Today, my friends, I would like for you to spend a few minutes with me while I run a few numbers by you for your consideration. Don’t worry – you do not have to take notes, and there is no pop quiz following this blog. Just stay with me, ruminate over the facts and figures you are about to receive, and then join me, if you want, in sitting around and pouting because you did not receive a “bailout” when the banks, auto-makers, and at least one crooked company received theirs. Maybe you could also join me in yelling “It’s MY money and I want it NOW!” Wait, don’t yell that phrase. I believe a major financial firm has it trademarked. But we can yell, “I am a taxpayer! Why doesn’t the government bail ME out NOW?” After all, it is about time for a “taxpayer bailout,” don’t you think?
So here are the numbers I wanted to relate to you. First, let’s talk about what must surely be one of the greatest (most expensive, that is) bailouts in history – the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). In 2008 we (the people) were told that banks were failing across the United States, and that mostly it was because the banks had made bad loans (read loans that were made to people who obviously could not repay these loans). The banks had also lost assets around the world through various bad investments. I realize the picture was much more complicated, but these are the main points. Big Bankers were able to convince BIG Government that the sky would fall and the world would collapse if the Big Banks were not bailed out by Big Government. There is only one problem with this scenario. Big Government has no money. Not to fear, Big Government simply used taxes (OUR MONEY) to bail out the banks. So…in 2008, the Bank Bailout (TARP) was unveiled, at the supposed cost of a mere $300 BILLION DOLLARS!
Not surprisingly, as the money started flowing to the banks, US car makers also realized THEY were on the brink of bankruptcy, as well. Being a much smaller segment of Big Business than were the banks, the car makers were content to ask for ONLY $34 Billion. By the way, remember what they had to go through, what with the Congressional investigations and all? Anyway, long story short the Big Three car makers in fact received their bailouts. Thankfully (I guess!) the $34 billion for the car makers was generously taken from the TARP fund rather than ripped out of the empty holes in our pockets. Congress made the various chief executive officers of the respective car makers more or less jump through several hoops in effort to convince Congress that they would repay the loans. Someone may need to fill me in here, because I have found no information indicating that the banks paid back their loans, or were ever expected to. I hope I AM wrong about that one. At least one car maker paid the loans back in full. Others are continuing to pay so that they can buy back their companies from the government. I would like to mention here that the Congressional Budget Office in 2010 stated that TARP costs had actually exceeded $700 billion.
Another number I would like to put on your plate this evening is the federally guaranteed loan that the Obama administration made to an innovative high tech and forward thinking company known as Solyndra. This company, a producer of solar cells, received a federal loan (OUR MONEY, AGAIN!!) to underwrite their production of these solar cells. Unfortunately Solyndra had to file for bankruptcy. Not only that, but the FBI commenced a criminal investigation and confiscated the records and property of this company pending the outcome of the investigation. I don’t know about you, but I wonder why the financial status of Solyndra did not preclude them from receiving a loan of any kind. But this was not just any loan, no, this loan was in the amount of $535 million. What, only half a BILLION! We should not worry about that one at all! After all, it is not even a drop in the bucket of the federal bailout machine.
These numbers are examples of the way the current Administration is being "responsible" with your money (taxes). I hope you can see that we cannot continue as a nation in this out-of-control and endless spending, which of course is followed by ever increasing taxes and fees. No matter who serves as President, no matter who is in Congress, we as American people must regain the reins of fiscal control while there is still an America to save.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Presidents, UFO's, and Mysteries That Remain Unsolved
The good thing about cable vision (do we call it that anymore?) is that with two hundred and something channels with nothing on, there are still usually one or two shows that one might actually want to watch. If the one who might want to watch that one show has special interests, such as a desire to learn about some of the more obscure aspects of American history, a selection of the History Channel, History Channel 2, History HD, etc., means the odds are good that at least one history show of interest is on. Tonight I was not disappointed.
As I surfed the upper reaches of Tele Land I ran across a very interesting title flashed across the "info" screen. The particular program was about our Presidents who were seriously interested in the scientific investigations of UFO's. It turns out that our chief executives, from Truman to Bush II, have had at least passing interests in discovering the "truth" about flying saucers. Unfortunately none of these Presidents have had their curiosity satisfied. Apparently there are some secrets even the President is not privy to. Surprisingly one of the most aggressive Presidents in this regard was William Clinton. While he made a joke about it publicly, Mr. Clinton did indeed seek to obtain answers using all his power. In the end even he was denied access to deeply classified information. For reasons unknown he never toured Area 51. So, the mystery of UFO's and the secrets contained in America's most closely guarded vaults were never revealed to our top brass.
In West Texas, there is another place of magic and mystery that has never been explained. In an isolated spot on Highway 90 between Marfa and Alpine, people have gathered for years to watch strange phenomena that have come to be known as the Marfa Lights. While obviously the Marfa Lights are phenomena specific to the triangle formed by Marfa, Alpine, and Presidio, and therefore are not UFO's in the commonly accepted meaning, they are certainly just as mysterious. I have witnessed the Marfa Lights on two separate occasions myself, and to skeptics who say that they are optical illusions caused by car headlights on the Presidio Highway, I would like say A) when you explain to me how these lights dance around the top of radio towers, divide from one to many and back to one, and perform a thousand other antics, and B) explain how Native Americans, Mexicans, and American settlers saw these same "illusions" in the two centuries before automobiles began traveling through the area, I will join you in your skepticism. Actually, I hope they are never "scientifically explained" because I think our lives are enhanced by the little mysteries here and there that go unsolved through the years.
The Marfa Lights and UFO's are not the only objects of intrigue. In Texas alone, there are so many mysterious things that our science cannot explain. Just outside the hill country town of Rockdale, in Milam County, there is a rock wall, now mostly buried, that was obviously built by humans. Equally obvious is the fact that it demonstrates technology and planning beyond that level reached by the local "Indians." The wall is believed to be about twenty feet tall at its highest point, and is several feet wide. This wall is not mentioned in Native American lore in the area, nor in any known accounts of the Spanish explorers of Texas. The wall created quite a stir when it was "discovered" prior to the turn of the twentieth century by local ranchers. It was examined by archaeologists and anthropologists during that time, but no explanation was offered. This find was not to be heralded by later professors to their students, presumably because everyone "knew" that no one was building rock walls in North America prior to the Spanish colonization efforts in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
UFO secrets pursued by the Presidents, natural but inexplicable lights in Marfa, mysterious rock walls constructed in the hills of Central Texas; who knows how many more mysteries like these exist in our great nation, and across the globe. I, for one, hope that some of these mysteries remain just that, mysterious. UFO's may some day be proved to be just a figment of the human imagination; the Marfa lights, some weird distortion of light across the mountains; and the rock wall, just a practical joke by some traveling band of early Americans with nothing better to do. Maybe, but I hope not. Life is, in my humble opinion, enhanced and made so much more interesting when we have a few mysteries to ponder.
As I surfed the upper reaches of Tele Land I ran across a very interesting title flashed across the "info" screen. The particular program was about our Presidents who were seriously interested in the scientific investigations of UFO's. It turns out that our chief executives, from Truman to Bush II, have had at least passing interests in discovering the "truth" about flying saucers. Unfortunately none of these Presidents have had their curiosity satisfied. Apparently there are some secrets even the President is not privy to. Surprisingly one of the most aggressive Presidents in this regard was William Clinton. While he made a joke about it publicly, Mr. Clinton did indeed seek to obtain answers using all his power. In the end even he was denied access to deeply classified information. For reasons unknown he never toured Area 51. So, the mystery of UFO's and the secrets contained in America's most closely guarded vaults were never revealed to our top brass.
In West Texas, there is another place of magic and mystery that has never been explained. In an isolated spot on Highway 90 between Marfa and Alpine, people have gathered for years to watch strange phenomena that have come to be known as the Marfa Lights. While obviously the Marfa Lights are phenomena specific to the triangle formed by Marfa, Alpine, and Presidio, and therefore are not UFO's in the commonly accepted meaning, they are certainly just as mysterious. I have witnessed the Marfa Lights on two separate occasions myself, and to skeptics who say that they are optical illusions caused by car headlights on the Presidio Highway, I would like say A) when you explain to me how these lights dance around the top of radio towers, divide from one to many and back to one, and perform a thousand other antics, and B) explain how Native Americans, Mexicans, and American settlers saw these same "illusions" in the two centuries before automobiles began traveling through the area, I will join you in your skepticism. Actually, I hope they are never "scientifically explained" because I think our lives are enhanced by the little mysteries here and there that go unsolved through the years.
The Marfa Lights and UFO's are not the only objects of intrigue. In Texas alone, there are so many mysterious things that our science cannot explain. Just outside the hill country town of Rockdale, in Milam County, there is a rock wall, now mostly buried, that was obviously built by humans. Equally obvious is the fact that it demonstrates technology and planning beyond that level reached by the local "Indians." The wall is believed to be about twenty feet tall at its highest point, and is several feet wide. This wall is not mentioned in Native American lore in the area, nor in any known accounts of the Spanish explorers of Texas. The wall created quite a stir when it was "discovered" prior to the turn of the twentieth century by local ranchers. It was examined by archaeologists and anthropologists during that time, but no explanation was offered. This find was not to be heralded by later professors to their students, presumably because everyone "knew" that no one was building rock walls in North America prior to the Spanish colonization efforts in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
UFO secrets pursued by the Presidents, natural but inexplicable lights in Marfa, mysterious rock walls constructed in the hills of Central Texas; who knows how many more mysteries like these exist in our great nation, and across the globe. I, for one, hope that some of these mysteries remain just that, mysterious. UFO's may some day be proved to be just a figment of the human imagination; the Marfa lights, some weird distortion of light across the mountains; and the rock wall, just a practical joke by some traveling band of early Americans with nothing better to do. Maybe, but I hope not. Life is, in my humble opinion, enhanced and made so much more interesting when we have a few mysteries to ponder.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Republicans AND Democrats Killed The "Jobs Bill"
The “Jobs Bill” (referred to hereinafter as the Jobs Bill) failed in the Senate last week. Republicans voted against it. “Of course they did!” you might be saying. But several Democrats voted against this bill as well. Just some idiot defectors? Well, I don’t know about “defectors,” but some prominent Democrats were against this measure. Both Senator Harry Reid and Senator Joseph Lieberman voted AGAINST the Jobs Bill. This, I am sure, was a blast to Obama’s ego. Here is what Senator Lieberman had to say:
“If a vote was called on the American Jobs Act as it is now ... I would vote against it,” said Sen. Joseph Lieberman, a Connecticut independent, who voted to proceed with debate Tuesday. “The bottom line here is that I don’t believe the potential in this act for creating jobs justifies adding another $500 billion to our almost $15 trillion national debt.”
I think this quote from Senator Lieberman says it all. Okay, almost all, anyway. There was one more little detail about the Jobs Bill. It turns out very little of the contents of this bill dealt with “creating jobs” (which the government cannot do anyway – except by taking more tax money and “redistributing it”), but instead attempted to bring some changes to the federal tax code. Here is where both Democrats and Republicans found some common ground against Mr. Obama. You see, one way this bill would “create” jobs would be by raising the tax rate for individuals who make more than $200,000 ($250,000 for couples) each year. Oops…er, um…several DEMOCRATS realized THEY were going to get hit by this little proviso. They, along with most of the Republican senators, knew that many individuals and couples fall into the “greater than $200,000 but less than $1,000,000” income range largely because these persons own small businesses, are in upper management, or serve as (ehem…) politicians.
(Free factoid: At least 80% of the jobs in the United States were created by Small Business)
Now, there are many people who are yelling that the “Republicans” killed the Jobs Bill. And of course, the bill would have survived if fewer Republicans had voted against it. But, it also would have survived if a few more Democrats had voted FOR it, as well. You have to admit, if Senator Harry Reid could not vote for this bill, there must have been something TERRIBLY wrong with it. And there was. This bill would have added many billions of dollars to our already unmanageable debt (See Senator Lieberman above). Even Senator Reid is feeling the heat as “the 99%” are getting fed up with the national debt. Granted, a small but loud portion of “the 99%” are busy occupying this place or that, but there is no real focus to their anger. And believe me, I feel the anger right there with them. But the majority of the 99% are just working folks like you and me, who literally don’t have time to “occupy” much of anything except their jobs. And the last thing they want is more taxes, especially the at least $500 BILLION the Jobs Bill proposed to ask (I mean force) the American people to pay.
“If a vote was called on the American Jobs Act as it is now ... I would vote against it,” said Sen. Joseph Lieberman, a Connecticut independent, who voted to proceed with debate Tuesday. “The bottom line here is that I don’t believe the potential in this act for creating jobs justifies adding another $500 billion to our almost $15 trillion national debt.”
I think this quote from Senator Lieberman says it all. Okay, almost all, anyway. There was one more little detail about the Jobs Bill. It turns out very little of the contents of this bill dealt with “creating jobs” (which the government cannot do anyway – except by taking more tax money and “redistributing it”), but instead attempted to bring some changes to the federal tax code. Here is where both Democrats and Republicans found some common ground against Mr. Obama. You see, one way this bill would “create” jobs would be by raising the tax rate for individuals who make more than $200,000 ($250,000 for couples) each year. Oops…er, um…several DEMOCRATS realized THEY were going to get hit by this little proviso. They, along with most of the Republican senators, knew that many individuals and couples fall into the “greater than $200,000 but less than $1,000,000” income range largely because these persons own small businesses, are in upper management, or serve as (ehem…) politicians.
(Free factoid: At least 80% of the jobs in the United States were created by Small Business)
Now, there are many people who are yelling that the “Republicans” killed the Jobs Bill. And of course, the bill would have survived if fewer Republicans had voted against it. But, it also would have survived if a few more Democrats had voted FOR it, as well. You have to admit, if Senator Harry Reid could not vote for this bill, there must have been something TERRIBLY wrong with it. And there was. This bill would have added many billions of dollars to our already unmanageable debt (See Senator Lieberman above). Even Senator Reid is feeling the heat as “the 99%” are getting fed up with the national debt. Granted, a small but loud portion of “the 99%” are busy occupying this place or that, but there is no real focus to their anger. And believe me, I feel the anger right there with them. But the majority of the 99% are just working folks like you and me, who literally don’t have time to “occupy” much of anything except their jobs. And the last thing they want is more taxes, especially the at least $500 BILLION the Jobs Bill proposed to ask (I mean force) the American people to pay.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
A Semi-Skeptic Who Wants To Believe
Today, we (the people of the United States) find ourselves in a predicament. The predicament is that less than twenty-four hours ago we learned that various federal agencies, including the alphabet soup under the jurisdiction of the US Justice Department, had arrested two Muslims extremists and foiled a terrorist plot that was more intriguing than any Hollywood movie. We were told that the two extremists, both with ties to Iran (one rumoured to be a member of the Iranian secret police, the other a naturalized citizen of the United States), had attempted to secure the assassination of the Saudi Ambassador to the United States, and the Israeli Ambassador as well, with the help of the Zeta Drug Cartel of Mexico. On top of that, some type of bombing plan was thwarted as well. Praise and accolades are due the men and women of our various federal agencies that stopped this horrible plot in its tracks. Except that in the back of my mind, I wonder if we are being told the truth about this incident. I want so badly to believe the employees of the Justice Department in regards to this great victory over terrorism. Why can't I accept this information without a nagging feeling of suspicion in my gut?
On the very same day that we learned about the thwarted terrorist plot, we find that the United States Congress is up in arms because the very same United States Justice Department has been caught in several lies about the now infamous Operation Fast and Furious, the gun-running sting in Mexico that went awry. The top person caught in these lies is in fact the top person in the Justice Department, Attorney General Eric Holder. He clearly told the Senate investigation panel that he had no knowledge of the facts etc, etc, etc, but then memos were located that indicate Mr. Holder was fully aware of Operation Fast and Furious, and aware that that operation had mushroomed out of control. In fact, and unfortunately, the very guns that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tax, and Firearms (BATF), along with cooperating members of the DEA, had "smuggled" into Mexico as part of Operation Fast and Furious, had been "lost" after getting into the hands of known Mexican drug cartel members. Even MORE unfortunate, the lost guns turned up in crimes, including the murder of an unarmed United States federal agent in Mexico, and the attempted murder of his partner. The investigation into this disaster continues. Equally tragic, Mexican police officers and other Mexican officials have also been killed by these "bait" weapons.
The investigation into Operation Fast and Furious continues, as does the investigation into the plans of the two terrorists mentioned in the opening paragraph. And my point is that on the one hand, we (the People) are called upon to believe that the two terrorists embarked on the assassination and bombing attempts with the full knowledge and aid of the Iranian government. After all, the Justice Department told us so. At the same time, we are called upon to believe that the Attorney General and those high up in the Justice Department WERE NOT aware of Operation Fast and Furious and the fact that guns were lost to the drug cartels and were now being used to kill Mexican and American law enforcement officials. The Justice Department told us so. Unfortunately, I do not believe we can believe anything the Justice Department has told us about the Iranian-sponsored terrorist plot. This really bothers me, because I want to think our government is as honest with us as is possible in light national security concerns.
You ask why I do not simply accept the word of the Justice Department that the terrorist plot was thwarted? First, because as I have already demonstrated, getting the truth from the Justice Department is not easy. You might even say it takes "an Act of Congress" to get at the facts.
Second, I would like to point out that the terrorists have been successfully completing their "plots" for decades, and have NEVER involved the Mexican drug cartels. But we learned yesterday that the Iranian plotters were not able to carryout more or less "routine" assassinations, but now have to turn to the Zetas for their help.
Third, I would also like to point out that the United States has been growling at Iran for some time now. Maybe there are justifiable reasons. In fact, I think the BIG justifiable reason would be that Iran is just a year or two away from coming up with a viable nuclear weapon. We are all aware of the very unstable personality of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the nut-case ruler of Iran. I think that our own president could make a case for a legal declaration of war against Iran based on self-defense of the entire "rest of the world." Even the Russian and the Chinese governments do not want a maniac like Ahmadinejad to have his finger on one of those terrible little red buttons. So there really is no need for dishonesty in regards to Iran.
I am deeply concerned that we as a nation cannot trust the word of our government officials. We cannot trust their word when they say they are not involved in some crime. Neither can we trust the word of the government when they tell us that thus and such is plotting against the United States. In fact, it is pretty damned hard to believe anything that comes to us from "official sources." Maybe Attorney General Holder is not lying to Congress. And maybe our government would not make up an incident to provoke a war with Iran. Unfortunately, I find myself to be a reluctant semi-skeptic who wants to believe.
On the very same day that we learned about the thwarted terrorist plot, we find that the United States Congress is up in arms because the very same United States Justice Department has been caught in several lies about the now infamous Operation Fast and Furious, the gun-running sting in Mexico that went awry. The top person caught in these lies is in fact the top person in the Justice Department, Attorney General Eric Holder. He clearly told the Senate investigation panel that he had no knowledge of the facts etc, etc, etc, but then memos were located that indicate Mr. Holder was fully aware of Operation Fast and Furious, and aware that that operation had mushroomed out of control. In fact, and unfortunately, the very guns that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tax, and Firearms (BATF), along with cooperating members of the DEA, had "smuggled" into Mexico as part of Operation Fast and Furious, had been "lost" after getting into the hands of known Mexican drug cartel members. Even MORE unfortunate, the lost guns turned up in crimes, including the murder of an unarmed United States federal agent in Mexico, and the attempted murder of his partner. The investigation into this disaster continues. Equally tragic, Mexican police officers and other Mexican officials have also been killed by these "bait" weapons.
The investigation into Operation Fast and Furious continues, as does the investigation into the plans of the two terrorists mentioned in the opening paragraph. And my point is that on the one hand, we (the People) are called upon to believe that the two terrorists embarked on the assassination and bombing attempts with the full knowledge and aid of the Iranian government. After all, the Justice Department told us so. At the same time, we are called upon to believe that the Attorney General and those high up in the Justice Department WERE NOT aware of Operation Fast and Furious and the fact that guns were lost to the drug cartels and were now being used to kill Mexican and American law enforcement officials. The Justice Department told us so. Unfortunately, I do not believe we can believe anything the Justice Department has told us about the Iranian-sponsored terrorist plot. This really bothers me, because I want to think our government is as honest with us as is possible in light national security concerns.
You ask why I do not simply accept the word of the Justice Department that the terrorist plot was thwarted? First, because as I have already demonstrated, getting the truth from the Justice Department is not easy. You might even say it takes "an Act of Congress" to get at the facts.
Second, I would like to point out that the terrorists have been successfully completing their "plots" for decades, and have NEVER involved the Mexican drug cartels. But we learned yesterday that the Iranian plotters were not able to carryout more or less "routine" assassinations, but now have to turn to the Zetas for their help.
Third, I would also like to point out that the United States has been growling at Iran for some time now. Maybe there are justifiable reasons. In fact, I think the BIG justifiable reason would be that Iran is just a year or two away from coming up with a viable nuclear weapon. We are all aware of the very unstable personality of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the nut-case ruler of Iran. I think that our own president could make a case for a legal declaration of war against Iran based on self-defense of the entire "rest of the world." Even the Russian and the Chinese governments do not want a maniac like Ahmadinejad to have his finger on one of those terrible little red buttons. So there really is no need for dishonesty in regards to Iran.
I am deeply concerned that we as a nation cannot trust the word of our government officials. We cannot trust their word when they say they are not involved in some crime. Neither can we trust the word of the government when they tell us that thus and such is plotting against the United States. In fact, it is pretty damned hard to believe anything that comes to us from "official sources." Maybe Attorney General Holder is not lying to Congress. And maybe our government would not make up an incident to provoke a war with Iran. Unfortunately, I find myself to be a reluctant semi-skeptic who wants to believe.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Drones, Missiles - And the United States Constitution
A few days ago in the Middle Eastern nation of Yemen, two American citizens and several Yemeni natives were killed after a CIA drone located their vehicle. A military jet then fired a missile at the vehicle, killing everyone inside. Now, of course I read, watch, and listen to the news, and of course I know that these people were all presumed (by the United States government – this time in the form of the CIA) to be terrorists and sworn enemies of the United States. In fact the two Americans killed in the attack had already participated in acts of terror (we are told). As we sometimes say in my ancestral home, these people “prob'ly needed killin’.” Of course this is not the first drone-led attack on terrorists; in fact, many times drones are armed, negating the need for a human-piloted military aircraft altogether. Drone attacks, as well as the occasional firing of a missile or two from Navy ships, have gone on at least since 9/11, the official beginning of the War On Terror. Oh yes, even Bill Clinton ordered a couple of them fired. Lately, though, I have to admit that I have been concerned and dismayed at these incidents.
I am not soft on “terror,” as I can hear it being shouted across the Internet. I am just beginning to understand the implications of these so-called precision strikes. And now, two American citizens, suspected terrorists or not, were intentionally killed without any sort of “due process.” Again I can hear people shouting, “Oh, you are just concerned now because AMERICANS are being killed!” Well, no…I was concerned already, but even more so where American civil rights are concerned. But there are others who hold the view that the two Americans were in a FOREIGN NATION and were obviously (again, per the CIA) engaged in planning terrorist activities. There are at least ten editorials that I know of that are calling people who feel the way I do “misguided” and defending Federal Government actions as “legitimate.” The Dallas Morning News and the Kansas Star contain two such editorials. These editorials laud the Government’s actions since an apparently severe blow has once again been dealt to Al-Qaeda. Here is one sample:
A drone attack last week killed two high-ranking Americans inside al-Qaida. While the killings have prompted some concerns among civil rights advocates here, it should be noted that there was virtually no protest on Middle Eastern streets.
The fact that this attack didn't raise eyebrows in the Muslim world is an encouraging sign that popular support for al-Qaida's doctrine of violence is fading. A rocket launched from a drone destroyed a vehicle carrying Anwar al-Awlaki, who inspired the 2009 Fort Hood attack and the "underwear bomber," and Samir Khan, who was a vital English language recruiter and published the al-Qaida magazine Inspire. Both were American citizens, but both were also sworn enemies of the United States.
Read more:
(In case you missed it, note that the writer of the above editorial believes it is "okay" to kill others as long as the people in the concerned nation "didn't raise an eyebrow.")
By the way, it is even difficult to get the details down for certain. One account I have seen stated that the drone led a US military jet to the “target” while the account above says the drone itself fired the missile. I suppose it does not really matter, and each account is certainly possible with today’s military technology.
Why am I concerned, you may ask? Good, I am glad you asked that question. One reason I am concerned is that two US citizens, as much as we disliked them, were tried by missile and condemned, with no chance of appeal. Now, I will grant that standard criminal prosecution was not appropriate. A military tribunal should have tried the two, but even that measure is out of the question at this time. Not that I am defending terrorists! I just believe our Constitution is still in effect, even after 9/11. Some may say that the two Americans were not in America, and therefore were not “covered” by the Constitution. To that, I will say that the American Government (again, in the form of the CIA) was acting against two AMERICANS. Last time I checked, our rights were inalienable, remember?
Another reason I am concerned about this incident is that it is another instance in which the United States acted in a way that could be construed as an act of war against another sovereign nation. Yemen is a small nation, but it is still a sovereign nation. I know little about Yemen except what I read, see, and hear on the news; that being that Yemen is a hot bed of terrorist activity. Plus, Yemen is a largely lawless, “tribal-“type land where the legitimate government is only nominally in control. Yet who are we, as a nation, I mean, to take it upon ourselves to violate another nation’s sovereignty? I only ask this because I know for a fact that I would be outraged beyond all description, if, say, Cuba fired a missile into the United States to take out a “terrorist” target. Even if the targeted person were justifiably killed, I would demand that war be declared against Cuba. The same with England, Israel, or any other nation. Our nation is sovereign, but so are the other nations. Of course we know that Yemen will not declare war on the United States in this case. But I have to wonder if these two men would have been killed if they had been spotted driving down a country road in England? What about strolling along outside the Kremlin? I doubt it! Russia, with what was left of its old military machine, would have retaliated immediately.
Additionally, I wonder what sort of image OUR nation is presenting to the world. I mean, I get it, we must be perceived as being “tough on Terror.” But at this point I am starting to think there may well be two kinds of terror. The first kind of terror is that which most of the world has known for quite some time, and to which we, the US, were exposed with the 9/11 attacks. But the second kind of terror may be a new and growing apprehension in which people around the world begin to wonder if they are safe from US, the United States. Many citizens of nations such as Afghanistan and, yes, even Yemen, know that they live day by day beside extremists who are no doubt plotting death and mayhem around the world. They must only hope that they are not standing too close to any suspected terrorists should a missile be fired from a CIA drone or a US military jet. They can only pray that the person piloting the drone can differentiate between law-abiding citizens and the intended target.
Finally, I have to wonder how long it will be until US drones are turned against United States citizens on UNITED STATES SOIL! That is certainly not as outlandish and impossible as it may sound. The CIA, as a “secret” agency, could easily carryout clandestine operations in the United States. But it won’t, you say? Just read about the CIA-NYPD connection, then see if you still feel the same. The thought that lingers in my mind is that the terrorists are winning the War On Terror. I say this because we, the American People, have been conditioned now to accept these “small” violations of international law in the name of “National Security.” And even more distressing, we have allowed our liberty here at home to erode as we give away more and more of our rights in return for “security,” US Government-style.
I am not soft on “terror,” as I can hear it being shouted across the Internet. I am just beginning to understand the implications of these so-called precision strikes. And now, two American citizens, suspected terrorists or not, were intentionally killed without any sort of “due process.” Again I can hear people shouting, “Oh, you are just concerned now because AMERICANS are being killed!” Well, no…I was concerned already, but even more so where American civil rights are concerned. But there are others who hold the view that the two Americans were in a FOREIGN NATION and were obviously (again, per the CIA) engaged in planning terrorist activities. There are at least ten editorials that I know of that are calling people who feel the way I do “misguided” and defending Federal Government actions as “legitimate.” The Dallas Morning News and the Kansas Star contain two such editorials. These editorials laud the Government’s actions since an apparently severe blow has once again been dealt to Al-Qaeda. Here is one sample:
A drone attack last week killed two high-ranking Americans inside al-Qaida. While the killings have prompted some concerns among civil rights advocates here, it should be noted that there was virtually no protest on Middle Eastern streets.
The fact that this attack didn't raise eyebrows in the Muslim world is an encouraging sign that popular support for al-Qaida's doctrine of violence is fading. A rocket launched from a drone destroyed a vehicle carrying Anwar al-Awlaki, who inspired the 2009 Fort Hood attack and the "underwear bomber," and Samir Khan, who was a vital English language recruiter and published the al-Qaida magazine Inspire. Both were American citizens, but both were also sworn enemies of the United States.
Read more:
(In case you missed it, note that the writer of the above editorial believes it is "okay" to kill others as long as the people in the concerned nation "didn't raise an eyebrow.")
By the way, it is even difficult to get the details down for certain. One account I have seen stated that the drone led a US military jet to the “target” while the account above says the drone itself fired the missile. I suppose it does not really matter, and each account is certainly possible with today’s military technology.
Why am I concerned, you may ask? Good, I am glad you asked that question. One reason I am concerned is that two US citizens, as much as we disliked them, were tried by missile and condemned, with no chance of appeal. Now, I will grant that standard criminal prosecution was not appropriate. A military tribunal should have tried the two, but even that measure is out of the question at this time. Not that I am defending terrorists! I just believe our Constitution is still in effect, even after 9/11. Some may say that the two Americans were not in America, and therefore were not “covered” by the Constitution. To that, I will say that the American Government (again, in the form of the CIA) was acting against two AMERICANS. Last time I checked, our rights were inalienable, remember?
Another reason I am concerned about this incident is that it is another instance in which the United States acted in a way that could be construed as an act of war against another sovereign nation. Yemen is a small nation, but it is still a sovereign nation. I know little about Yemen except what I read, see, and hear on the news; that being that Yemen is a hot bed of terrorist activity. Plus, Yemen is a largely lawless, “tribal-“type land where the legitimate government is only nominally in control. Yet who are we, as a nation, I mean, to take it upon ourselves to violate another nation’s sovereignty? I only ask this because I know for a fact that I would be outraged beyond all description, if, say, Cuba fired a missile into the United States to take out a “terrorist” target. Even if the targeted person were justifiably killed, I would demand that war be declared against Cuba. The same with England, Israel, or any other nation. Our nation is sovereign, but so are the other nations. Of course we know that Yemen will not declare war on the United States in this case. But I have to wonder if these two men would have been killed if they had been spotted driving down a country road in England? What about strolling along outside the Kremlin? I doubt it! Russia, with what was left of its old military machine, would have retaliated immediately.
Additionally, I wonder what sort of image OUR nation is presenting to the world. I mean, I get it, we must be perceived as being “tough on Terror.” But at this point I am starting to think there may well be two kinds of terror. The first kind of terror is that which most of the world has known for quite some time, and to which we, the US, were exposed with the 9/11 attacks. But the second kind of terror may be a new and growing apprehension in which people around the world begin to wonder if they are safe from US, the United States. Many citizens of nations such as Afghanistan and, yes, even Yemen, know that they live day by day beside extremists who are no doubt plotting death and mayhem around the world. They must only hope that they are not standing too close to any suspected terrorists should a missile be fired from a CIA drone or a US military jet. They can only pray that the person piloting the drone can differentiate between law-abiding citizens and the intended target.
Finally, I have to wonder how long it will be until US drones are turned against United States citizens on UNITED STATES SOIL! That is certainly not as outlandish and impossible as it may sound. The CIA, as a “secret” agency, could easily carryout clandestine operations in the United States. But it won’t, you say? Just read about the CIA-NYPD connection, then see if you still feel the same. The thought that lingers in my mind is that the terrorists are winning the War On Terror. I say this because we, the American People, have been conditioned now to accept these “small” violations of international law in the name of “National Security.” And even more distressing, we have allowed our liberty here at home to erode as we give away more and more of our rights in return for “security,” US Government-style.
Monday, October 3, 2011
The End of An Era...I Mean A Long Road Trip!
Child B is now safely in Midland. That is a very comforting thought, but it was so much better to see her live and in person rather than just reading the text. So about 8:00 PM or so Child A and Child B popped in at the same time. What a family reunion! Child B was in possession of a seashell she had liberated from the sands of Surfside Beach, but more than that, she had a collection of memories that will last her a lifetime.
This past Wednesday, Child B rode from the Houston area back to Central Texas, to the ancestral home of both parents. She spent the part of the day with her grandmother and part of the day with her uncle, the Woodsman and Naturalist. I am sure between the Woodsman and Child B, many deeper layers of thought were exposed to the light of pragmatic rumination. This is something at which both Child B and the Woodsman are quite adept. But after a short afternoon of pragmatic ruminating, Child B was treated by Uncle Number 2 (on THIS side of the family) to lunch at a local restaurant owned and operated by another cousin. My, isn’t this story full of uncles and cousins. I almost wonder if there weren’t a couple of really cold winters in the late fifties…
It turns out that while Child B, in the company of Uncle Number 2, ran into two classmates of mine, Nancy and Clark Burns, the proud owners of Sawdust and Splinters. They all happened into The Feed Mill at about the same time. The Feed Mill, of course, is the restaurant owned and operated by my cousin (yes, cousin!) Ricky Snoddy, and his wife, Tana. Of course chicken fried steak was on the menu for the meal. I will have to get down there and try one myself, being a chicken fried steak connoisseur of some renown. That is a subject for another blog. Anyway, Child B and Clark Burns were soon involved in discussing motorcycles and riding, and EXTENDED rides. Thanks, Clark!! To be fair, I am sure Child B would have come up with plans for another extended ride on her own.
Child B spent the remainder of her time with her cousins, and cousin-SO Melanie. I, not being the hovering parent, was only mildly panic…I mean, concerned, when Child B announced that she and Cousin and Cousin’s SO would make a quick trip to Austin Saturday night. I was more concerned about a) the city of Austin, and b) Child B’s physical condition AFTER the trip to Austin, as she intended to ride non-stop from Austin back to Midland. And really, I did not “hover” the entire time until Child B texted (is that a word now?) to me that she had made it through Eden. I was so happy to learn she was done with Highway 71, which can be unforgiving to tired drivers, especially those traveling on two wheels.
Then, it happened…
There was no communication with Child B for several hours. Mind you I, as the father, was not panicking at all. Not all…really…not much…outwardly, anyway…ok, MAYBE if you REALLY knew me, you could see some very minor indication of worry. But nothing out of hand, really…
I have pointed out many times that I am NOT a hovering, worrying, over-anxious father. And I believe I proved it, hands down, last night…until I realized Child B should have been home HOURS ago…
Then the phone rang! But alas, not Child B. It was Uncle Woodsman, asking if Child B was home yet. That was all I could stand… I mean, I calmly dialed Child B’s number. No, I was calmer than that. I texted (is that still a word?) Child B. She had been in the San Angelo area around 3 PM. She must have had time to reach Midland by 8 PM. Then the text! Child B was indeed at her apartment, waiting on Child A to bring her pickup to her (that is a separate story). Soon Child B AND Child A were both in our living room. What a relief to see them standing there in real life. And Child B’s road trip, the Great Road Trip of ’11, was at end!
Yes, SO and I were so happy to see Child B back in one peace, AND also to have Child A there, too! It was a great and happy ending to what must have been a great and happy adventure for Child B. AND, she produced that seashell, liberated from the sands of Surfside Beach. It felt great to hold a fresh seashell again, but so much better to get hugs from Child B.
I appreciate everyone who has followed these blogs, and who waited eagerly with me for news of Child B’s safe progress through her road trip. I know all of you who are parents have gone through this experience before. How much more the anxiety must be for parents of children who are in the armed forces, especially those deployed in harm’s way. That is why I thank all of you for allowing me to indulge in just a little worry…I mean, concern, while Child B was traveling. All of us parents have gone or will go through this many times. And, as I pointed out in a previous blog, OUR parents still worry about US. That is just what parents do, I suppose. But anyway, I say a big THANKS to all my Facebook friends. It is amazing how much we can support each other, even when that support is through electronic means, such as Facebook and blogs.
Thanks, everyone!
This past Wednesday, Child B rode from the Houston area back to Central Texas, to the ancestral home of both parents. She spent the part of the day with her grandmother and part of the day with her uncle, the Woodsman and Naturalist. I am sure between the Woodsman and Child B, many deeper layers of thought were exposed to the light of pragmatic rumination. This is something at which both Child B and the Woodsman are quite adept. But after a short afternoon of pragmatic ruminating, Child B was treated by Uncle Number 2 (on THIS side of the family) to lunch at a local restaurant owned and operated by another cousin. My, isn’t this story full of uncles and cousins. I almost wonder if there weren’t a couple of really cold winters in the late fifties…
It turns out that while Child B, in the company of Uncle Number 2, ran into two classmates of mine, Nancy and Clark Burns, the proud owners of Sawdust and Splinters. They all happened into The Feed Mill at about the same time. The Feed Mill, of course, is the restaurant owned and operated by my cousin (yes, cousin!) Ricky Snoddy, and his wife, Tana. Of course chicken fried steak was on the menu for the meal. I will have to get down there and try one myself, being a chicken fried steak connoisseur of some renown. That is a subject for another blog. Anyway, Child B and Clark Burns were soon involved in discussing motorcycles and riding, and EXTENDED rides. Thanks, Clark!! To be fair, I am sure Child B would have come up with plans for another extended ride on her own.
Child B spent the remainder of her time with her cousins, and cousin-SO Melanie. I, not being the hovering parent, was only mildly panic…I mean, concerned, when Child B announced that she and Cousin and Cousin’s SO would make a quick trip to Austin Saturday night. I was more concerned about a) the city of Austin, and b) Child B’s physical condition AFTER the trip to Austin, as she intended to ride non-stop from Austin back to Midland. And really, I did not “hover” the entire time until Child B texted (is that a word now?) to me that she had made it through Eden. I was so happy to learn she was done with Highway 71, which can be unforgiving to tired drivers, especially those traveling on two wheels.
Then, it happened…
There was no communication with Child B for several hours. Mind you I, as the father, was not panicking at all. Not all…really…not much…outwardly, anyway…ok, MAYBE if you REALLY knew me, you could see some very minor indication of worry. But nothing out of hand, really…
I have pointed out many times that I am NOT a hovering, worrying, over-anxious father. And I believe I proved it, hands down, last night…until I realized Child B should have been home HOURS ago…
Then the phone rang! But alas, not Child B. It was Uncle Woodsman, asking if Child B was home yet. That was all I could stand… I mean, I calmly dialed Child B’s number. No, I was calmer than that. I texted (is that still a word?) Child B. She had been in the San Angelo area around 3 PM. She must have had time to reach Midland by 8 PM. Then the text! Child B was indeed at her apartment, waiting on Child A to bring her pickup to her (that is a separate story). Soon Child B AND Child A were both in our living room. What a relief to see them standing there in real life. And Child B’s road trip, the Great Road Trip of ’11, was at end!
Yes, SO and I were so happy to see Child B back in one peace, AND also to have Child A there, too! It was a great and happy ending to what must have been a great and happy adventure for Child B. AND, she produced that seashell, liberated from the sands of Surfside Beach. It felt great to hold a fresh seashell again, but so much better to get hugs from Child B.
I appreciate everyone who has followed these blogs, and who waited eagerly with me for news of Child B’s safe progress through her road trip. I know all of you who are parents have gone through this experience before. How much more the anxiety must be for parents of children who are in the armed forces, especially those deployed in harm’s way. That is why I thank all of you for allowing me to indulge in just a little worry…I mean, concern, while Child B was traveling. All of us parents have gone or will go through this many times. And, as I pointed out in a previous blog, OUR parents still worry about US. That is just what parents do, I suppose. But anyway, I say a big THANKS to all my Facebook friends. It is amazing how much we can support each other, even when that support is through electronic means, such as Facebook and blogs.
Thanks, everyone!
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