Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Goodbye To Big Tex, That Smiling Cowboy

Mixed in with all the other things going on Friday (Oct. 19th) was the stunning news that Big Tex, that famous smiling cowboy, had burned to the ground! Big Tex has greeted visitors at the Texas State Fair for more than sixty years now.  But we learned Friday that this icon was no more. As of today's blog, the cause of the fire is suspected to be within the decades old electrical control system that moved the statue's arm and head. 

I would be remiss in not saying a sad farewell to Big Tex.  He is one of the most famous modern Texas landmarks, being featured in the Texas State Travel Guide as well as many national and regional magazines each year.  I have to admit that it was an exciting experience to stand at his feet for a few moments when I attended the state fair several years ago.  It was a sad and shocking to sight to see him burn, as the strained and tearful faces of many of the bystanders who watch as Big Tex burned could attest.

But I think we can all take heart, my friends.  The organizers of the Texas State Fair are already discussing a new Big Tex, one with modern, computer-operated controls, one that is possibly even taller than our lately destroyed statue.  I believe the intention is that the new statue will be in place by State Fair 2013.  That is a tall order, but I have confidence that this goal will be met.  But in the meantime, I would like to join all those Texans (and adopted Texans as well!) who are saddened at the loss of our friend and Hero, Big Tex. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Democratic Republic of Nocompromise America

A friend of mine, while ranting about the inappropriateness of so much politics on Facebook, made a very profound statement.  He said, "My feeling at this point is this rabid outrage will be the undoing of this country. Everyone wants their way and no one is willing to compromise for the good of the country. Put that in your Blog. Democracy can't function in that environment."  That observation is so true, as witnessed by the history of this very nation some one hundred fifty odd years ago. 

The Congress of that era had lost its ability to compromise, almost to the point that some of the states were beginning to call for secession from the Union.  One reason for such rabid outrage, as my friend so aptly called it, was a law known somewhat ironically as the Compromise of 1850.  This law purported to settle several issues which divided America at the time.  These issues included the admission of California and New Mexico to the Union as either slave or free states (state's rights), the abolition of the slave trade in Washington DC (but not the continued ownership of slaves there), the forced enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act on the northern states (state's rights), the final designation of the northern and western borders of Texas, and the payment of ten million dollars to the State of Texas for those lands given up in the border settlement.  The Compromise of 1850 really settled nothing because national leaders did not support all of these laws; neither did the people.  The Compromise did not settle slavery issues, fugitive slave return issues, or issues of state's rights versus national authority.  The subsequent election of Abraham Lincoln by only a fraction of the nation's legal voters pushed the nation even closer to almost inevitable civil war.  The nation was polarized.  There was no integration of viewpoints. Compromise was not only impossible, it was not wanted!

That brings me to my friend's recent and profound words of wisdom.  No matter who should win the White House in 2012, no matter who is elected to Congress, the growing inability of our leaders to pass laws through compromise is an alarming signal that this nation is indeed in trouble.  But the Congressional impasse is no more alarming than the attitude of the people of this nation. We are no longer willing to look for the things that we share in common with our political adversaries (OUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS!).  As I pointed out in a recent blog, the political views of President Obama and Governor Romney are not so greatly different.  They are both liberal politicians who both promote similar social programs for this nation.  As I also pointed out, the main difference between these two candidates is the President's most odious lack of patriotism for the this nation, for the PEOPLE who elected him to that highest office.  Senators and representatives will be elected, with much the same rhetoric to which we have become so accustomed.  These politicians have no interest in compromise, because they have become so polarized in their views that compromise is not wanted.  But with no compromise, laws will not be passed, and the deadlock will continue.  The thing that is most alarming is that this is exactly the situation the nation faced in 1850.  Our nation has been so polarized by politicians, the media, and our own fears, that compromise seems at times so far out of reach.

There is another alarming issue as well.  The constant clamour between various "sides" on various issues has divided Americans so much that we are unwilling to come together as a nation to take control of our government, to take back our freedom and our civil rights, to demand that certain terrible and unconstitutional laws be immediately repealed.  When our basic civil rights are in jeopardy, we should all be willing to compromise in some way, so that we can all act as a powerful force to demand that WHOEVER is President upholds the Constitution, and is respectful of this nation and its great symbols of freedom.  As my friend so aptly stated, the state of the nation at this point in time is such that "democracy cannot function in this environment."  Many people will vote for Barack Obama in the coming election.  As the incumbent, Mr. Obama has the advantage; Governor Romney is fighting the uphill battle.  For me, no matter who wins, I believe that the nation can go on, but only if we, whether Democrat, Republican, Independent, Socialist, or whatever, can come together and demand those laws that are so blatantly unconstitutional be repealed.  You and I still have the power to turn out office those representatives who refuse to "represent" us.  No matter who is President, it is Congress that makes and passes laws.  And it is ultimately those politicians who can make Congress function, while it is you and I who ultimately can make this nation function, or who can continue to yell and scream at each other until another civil war becomes inevitable.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Tale Of Two Little Angels

While I was engaged in my duties at the local hospital overnight, I was suddenly thrust into the lives of two different families, each set of parents with a very sick child.  The first child, an infant girl of about six months, died of complications of her illness within a couple of hours of arriving in the Emergency Room.  The second child, also an infant girl, survived her illness, at least long enough to be whisked off into the early morning sky by a life flight helicopter.

I had a very small part in the events that took place, and I am sure that the families will not remember me, and that is fine. Mostly I was an observer.  What I observed (and in small way felt) was the terrible sadness and pain at the loss of such a young child.  Mother and father, some other adult relatives, and a young boy were all caught up in the terrible grief that only comes with losing a child.  But all the people who had worked to save the child, and yes, even those of us who only played such minor parts in the attempt, were saddened to the point of tears when the doctor called life-saving efforts to a halt.  For some reason beyond human comprehension (at least THIS human), this little angel was taken from its parents, from its sibling, its grandparents, and returned to that place where the Good Shepherd cares for little children such as these.  The child's family left the hospital a short time later and went somewhere to be alone and grieve. 

Meanwhile we, the day shift, did not have time to dry our tears before another little angel girl was brought in.  This child was having trouble breathing and was in dire straits.  The child's family was concerned, and with good reason.  The little baby was hovering near death.  As the medical staff went to work on this infant, AeroCare was called and responded a life flight to our hospital.  By the time the chopper arrived, the infant was in stable condition.  Again, for reasons known only to the Universe, this female child survived the short stay in the hospital and was in good shape as the helicopter lifted off the pad.  The parents were upbeat as they drove away.  They were spared the agony that the first family was only beginning to know.

Two little angels came to the hospital this morning.  One angel returned to the Father.  The other will receive medical care and, in all likelihood, will eventually return safely to her parents.  As the excitement these crises generated began to fade away and things returned to "normal" in the Emergency Room, I had time to ponder the events of the past couple of hours.  I had to wonder, once again, why one child was taken and the other left?  Why did one child die and one live on?  Why were one set of parents called to experience the worst pain parents can feel, while the other parents were given the joy of hearing that their daughter would live and would be reunited with them soon?  Where was the fairness in this...this tale of two little angels?

I pondered these questions for the remainder of the morning, until I was relieved at end of my shift, nearly five hours later.  As I thought about it, I realized I did not have anymore answers than I had before these traumatic events occurred.  Not only did I have no answers, but I began to have the feeling that maybe there WERE no answers.  Were one set of parents better than the other?  Did some member of the family somehow "deserve" to lose this little baby?  I thought of the our own little angel, Bryan, as the events brought his memory vividly before me.  I recall now that years ago some of these same questions ran through my mind.  What had we done?  Why was our baby taken?  The only comfort I had then was knowing that Jesus was holding Bryan and comforting him.  The years have taken edge from the pain, but the memories are there still, and always will be.

As I have gotten older, I cannot say that I am wiser, especially given the events of the past year.  I know I am not wiser because I know I am no closer to the answers to these questions than I was twenty-six years ago when Bryan was taken from us.  And today, all these questions were laid bare as I helped prepare one baby to be carried to a funeral home and helped prepare another to be carried away on a helicopter.  It was a tale of two angels, but the mystery was only made deeper today, the understanding was hidden as far away from me as the twilight is from the dawn. 

In the end all I can do is pray for the comfort of one family; for the other, the recovery of their child, and the hope that they will treasure this child as a miracle for years to come.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lance Armstrong Gets The Woods Treatment

Lance Armstrong, our most famous cyclist and cancer survivor, is currently embroiled in what I call the Woods Treatment.  As the scandal involving Armstrong's POSSIBLE use of performance enhancers grows, as more and more of his team mates and rivals come forward with accusations, Armstrong's sponsors are fleeing his presence faster than AT & T and Golf Digest could dump Tiger Woods after his sexual exploits hit the headlines.  Of course the difference is that Tiger Woods eventually confessed his transgressions.  At this point Armstrong continues to deny his use of performance-enhancing drugs during his cycling career.

Accusations of steroid use have been flung at Lance Armstrong from time to time over the years, but he has consistently denied these accusations, just as he has consistently won his races.  I once heard an old adage to the effect that a lie, repeated many times, begins to take on its own truth.  I have no way of knowing whether Lance Armstrong used performance-enhancing drugs or not.  All I, as a news consumer, can know is that many people are now coming forward with such accusations against Armstrong.  Adding further fuel to the "it MUST be TRUE" fire is the news of a few weeks ago that the International Organization of Cyclists had stripped Lance Armstrong of all his Tour De France titles. 

Like I said, I do not know if the accusations against Lance Armstrong are true, but I do know that it will be a sad thing if yet another sports legend falls to the wayside because of the use of steroids.  And I would like to point out that we do not yet, even more than a month after Armstrong was stripped of his titles, know whether he actually used the drugs in question.  On the other hand, we DO know that Armstrong PASSED numerous drug tests over the years at the various cycling competitions he entered.  I admit that, as they say, the evidence is indeed stacking against Armstrong, but I also point out that to date we have been shown no tests results indicating that Armstrong was using steroids.  I hope we can all apply the innocent till proven guilty principle until we know at some point what the truth really is.  I know, you ask, why would so many people lie about Lance Armstrong?  I do not necessarily believe these people are lying, but I do believe that Armstrong has been tried and convicted on less than hard evidence.  And his sponsors are not waiting for the truth to set them free.  Despite the lack of physical evidence that Lance Armstrong cheated, his sponsors are giving him the full Tiger Woods treatment. 

I am still waiting for some confirmation of the facts.  It may be that test results showing Armstrong used drugs will be made public someday.  More meaningful to me would be Armstrong's admission of his drug use if these accusations are indeed true.  I guess it is natural that people want heroes they can look up to; heroes that seem larger than life.  Indeed we demand sometimes that they be larger than life. So when our heroes fall, when they are proven to be not really so much larger than life after all, it seems their fall from grace is all the harder.  Lance Armstrong is one of my heroes.  It hurts, in a way, to see him getting the Woods Treatment.  I hope that the truth that emerges will clear his name.  If not, I hope the truth leaves no doubt that Armstrong indeed deceived the people. In the meantime, I guess we can all go back to our search for sports heroes. For Lance, I send my prayers as the Woods Treatment goes on...


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Change Needed Regardless of Which Candidate Wins The Whitehouse

On my Blog, I have made no secret of the fact that I am violently opposed to Barack Obama being allowed the privilege of serving another term as President of The United States.  I have done my best to spread around the Web the fact (Not the OPINION) that Mr. Obama is the most UNPATRIOTIC person ever to hold that office.  Why do I say FACT and not Opinion?  Only because, even though the mainstream media has done its best to conceal this, the current President does not salute the flag of the United States, does not recite the Pledge of Allegiance, and has repeatedly turned his back on our American Flag during state occasions when our National Anthem is being played and Old Glory is being raised.

President Obama claims to love Our (and his?) nation, claims to respect Our Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen, claims to honor those things we prize, such as Liberty and the United States Constitution, which have been paid for many times over by the blood of our service men and women.  But the President's actions speak much louder than his hollow words.  I have also stated in my Blog that our President has the right to express his political beliefs in any way he chooses.  I have stated in my blog that the one point of respect I have for Mr. Obama is that HE DOES STAND UP FOR HIS BELIEFS, even in the face of what should be strong public outrage at his behaviour.  But he was elected President, and I respect him (only!) for the fact that he did not change his beliefs and his public behavior after his election.  My belief, and my political opinion, is that Mr. Obama DOES NOT DESERVE RE-ELECTION so that for four more years he can make a mockery of the great emblems of this nation and the brave sacrifice of this nation's soldiers.  Even Hilary Clinton is more palatable as a Democratic candidate.  At least she would salute the Flag!

Unfortunately we will find that there is very little difference in the political beliefs of President Obama and Governor Romney.  Both are liberal, both support socialistic healthcare programs, both support the disgusting USA PATRIOT Act, and both support the new National Defense laws that were passed recently.  It is my opinion (as I have not closely researched Romney's politics) that the major difference between the two men is that Romney will not turn his back on OUR FLAG, will not fail to salute during the playing of the National Anthem, and will not fail honor the brave fighters, both the living and the dead, that have fought and still fight for our freedom.  Mr. Romney is clearly now the only candidate that can defeat Obama.  So, obviously, either Mr. Obama or Mr. Romney will be our next President.  Regardless of which man might be elected, our nation will go on.  And regardless of which man is elected, there are some changes that must be made, whether the President supports them or not.

One of the laws that we should all demand that our legislators repeal is the USA PATRIOT Act.  This act was authored by persons who wanted to consolidate power within the Executive Branch.  These people knew that what they desired was UNCONSTITUTIONAL and that even the most arrogant President would not even dream of requesting or demanding such power.  But with the attacks of 9/11, sufficient numbers of lawmakers were either afraid to stand up to the President or were caught up in the hysteria of the times and thus were willing to allow USA PATRIOT to pass without even reading the three thousand-plus pages that made up this law.  President Bush II was right there with these people, yelling that we needed this law, these "tools" to combat terrorism.

The National Defense Authorization Act should be the second law on all freedom-loving Americans' hit lists of tyrannical and illegal legislation.  Do you think I am over-reacting or being an "alarmist?"  Listen to this:  On September 17, 2012 federal judge Katherine Forrest, New York, ruled certain parts of the NDAA unconstitutional.  Wording in this act allowing the arrest and indefinite detention of any person, including American citizens, who "in any way" supported or had "any affiliation" with "terrorists" was too vague to be understood by citizens.  In other words, you and I have the right to understand what law we might have broken, and by whom we are being accused.  My friends, these two concepts are the the very cornerstones of our American legal system.  By definition, a law that is so vague that a "reasonable person" does not even know what he has done that is illegal has been denied his right to "due process" as defined in the Fifth Amendment.  Obviously, being held without the possibility of contacting a lawyer, and without ever being charged with an offense is unconstitutional.  Even an Obama appointee like Judge Forrest knows this.

Yes, regardless of who wins the 2012 Presidential election, the loser will be all of US if we cannot get together and force our representatives to repeal the USA PATRIOT Act, the National Defense Authorization Act, and any similar legislation.  I hope that Americans will see how close we really are to losing our precious civil liberties, and will demand of our politicians, including our President, that the first order of business be the preservation of our freedom, as defined by our United States Constitution.  President Obama ran for President in 2008 on a platform of "change."  Instead we have the same old wars, the same old domestic problems, AND the same threats against our civil liberties as when President Bush II was in office.  If you want the same old UNPATRIOTIC President we have now, vote for Obama.  If you want a patriotic, but STILL liberal President, vote for Romney.  But either way, I hope all of us can agree to unite and retake our freedom.  I hope you will join me in saying "thank you" to judges with enough fortitude and character to to uphold the Constitution even when such a "radical" stance "stuns" the President and his cabinet.  I for one am not so afraid of the terrorists that I am willing to give up my freedom.  I am not so dependent on the "government" for my safety that I want our press to be censored by USA PATRIOT or similar legislation.  And I know most of my fellow citizens feel the same.  The "change" I am seeking, President Obama and Governor Romney, is the end of the trampling of our rights and our freedom.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Charles Stobaugh Headed To Appeals Court

I learned a couple of days ago that Charles Stobaugh has definitely filed an appeal on his 2010 murder conviction in the death of Kathy Munday Stobaugh.  Although he pleaded his "indigence" at one point, the good judge in the case saw through all that maneuvering and told Mr. Stobaugh that if he wanted to appeal, he would have to furnish his own court transcript; the State (You and I) would not do that for him.  The idea of going to prison indeed brought Mr. Stobaugh out of his "indigence" and he was miraculously able to afford the transcript.

What exactly will the Stobaugh attorneys appeal?  There are a few things that could be brought into question. One item of appeal will more than likely be that a Denton reporter who, according to the defense, possessed information that could have cast doubt on Mr. Stobaugh's guilt refused to name her source of information and did not testify at the trial.  Prior to the trial, the judge did not require this reporter to name the source of her information.  The reporter (believing in freedom of the press as provided for in our Constitution) refused to reveal her informant.  The judge further refused to require this information at trial, nor did he order the reporter to testify, as requested by counsel. 

A second issue that will probably be raised was the fact that the same judge did not require a certain police investigator to testify at trial.  This officer, whether state or local I am not sure, made a statement to the effect that he personally believed there was "no way" that Charles Stobaugh could have committed the murder, and that there was actually no proof that a murder had occurred.  This officer's statement may not have been made on official record.  The defense of course contends that a fair trial was denied Mr. Stobaugh since this officer did not testify.

It will be interesting to see the outcome of this appeal.  I suspect that by the time all motions and briefs are filed, there will be more issues on appeal.  The one thing that is not on appeal is this man's guilt or innocence.  Without a strong defence, the only recourse is a tough offense, in this case, attacking procedure rather than fact.  I believe that the appeals system works (usually) in a similar fashion to the now familiar "play review" cameras of college football.  Without a strong and convincing argument against these issues, the guilty verdict in the original case will not likely be over-turned.  Not being a lawyer, of course, I could be completely wrong here, but I think not.

The verdict in the Stobaugh Case has upset many defense attorneys across the nation because Stobaugh's conviction adds one more precedence to case law indicating that a murder conviction CAN INDEED be had even though the body of the victim is not located.  The Texas justice system has become a strong advocate for victims of murder, in that prosecutors around the state are no longer willing to "reward" a criminal by not filing a murder case "just because the killer hid the body really well."  Project Innocence and other such defendant-oriented organizations are certainly watching this case, and its appeal, with rapt attention.  I, for one, am pleased that Charles Stobaugh, based on the evidence presented to jurors, was convicted

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Sky Is Falling! or The Gators Defeat The Tigers

If I had seen Chicken Little yelling, "The SKY is falling! The SKY is falling!" I would not have been more surprised than I had the misfortune of being Saturday as the final second ticked away in Gainesville.  I had watched it!  I had seen it all! But I did not want to believe it.  The Louisiana State University Tigers had fallen to the Florida Gators.  The scoreboard did not lie, and it was there plain to see - Gators 14, Tigers 6.  The worst part of it, besides the lost game, was the fact that the Tigers had not even crossed the goal line.  Their score was the result of two field goals. 

Now, to be honest, I love the Gators, only slightly less than I do the Tigers.  But when they play each other, I of course am a true Geaux Tigers Fan.  It is true that the Honey Badger is gone, but the Tigers are a good team, nonetheless.  They have potential and they will play better games as the season progresses.  It is truly heartbreaking, though, to see my beloved Tigers holding on to Ninth in the AP College Football Rankings.  The Gators, on the other hand, jump from 10th place up to Number 4.  I am proud of the Gators for that, but it is a bittersweet thing, after all.  Both teams go on to better things in next week's football game line up, and I can't wait.

My other teams did not fare very well, either.  Texas Tech (GUNS UP!!!!!!!) was soundly defeated by the Sooners.  I had hoped for a better Raider performance.  West Virginia University sacked the Longhorns.  The TCU Horned Frogs were de-horned by the Cyclones of Iowa State to the tune of 37 to 23.  I love to watch the Cyclones play, and I have since Seneca Wallace lit up the grid-iron nearly a decade ago.  But when TCU and the Cyclones are on the same field, I cheer loudly for the 'Frogs.  My beloved Hurricanes were spanked hard by the Fighting Irish.  Yes, I know the 'Canes are not by any means a contender team this year, but the final score was still heartbreaking for me.

What about the Thundering Herd? The kids from Marshall lost a good one to Tulsa.  I wish Marshall could have won, but losing by only a touchdown to Tulsa says a lot for the Thundering Herd.  And the Grambling Tigers, a mostly-Black college team that I have watched since I was a teen, lost to Prairie View A & M.  Grambling football has not seen the heights the team reached in the days of its famous coach, Eddie Robinson, who had won the most college games in history until Coach Joe Pa broke his record in 2011. 

But on the positive side of the ledger, the Texas Aggies won their game, defeating Southern Mississippi 30-27 in what was one of the more exciting nail biters of the day.  Gig 'em Aggies!

Yes, most of "my" teams lost Saturday, but it was nonetheless a very exciting football afternoon.  And it just goes to show that on any given Saturday, in any given college ball game, anything can - and does - happen.  But I know I will remember this past weekend for quite a while; the weekend the Sky fell in and the Gators beat the Tigers, who did not even score a touchdown.  How long since that has happened? 

But I can't wait for next week.  Who knows, maybe the Sky will fall again!  Maybe it fall on those pesky Gators!

End of Watch: Sgt. Paul Hernandez and Officer Jonathan Molina

I would like to honor two fallen officers in my blog today, and I send my sympathy to their families.

Sergeant Paul Hernandez, a thirty-five year veteran of the Texas Department of Public Safety, was participating in physical training at the San Antonio Regional Headquarters of the DPS last week.  During those activities the Sergeant suffered a massive heart attack and passed away despite efforts to save his life. He was an institution in the DPS of South Texas.

Officer Jonathan Molina, of the El Paso Police Department, was a much younger man than Sergeant Hernandez.  Officer Molina, age 29, heard noises outside his residence and found that three teen-agers were vandalizing his car.  The officer approached the teens and identified himself as an officer.  While he was talking to the suspects, one of them suddenly struck the officer, knocking him unconscious.  While the officer was in this defenseless condition, the same person continued to strike him in the face and kick him in the head, eventually fracturing the officer's skull.  Officer Molina passed away on October 5, several days after the attack.  All three offenders have been arrested, and the one who assaulted the officer has also been charged with capital murder.

One officer died of natural causes, the other at the hands of a vicious killer, yet both were proud servants of the people of their communities and of the State of Texas.  I am proud to have the privilege to honor these two men in the humble pages of my blog.

A Severe Blow to the Pride, Integrity, and Guts of Texas (and some Federal) Police

I have taken some time away from blogging, maybe I even gave up blogging.  But the recent and terrible murders in Uvalde, and the disgracefu...