique of my blogging.  Not that I follow their advice, mind you.  I get lots of good advice and criticism from the guys over at the NSA, as they are reading my blog as well.  I need all the help I can get because of the noise from the Predators and Reapers constantly circling overhead.  I am not worried about these drones.  They are unarmed....I think. But maybe that is what the Government WANTS me to think.  You know what? I think this is all a CONSPIRACY!!     


Monday, February 3, 2014

You Don't Mess With Mother Nature - Just Ask Glen Taylor And David Hall, Former Scoutmasters

When visiting the state parks and national parks the best rule of thumb is "Don't Mess With Mother Nature!"  Much of the nation was outraged last October 11th when scoutmasters leading a Utah scout troop through Goblin State Park decided to show off by knocking over a "balanced rock" formation.  The two men then proceeded to push over the formation, estimated by park rangers to have been about 170 MILLION years old.  One or both men may have attempted to topple the formation, but Glen Taylor succeeded in destroying it while David Hall recorded the act on a video camera.

In a further display of "not smart" the men posted their exploits on Facebook.  Viewers of the film as well as persons in the park reported the criminal mischief to park authorities.  What followed were days of outrage in which people and government officials demanded an accounting from these two men for their disturbing lack of leadership and the extremely poor examples they set for their charges.  A few days later both men were drummed out of the Boy Scouts of America, and scout leaders across the nation were admonished to review scout precepts known as the "Leave No Trace" principles.  These principles are common-sense rules about hiking and camping that assure scouts will leave nature at least as clean as they found it, and that they will leave as little trace as is realistically possible at their campsites.

Since October, 2013 some of the furor has died down and the ex-scoutmasters faded from view.  But this past week the Emery County, Utah District Attorney has filed felony charges against both men.  The actual charge is criminal mischief, and since it involved destruction of natural formations in a state park, the offense became a felony.  And really, there is no way to put a price on the damage that was done.  The rock formation was irreplaceable and therefore priceless.  Yes, there are similar formations in this park and in other natural areas around the nation, but the stupid and reckless action of people like Mr. Taylor and Mr. Hall must be punished so that the remaining national treasures of this kind can be protected for all of us and our future generations to enjoy.

Mr. Taylor and Mr. Hall have been summoned to appear in Utah state court in March, where they will be arraigned.  The district attorney, David Blackwell, decided it was necessary to file felony charges in this case and I agree with him.  On the other hand, Mr. Blackwell is not particularly interested in seeing either man receive the most severe penalty possible in this case, five years in prison and a five thousand dollar fine.  He has expressed to both men that he would be open to plea bargains that might keep the men out of prison, or at least shorten their terms.  Neither man has yet been indicted, and both have the right to plead not guilty and force the state to prove its case.  Unfortunately, Mr. Hall made the district attorney's job 100 percent easier by posting the evidence in a public domain.  Both men would do well to listen to Mr. Blackwell and plead to the deal he offers.  But, the bigger hope is that those who in the future may be tempted to destroy our nation's natural treasures will think about not only the penalty should they be caught, but also about the untold damage they will do, damage that can never be repaired.

A Severe Blow to the Pride, Integrity, and Guts of Texas (and some Federal) Police

I have taken some time away from blogging, maybe I even gave up blogging.  But the recent and terrible murders in Uvalde, and the disgracefu...