I recently submitted a book manuscript for publishing and was accepted! I was really excited at first, and I still am. But I am now realizing how much work there is between the manuscript acceptance and the actual publication of the finished book. Between the re-editing, correcting, re-reading, re-writing, and the book production, I urge you to follow me as I go through the process. I believe that the finished product will be a very readable and surprising Western. It is not of the usual vein, but includes the namesake's run-in with a dead sheriff, in fact, the sheriff he himself killed. The story follows Bailey Black as he robs a bank, makes his escape while pursued by a posse and a very tenacious deputy, through his meeting with the dead sheriff, and Bailey Black's ultimate meeting with Destiny.
I am so pleased to be a (soon to be) published author. While my book poses no threats to the greats such as Louis L'Amour or Zane Grey, nonetheless I had a great time writing the book while living the adventure in my head at the same time. I had read about authors who say that they "do not know" what will happen next. I have to say that, prior to writing my own book, I had no concept of what these authors meant. How could someone possibly NOT know what he was about to write. In actuality I found this to be the case for myself. I knew what I thought would happen, in line with my general plot outline, yet, there were times when I was really not sure how a character would react, how some event would turn out, until I had actually written it into the book. It was almost like real life.
My final manuscript will go to the publisher next week, and if all goes well, it will be through the final editor before Christmas. I am crossing my fingers for this. What a great gift! I am so proud to have something of myself to leave behind to family and friends. Another thing that is also exciting is the prospect that people I DO NOT KNOW will read about or hear about my book and buy it to read for themselves. I realize I will not become a Dean R. Koontz overnight, but I will certainly appreciate each person who buys, reads, and enjoys my book. That reward, that someone actually likes my book, is so much more important to me than any money I might make someday from book sales.
So I hope you will follow me on this adventure, even as I continue to blog about my usual things, which is anything that I feel needs blogging. Hopefully very soon I will be blogging about my first book signing...and hopefully many more to come!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Winds at Surfside
The edge of Hurricane Karl is slicing into Surfside Beach. The ocean here is angry and boiling with high surf. The surfers (either brave or stupid) are out in droves as they "catch a wave and they're sitting on top of the world." To me the waves look very dangerous, but to the trained eye, I suppose they are heavenly. Unfortunately, my evening walk along the beach has to be tabled for another day.
The windy, stormy weather and the ever changing sky may be omens of the coming turmoil in my life. I will be returning to West Texas for another job. This one will be provisional, until and unless my performance proves satisfactory. No other details released at this time. Meanwhile my spouse will remain in Surfside at her job. We don't know how long it will be until we are reunited in West Texas, but it will be at some point.
My wife is a native of the Permian Basin. She has wanted to return for some time; well, actually since she arrived here. I must say though, she has come to love the beach and waves. But in her heart she wants to return to Midland. I have seen my Precious Flower wilting for lack of the desert sun, and I know she needs to go back home. So the brief (I hope) separation will be worth it if she can return the land of horned toads and tumble weeds. And, honestly, I miss the desert myself. The dry, hard land and the beautiful blue skies of West Texas grow on a person, often making a "native" of the fleeting traveler.
This blog was created while I lived in West Texas, thus the name. But I am a citizen of this entire great nation-state that is Texas. As I return to West Texas I will blog on while I eagerly wait to be joined by my spouse, at some later time.
The windy, stormy weather and the ever changing sky may be omens of the coming turmoil in my life. I will be returning to West Texas for another job. This one will be provisional, until and unless my performance proves satisfactory. No other details released at this time. Meanwhile my spouse will remain in Surfside at her job. We don't know how long it will be until we are reunited in West Texas, but it will be at some point.
My wife is a native of the Permian Basin. She has wanted to return for some time; well, actually since she arrived here. I must say though, she has come to love the beach and waves. But in her heart she wants to return to Midland. I have seen my Precious Flower wilting for lack of the desert sun, and I know she needs to go back home. So the brief (I hope) separation will be worth it if she can return the land of horned toads and tumble weeds. And, honestly, I miss the desert myself. The dry, hard land and the beautiful blue skies of West Texas grow on a person, often making a "native" of the fleeting traveler.
This blog was created while I lived in West Texas, thus the name. But I am a citizen of this entire great nation-state that is Texas. As I return to West Texas I will blog on while I eagerly wait to be joined by my spouse, at some later time.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Two Years After Ike
This time in 2008 I was hiding in West Texas as Hurricane Ike smashed into the Third Coast. The very house where I sit and write these words was damaged severely. The bottom floor was destroyed and washed to the mainland. All the windows were broken out, and much of the siding was blown off. Many homes in Surfside Beach were literally blown out of existence, and two blocks of street were washed away. Of course, on a much more serious note, Galveston suffered very great damage, as well loss of life. And the towns of Point Bolivar and Crystal Beach were literally blown off the map.
It is hard to believe that two years have passed since then. Surfside has been rebuilt. Luckily, Miss Kitty's Purple Cow was rebuilt and is in full swing. The Castaway and the Hammerhead are both operational. And in the face of all this, I was able to convince my spouse that we NEEDED to move to Surfside Beach. Of course, it took nearly two years to do so. She was afraid at first to get her toes in the surf. Later on she was will to chance wading along the tide line, stepping over infants and toddlers as she went. But it took a visit from her nephew (age 3) to get her into the waves over her knees. After she saw how much fun the baby had, and that Jaws was not waiting to gobble her and Colton, she became much more of a water body. By the end of tourist season she was out chest high and even had enough nerve to walk out to the SECOND sandbar.
Well, Fall is upon us, the beaches are practically empty, and a For Sale sign stands conspicuously in the front yard of Some'R Surfin'. It may be that our days here are numbered. Tomorrow another potential buyer will be here to inspect the property. I have certainly enjoyed our days here, but I am happy that we have missed much of the misery "natives" have suffered through due to the ravages of various hurricanes. I guess we are "fair weather" islanders at this point. But this is certainly one of those things I can take off my "Bucket List." There is a move coming for us in the near future. Whether we simply move to the mainland or all the way back to the Permian Basin, the times spent here at the seashore will never be forgotten.
It is hard to believe that two years have passed since then. Surfside has been rebuilt. Luckily, Miss Kitty's Purple Cow was rebuilt and is in full swing. The Castaway and the Hammerhead are both operational. And in the face of all this, I was able to convince my spouse that we NEEDED to move to Surfside Beach. Of course, it took nearly two years to do so. She was afraid at first to get her toes in the surf. Later on she was will to chance wading along the tide line, stepping over infants and toddlers as she went. But it took a visit from her nephew (age 3) to get her into the waves over her knees. After she saw how much fun the baby had, and that Jaws was not waiting to gobble her and Colton, she became much more of a water body. By the end of tourist season she was out chest high and even had enough nerve to walk out to the SECOND sandbar.
Well, Fall is upon us, the beaches are practically empty, and a For Sale sign stands conspicuously in the front yard of Some'R Surfin'. It may be that our days here are numbered. Tomorrow another potential buyer will be here to inspect the property. I have certainly enjoyed our days here, but I am happy that we have missed much of the misery "natives" have suffered through due to the ravages of various hurricanes. I guess we are "fair weather" islanders at this point. But this is certainly one of those things I can take off my "Bucket List." There is a move coming for us in the near future. Whether we simply move to the mainland or all the way back to the Permian Basin, the times spent here at the seashore will never be forgotten.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Do They Really Need the Ground Zero Mosque?
I disagree with so many of President Obama's actions up to this point that it would really make my blog monotonous and boring to constantly rant and rave about these things on a daily basis. But there is one rant and rave that I refuse to silence. I am sickened to the point of extreme nausea that our President has not (and will not, I am sure) use his influence as President and as a Muslim to persuade the Muslims to build their new mosque at some place other than Ground Zero. So let's leave the President out of this controversy.
I would like to consider the Muslims in New York in general. First, current figures indicate that there are about 800,000 Muslims in the Big Apple. Second, of over 1200 mosques in the United States, at least 100 are located in New York City, distributed throughout the various boroughs. According to the same source, this number does not include smaller "storefront" mosques as well as those conducted in individual Muslim homes. Some of the larger mosques accommodate over 3,000 people at each service. And new mosques are under construction with increasing frequency. So why do they really need the Ground Zero Mosque?
The answer of course is they really don't NEED to build a mosque at Ground Zero. For three reasons: First, Ground Zero is down-town where there is virtually no residential population, and only a small percentage of those who do reside downtown are Muslim. Second, IF there IS really a legitimate need for a mosque somewhere in the area of downtown, there are certainly city lots available at less expense than the lot only a block from Ground Zero. Finally, almost any lot anywhere else in Manhattan would serve the purpose AND would not arouse such great feelings of betrayal and hostility with the non-Muslim population of New York, and of the rest of nation as well.
Earlier I mentioned that I did not want to harp on my disagreements with the President on a daily basis in this blog. But I would like to point out one thing. President Obama just today pleaded Americans to "tolerant of religion." Oh, does this warrant "a whole 'nother" blog. But that can wait for another day. Back to the point, I am outraged that Mr. Obama expects "Americans" to be "tolerant." I take "Americans" to mean any citizen who is NOT Muslim. I also interpret President Obama's "tolerance" to mean that OTHER religions need to "tolerate" Muslims. I can't argue with religious tolerance. I think it is a good thing. BUT, I think it works both ways, Mr. Obama. Should not Muslims ALSO TOLERATE OTHER RELIGIONS?!
And, most important, IF MUSLIMS are so TOLERANT and understanding of other religions, as well as TOLERANT of the feelings of the majority of Americans, the group of Muslims undertaking construction of the Ground Zero Mosque would have ALREADY CANCELLED their plans for the Ground Zero Mosque. Out of their tolerance for other religions, and in sympathy of the heartache and the outrage of MILLIONS OF NON-MUSLIMS, these people would simply select a lot or an abandoned building several blocks (or miles) from Ground Zero. They would have their new mosque and they would greatly demonstrate their understanding and sensitivity toward the feelings and the grief of so many Americans who lost loved ones on that day that will "live in infamy."
I will be surprised if the Ground Zero Mosque is not built. I will be surprised if Barack Obama speaks out against this terrible undertaking. But I will NOT be surprised that, as Americans continue to voice their outrage and anger at the very idea of the Ground Zero Mosque, we do not continue to hear the tired crowing of our President, the "enlightened" members of the New York commission which is so eager for the mosque to be constructed, and, of course, Muslim mouth-pieces, in loud, discordant shouts for "tolerance." Yes, only Muslims are "tolerant." Other Americans are just bigoted, Muslim-hating, and, above all, INTOLERANT, malcontents who won't give the poor, mistreated Muslims an even break. After all, the Muslims just want to build a mosque...
I would like to consider the Muslims in New York in general. First, current figures indicate that there are about 800,000 Muslims in the Big Apple. Second, of over 1200 mosques in the United States, at least 100 are located in New York City, distributed throughout the various boroughs. According to the same source, this number does not include smaller "storefront" mosques as well as those conducted in individual Muslim homes. Some of the larger mosques accommodate over 3,000 people at each service. And new mosques are under construction with increasing frequency. So why do they really need the Ground Zero Mosque?
The answer of course is they really don't NEED to build a mosque at Ground Zero. For three reasons: First, Ground Zero is down-town where there is virtually no residential population, and only a small percentage of those who do reside downtown are Muslim. Second, IF there IS really a legitimate need for a mosque somewhere in the area of downtown, there are certainly city lots available at less expense than the lot only a block from Ground Zero. Finally, almost any lot anywhere else in Manhattan would serve the purpose AND would not arouse such great feelings of betrayal and hostility with the non-Muslim population of New York, and of the rest of nation as well.
Earlier I mentioned that I did not want to harp on my disagreements with the President on a daily basis in this blog. But I would like to point out one thing. President Obama just today pleaded Americans to "tolerant of religion." Oh, does this warrant "a whole 'nother" blog. But that can wait for another day. Back to the point, I am outraged that Mr. Obama expects "Americans" to be "tolerant." I take "Americans" to mean any citizen who is NOT Muslim. I also interpret President Obama's "tolerance" to mean that OTHER religions need to "tolerate" Muslims. I can't argue with religious tolerance. I think it is a good thing. BUT, I think it works both ways, Mr. Obama. Should not Muslims ALSO TOLERATE OTHER RELIGIONS?!
And, most important, IF MUSLIMS are so TOLERANT and understanding of other religions, as well as TOLERANT of the feelings of the majority of Americans, the group of Muslims undertaking construction of the Ground Zero Mosque would have ALREADY CANCELLED their plans for the Ground Zero Mosque. Out of their tolerance for other religions, and in sympathy of the heartache and the outrage of MILLIONS OF NON-MUSLIMS, these people would simply select a lot or an abandoned building several blocks (or miles) from Ground Zero. They would have their new mosque and they would greatly demonstrate their understanding and sensitivity toward the feelings and the grief of so many Americans who lost loved ones on that day that will "live in infamy."
I will be surprised if the Ground Zero Mosque is not built. I will be surprised if Barack Obama speaks out against this terrible undertaking. But I will NOT be surprised that, as Americans continue to voice their outrage and anger at the very idea of the Ground Zero Mosque, we do not continue to hear the tired crowing of our President, the "enlightened" members of the New York commission which is so eager for the mosque to be constructed, and, of course, Muslim mouth-pieces, in loud, discordant shouts for "tolerance." Yes, only Muslims are "tolerant." Other Americans are just bigoted, Muslim-hating, and, above all, INTOLERANT, malcontents who won't give the poor, mistreated Muslims an even break. After all, the Muslims just want to build a mosque...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Hermine, Fall, and Football
Some'r Surfin' is still in one piece as the edge of Hermine touched this end of the Third Coast. Even though Hermine was "just" a tropical storm, the waves and the weather were spectacular. Between our humble abode and San Luis Pass, it appears that three to five feet of sand have been added to the beaches. Additionally, many of the deck stairways at ground level were covered as well. The waves have calmed very much since yesterday, but are still occasionally breaking over the rocks and onto Beach Drive. I believe by tomorrow morning we will be able to safely walk on the beach again.
I love the summer, but the downside is, with tourist season, I must surrender "my" beach to those who are not "native" to the island. Now that Labor Day is passed, the beach is pretty much abandoned to the locals. I and my lovely spouse are able once more to take our walks in relative peace without stumbling over oiled bodies in the sand. And the competition for the "good" seashells is so much less fiercer than only two or three days ago. Possibly one downside to the lack of tourists is that the chance of shark bite must increase in proportion to the smaller numbers of persons in the water. That is just a little speculation on my part.
For me, the greatest consolation for the end of summer is that Football Season has fired up once again. I can't wait to watch all my favorite teams beat all the teams I love to hate. For fear of readership loss I will keep my list of villains to myself. Suffice to say that if I am not out walking on the beach, it is because I am glued to the tube watching NCAA Football.
Where's the popcorn? Give me the remote, Honey...No..Not the Food Network!!
I love the summer, but the downside is, with tourist season, I must surrender "my" beach to those who are not "native" to the island. Now that Labor Day is passed, the beach is pretty much abandoned to the locals. I and my lovely spouse are able once more to take our walks in relative peace without stumbling over oiled bodies in the sand. And the competition for the "good" seashells is so much less fiercer than only two or three days ago. Possibly one downside to the lack of tourists is that the chance of shark bite must increase in proportion to the smaller numbers of persons in the water. That is just a little speculation on my part.
For me, the greatest consolation for the end of summer is that Football Season has fired up once again. I can't wait to watch all my favorite teams beat all the teams I love to hate. For fear of readership loss I will keep my list of villains to myself. Suffice to say that if I am not out walking on the beach, it is because I am glued to the tube watching NCAA Football.
Where's the popcorn? Give me the remote, Honey...No..Not the Food Network!!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
You Can't Fix Stupid, But You Can Vote It Out
I would gladly give credit for the above slogan to whom credit is due, but frankly I am not sure who that would be. But the point is more important anyway. We have a chance to make our voices heard soon. In fact, if we are really upset with the current Administration and Congress, we have an OBLIGATION to do something about it.
I strongly urge everyone who is in fear for the very fabric of this nation to get to the polls in November. Off-year elections typically have much lower voter turn out than presidential elections. We must make 2010 the exception...We MUST! Do not vote for the name you recognize or that you hear the most on TV. Do your homework THEN vote on the person who will truly represent you.
How does all this relate to the slogan?
Well, simply put..."STUPID" is in control of Congress as we speak. Have your senator and congressmen been in office year after year? If so, have these people really represented you? Really? If you are satisfied with your politicians, read no further. If you, on the other hand, you want change NOW, then you know what you have to do. VOTE
By the way, do not trust party "labels." As far as those who have been in office for years, for decades, are concerned, there is no difference, for the most part, in the platforms of those who claim to be Democrats, and those who claim to be Republicans. When all of us can understand this, then, and only then, can we truly open the way back to a government that is "of the people, by the people, AND FOR THE PEOPLE!"
In case you have not noticed yet, the current Congress does not represent the majority of the people nor do they show the least concern for what you and I, "average" Americans, want and need from our government. Did you want or ask for bailouts of the auto industry? Did you fear for the livelihood of the poor bankers and ask for a bailout of the financial industry? Were you afraid that the minions on Wall Street would starve, so they needed a bailout too?
I truly doubt that anyone of you supported any of these programs when they were shoved down our throats. So please, look around. Take a good look at who is in office now. Do a little research on your senator and congressmen. It is easy...they put all this on their own websites. Many of them are crowing right along with President Obama about all these great programs and the "recovery" our nation is currently undergoing (in a really subtle way, apparently). How did your representatives vote on these issues? If you are upset and disappointed with your representation, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
And, don't let the passing of time dim your memory! November is just a few weeks away.
I urge you to join me as we VOTE STUPID OUT OF OFFICE!
I strongly urge everyone who is in fear for the very fabric of this nation to get to the polls in November. Off-year elections typically have much lower voter turn out than presidential elections. We must make 2010 the exception...We MUST! Do not vote for the name you recognize or that you hear the most on TV. Do your homework THEN vote on the person who will truly represent you.
How does all this relate to the slogan?
Well, simply put..."STUPID" is in control of Congress as we speak. Have your senator and congressmen been in office year after year? If so, have these people really represented you? Really? If you are satisfied with your politicians, read no further. If you, on the other hand, you want change NOW, then you know what you have to do. VOTE
By the way, do not trust party "labels." As far as those who have been in office for years, for decades, are concerned, there is no difference, for the most part, in the platforms of those who claim to be Democrats, and those who claim to be Republicans. When all of us can understand this, then, and only then, can we truly open the way back to a government that is "of the people, by the people, AND FOR THE PEOPLE!"
In case you have not noticed yet, the current Congress does not represent the majority of the people nor do they show the least concern for what you and I, "average" Americans, want and need from our government. Did you want or ask for bailouts of the auto industry? Did you fear for the livelihood of the poor bankers and ask for a bailout of the financial industry? Were you afraid that the minions on Wall Street would starve, so they needed a bailout too?
I truly doubt that anyone of you supported any of these programs when they were shoved down our throats. So please, look around. Take a good look at who is in office now. Do a little research on your senator and congressmen. It is easy...they put all this on their own websites. Many of them are crowing right along with President Obama about all these great programs and the "recovery" our nation is currently undergoing (in a really subtle way, apparently). How did your representatives vote on these issues? If you are upset and disappointed with your representation, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
And, don't let the passing of time dim your memory! November is just a few weeks away.
I urge you to join me as we VOTE STUPID OUT OF OFFICE!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Long Weekend
I am so ready for Labor Day. I must admit that I am not going to sit and ponder the "true meaning" of Labor Day, although I know the origin of the occasion to some degree; that it was originally a day to honor organized labor (unions). Ironically it became a national holiday for employees all over the nation, most of whom are actually ambivalent or even outright opposed to unions. I am sure most of us very rarely thank the union organizers for our "last Monday holiday of the vacation season."
Enough background! I am leaving the Third Coast and going to Central Texas for the long weekend. Lots of barbequed ribs, deviled eggs, and of course, banana pudding. Practically the whole family, or really a mix of three or four families, will be together for three long, wonderful days. This type of scene of course will be played out all over the United States. Most families have at least one weirdo that makes any get-together interesting. Unfortunately the Meeks-Franks-Perryman-Snoddy-Henry (forgive me if I left anyone out)family has more than its share. And Labor Day is sure to bring out the best in all of us.
To add even more gasoline to the mixture, the daughter is bringing her soon-to-be (?) fiancee to the festivities. We are all anxious to meet him. And out of fairness to him, we want him to meet all the weirdos early on, so that he can make an educated decision, and also (I am sort of kidding about this) (maybe) so that he may pull up stakes and run when he meets Lurch, Uncle Fester, Thing #1 and Thing #2, and of course, Uncle Rod (the one we worry about the most).
All kidding aside, each holiday gives us an opportunity to reunite with our families, and that is really what I am waiting for. Relatives from all over Texas will arrive, and we will also see our loved ones who still reside in the old home town. Lots of love, laughter, and yes, a little bit of weirdoisms...all of this makes up the joy of the holiday.
So I hope each one of you will have your own visits to make, your own family reunions, maybe even at your house, if your are the "family anchor." The glad reunions, the food, and all the fun, maybe that is the "true meaning" of Labor Day after all!
Enough background! I am leaving the Third Coast and going to Central Texas for the long weekend. Lots of barbequed ribs, deviled eggs, and of course, banana pudding. Practically the whole family, or really a mix of three or four families, will be together for three long, wonderful days. This type of scene of course will be played out all over the United States. Most families have at least one weirdo that makes any get-together interesting. Unfortunately the Meeks-Franks-Perryman-Snoddy-Henry (forgive me if I left anyone out)family has more than its share. And Labor Day is sure to bring out the best in all of us.
To add even more gasoline to the mixture, the daughter is bringing her soon-to-be (?) fiancee to the festivities. We are all anxious to meet him. And out of fairness to him, we want him to meet all the weirdos early on, so that he can make an educated decision, and also (I am sort of kidding about this) (maybe) so that he may pull up stakes and run when he meets Lurch, Uncle Fester, Thing #1 and Thing #2, and of course, Uncle Rod (the one we worry about the most).
All kidding aside, each holiday gives us an opportunity to reunite with our families, and that is really what I am waiting for. Relatives from all over Texas will arrive, and we will also see our loved ones who still reside in the old home town. Lots of love, laughter, and yes, a little bit of weirdoisms...all of this makes up the joy of the holiday.
So I hope each one of you will have your own visits to make, your own family reunions, maybe even at your house, if your are the "family anchor." The glad reunions, the food, and all the fun, maybe that is the "true meaning" of Labor Day after all!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Double Rainbows
This morning as I returned to the beach house from Freeport, I was blessed with the appearance of a double rainbow. So beautiful, and somewhat rare. I had to pause for a moment. Well, longer than that, because I took several photos. To me the rainbow is such a wonder. I know, there is a very simple scientific explanation. But I like to think of the rainbow as a gift from God. Two rainbows equal twice as blessed!
This beautiful sight send me back to my childhood years for just a little while. Surely you remember those times. Back then, you really believed there WAS a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Maybe you believed it was guarded by a mischievous leprechaun.
Did you ever try to get to the end of the rainbow? As a young child, you had not yet learned that the end of the rainbow could be very elusive. Remember when it was just down the road from your front yard? No matter how close you got to it, you could never quite touch it. And the pot of gold? You probably never layed eyes on it, but no matter. You knew it was there, just behind the next tree, just around the next corner. And one day, maybe you would finally catch that leprechaun and steal his pot of gold!
Well, somewhere along the way you grew up, you realized there was no pot of gold, there was no leprechaun, and you could never find the end of the rainbow. But every now and then, some new sight, some magical moment, catches you off guard, takes your breath away...and you believe again, if just for a minute, you really could catch the leprechaun and get his gold...just for a moment...you stood at the end of the rainbow.
This beautiful sight send me back to my childhood years for just a little while. Surely you remember those times. Back then, you really believed there WAS a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Maybe you believed it was guarded by a mischievous leprechaun.
Did you ever try to get to the end of the rainbow? As a young child, you had not yet learned that the end of the rainbow could be very elusive. Remember when it was just down the road from your front yard? No matter how close you got to it, you could never quite touch it. And the pot of gold? You probably never layed eyes on it, but no matter. You knew it was there, just behind the next tree, just around the next corner. And one day, maybe you would finally catch that leprechaun and steal his pot of gold!
Well, somewhere along the way you grew up, you realized there was no pot of gold, there was no leprechaun, and you could never find the end of the rainbow. But every now and then, some new sight, some magical moment, catches you off guard, takes your breath away...and you believe again, if just for a minute, you really could catch the leprechaun and get his gold...just for a moment...you stood at the end of the rainbow.
It Truly Is A Time For Change
President Obama ran on the theme that it was time for "change." Since his election, to this very day, he has said we (I am not sure which "we" he was speaking of) are ready for "change." On this I agree whole-heartedly with the President.
We (and I mean those of us who are tired of, and afraid of, Mr. Obama's brand of change) are truly ready for CHANGE. In my latest post I went on a rant about Mr. and Mrs. Obama. I have no rant today. Instead, I have a calm and rational plea that I would like to make.
President Obama is our President and there is nothing to be done about that now. BUT, there is something I would like to ask of each of us now:
1. Learn the background and agenda of each candidate that you support. Do not be led by the press or those in power who are promoting a certain candidate. In other words, educate yourself and make up YOUR mind. All of us have one.
2. Make sure you show up to vote, don't just "think" your vote. This may help you feel better, but you will still be in someone else's boat, and at the mercy of those at the wheel.
3. Maybe now is the time for change, in regards to term limits. I have always been opposed to term limits because I wanted to be free to vote for whom I wanted. If a Senator has been in office for twenty years, I might want to keep the Senator if I was pleased with his or her performance. Same with the House of Representatives. But I have revised my opinion in this matter. It appears that the only way to rid ourselves of parasitic government is by turning out the parasites every so often. As it stands now, the incumbent tends to remain that way. YOU AND I SUFFER FOR IT. We (the common, average citizen) are footing the bill for runaway government. And, from hearing various politicos talking, it appears that they believe they are entitled to your money, AND they are entitled TO FORCE THEIR AGENDA ON YOU. The longer they are in power, the more they can force on you. Term limits do not seem like such a bad thing, in retrospect.
4. Please pause with me just a moment, and visualize this idea, and personalize it: The "Government" does not "have money," does not "make money." and does not "create" income. Government DOES tax citizens and businesses, does levy administration fees and fines, and DOES FEED ON ITSELF. That is to say, Government increases exponentially when unchecked by the citizenry.
President Lincoln said most eloquently, and (I believe) meant it most sincerely, that the goverment exists "of the People, by the People, and FOR the People." (My emphasis)
Do you believe, at this moment in history, that our present government is "of the people." In fact, in all but the local offices, goverment is "of" a ruling class that is determined to dictate terms of existence to you and me. This class of people has no concept of what life is like for the average person. If the opposite were true, would it not be easy for "anyone" to run for president, senator, congressman, governor, state representative? Can YOU or I afford to run for any office other than local dog catcher. NO!
Do you believe, at this moment in history, that government is BY THE PEOPLE? Seventy percent (or more) of the people are against the mosque being built near ground zero. Are any politicians coming to our aid? Right! Eighty percent of the people are against "government" insurance. Just look at where our "representatives" stand on this issue. "Bailouts" from the government to giant corporations? Same thing. "The People" were violently opposed. And now, BP has quietly "turned over" the cleanup fund to the "government." Guess what? BP HAD money. But with the "government" administrating the cleanup effort, do you really believe BP will spend anymore of its own money? Really??
Do you believe, at this moment in history, that our goverment is FOR the people. With more than seventy percent of the people displeased with Congress, and sixty or more disappointed with the president, I would have to say "no" on this one also. Government goes on, and GROWS ON, IN SPITE OF THE WISHES OF THE PEOPLE.
Well, this blog is finished. The choice is yours: Complain and BOHICA, or DO SOMETHING BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Please make your voice heard at the polls this time. Both in November, and in 2012.
We (and I mean those of us who are tired of, and afraid of, Mr. Obama's brand of change) are truly ready for CHANGE. In my latest post I went on a rant about Mr. and Mrs. Obama. I have no rant today. Instead, I have a calm and rational plea that I would like to make.
President Obama is our President and there is nothing to be done about that now. BUT, there is something I would like to ask of each of us now:
1. Learn the background and agenda of each candidate that you support. Do not be led by the press or those in power who are promoting a certain candidate. In other words, educate yourself and make up YOUR mind. All of us have one.
2. Make sure you show up to vote, don't just "think" your vote. This may help you feel better, but you will still be in someone else's boat, and at the mercy of those at the wheel.
3. Maybe now is the time for change, in regards to term limits. I have always been opposed to term limits because I wanted to be free to vote for whom I wanted. If a Senator has been in office for twenty years, I might want to keep the Senator if I was pleased with his or her performance. Same with the House of Representatives. But I have revised my opinion in this matter. It appears that the only way to rid ourselves of parasitic government is by turning out the parasites every so often. As it stands now, the incumbent tends to remain that way. YOU AND I SUFFER FOR IT. We (the common, average citizen) are footing the bill for runaway government. And, from hearing various politicos talking, it appears that they believe they are entitled to your money, AND they are entitled TO FORCE THEIR AGENDA ON YOU. The longer they are in power, the more they can force on you. Term limits do not seem like such a bad thing, in retrospect.
4. Please pause with me just a moment, and visualize this idea, and personalize it: The "Government" does not "have money," does not "make money." and does not "create" income. Government DOES tax citizens and businesses, does levy administration fees and fines, and DOES FEED ON ITSELF. That is to say, Government increases exponentially when unchecked by the citizenry.
President Lincoln said most eloquently, and (I believe) meant it most sincerely, that the goverment exists "of the People, by the People, and FOR the People." (My emphasis)
Do you believe, at this moment in history, that our present government is "of the people." In fact, in all but the local offices, goverment is "of" a ruling class that is determined to dictate terms of existence to you and me. This class of people has no concept of what life is like for the average person. If the opposite were true, would it not be easy for "anyone" to run for president, senator, congressman, governor, state representative? Can YOU or I afford to run for any office other than local dog catcher. NO!
Do you believe, at this moment in history, that government is BY THE PEOPLE? Seventy percent (or more) of the people are against the mosque being built near ground zero. Are any politicians coming to our aid? Right! Eighty percent of the people are against "government" insurance. Just look at where our "representatives" stand on this issue. "Bailouts" from the government to giant corporations? Same thing. "The People" were violently opposed. And now, BP has quietly "turned over" the cleanup fund to the "government." Guess what? BP HAD money. But with the "government" administrating the cleanup effort, do you really believe BP will spend anymore of its own money? Really??
Do you believe, at this moment in history, that our goverment is FOR the people. With more than seventy percent of the people displeased with Congress, and sixty or more disappointed with the president, I would have to say "no" on this one also. Government goes on, and GROWS ON, IN SPITE OF THE WISHES OF THE PEOPLE.
Well, this blog is finished. The choice is yours: Complain and BOHICA, or DO SOMETHING BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Please make your voice heard at the polls this time. Both in November, and in 2012.
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