President Obama has made it clear with his posturing over the past couple of days that, as far as he is concerned, war with Iran is inevitable. According to the Obama Administration, Iran has committed various international crimes and is not responding to "sanctions." As proof of what I am saying, you may simply read about the repositioning of various elements of the US Navy and Air Force to the Persian Gulf area. You can also read the newspapers or news articles on the Internet and see how Obama has ramped up his rhetoric, and how Hillary Clinton is telling us that we have done all we can, but to no avail. War is imminent.
Oh, you say, but President Ahmadinejad of Iran has NUCLEAR WEAPONS! Guess do WE! And we have used two of ours over the years. Our own President Johnson debated dropping a couple on that oh, so dangerous enemy, North Viet Nam in the late Sixties. So far, Iran's little Hot Pepper has done nothing but rattle his sabre. And history has shown us that when Ahmadinejad DOES gain some military advantage, we can depend on our friends in Israel to conduct a precision air raid or two, and the problem is gone.
But Iran has CHEMICAL WEAPONS! Again, so do we. And so do many other nations. Iran may have used chemical agents against the Iraqis in their late war. But we also know that on some occasions, the "chemical factories" that the United States attacked in Iraq were found to be powdered milk factories when American authorities and those from other nations inspected the remains of the bombed-out facilities.
But what they are NOT saying out loud is that Iran has OIL! So does the United States, but why should we use up our own supply when the oil fields of Iran are there for the taking! When you talk about oil, you are truly talking about the genuine reason that we "need" to attack Iran. Again, if you think I am just being "reactionary," just read a few news stories in the various media. You can put two and two together for yourself.
My friends, I firmly believe that war with Iran is inevitable, too. President Obama will give the order to attack regardless of whether or not President Ahmadinejad gives in to world sanctions. In fact, the only action that would save Iran from a United States military attack would be for the Iranians to simply allow the United States to occupy that nation and take over the management of Iran's petroleum production. As for Mr. Ahmadinejad, it seems a very real possibility that he might one day attract the attention of a passing US drone aircraft. Wear your hardhat, President Ahmadinejad.
As for you and I, citizens of this great nation, we are intelligent enough to know that Iran represents no threat to the United States. We are smart enough to realize that Iran's "crime" is possessing a disproportionate part of the world's crude oil supply. And we are able to demand of our Congress that no money be apportioned or disbursed for any purpose relating to the war with Iran. The Iranian people have done nothing to you or me. Yes there are some fanatic Muslims there, as there are in Iraq, in Lebanon, in Syria, in Saudi Arabia, and yes, even here in the good ol' US of A. Are we going to bomb all those locations as well? Then let's put England and France on the list, too. Plenty of Iranians in those locales.
A vote for President Obama in the coming election assures that this scenario, this war with Iran, will take place. Maybe Mitt Romney would pursue war with Iran as well, but at least we do not KNOW that for sure at this point. Again, I hope you will do your own research concerning Obama's agenda with Iran, and then draw your own conclusions. If, after reading his rhetoric, and that of his appointees, particularly Ms. Clinton, you can still in good conscience vote for him, than do as you will. But I intend to vote against war with Iran, that is, I will not vote for Obama. And I will do as I say, by letting all my representatives know how strongly I oppose the coming war with Iran, and that I recognize that war for what it is...a subterfuge to gain access to Ahmadinejad's oil.
Oh, you say, but President Ahmadinejad of Iran has NUCLEAR WEAPONS! Guess do WE! And we have used two of ours over the years. Our own President Johnson debated dropping a couple on that oh, so dangerous enemy, North Viet Nam in the late Sixties. So far, Iran's little Hot Pepper has done nothing but rattle his sabre. And history has shown us that when Ahmadinejad DOES gain some military advantage, we can depend on our friends in Israel to conduct a precision air raid or two, and the problem is gone.
But Iran has CHEMICAL WEAPONS! Again, so do we. And so do many other nations. Iran may have used chemical agents against the Iraqis in their late war. But we also know that on some occasions, the "chemical factories" that the United States attacked in Iraq were found to be powdered milk factories when American authorities and those from other nations inspected the remains of the bombed-out facilities.
But what they are NOT saying out loud is that Iran has OIL! So does the United States, but why should we use up our own supply when the oil fields of Iran are there for the taking! When you talk about oil, you are truly talking about the genuine reason that we "need" to attack Iran. Again, if you think I am just being "reactionary," just read a few news stories in the various media. You can put two and two together for yourself.
My friends, I firmly believe that war with Iran is inevitable, too. President Obama will give the order to attack regardless of whether or not President Ahmadinejad gives in to world sanctions. In fact, the only action that would save Iran from a United States military attack would be for the Iranians to simply allow the United States to occupy that nation and take over the management of Iran's petroleum production. As for Mr. Ahmadinejad, it seems a very real possibility that he might one day attract the attention of a passing US drone aircraft. Wear your hardhat, President Ahmadinejad.
As for you and I, citizens of this great nation, we are intelligent enough to know that Iran represents no threat to the United States. We are smart enough to realize that Iran's "crime" is possessing a disproportionate part of the world's crude oil supply. And we are able to demand of our Congress that no money be apportioned or disbursed for any purpose relating to the war with Iran. The Iranian people have done nothing to you or me. Yes there are some fanatic Muslims there, as there are in Iraq, in Lebanon, in Syria, in Saudi Arabia, and yes, even here in the good ol' US of A. Are we going to bomb all those locations as well? Then let's put England and France on the list, too. Plenty of Iranians in those locales.
A vote for President Obama in the coming election assures that this scenario, this war with Iran, will take place. Maybe Mitt Romney would pursue war with Iran as well, but at least we do not KNOW that for sure at this point. Again, I hope you will do your own research concerning Obama's agenda with Iran, and then draw your own conclusions. If, after reading his rhetoric, and that of his appointees, particularly Ms. Clinton, you can still in good conscience vote for him, than do as you will. But I intend to vote against war with Iran, that is, I will not vote for Obama. And I will do as I say, by letting all my representatives know how strongly I oppose the coming war with Iran, and that I recognize that war for what it is...a subterfuge to gain access to Ahmadinejad's oil.